(Dec. 23)
Phillipa Miranda laid on the couch re-reading the all clear letter Doctor Grey wrote her. She was waiting for Lin to get home from a Disney meeting. Stevie was at work with Lauren. So, she had the whole house to herself, besides the sleeping kids up the stairs. I should probably drink more water if I'm going to prepare for getting pregnant. Pippa thought. She swung her left leg from over the back of the couch and hopped up. As she walked to kitchen the door bell rang and caused the young adult to make a hard right to skip the kitchen completely. Once at the door she opened it, and looked confused. There were two older Hispanics standing on her porch, who stood a bit confused. "Can I help you?" She asked.
"Phillipa?" The woman asked. Pippa nodded and bit her lip.
"I'm so sorry. Have we met?" She asked. The couple looked at each other and nodded.
"I'm Luis and this is my wife Luz. We are Lin-Manuel's parents," the older man spoke. Pippa's mouth dropped... along with her heart.
"Oh my goodness. Lin didn't tell me you guys were coming. Come in!" She said. The two walked into the warm house and looked around as Pippa shut the door. "Here let me take your jackets," She offered. The Latin parents handed Phillipa their coats and walked to the living room.
"He didn't? He knew we were coming. We've heard so much about you, so we decided to meet you," Luis said. Pippa walked in behind them and folded her arms over her exposed mid-drift.
"I wish I could say the same. But, Lin never mentioned you guys," she honestly stated. She had heard of them in passing during Hamilton but never got the chance to meet them with Steven up her ass about how she hung around Lin. "So what exactly did he tell you?" Pippa asked. Luz and Luis sat on the sectional, and Phillipa sat on the love seat.
"He told us about the wedding. So sorry we couldn't come we had to go to Puerto Rico for a while. We had a sick relative," Luis started. Phillipa shook her head and waved it off.
"It's okay. We totally understood," Pippa said.
"Uh, he also told us about our grandchildren," Luz added. Phillipa gave a small smile and nodded.
"Yeah. They are asleep, they should be up soon though," Phillipa said. Luz placed her hand over her heart. "Did he tell you about my adopted daughter and grandson?" Pippa tested. Luis nodded.
"Yep. He spoke very highly of she and her son," Luis answered. Pippa internally screamed out of pure joy. She was about to speak when she heard Enzo scream over the baby monitor.
"Ma!" He yelled. Phillipa chuckled and got up.
"If you guys want, you can come and meet your grandchildren," Pippa suggested. The grandparents nodded and followed her up to the nursery. They walked in to see Enzo had sat up, and the toddlers were still asleep in Lesley's bed. "This little guy is Enzo Donovan," she smiled. "He's a screamer," she added, as she picked him up. She laid the baby boy on the changing table and continued his routine.
"Enzo? I like that," Luz said. She played with Enzo's foot, as Pippa changed him.
"And who are this two?" Luis asked. Pippa turned and pointed to her child.
"The little girl is our daughter, Lesley Charlotte. And the boy is our grandson, Mason Isaiah," she responded. Luz got closer to the bed and stroked Lesley's long wavy hair. Lesley was definitely Hispanic. Her hair was long and grew out of the curly phase. Her skin was darker than Lin and Pippa's. And she definitely had the Latina flair to her. Enzo was still coming into his color, but his hair was black and straight like Pippa's...and Lin's for the most part.
"They are so cute!" Luz gushed. She watched Pippa take care of her son, then grab a blanket to cover Enzo.
"Just give me a second," Pippa excused herself. She went into the bathroom, got Enzo latched, and placed the blanket over his head when she emerged Luz was sitting by the bed. Pippa watched as she stroked the kid's backs.
"I can't believe we missed out on so much of this," Luz frowned. Pippa bit her lip and watched Luz enjoy the time with her child.
Around 1 PM, Lin skedaddled into his house, happy as usual. When he saw who was on the couch he skidded to a halt and tried to back away. "Miranda! I see you!" Pippa called. Lin snapped his fingers and shook his head.
"So close!" He muttered.
"Not even," Pippa replied. Lin gave a fake smile and sat next to her. The two pecked lips and Lin ruffled Enzo's hair as he ate. Luz made Pippa take the blanket off of her exposed side. She said that she didn't want them to mess with Enzo's routine just because they were there. Pippa was wavering at first but, soon gave in. "I have news for ya baby," Pippa smiled. She pulled out the letter and gave it to Lin. As he read, she explained to his parents. "The doctor said that as long as I kept getting pregnant I would die. So, I went through this long program to get my immune system up and running, and the doctor just gave me," she was about to finish her statement when Lin jumped off the couch and screamed.
"You're cleared!" Lin danced. He sat down and gave Pippa the most passion fueled kiss he had. Luz and Luis just smiled at their son's happiness.
Renée and Jasmine sat in the master bathroom of the Miranda's as Pippa took a pregnancy test. "Guys I'm nervous! I want it to be positive really bad!" Pippa said. She sat on the edge of the tub with her sisters by her side as they waited for the test.
"We do too!" Renée smiled. Pippa shook her leg as the three minutes drew on.
"Just think, you could be 28 and on your fourth kid!" Jasmine squealed. Pippa nodded and pushed her short pieces behind her ears.
"I know. That's so crazy," Pippa replied.
Phillipa jumped up, stopped her phone buzzer, and took the test in her head. She shook her head and threw the test away with the other negatives. With an annoyed eye roll, she walked out of the bed in silence. Renée and Jasmine shared a look of concern before they went after her. When they got out of the bathroom, they watched Pippa walk out of the room, and to the nursery. She picked up sleeping Enzo and sat in the rocking chair.
There are moments that the words don't reach...
Pippa sang. Renée and Jasmine came and sat next to her on the floor. They joined her in the song and rubbed her legs. Pippa stopped the song and let her friends continue, while wiped her tears. All she wanted was to be able to give her husband another child, and she couldn't. She couldn't be a woman. Woman are supposed to bear the children. She thought. Why the hell can't I? She beat herself up. She just felt so useless.
Later that night the Miranda family ate in silence. Pippa pushed around the rice on her plate and helped Enzo with his. "Babe. You okay?" Lin asked. Stevie just glanced at her mom and looked back at her plate. Pippa felt tears well in her ducts so, she usher Enzo's seat back and walked out of the breakfast nook. "Pip!" He called after her. He went to get up, but Stevie beat him to it.
"I've got this, cowboy," Stevie said. She followed Pippa to the master bedroom and saw her lying on the bed. Stevie could hear Pippa's sobs through the pillow. She shuffled to the bed and laid next to her mom. "Lip, what's the matter, honey?" She asked in her baby voice. Pippa turned her head to face Stevie and wiped her tears.
"I can't do it, Ana," she cried. Stevie looked at her with confusion all over her face.
"Do what?" She asked. The distressed mother shook her head.
"Nothing. It's stupid," Pippa said while she tried to hold back tears. Stevie shook her head and pulled Phillipa into her chest.
"No, it's not stupid. If it's got you this down it must be important. Talk to me, Lip," Stevie said. Phillipa took a deep breath and sat up.
"I can't get pregnant," she finally said aloud. The words alone tore at Pippa's fragile soul. Stevie hugged her mom and rubbed her back.
"Yes, you can. Just right now it's not the time. It will happen eventually. You know it and I know it," Stevie spoke. Pippa nodded and kissed Stevie's forehead.
"You've got a special spirit about you. Do you know that?" Phillipa asked. Stevie nodded. "And I got it too when he gave me you," she finished. Stevie sat up and side-eyed her mom with a smile.
"Girl. You are so adorable," Stevie said. Phillipa laughed and wiped the last of her tears. "Let's go and eat. Your lady loins can't build a baby on an empty stomach!" Stevie encouraged. Pippa nodded and slid off the bed with her daughter.
(Jan. 28)
2:30 AM
Phillipa woke up to a searing pain in her abdomen. When she got up to go to the bathroom, there was a huge puddle of blood in her underwear. Yay. Another period. She thought. Pippa turned on the faucet to take a shower and stripped.
6:30 AM
Pippa stood at the counter as she tried to cut up the vegetables for the omelet, but the pain was way worse than the pain of any of her periods. "Lin!" She called over the intercom.
"Yeah," He replied.
"Call the doctor and set up an appointment for me," she said.
"Okay," Lin agreed. He came down the stairs and grabbed the house phone from the table behind the couch. As he made an appointment, Pippa stopped periodically, from the pain as she tried to breath through it.
11:27 AM
Phillipa sat on the examination table, with Enzo on her lap, as she waited for the doctor. Stevie sat in the corner of the room with Mason and Lesley on her lap, while the watched the iPad. "What do you think is wrong?" Stevie asked. Phillipa shrugged and kissed Enzo's head while he stood on her lap.
"Good morning, Pippa," Dr. Grey smiled. "You said you were bleeding and that you felt nauseous?" Dr. Grey confirmed. Pippa nodded. On the way to the appointment, Stevie and Pippa had to switch drivers, because Pippa felt as if she would throw up.
"Yeah. I just have not been feeling the best all morning," Pippa stated. Dr. Grey looked over the chart and sighed.
"Pippa, I don't know how to tell you this, but..." Dr. Grey looked at the floor. "Uh, you were pregnant. What you are experiencing is a miscarriage," The doctor explained. Phillipa shook her head.
"No, I wasn't pregnant. So that's not possible," Pippa said. The door nodded and showed her the chart.
"Your HCG levels were through the roof," she pointed to the spike on the chart. Pippa shook her head and started to tear up.
"Oh, mama," Stevie sighed.
"Is there any chance of me having another baby?" Pippa asked. Dr. Grey bit her lip and shook her head.
"I won't say that there is a hundred percent chance but it's very strong that the pregnancy you just lost was your last," Dr. Grey answered. Pippa hung her head and placed it on top of Enzo's. "I'm really sorry Pippa. I know how hard you worked. I'll leave you two alone," she said. The doctor gathered her things and left the room. Stevie placed the kids on the chair and moved to her mother.
"How are we gonna tell Lin?" Stevie asked. Pippa shot her head up and grabbed Stevie's arm.
"No! We can not tell Lin a thing!" She said. "Please, Ana! Not a word!" Pippa begged. Stevie sighed and nodded.
"Fine, but I don't like this not tell him. You did this with the rape and we all saw how that turned out," Stevie scolded. Pippa shook her head and hopped off the table.
"It's not the same thing," she said. She didn't say that to convince Stevie, though. She said out to convince herself. She knew that a secret like that could ruin her marriage if she wasn't careful. But she also knew Lin couldn't take another heartbreak.
To My Bomb.com Friends and Supporters,
Hello hello hello! One more chapter in the book before we start a new one! Any ideas of what it should be about or called???? Send help!!!! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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