(Two Days Later)
"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Miranda. We are doing everything we can, but with out a kidney we don't have much of a choice. We just have to wait for now,"
Hour 1
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Lesley's hospital room was silent. The only sound that hummed in the background was the machine that made sure little Lesley was breathing, and the heart monitor attached to her chest. Phillipa sat in the chair next to Lesley's bed with her feet propped on the railing. She used her thumb to spin her wedding ring, absentmindedly. Her eyes were red and puffy, but she was out of tears. She just felt numb. On the other hand, Lin sat on the floor, with his knees to his chest. Tears were still flowing. Welcome folks to Hour One of the waiting game.
Hour 3
Stevie hadn't been back to the hospital since Lesley was admitted, and that was two days ago. She hadn't talked to her parents, didn't know anything about Lesley, she just didn't know. She tried to text and call Pippa, but Pippa would not answer. And Lin's phone was dead and had been for a day and a half. Stevie wanted to see her mom but didn't want to upset her. "Lauren what should I do?" Stevie asked, sitting at the kitchen table with her feet in her chair. Lauren shrugged and sat at the table with Enzo on her shoulder. That's another thing. Pippa has not checked in on Enzo or anything.
"I think you should go over there. And take their child to them," Lauren answered. Stevie shook her head and sighed. She was trying to hold back tears. "Hey have you tried praying, as I told you?" Lauren asked, patting Enzo's butt. Stevie rolled her eyes.
"I already told you. That shit doesn't work," Stevie snapped. Lauren rolled her eyes.
"How do you know?" Lauren yelled back. Stevie slammed her hands on the table, making Lauren and Enzo jump. Which then caused Enzo to cry.
"It doesn't fucking work!" Stevie yelled, she glared at Lauren for even bringing up the prayer topic. Lauren cover Enzo's head and tried to calm the baby down.
"Stevie! You're scaring him! And you're scaring me!" Lauren stated. Stevie's look softened, as she saw the look of slight terror on Lauren's face. Stevie grabbed her jacket and ran out of the hotel room. As she ran down the hall she accidentally smacked into someone.
"Hey. Slow down there kiddo. Where ya headed?" The man asked, helping Stevie off the ground.
"Sorry," Stevie whispered. The man gave her a small smiled.
"What's your name?" He asked. Stevie brushed off the invisible dirt and folded her arms over her abdomen.
"I'm Stevie," she answered.
"I'm Rev. Camden," he said. Stevie rolled her eyes and smacked her teeth.
"Of course," she muttered. The Rev. Camden lightly pulled Stevie to a bench in the hall.
"What's going on?" He asked. She looked at her shoes and started to cry.
"It's my baby sister... she's in the hospital," Stevie replied. Rev. Camden sighed, put his hand on Stevie's back.
"What happened?" Rev. Camden asked. Stevie wiped a tear and started to tell the reverend about Lesley's birthday.
Hour 5
Pippa watched Lesley sleep, as she sipped her water. Nothing had happened from hour 1 to 5. She hadn't moved her position, but Lin did stop crying. As Pippa was about to say something, a woman walked into the room. "Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Miranda," she greeted. Pippa put her feet down, and Lin stood up.
"Who are you?" Pippa asked. The woman set her briefcase on the crash cart beside Lesley bed and laced her fingers together in front of her body.
"I am M.E., Megan Hunt, " she introduced. "In the horrible case that Lesley doesn't wake up, I will be taking over her case and examining her body," Megan continued. Pippa rolled her eyes and put her feet back up.
"Thanks, but no thanks. She's gonna wake up," Pippa spat. Lin placed his hand on his wife's shoulder.
"Babe. At least lest hear her out," Lin said. Pippa gasped and shot out of her seat.
"Are you kidding me? Hear her out?" Pippa flipped. Lin bit his lip and glanced at his child. "You think she's gonna die don't you?" Pippa cried. Lin went to hug her, but she shoved him away. "Fuck you, Lin," she whispered. Pippa shook her head and sat back down. "You can leave now," Pippa said, staring at Lesley.
"Babe she-" Lin started. Pippa put her finger up to stop him.
"Both of you," she said. Lin looked at the floor, shoved his hands in his pockets, and walked out with Megan.
"You look like you could use a drink," Megan suggested. Lin nodded, and the two walked to the nearest bar.
Stevie looked at the reverend, not realizing how long she had been talking. The reverend glanced at his watch, and Stevie gasped. "I'm so sorry. I should let you go," she apologized. The reverend shook his head and chuckled.
"No. It's fine. I had a meeting. I was supposed to be there an hour ago, but it doesn't matter now. I would much rather be with you. So, tell me. Your sister needs new kidneys?" He asked. Stevie nodded. "I'll tell you what. If you let me pray for you, I will see what I can do about your sister," He suggested. Stevie sighed and bowed her head. "Dear Heavenly Father, Stevie and I come you asking for your forgiveness and healing..." he started.
Hour 7
Lin picked his head up from the bar and stared at his 2nd scotch on the rocks. Megan stared at him and chuckled as she stirred the straw around her martini. "I try so hard," he cried. "I do a lot for my family. I tried to get my life together and every time things went well something comes along to fuck it up," he said. Megan bit her lip and watched the grown man sob like a baby.
"If we are being honest, I think Lesley is gonna be okay," she said. Lin took a quick glance at her before placing on his glass again. "People die all the time. Finding a kidney for her shouldn't be too hard," Megan said. Lin nodded. He couldn't help but feel like he wouldn't see his daughter grow up. He didn't want to miss out on her riding a bike, or going to school, or getting married. That was his baby girl. His only baby girl. Yeah, he had Stevie, but she was grown. And, like she said she was Phillipa's not his.
"She's mad at me, you know?" Lin said. Megan nodded.
"I saw that," she replied. Lin shook his head and took another sip of his drink.
"No. She's really mad. She's mad because I got her pregnant again," Lin said. Megan looked at him weirdly. She didn't remember seeing another child in that room and got curious as to where they were.
"What made her so mad?" She asked. Lin sighed.
Lin stood in the master bathroom of their home, preparing to do the do with his wife. They hadn't really been intimate in a while, and Lin wanted the night to be special. The only thing was that Pippa wanted Lin to wear a condom. After all the events that happened after she had Lesley, Pippa felt like she wasn't mentally stable enough for another baby. Lin felt the complete opposite. So, as he stood in the bathroom he decided to poke a couple of holes in the condom. He knew that Pippa wasn't on the pill, and he also knew she wouldn't check it. Or at least he thought. The next day, Lin woke up with a slap to the face. "How could you!" Phillipa screamed. Lin looked at her confused.
"What are you talking about?" Lin asked, still half asleep. Pippa held up the condom.
"This! This is what the fuck I'm talking about! You poked holes in the condom!" She screamed. Lin didn't even try to deny it. Pippa shook her head. "Oh my gosh! You and Steven are one and the same," she yelled. "You better pray to God I don't get pregnant," Pippa fumed as she slammed the bathroom door.
Real Time
Megan put her hand over her mouth as Lin finished his story. "You bastard," she chuckled.
"Yeah. But, now we have a handsome son, Enzo. And she loves him, Lesley, and Stevie more than anything. Sometimes even more than me," Lin muttered. Megan shook her head.
"I don't think that's true. I think that she just scared. And I think that you should go to your wife. She needs you and she needs you to hold her," Megan advised. She took his drink and handed him his jacket. "Come on big guy. Let's get you back to the hospital," Megan said.
Once Lin stepped out of the elevator, he saw Pippa standing in the hall outside of Lesley's room crying and hugging her torso. "Babe," he called. Quickly he ran to her and wrapped his body around hers. "What happened?" He asked as she laid her head on his chest. His arms went around her neck as hers were around his waist.
"I don't know. One minute I was sitting next to her bed and the next a team comes in and takes her. No one told me anything," Pippa cried. Lin stroked her hair and kissed his wife's hair. As they hugged, Stevie came around the corner. She ran up to them and skidded to a stop when she saw that Lesley's room was empty.
"Momma?" She said. Phillipa pulled away from Lin and looked at Stevie for a second before pulling her into a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry for what I said," she apologized. Stevie shook her head and shushed her mom.
"I deserved it. I was being selfish. I didn't even think about how this was affecting you guys," Stevie said. Lin watched the exchange of apologies but got distracted by the man staring at them.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Lin asked. Stevie looked up and smiled.
"That's Rev. Camden. He helped me pray for Lesley. He's really nice, and he gave me a ride here. But, don't worry Lauren is with Enzo and Mason," Stevie said. Phillipa got a worried look.
"Enzo!" She remembered. "I have to go. Lin give me your keys," Pippa demanded. Lin struggled to get his out of his pocket but handed them to Pippa as soon as he could. Phillipa ran out of the hospital and headed to her baby.
With a quickness, Pippa ran to the resort, and to her room. She unlocked the door to see Lauren struggle to get Enzo and Mason to stop crying. Pippa shut the door, and Mason looked up at her. "Nona!" Mason screamed. Pippa picked him up and kissed his cheek.
"Hey, stop screaming. Go play on the iPad," Pippa said. She started to get back into her parent mode. She took Enzo from Lauren and pulled out a 100 dollar bed. "Go to where ever you want. On me. Thank you for watching Enzo. And I know this isn't the way you planned to spend Lesley birthday, but, I appreciate you," Pippa smiled. Lauren shook her head and tried to hand the money back to Pippa.
"No, I can't take this. You guys are like family. How is Lesley?" Lauren asked. Pippa kissed Enzo's head and patted his butt.
"They took her away and wouldn't tell me. But I'm just gonna pray that she is okay," Pippa explained. Lauren nodded and grabbed her jacket, that was on the counter.
"I'm gonna stop by the hospital," Lauren said. Pippa nodded. As Lauren left, Pippa realized that her boobs were hurting, and had been for a while. She sat on the couch and pulled out her boob.
"Mommy missed you," Pippa whispered. She watched Enzo latch on to her, and happily feed off of his mother. "Can mommy let you in on a secret?" She asked. Enzo stared at her, just glad to finally see his mom. "I'm really scared," she whispered. Pippa pushed her hair behind her ears with one hand and kissed Enzo's forehead.
To My Bomb.Com Fans and Readers,
Holy shit... uh LIN REALLY?!?! IS PIPPA A BAD MOM FOR NOT TAKING CARE OF ENZO AT ALL?!?!?! WHY DID THEY RUSH LESLEY AWAY?!?! Now how are you feeling? ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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