Chapter 2
(Name) POV
You were running across the village, still embarrassed about bumping into Kakashi. "Ugh, stupid!! You see a cute guy and what do you do? Run into him and embarrassed yourself! Unbelievable, but at least I didn't make a complete fool of myself. I think?" You said as you walk into your apartment.
"Naruto! I brought you some Dumplings! Come and get it before I eat it all and leave you nothing!" You screamed across the hall. Literally right after you put the bag on the table, a small blonde boy runs towards the table and snatches it.
"Nee-chan, you always eat everything! You even finished the last pack of Ramen too! I barely had any!"
"Says the one who eats Ramen almost every day" you laughed watching Naruto give you a silly expression.
You two aren't really related, you just look out for him. You lived together ever since Naruto was a toddler and have been together with him ever since you were 10. Now you're 16 and you're a Chunin. You go on missions now and then, but you always make time for Naruto. Both of you never met your parents so you try your best to give Naruto the love and support you were lacking at his age.
You noticed Naruto running into his room with the bag of Dumplings and sighed knowing he would only leave either one Dumpling or just eat it all together. You were too lazy to chase after Naruto and fight over food today. Any other day he would've been given the death sentence, but after all the running you did today, you just gave up.
"Hey Naruto, you can have the Dumplings. I won't put you in a choke hold this time, I don't have the energy today. Gonna take a nap okay? Don't wake me up unless you really wanna fight today" you yawned as you walked past his room. But suddenly, Naruto slams his door open and faces you with a toy weapon in his hand.
"What?! Are you kidding me?! I spent most of the day setting up a trap to finally beat you today! Nee-chan fight me, or else my hard work will be wasted!"
You sighed in exhaustion. "One, you'll never beat me because I'm the older sibling, that's common sense. Two, I've been running around doing errands all day so I'm exhausted. Three, my bed is calling my name. We can fight to your heart's content if I don't wake up too late, okay pipsqueak?"
"You're so lame, lately you haven't been hanging out with me out all" Naruto pouted. "Just you wait, one day I'll be stronger than you and become Hokage! You better believe it Nee-chan!"
You put your hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "It's a promise then, okay? I'll help you reach your dreams but you gotta do your part too. If you let me sleep, then I promise I'll help you with your training tomorrow after you get out of the academy, okay?" You then kiss his forehead to seal your promise to him.
Naruto blushed a bit and had a wide grin on his face. "I promise! Nee-chan you're the best!" Naruto then runs into his room but doing so set off the trap that was meant for you. "Ouch" was all you could say before heading towards your room.
You fell on your bed and let out a long sigh. You found yourself thinking about your encounter with Kakashi. You ended up pulling your hair and messing it up due to how embarrassed you were. Then, you looked out your window and saw the sunset.
"Kakashi... Man did I blow it this time. This is why I'll die alone. Can't talk to a guy to save my life. Well, I won't worry about it anymore, what's done is done" you say as you drift into sleep.
~ Next day ~
Kakashi POV
"Gai, I don't wanna do anything today. It's my day off, can I please enjoy it in peace" Kakashi says while motioning his hand to forget about Gai's challenge to race towards the Hokage stone faces only using your hands.
"Come on Kakashi! As my rival, it's your duty to partake in all challenges! What good are they without having anyone to challenge! The springtime of youth is only around for so long, we must make the most out of our youth!" Gai finishes his gesture with a large grin and nice guy pose.
Gai had just returned from his mission outside of the village and decided that a challenge was long overdue. Kakashi was rarely around, so whenever he was, Gai would pester him into accepting his challenges. Usually, Kakashi would accept it at this point, but Kakashi was thinking about whether he would see (Name) again.
Naturally, Kakashi found girls and the subject of romance a waste of time. He wasn't suited for it at all. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about (Name). He denied the fact he might like her, mainly because he had just recently met her yesterday. Who knows if he'll ever see her again. With that thought in mind, Kakashi had a frustrated expression. He wondered why it bothered him, she's just another girl anyway.
"Kakashi! Are you listening to me?" Gai shook Kakashi's shoulders to snap him out of his thoughts.
"Sorry, my mind's elsewhere Gai."
"Well besides the fact we are Rivals, we're also best friends! You wanna tell me what's going on?"
"Well to be completely honest, I don't even know myself."
Not long afterward, Kakashi spots a group of kids in front of him and stops when he realizes you're there with them. A blush appeared on his face and Gai slowly realized what had his rival so troubled.
"Ah, love! A pure example of youth itself! To think my best friend finally has his eyes on someone. Damn, I'm losing to you yet again Kakashi!" Gai says with tears running down his face.
"Don't misunderstand the situation. She's just a stranger I met yesterday. I barely know her, she just ran into me. Nothing more, nothing less." Kakashi says trying to reason with Gai.
Kakashi then overhears the conversation you were having not too far away with the group of younger kids.
"(Name)-chan, will you play with us today? Pretty please!"
"Sorry everyone, I have to be with my brother today. But I promise we will play next time I see you!" you said. It didn't take you long to notice Kakashi with a bushy-browed guy next to him. You waved at him and made your way towards the two.
"Hi, Kakashi-kun! Who knew I'd see you again so soon?"
"Uh yeah, same here (Name). You haven't run into anybody else since then right?" Kakashi chuckled.
"No, I haven't Kakashi. I already apologized, no need to keep reminding me about it." you responded a bit annoyed.
Kakashi flinched when you said his name without the kun. It bothered him. A lot.
"Well hello, there pretty lady! I am Might Gai, your knight in shining armor! Will you do me the honor of being my partner in love and explore the springtime of youth side by side with me?" Gai finished his gesture by going down in one knee and kissing your hand.
"Not a chance." you quickly said removing your hand from Gai's grasp, a bit flustered.
"Rejected.." Gai was on the ground surrounded by a gloomy aura. Kakashi sighed and chuckled a bit. Almost as if he was relieved.
"Sorry about my friend, he's a nice man I assure you"
You were about to say something until you heard someone scream from behind you.
"Nee-chan! I'm ready for my training today!" Naruto screams while jumping in the air to catch your attention.
"Alright, be there in second! Um, listen Kakashi-kun... I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.. Not as a date though! Like hanging out as friends! That'd be weird! Us on a date! Not that it'd be weird! I'm just-"
"That's alright, we can hang out in two days. That's my next day off. I'll meet you here at this same time. Sound good?"
"Y-yeah sounds great.." you say while looking at the ground trying to hide your extremely red face. "Well see you then!" You run off, disappearing in the distance with Naruto.
"Yeah, I can't wait..."
"Kakashi, can I be your best man at your wedding?" Gai asks with excitement.
"Shut up."
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