Chapter 1
"My name is Hikairi... I have no last name. I was taken away from my parents at a young age and converted into a ninja assassin for the Village Hidden in the Mist. I've done many terrible things, but I found someone who helped me recognize the error of my ways and taught me how to think for myself."
"My name is Tora Riku. I am just a regular Jonin in the Village Hidden in the Mist. I was fortunate to at least have my mother to raise me and not go through harsh training when I was in the academy. My best friend is the Mizukage and I'm his right-hand man. I was oblivious to not be aware of how serious and dangerous our villages' actions were. I felt isolated in what I felt was right until I found someone who would listen."
"I found him."
"I found her."
Both: "And this is the story of how we fell in love..."
~ Abandon Warehouse ~
"Wait! Please! Don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want! I'll pay you more than whatever-..." said the man you just killed. You slit his throat before he could finish his sentence.
No remorse...
You swung your sword and cleaned the blood off it. You pulled out a bingo book and crossed out a low-class criminal that was worth more than he was. You weren't a bounty hunter, but the bingo book given to you was custom made by the higher-ups in your village that entrusted you to get rid of their enemies.
"Did you finish things on your end, Hikairi?" Said a random man with a Mist headband on. He had dark brown hair and tan skin with bandages covering his mouth. Under the bandages was a scar that went over the corner of his lips but he still manages to smile towards the emotionless snow-white haired girl with crystal-blue orbs every day.
"Mission was successful, Satoru-sama." You said while putting your sword away and walking past your superior. He laughed nervously and watched you leave.
"I thought I told you to drop the honorifics! And don't leave without me!"
~ Assassin's base ~
"Excellent work, as usual, Hikairi and Satoru. The Mizukage is very pleased with your work. He'd like to offer you both a chance to enhance your skills and power through an experiment. Would you like to participate in this procedure?" Said a random official who was taking notes in front of the two of you.
"Yes, sir." You said with the same expressionless reaction. Satoru looked at you as if you were insane but then shook his head and faced the official with a determined look on his face.
"I'll participate as well." Satoru said while clenching his fist. The official nodded and walked away.
"Well, I'll take my leave then. Goodnight, Satoru-sama." You said as you turned to walk away. Then suddenly you felt a hand grab your arm.
"Kairi, I have to tell you something. It's... it's important." A faint blush appeared on Satoru's face as he watched you slowly face him.
"You only call me Kairi when it's personal. What is it?" You didn't flinch for anything, you thought whatever he had to say was if anything somewhat work related on a personal level or at least something that involved you.
"I.. I like you, Kairi. Not just as my partner in missions.. but as a woman. We've known each other for years, and I couldn't help but fall for you... would you be my girlfriend..?" Satoru said as he held your hand. He looked at you to see if he could read your reaction, but the only thing he saw was your face grow dark.
"Feelings will only get in the way of work. That's what we are trained for in the first place. There are no relationships in the field we are in, only yourself and survival. I'm incapable of showing nor giving love, and you should learn how to do the same. Especially if you want to stay alive. Goodnight." You yanked your hand out of Satoru's grasp and walked away, leaving Satoru speechless.
~ somewhere random in the Mist ~
A white-haired man with green eyes was walking in the empty streets of the Mist. His headband around his neck, thin black jacket with his hands in his pockets, and a serious expression on his face. As soon as he reached his home, he closed the door behind him and locked eyes with his mother who was making dinner.
"Dear...?" The frail old woman looked at her son. He inhaled and exhaled. Took off his jacket and placed it on a chair and walked to the dinner table by his usual chair.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Mom, I'm gonna die alone!!!!!" He plopped down on his chair and banged his head on the table. His mother rushed to him and sat beside him.
"You confessed then?"
"She rejected me. She said I was a great friend and doesn't see me as anything more.." he sat up and wiped his face.
"Well, that just means that someone better will come to you, don't worry Riku." His mother patted his back. Riku pushed his hair back and sighed.
"I just don't get it. I'm good looking! I've been told that by many girls!"
"But that was before you opened your mouth, son."
"What?! My opinion deserves to be heard!" Riku said while banging the table with his fist. His mother pulled his ear and folded her arms.
"Even if they hear your opinion that does not mean they will agree with you, Riku. And don't bang my table again unless you want your handsome face bashed in." His mother said with a threatening smile. Riku sweatdropped from seeing his mother act scary. His expression then went serious.
"It's just everyone around here has a survival of the fittest mindset. As soon as I suggest something about peace or something that will help the village get on better terms with other villages, everyone just laughs at me. They call me soft or weak. Excuse me for wanting a better future for the next generation." Riku folded his arms as his mother smiled at him.
"I raised you with morals, something that they don't have. This village is known for its terrible deeds, and it's only going to get worse as the war progresses. You were just extremely fortunate you never had to take that horrendous graduation test and kill your friends to move forward as a ninja. You could've had the same mindset as everyone else." She said as she went to serve Riku some food.
"Well, sometimes I wish you would've let me take that damn exam. Maybe I'd get more respect than what I have right now." Riku said as he angrily grabbed his coat and left the house. His mother had a plate in her hands and crushed it with her hand when he left.
~ To Hikairi ~
You were sitting on the edge of a bridge that was the only path out of the village. You looked up to the sky hoping you would find any meaning to it. But you remained clueless. The wind blew your hair everywhere including in front of your face. As you pushed your hair out the way, you heard footsteps approaching you and felt someone's presence. You turned and found a tall white haired male with green eyes staring at you with his face entirely red.
"Hello there. It's dangerous to be out past curfew." You said with your expressionless face still eyeing the man. You didn't really care for the stranger, but something about him was off which did peak your interest.
"Not if you're close to the Mizukage. Hello I'm- oof!" Down fell Riku on the wooden boards of the bridge. He heard a snicker and looked up to the beautiful female in front of him covering her face. You breathed and regained your composure after witnessing the male trip. He made you laugh, which you haven't done since you were a child.
"That was embarrassing.. my name is Tora Riku." When you heard his name you nearly fell off the bridge. The Mizukage's right hand man and second in command! You got up from your spot and kneeled before him.
"My apologies, sir. I had never met someone of your status, please forgive my rudeness." Riku watched with a stunned expression. You were shaking because you were afraid that he was going to punish you for being rude. Riku chuckled. You looked up to find his hand extended out to you.
"I didn't know you were an assassin. You don't have to be so respectful, I won't hurt you." Riku smiled as you grabbed his hand and got up. You were shocked due to having experience in getting punished by a higher up in the past. It wasn't pleasant.
"You're an odd one. Someone of my rank would've never imagined having a conversation with the second in command. It's an honor, Riku-sama." You kept your posture straight and tried to make a nice impression to Riku. In his eyes, you were simply amazing. He's never personally met someone from the assassin's unit, but a beauty like yourself was not what he expected.
"Oh come on, just call me Riku. What's your name?" Riku said while smiling at you. You felt strange around Riku, he wasn't as serious as the other officials nor did he seem as dangerous as you heard. You slowly reached into your back pocket and grabbed a Kunai.
"My name is Hikairi." You said as you quickly lunged towards Riku. You thought he was an imposter so you took the liberty to carry out the assassination. Riku however, dodged you, took the Kunai out of your hands, and pinned you on the ground in one swift movement. Your eyes widened as you stared at the smiling Riku. It began to snow, you looked directly into Riku's eyes as the moonlight made them sparkle, completely lost in his emerald eyes. The same could be said for Riku. You two just shared that moment in each other's gaze. Until you slowly came to your senses.
"I-I'm sorry, I thought your kind nature was strange and assumed you were an imposter. Forgive me, Riku-sa-... I mean Riku.." You felt heat rush to your face for the first time. You thought you were sick but then ruled it out because you always took care of yourself. But what was that sensation you felt in your chest? You felt as if your heart rate was increasing being around this man. You'd have to check the symptoms later.
Riku pulled you out of your thoughts when you saw him give you a wide grin with his eyes closed. You nearly smiled back but refrained from doing so, remembering your training.
"Hikairi, meeting you really took my mind off of something I was angry about. Thank you, do you want me to walk you home?" You looked away from him when he mentioned home.
"I don't have anywhere to stay, I usually sleep outdoors and use my mission money to bathe and eat elsewhere..." Riku grabbed your shoulders and gave you a reassuring smile.
"How about you stay with me? I live with my mother at the moment... but that's because I have to watch over her. So I wouldn't mind you staying at our house." Riku said as he grabbed your hand and started guiding you to his home. You yanked your hand out of his grasp and took a step back. You kept your guard up because he was way too nice to you, a stranger he just met.
"Why are you being so nice to me..? You just met me, I tried to kill you, and here you are offering me shelter? Is this a test of vulnerability?" Riku blinked twice before he started laughing uncontrollably. You grew angry and clenched your fist. You felt something burn in your throat, unaware, you were letting your anger go out of control.
"Why are you laughing?! Take me seriously, you baka!" You yelled. You froze as you realized you were losing control of your emotions. The same emotions you thought you had let go of a long time ago. You looked up to find Riku stunned. Your stomach sank and you bowed your head in apology.
"I'm sorry for yelling!" Riku sighed and had a small smile form on his face.
"No, I'm sorry. I didn't take your feelings seriously. I forgot that almost everyone in this village has this specific mindset. You call me odd, but you aren't like everyone in this village. You stand out just as much as me, that's why I'm letting you stay with me." The wind blew your hair back as you froze hearing Riku's words.
"I'd rather keep someone who is different around me so I don't lose myself in this bloodthirsty village. What do you say Hikairi? Will you stay with me?" You were confused for a second. Did he mean stay by his side like a lover or stay with him at his home? You just met him so you felt no romantic feelings towards him... yet he did make you feel something odd you couldn't describe.
"I.. I will accept your offer to stay at your home. Thank you... Riku." You looked at him to find him smiling with pure joy.
"Then it's settled! Let's go home, Hikairi." He grabbed your hand as you walked away from the bridge.
"This man... is he... breaking my walls..?"
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