Chapter 25
Your POV
You were in front of Kyokan, low on chakra, with the Rasengan in your hands. Her anger was taking the best of her and you could see it. Your eyes widened as you noticed her skin peeling off her body. She then roared as she tried to copy your jutsu. The difference between them was hers was purple, deformed, and larger while yours was blue and smaller. You didn't know what to do, you were starting to doubt that you would win the battle until you heard someone scream at you.
"(Name)!!! Don't give up! You can beat her, just believe in yourself, in your strength!" Kakashi yelled, everyone looked at him and understood what he was trying to do.
"He's right (Name)-chan! Let the flames of youth run wild throughout your body, feel it burn in your soul!" Gai said with his eyes burning with the flames of youth while clenching his fists.
"You said it yourself, you have promises to keep so wrap this up quickly." Jiraiya grinned at you.
"Hurry up and beat her already Nee-chan! You can do it!" Naruto yelled while putting his fist in the air with Gai doing the same. You were still trying to process the support you were getting from them with your blank face. That was until you noticed Kyokan getting more irritated.
"Shut up you insignificant pests!" She yelled before she threw the Rasengan look alike at them. Jiraiya was prepared to do a jutsu to protect the group, but you suddenly jump in front of them.
"Don't you dare... hurt my only family!" You said as you threw your Rasengan towards the incoming one. The two made contact with each and a test of strength had begun. Your Rasengan was being pushed back by the opposing jutsu. As you landed on the railing from the bridge in front of the others, you pushed yourself towards the two jutsu and got a hold of your Rasengan.
"T... OOORRRRAA!" You pushed it with all your might as your Rasengan started to grow and glow. You opened your eyes to see the Rasengan took the shape of a tiger and it engulfed the other jutsu. The two fused together and made its way towards Kyokan. Her eyes widened as she realized she couldn't dodge it. The Rasengan hit her and caused a large explosion.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kyokan screamed as she was caught in the explosion. Then she was sent flying back and landed in the water. You were still in the air watching everything go by so quickly. You smiled then felt your consciousness fade as you fell back down. You were prepared to hit the water until you felt someone grab you. You slightly opened your eyes to see Kakashi holding you in his arms while surrounded by the others. They were all smiling at you for winning your battle.
"How.. was that for.. making it into.. my own style.. sensei.." you said as you fell unconscious in Kakashi's arms. They all laughed, then Jiraiya was ruffling your hair.
"That's some style you got there, haha!" Jiraiya said, jittery and happy that you called him sensei. Then they all felt some familiar chakra where Kyokan landed. They looked over to see Kabuto holding the badly injured and bruised Kyokan over his shoulders. He smiled then pushed back his glasses.
"Why hello there everyone. Nice to see you all again." Naruto and Gai stood in front of Kakashi while Jiraiya simply looked over to Kabuto frowning.
"What do you want, Kabuto" Kakashi said while his grip on you tightened.
"Well, of course, you all already know by now. Lord Orochimaru wants his precious experiment back, that girl you're holding Kakashi." Kabuto pointed at you. Everyone tensed up preparing to fight.
"There's no way you're taking away my Nee-chan! You'll have to go through me first!" Naruto said frowning while pointing his thumb at himself. Then Gai stepped forward.
"And me of course!" Gai said doing the same as Naruto. Then Kakashi stood up with you and faced Kabuto.
"You'll have to go through all of us before you can ever get to her." Kakashi said before he looked at you one more time. Kabuto chuckled.
"Well, I'm obviously outnumbered so I won't try to take her, at least not today. I'm only here to retrieve Kyokan. But I'll say this as a warning as I said before, one way or another, both Sasuke and (Name) are going to be in Lord Orochimaru's grasp soon." Kabuto said. Naruto clenched his fist and was angry.
"There's no way I'm letting that snake have them. I swear I'll protect them both!" Naruto said while grabbing his chest.
"We'll see about that. Farewell." Kabuto said before he vanished. Everyone stood in silence for a while before Jiraiya spoke up.
"Let's go back to the Mist so they can treat (Name)'s injuries." Jiraiya said as he started to walk away. Everyone nodded in agreement. Naruto stopped Kakashi before he could start walking.
"What's wrong Naruto?" Kakashi asked him. Naruto didn't say anything but took off his jacket and covered his sister with it before he caught up with Jiraiya. Gai slapped Kakashi's back while laughing as he followed them. Kakashi sighed but smiled under his mask as he followed them with you in his arms.
~ Time skip ~
You found yourself in front of Akira as she was laying down.
"Akira! What happened to you out there when we were fighting? You weren't responding to me at all." You said as you ran up to her and was petting her head. Akira sighed in exhaustion.
"Well when you got hit by that attack, it must've disrupted our connection somehow because I was responding to you but you couldn't hear me at all. Nor could I lend you any chakra as well, all I could do was watch the battle until you fell unconscious." Akira said while relaxing as you pet her.
"I see, well are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm alright. But more importantly, you need to wake up. Kakashi and the others are waiting for you patiently so you can go home together." Akira said while looking at you with her one eye. You nodded your head in agreement.
"Sure, but how do I get back?" Akira sighed.
"Just wake up already."
Everything went black after Akira said to wake up. You slowly opened your eyes to be in a hospital room. You covered your eyes since the light was bothering you and you sat up. You looked next to you, and there was Naruto laying right beside you, sleeping. You smiled and kissed his forehead.
"I see you're awake. How was your nap?" You looked over to the door to see Kakashi smiling with a book in his hand. You sighed when you realized it was Icha Icha Paradise and looked at the window to avoid Kakashi. Kakashi was confused as to why you weren't speaking to him.
"Hey (Name), why aren't you saying anything?" He walked over to your bed, grabbed your chin and made you look at him. You pouted when you were face to face with him.
"Kakashi-kun you're such a pervert. You haven't changed at all." You crossed your arms and closed your eyes so you didn't have to look at him.
"What? A pervert? Why are you saying that all of a sudden?" Kakashi said laughing nervously as he puts away Icha Icha Paradise. You sighed.
"Because you read Pervy Sage's book, Icha Icha Paradise." You said while pointing to where Kakashi hid the book. He was sweatdropping, but before he can say anything Lady Mizukage had entered the room but was still speaking to someone outside before she closed the door.
"Okay next time, I'll really break your bones. Oh, good you're awake. How are you feeling?" Lady Mizukage said while smiling at you. You smiled at her because you didn't want to seem childish for being upset about what Kakashi reads. Kakashi sighed as he noticed the change in your attitude.
"I'm fine, thank you. Sorry once again for destroying the conference room, it was unintentional." You said while laughing nervously. Lady Mizukage on the other hand just smiled.
"Oh, don't worry about it! I have been fixing it by using your mission funds, so you're all fine!" Lady Mizukage said while chuckling. Kakashi had facepalmed himself.
"Lady Tsunade's gonna kill us." Kakashi said while covering his face with one hand.
"Don't worry about Tsunade, I already sent out a messenger crow to inform her of the events that have occurred here for your stay. If she has any problems she can talk to me." Lady Mizukage said while giving the two a closed eye smile. "I also arranged the same rooms you stayed in before for you to stay in again. It's already night and too late for you all to go back to the Leaf."
"Thank you. Can I also go? I'm fine really, I'm just taking up space here in the hospital." You said giving the Mizukage a pleading look. She was smirking at you.
"You don't need to make up excuses so you can be with your boyfriend. Just go, who am I stand in the way of romance." Lady Mizukage said laughing before she left the room. You had on your usual poker face.
"So you want to stay with me tonight? Why didn't you just say so." Kakashi said while teasing you. A vein suddenly popped out of your forehead as you looked at Kakashi.
"Actually I wanted Naruto to stay with me tonight. You can go with Gai and Pervy Sage in the other room." You said as you got out of bed. Kakashi made his way towards you and grabbed you by the waist.
"Come on, don't say that. I wanna share a bed with you. Besides, I can barely sleep with those two snoring throughout the night. If you're still upset with me, then I'm sorry. Forgive me, please?" Kakashi said while resting his forehead on your shoulder. You sighed and made him look at you.
"It's okay, I was just being silly. I didn't think you out of all people actually read that old pervert's books." You said while laughing.
"Well, to be honest, I learned some things from that book. Maybe we can do some of them when we're alone." Kakashi said whispering in your ear. His voice sent goosebumps throughout your body as you blushed. You coughed and looked away.
"Just get Naruto so we can go." Kakashi chuckled because of how flustered you were.
"You're really adorable, (Name)."
~ Time Skip ~
You had just finished taking a shower and was wearing a spare long sleeved shirt Kakashi let you wear to bed. You were finishing up in the bathroom, drying your wet (h/l) (h/c) hair with a towel. When you stepped out, you noticed the lights were already out and Kakashi was sleeping in bed already. You got closer to the bed and noticed Icha Icha Paradise opened beside Kakashi. You sighed as you were about to take the book and place it on the nightstand. But before you could, Kakashi grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you towards him.
"You took too long in the shower, (Name)." Kakashi said while hugging you. You laughed as you broke free from his embrace and sat on the bed.
"It's not my fault, the water felt nice so I just stayed in the shower and enjoyed the warmth on my sore body. There's nothing wrong with that." You shrugged as you notice Kakashi taking off his mask and placing it along with Icha Icha Paradise on the nightstand on his side. You went under the covers and got closer to Kakashi. He grabbed you by your hips and kissed your forehead. You smiled as you look into his visible eye.
"So how are you feeling? I know that fight must've taken a lot out of you physically and mentally." Kakashi said while pushing some hair strands behind your ear. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"Honestly, I'm relieved if that makes sense. I can finally let go of my past and move forward. I think that's what my parents would've wanted, for me to actually live my life without having to worry or blame myself for what happened in the past. All I wanna do from this day forward is watch Naruto grow and achieve his dreams while also achieving mine." You smiled at Kakashi as he took your hand in his and was caressing it with his thumb.
"Well, I doubt Kyokan is dead so she'll continue to bother us. But I wouldn't worry about it, you beat her once and can do it again. And by the way, what are your dreams for the future?" Kakashi said while getting closer to you. You blushed as you thought about the dreams you had been desiring for. Then you cupped Kakashi's face with both hands and smiled.
"To be with you for the rest of my life, settle down, be happy, and live in peace for the rest of my days in the Leaf. I can't imagine anything better."
"Well, those dreams may become a reality. Because I want the same things as you do, so I'll do whatever it takes just to make you my wife in the future, alright?" Kakashi said before he leaned in and kissed you. You were surprised when Kakashi said he wanted to make you his wife as you kissed him back. When you pulled away, you turned crimson as Kakashi lowered his hands from your hips down to your ass.
"K-Kakashi-kun, isn't it way too early to be speaking about stuff like marriage and the future? I mean I know I brought it up but I didn't think you'd also want the same." You tried to focus on him and not the fact that Kakashi had one of his hands on your thigh.
"I know it's early and we just got back together, but being without you all those years made me realize that I want to be with you and no one else. I already love you so all that matters to me is your happiness. We don't have to do things right away, we can go slow if that's what you want. But I just want to make my feelings known, alright? I love you, (Name)." Kakashi smiled at you. You smiled back but grabbing both of his wandering hands and placing them back around your waist.
"I love you too, Kakashi-kun." Then you two kissed before falling asleep in each other's arms. You will be returning home tomorrow to the Hidden Leaf village, returning to your old life.
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