Chapter 5
Naruto POV
Naruto was pacing back and forth in his room, fed up and at the same time frustrated. For the past week, he's been seeing the spiky dude every day, always near his Nee-chan, and getting too close to her. When Kakashi comes over, he tries to approach Naruto whenever the opportunity comes, but Naruto always sticks his tongue out to Kakashi and calls him a Baka. Honestly, Kakashi was wondering if Naruto would ever like him, he wouldn't even speak to him.
"Why is he always around?! It pisses me off! He always takes away my play time with Nee-chan, and is here almost every single day! What's his deal!" Naruto yelled, he then sat on the floor and scratched his head trying to think of why Spiky dude was always near him and (Name). A lightbulb went off in Naruto's head.
"I got it! He's blackmailing Nee-chan! There's no way she'd be around a guy like him, he looks like he's a pervert!" Naruto said while holding his head as if he should have realized this sooner.
"All I have to do is show him who's boss! I'm the man of this house!" Naruto says with confidence while pushing his chest out. Naruto then makes his way towards the front door and is about to leave until you stopped him.
"Just where do you think you're going pipsqueak? You haven't had lunch yet."
"Oh, uh Iruka-sensei is going to feed me today! Yep, but before then I'm going to be playing at the park to see if I find Shikamaru and Choji." Naruto lied, hoping it would convince her to let him out for his plan.
"Alright, fine. Just don't come home too late, you have school tomorrow."
"Will do!" With that Naruto left running out the door. Now he can start "Mission Spiky Baka"! Naruto knew Kakashi would be over today so he waited outside the apartment complex for him. It took a while but he finally spotted Kakashi walking towards him.
"Yo, Spiky Baka! Over here, I got to tell you something!" Naruto says while gesturing to Kakashi to come talk to him.
"I have a name, and I have yet to know yours (Name)'s younger brother." Kakashi says while leaning forward to face Naruto. "What can I do for you?"
"Nee-chan has something planned for you guys today. She wanted me to tell you to meet her on top of the Hokage stone faces." Naruto tried to say with a straight face.
Kakashi stayed silent for a while, eyeing Naruto.
"Alright then, thanks." Kakashi turned around and started walking away. Naruto smirked and ran in the opposite direction.
~ At the Hokage Stone Faces ~
Naruto had set up a trap for Kakashi to force him to stop "blackmailing" (Name). It was a basic hide a rope trap under leaves or grass. But as Naruto left to find a hiding spot to watch Kakashi fall into the trap, the mysterious man with the mask appeared and was cutting the rope to a thin layer, still leaving it in tack but would break easily. Then disappeared to a certain distance where Kakashi wouldn't sense him, but still, see him from afar.
Kakashi showed up and noticed the trap right away. He knew Naruto was trying to trick him from the beginning but he followed along so he could talk to him. He sighed, hands still in his pockets, and left the area. Naruto was angry. He couldn't believe his plan failed.
Naruto went to where the trap was set and sat next to it, just viewing the entire village carry on with their daily lives. It made him feel sad. Then a hand grabbed Naruto by his shirt and lifted him off the ground.
"We've been looking for you, loser" it was a group of three boys that were around Naruto's age that was bothering him. Naruto had embarrassed them in class as they fell for his traps non-stop for the whole school day. They swore that he'd regret upsetting them.
"Any last words before we beat you up, pipsqueak?" The boy holding Naruto in the air laughed trying to make Naruto scared. All they did was add on to his anger.
"I do actually... Nobody calls me pipsqueak other than Nee-chan!" Naruto then kicks the boy in the stomach causing him to fall to the ground. The other two went and grabbed Naruto so that the boy who was obviously their leader could attack Naruto. Their friend got up and started punching Naruto in the gut repeatedly. Naruto was almost unconscious and fell to the ground. But as they made Naruto stand, little did they know Naruto was over his own trap. The rope tightened around Naruto's ankle and launched him in the air. The rope snapped and sending him over the cliff to fall to his death.
"It can't end like this, I promised Nee-chan I'd be Hokage.." Naruto thought as he fell past the 4th Hokage's face. The group of boys watched in horror as Naruto continued to fall. Then they heard running and turned behind them to see who was coming but that same person ran past them before they could even see him and jumped off the cliff. In a flash, that person grabbed Naruto and landed on the rooftop of a building.
Naruto opened his eyes and saw silver Spiky hair.
"Spiky Baka.." Naruto said lightly before he lost consciousness. Kakashi held Naruto closer to his chest and sighed.
"I'm glad I made it on time." Kakashi says as he starts jumping from building to building. The three boys were watching in awe until Iruka found them and started scolding them.
~ Back at your apartment ~
You were getting worried. You saw Iruka-sensei and asked about Naruto but he didn't seem to know anything about his whereabouts. That only made you panic. You went to the park, Ichiraku's, and the academy to see if Naruto was in either of those places but you had no luck in finding him. You went back home to see if Naruto had just returned while you were gone but the place was empty. You fell to your knees and wrapped your arms around yourself. You couldn't bear with the stress of not knowing where Naruto was. Until you heard a knock on the door. You swung the door open to find Naruto covered in bandages in Kakashi's arms.
"Naru- !"
"Shh.. he's sleeping" Kakashi whispered as he walked in and placed Naruto in his room. Once he closed Naruto's door, you jumped into Kakashi's arms and kept thanking him for taking care of your younger brother.
"No need to thank me, I would have done the same thing all over again just to keep that hyperactive kid safe." Kakashi chuckled, kind of flustered you were near him.
You laughed, you felt as if Kakashi was starting to like Naruto.
"I hope you continue to take care of him in the future too."
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