Chapter 17
~ Time Skip ~
(Name) and Naruto continued the training in Mount Myoboku, and as time passed, Naruto had finally achieved a perfected sage mode. You smiled as you watched your brother get stronger and stronger the more he trained. But you couldn't help but feel uneasy, you were constantly worrying about whether or not the village could be in any danger.
"Nee-chan?" Naruto spoke as he continued to eat rice balls. He brought you out of your thoughts as you noticed it was the end of the day and he was eating dinner. You smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
"Sorry, I spaced out for a second. I'm okay." You spoke as Naruto only frowned at you and growled in frustration. He knew you were hiding your uneasy feelings but you wouldn't talk with him at all about it.
"Worrying too much is bad, ya know, Nee-chan. Relax a little! If you don't I'll take your dinner for myself!" Naruto yelled in response. You only laughed as you punched his sore arm which caused him to scream in pain.
Then suddenly Lord Fukasaku appeared with Gamakichi and appeared to be worried.
"You two! We have a situation, there's no time to mess around!"
"What's the matter, geezer sage?" Naruto asked with a confused expression.
"We got intruders, Naruto-boy! Gamakichi! Take (Name)-girl to the Great Toad! She'll be safe there!" Lord Fukasaku ordered as he and Naruto were quickly gathering sage energy. I tried to get up but felt immediate pain in my stomach.
"Nee-chan!" Naruto grabbed you as soon as he entered sage mode. You nodded that you were fine but Naruto wouldn't budge.
"Naruto-boy, let Ma take care of her! (Name)-girl could be in danger if the intruders are after her!"
"Naruto just go! We don't have time, I'll be fine!" You yelled at Naruto. He only nodded and gave you to Gamakichi. You kept grunting in pain while holding your baby bump. Gamakichi started jumping as fast as he could while holding you.
'Rai couldn't possibly be coming now?!' You thought as you arrived to the Great Toad Sage. He was already aware of the situation and had Shima there with water and blankets that you had brought with you.
"Hurry, lay her down here!" Shima yelled as Gamakichi landed. He gently set you down on the blankets and pillow. You could no longer take the pain and started to yell. You didn't feel your water break so you didn't know why you were in so much pain.
"What's happening?! Why am I in so much pain?!!!" You yelled loudly. Shima had never delivered a human baby before but she had to try once she checked between your legs.
"(Name)-girl, this boy is coming now just like this old geezer predicted! You can't feel it but you need to restrain that beast within ya! Or else Rai-boy won't survive the birth!" Your eyes widened as you heard Shima's words.
"How do you know that?!"
"I saw two outcomes from this moment. (Name) if you don't want him to die, we must put those chains back on Akira." The Great Toad sage spoke as he continued to observe his crystal ball.
It shocked you that he knew so much but he was right. Even though you didn't want to chain her up again like before, Rai's survival was in jeopardy. You nodded as you tried to reach Akira. As soon as you opened your eyes, you appeared in front of a black tiger in rage. You knew Akira was starting to lose her senses during the birth.
"Akira! Calm down, please! You're hurting me and the baby!" You yelled as you got near her. She only growled in response and tried to hit you with her paw.
"It hurts, (Name)! Why should I let you die the same way as Hikairi?! That's all that giving birth gets you! A newborn child at the loss of your life!" Akira yelled as she tried using her tails to restrain you. You tried your best to dodge but you could barely move as you felt more pain surge through your body. You dropped to your knees and started panting.
'I can hit her with one jutsu... it's all I can do now... to slow her down..' you thought to yourself as you held out your right arm. You heard a baby cry echo and it triggered you to act fast. You formed a giant Rasengan but you couldn't move due to the weight. Then an idea popped into your head. You soon started to suck in the jutsu in your mouth until it was completely gone. It caused your mouth and throat to burn intensely but you held it in and waited for Akira to move.
"Make the pain stop!!!!! I'll kill him!!!! That way you won't leave me either, (Name)!!!!!!" Akira roared then charged straight towards you. You knew if she was after Rai that you'd be right in her way. Her old chains were out of reach and it made you frustrated as you tried to grab them. Then suddenly chains came out of you and restrained Akira. Your eyes widened as you saw a glowing red-haired woman in front of you.
'M-Mama Kushina!' You thought as tears formed in your eyes due to emotion and your cheeks starting to give out from holding in the Rasengan. Kushina looked back to you and smiled while putting up her thumb.
"I'm so proud of you, (Name)! Now let's bring my grandchild into the world!" She yelled as her figure disappeared. You nodded and managed to stand in a squaring position. You then leaned back and got ready to release the Rasengan in a new way which you had no idea if it would work or not. But it was your only option.
You released the energy and it shot Akira through her body. The jutsu almost looked like you were using the tailed-beast bomb, but with more focused power. The Rasengan knocked Akira out as she collapsed to the ground. Her fur turned back to white. You sighed as you pet her and put the chains on her legs.
"Giving birth doesn't mean you always die... but I'd even give up my life if my child was in danger... Just like how my mother did for me..." you said to Akira as you continued to pet her. But suddenly you heard the baby crying louder which brought you back to reality. The pain had lightened but it was still there. Shima was yelling for you to push as she noticed the baby's head appear. You continued to yell as you used all of your energy and strength to push. After a while of screaming and pushing, you reached your final push.
"COME OUT ALREADY!!!!! RAI!!!!!!" You screamed as you pushed harder. You stopped pushing when you felt relief and a baby crying. Tears fell in your eyes as you heard your baby boy cry to the top of his lungs. Gamakichi has long passed out from the process and Shima got upset as she was holding Rai in one of the blankets.
"Gamakichi, pull yourself together! And get me clean water! Who knew humans gave birth to some dirty babies." Shima laughed as Gamakichi got up and went to get clean water.
"C-Can I see him..." you asked you kept crying. Shima smiled and hopped to you. She brought Rai near your face as he continued to cry. You only smiled and as more tears fell from your eyes.
"Rai... you're finally here... if only your dad was here to see how strong you are..." you spoke as you brought your face to Rai's. It calmed him down to feel you close to him. Gamakichi returned with water and you rested while Shima carefully cleaned up Rai. The Great Toad sage only smiled as he watched everything from a distance. But his attention quickly shifted to his ball where it showed him the events transpiring in the Leaf.
"Shima... as soon as you are done, head to the Leaf village and reverse summon Naruto and the other." Shima turned to him in confusion while holding Rai.
"Why? What's happening in the Leaf that can be worse than our situation?"
"I cannot say but... one of our fellow toads that was specifically in the Leaf has disappeared. That can only mean it's time for Naruto to head into battle." The Toad sage said with a serious expression. He saw Kakashi use the last of his Chakra to protect Choji from Pain. He couldn't tell you... that the moment your son was born was when his father had lost his life in battle.
You suddenly opened your eyes and sat up quickly.
"Kakashi!" You yelled as you were in a cold sweat. You held onto your stomach and felt pain as you tried to move. The Toad sage wasn't surprised that you could feel that something was wrong with Kakashi. But he didn't want you to go on a rampage if you found out.
''I will wait until the storm settles to tell her..'
"(Name)-girl, you shouldn't get up just yet. Just rest with Rai-boy and stay in the barrier. I must go and support Pa and Naruto." Shima has spoken as she laid Rai beside you. You only nodded in response and brought your baby closer to you as you kissed his head. Rai definitely inherited Kakashi's looks which made you smile.
'Kakashi... I hope you're safe...'
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, hope you enjoy!!!!
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