Chapter 13
~ Kurenai's apartment ~
"I have to tell you something, but don't freak out (Name). You must swear to keep this a secret until I'm ready to speak out about it." You stared at Kurenai with worry and concern while only nodding slowly as a response. Kurenai exhaled then smiled at you.
"I'm pregnant!"
Time had frozen in that instant for you as the word 'pregnant' echoed repeatedly in your head as your jaw remained dropped.
"P.. p.. pregnant?! You and Asuma?!"
"Yes!" You jumped up, ran to Kurenai, and hugged her as you both screamed and laughed with joy. You two both sat on the couch with cheesy grins and blushing at the thought of the news.
"Oh my goodness, Kurenai! I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be an Aunt! When did you find out?"
"I found out recently when I went to the hospital. It was around the time you went to visit Naruto and Sai with Kakashi. I told Asuma and he was extremely happy. I can't wait for him to return from his mission." Kurenai said as she caressed her stomach lovingly. You watched her while blushing, you knew you'd be in that stage with Kakashi soon and your blush worsened just thinking about it.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
You both looked at each other and smiled thinking it was Asuma on the other side of the door, with flowers behind his back, and acting all flustered to see Kurenai as usual. Kurenai ran to the door and opened it eagerly to only find Shikamaru. Her excitement died down as she exhaled and realized it wasn't Asuma. You noticed Shikamaru being serious, but it was different than his everyday seriousness. Something wasn't right and you felt it. You slowly approached the door and stood behind Kurenai.
"Shikamaru, you're back from the mission. What can I do for you?"
"I need to tell you something... it's Asuma..." you held your gut as you started to get an idea of what direction this was heading. Kurenai started to worry.
"Asuma? Is he in the hospital? Is he hur-"
"Asuma is dead."
You covered your mouth as you gasped and tears drop from your face. You looked at Kurenai, she just stood there. Completely frozen and lost in shock.
"He died during the mission. Asuma had multiple fatal wounds. We tried to save him. He didn't survive." Shikamaru continued to speak with a serious face. You could tell that the guilt and grief Shikamaru had was tearing him apart on the inside. You knew that he felt like it was his responsibility to at least let Kurenai know. He had to keep his composure together. Even though you knew, he wanted to scream and cry to the top of his lungs.
Tears slowly dropped from Kurenai's face. You hugged her from behind to try to comfort her. It was the only thing you felt like you could do as you slowly witnessed her world collapsing and her heart breaking. Kurenai dropped to the ground with you and stared into nothing. Then Kurenai started slowly screaming and crying. You kept holding her as she cried into your chest.
"I'm here... let it all out... you won't be alone through this..." you said as he continued to hold her. You continued to cry softly as you let Kurenai share her pain with you. Shikamaru looked away while frowning with his eyes closed.
~ After Asuma's funeral ~
You were walking side by side with Kurenai back to her apartment. Kakashi was behind you two but kept his distance so he wouldn't disturb both of you. As you approached her apartment, Kurenai stopped you and turned around.
"Thank you for walking me home, but I'm fine really.."
"Are you sure? I don't mind staying with you at all."
"I'm sure (Name), I just need some time to myself... to think about everything. Besides, if you keep focusing all your attention on me someone will begin to get needy." Kurenai said as she looked at Kakashi who sneezed in the distance. You chuckled with Kurenai then gave her a hug.
"Alright, just this one time I'll give you space. But I will come back and I won't ever leave you or the baby. You're not gonna raise my niece alone." You said as you backed away from Kurenai. She looked at you jokingly as you started to walk away.
"Niece? How do you know the baby is a girl?" You turned around and smiled at Kurenai.
"Just a hunch." You said as you flashed your beast-like eyes to her, causing Kurenai to hold her stomach and blush. You waved goodbye to her, happy that you were at least able to bring some positivity into her life.
~ At night ~
"So do you think those three are actually gonna go after those Akatsuki members? Hidan and Kakazu?" Kakashi looked at you as you both sat at the couch towards each other.
"I have no doubt that Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji are going to try and get revenge on them for Asuma. Do you know these two men?"
"Judging by the description of their appearance and abilities, those two come to mind... and they are really powerful. I don't think team 10 by themselves can defeat them.." you said as you shivered remembering the air around Hidan and Kakazu. Kakashi sighed and stood up.
"Then I suppose there is no other way around this situation then." You looked at Kakashi with a confused expression. Then you slowly realized what Kakashi meant as he gave you a hint of a smile.
"No, Kakashi. That's incredibly dangerous, I don't even know their abilities." You said as you hugged Kakashi tightly, hoping he would change his mind. But you know well enough he wasn't going to. Kakashi sighed as he hugged you back.
"Shikamaru knows their abilities, I'm sure he wouldn't let the information that Asuma got them to go in vain. I'll be fine, I promise." Kakashi said as he kissed your head, you frowned while resting your head on his chest. You always knew Kakazu and Hidan were trouble.
"If they harm Kakashi in any way, I'll kill them myself." You thought to yourself as you stayed in Kakashi's arms for the rest of the night.
~ Next Morning ~
Kakashi tied his headband and sighed as he watched you sleep peacefully. He leaned down, kissed your head, and caressed your cheek.
"If I don't stop them with Shikamaru, not only does Team 10 risk not surviving... I risk putting you and Naruto in danger. It's time I step up and protect you now. I'm sorry..." Kakashi thought to himself while watching you. He sighed and disappeared from the room.
You slowly woke up an hour later and tried feeling for Kakashi in bed but only found yourself alone. You sighed as you realized he left to fight alongside Team 10 and left without at least saying bye. You sighed as you held yourself.
"You better come back to me, Kakashi..."
~ Later that day ~
You watched Naruto as he was training extremely hard to make this new jutsu. You looked over and noticed Naruto making a small Rasengan that was spinning and making a high pitched noise. Your eyes widened as it grew more and started to look like a Shuriken. Unfortunately, it grew unstable and exploded, sending Naruto back flying into the waterfall Yamato made earlier throughout training. Naruto slowly got out and was panting as his time was running out. If he wanted to go support Kakashi and the others in fighting the Akatsuki, he had to complete his jutsu. You walked up to Naruto and extended your hand to help him up. Naruto looked up to you as he saw you smiling. He smiled back and grabbed your hand as you pulled him up.
"Naruto, you almost had it that time! That's great!"
"Almost isn't enough, Nee-chan. I'm missing something I just don't know what..." Naruto said as he frowned while looking down at his hand. You snickered and grabbed his hand. Naruto's eyes widened as he saw you grinning.
"Let's try again, this time I think I have an idea. Summon a shadow clone, okay?" Naruto nodded while smiling. He summoned a shadow clone and got into a position to start the jutsu. Yamato sat behind them, worried that if (Name) got hurt that he'd get scolded by Kakashi.
"Ready?" You looked at Naruto and his clone as they both nodded with determination. They started to form the Rasengan again, slowly making it bigger and bigger. As you noticed it starting to become unstable, you held your hands against it and held the chakra in place as it maintained the form of a large Shuriken. You backed away as the shadow clone disappeared and watched Naruto hold up his new jutsu with excitement.
"Nee-chan, your plan worked! It stayed together!" Naruto said as he was jumping around with the Rasengan in his hand. You panicked and waved for Naruto to stop until he tripped backward and hit the jutsu against the ground, sending him flying towards Yamato. You watched as Naruto flew and took Yamato with him but then watched as the Rasengan expanded into a large explosion of chakra then slowly fading away leaving a huge crater. You ran towards Naruto as Sakura and Sai appeared. You found Naruto rubbing his head as he looked alright but was on top of Yamato. You laughed a little and helped Naruto up. You noticed his hand was bruised and burnt a little and thought the jutsu had done it to him. Sakura started healing his arm when she noticed as well.
"From the looks of that crater, I'm assuming Naruto did it?" Sai said as he pointed back to the crater. I nodded while Naruto grinned. I was still a bit concerned about his arm but I couldn't focus on that now, we needed to go and support Kakashi.
"Naruto, what are you gonna name the jutsu?" I asked as he started to blush. Naruto snapped his fingers as he got an idea for the name.
"Rasen-Shuriken! It sounds so cool!" Naruto said as he quickly got up and was rejoicing over it. You got up and coughed catching everyone's attention, well Yamato was still getting up and catching his breath.
"Alright, no more playing around we have to go help Shikamaru and the others. I'll send Kimi to inform Lady Tsunade that Naruto completed the jutsu and we already set out for the mission."
"No need, I'm right here." Tsunade said as she walked towards the group with Shizune.
"I saw from afar how Naruto and (Name) found the missing piece to the jutsu's completion. You may all go, except for (Name)." You frowned when you heard what Tsunade said.
"Why can't I go, Lady Tsunade?" You asked with frustration as Naruto stood behind you to back you up.
"(Name) we have to talk about your current health in private. All I can say is that you are in no condition to be in battle whatsoever." Tsunade said with a serious expression. You got angry and clenched your fists. You were told at your last checkup you were healthy.
"Fine... you guys need to leave now if you want to make it in time..." you said while looking away. Naruto got fed up and tried to retailate for your sake but you held up your hand and shook your head.
"It doesn't matter, Naruto. Just get to the others.."
"But Nee-chan..-"
"NOW." You shouted as you clearly got irritated. You gave Naruto a pleading look as he responded back with a nod. After that Team 7 had disappeared on their way to support Team 10. You sighed as you were alone with Tsunade and Shizune. Tsunade grabbed you by the shoulder and smiled at you.
"You'll thank me later once we get to my office and I tell you the reason why I made you stay." You nodded and tried to smile even though you were completely irritated. The three of you walked out of the training grounds and towards the Hokage Estate.
~ Hokage office ~
"So you remember when I asked you to go to the hospital to get checked for injuries from your last mission a couple weeks ago?" Tsunade asked as she grabbed some papers and neatly put them together. You nodded, not really sure why it's important.
"Yes, I remember. I was told that any injuries I did have were healed. But was there more they didn't tell me?" Tsunade only smiled as she held the papers up to you. You grabbed them and started to read through them. You flipped to the next page and froze. Your eyes widened as they filled with tears. You dropped the papers as you covered your mouth. Tsunade and Shizune went up to you with big smiles on their faces.
"YOU'RE PREGNANT!" They said together in unison as they comforted you as you cried.
"I'm... I'm pregnant with Kakashi's child..." you blushed as you continued to cry.
~ To Teams 7 and 10 ~
As everyone regrouped and started walking back to the Leaf after they finished defeating Kakazu and Hidan, Sakura and Ino had been smiling a lot around Kakashi, which caused Kakashi to be curious.
"Do you two mind telling me why you're smiling so much around me?" Kakashi asked as he continued to walk. Ino and Sakura stepped in front of him and pulled him to the side.
"It isn't our place to say anything but we want to tell you that there was a reason (Name)-sensei didn't come with us to support you guys like we originally planned. Just please think it over, Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura said as she and Ino caught up with the rest leaving Kakashi behind, curious as to what they were talking about.
~ Time Skip ~
After Kakashi had finished talking with Tsunade, he decided to head home to his lovely fiance who was waiting for him with some news according to Tsunade. He took off his shoes and left them by the door and started calling for you.
"(Name), I'm home! I made it back safely from the mission!" Kakashi said as he took off his shirt and was covered in bandages. You came out of the bedroom and ran towards Kakashi. You hugged him and started to cry. Kakashi groaned a little from the pain which caused you to loosen your grip on him.
"Sorry... I'm just glad you made it back home safe..." Kakashi took off his mask and smiled at you. Then he caressed your cheek and kissed you.
"I told you I'd be fine." Kakashi chuckled. You rolled your eyes and poked one of his bruises on his chest. Kakashi winced in pain as you had your hands on your hips while smirking.
"You are far from fine, Mr. Hatake." you said as you walked with him back to your room. Kakashi laughed and laid down on the bed as you sat on top of him.
"Well that's why I have you to watch over me, future Mrs. Hatake." Kakashi smirked as you saw you blush madly and look away. You took a deep breath and grabbed Kakashi's hand.
"Kakashi... there's something I need to tell you..." you said as you continued to look away from Kakashi. He sat up and was holding your face with one hand while the other was holding your hand. You blushed even more as a result.
"What's the matter? People have been acting really strange since I came home, does it have to do with you?" You sighed and put Kakashi's hand on your stomach, causing him to look down then back to you as you kept his hand there.
"I'm pregnant..." Kakashi's eyes widened in shock. He broke into a smile and pulled you into a hug. He laid down and still had you in his embrace while laughing. He let go of you as you sat up smiling like crazy and watched him sit up and pull you onto his lap. Kakashi rested his head on your chest as he held you close.
"Is this a dream... Are we really having a baby, (Name)...?" You chuckled as you ran your fingers through his hair.
"No this isn't a dream... We're really going to be parents Kakashi... We're gonna have a family..." You said as you blushed. You felt tears on your chest and smile as you continued to caress Kakashi.
"Thank you... I love you so much, (Name)..."
"I love you too, Kakashi..."
You both looked at each other then started kissing as you spent the rest of the night in each other's embrace.
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