(June aka 3 Months Later)
(Enzo is 8 Weeks Old)
It had been eight weeks since Enzo Donovan was born, and Pippa was feeling great. She wasn't having any recovery issues, her ulcers were healing nicely, she wasn't depressed, and she was actually stoked. With Lesley's Birthday around the corner, Lin decided to book a family trip to Disney for the whole family, including Lauren. Fun right? Yeah okay.
Phillipa Miranda woke up at her usual time of 4 in the morning, before Enzo, to get ready for the day and get him up before he cries. She had he and Lesley on a tight schedule so that they didn't cry and she could go about her day peacefully. Without delay, Pippa ran to the bathroom, took a shower, washed her hair, brushed her teeth, and came back out in under half an hour. She looked at the clock.
"Yes!" She praised in a whisper. Phillipa scurried to the dresser grabbed some undergarments and dropped her towel. After she slid on the cute nursing bra and matching thong, she went to the closet to grab an outfit. She walked out of the closet fully dressed and checked the clock once more.
Next, Pippa walked over the bassinet to see her big boy start to whimper. And, big is not an exaggeration by any means. Normally at his age, Enzo would have been in the hospital for months. But, because he was born at 6 lbs they knew that he would be alright after the kept him for a week longer. Once he got home, he was just dandy. "Good morning, papa," Pippa cooed. She picked up her son and the baby monitor for Lesley, then ventured with him to the living room. Quickly, Pippa sat on the couch, fixed her shirt, and unhooked her nursing bra. "Come on buddy. Time to eat," the mother smiled. Enzo opened his eyes and turned his head to latch on to his mother while he looked up at her. They did that every morning, and Pippa loved it. She would talk and sing to him, and it just made her feel like a better mother.
20 minutes past before Pippa finished Enzo's feed. She hooked her bra again and put him on her shoulder to burp him as she got up. "Time to make breakfast for everyone else," she whispered as she slid into the kitchen. Every five seconds she would kiss Enzo's cheek, because that's just how in love she was with him. It was constant with both of the little kids. She always held them, kissed them, she just loved on them all the time. After she got a good burp out of her son, she put him in the bouncer so he could sleep, and turned on the griddle to make French toast. Thankfully, after she finished the entree of breakfast Lesley started to call for Pippa.
"Momma!" She screamed. Pippa turned the griddle off and set Enzo's bouncer on the floor. She ran up the stairs to Lesley's nursery and peaked her head inside.
"Good morning Little Miss," she smiled as she came fully into the room. Lesley perked up and held her arms out for her mama. Gladly, Phillipa lifted Lesley out of the crib and put the child on her hip. "Let's go get some milk before we wake up Daddy and Sissy," Pippa said in a baby voice. Lesley buried her head into the crook of Phillipa's neck and watched her mother travel to the hallway. Once downstairs, Pippa grabbed a Moana sippy cup off the drying rack and the lid in one hand. "Alright, let mommy set you down," Pippa suggested. She carefully slid Lesley to the floor with one hand. And, after making sure Lesley was standing, Pippa stood up straight and grabbed the milk out of the fridge. While she poured it into the cup, she looked over to see Lesley walk to Enzo and kiss his cheek. The sight made Pippa's heart jump. "Alright Little Miss, let's go get Daddy and Sissy," she said while she screwed the lid on the cup. Lesley took the drink and waited for Pippa to put the milk back.
In the master bedroom, Lin laid on his stomach still asleep. Pippa sat Lesley on the bed and bent over to kiss Lin's cheek. As her lips hit his skin, he moved slightly. "Morning, Papí," she whispered. Lin turned to his back and smiled. "Come on. We have to be at the airport by 9. And you and Stevie haven't finished packing!" Pippa cheerfully demanded. Lin nodded and got up. Pippa ran to the Lesley and covered her eyes, because someone wasn't wearing anything... at all! "Lin! Where... where are your boxers?" Pippa asked. Lin looked down and shrugged. "Did we..." Pippa asked, trailing off to signify the word she could not say in front of their child.
"I don't remember coming home last night... so I have no idea," Lin said. He disappeared into the bathroom, and Pippa hopped off the bed and took her hand off of Lesley's face.
"What happened last night?" She whispered. Lesley held up her hands for Pippa to pick her up, and of course, Pippa obliged. She walked across the hall and stopped as she saw Stevie's door. The memories of the previous night flooded her senses.
Stevie took the kids off of her parent's hands for the night so they could have fun since she finished her homework. Therefore, Pippa, Renée Alexis, Lin, Jasmine, and Anthony sat at Renée kitchen table around 11:30, drinking and talking. Well, Jasmine wasn't drinking, but everyone else was. Pippa was on beer number three with Anthony and Lin. Renée was on her second glass of wine. And Alexis was downing shots of tequila. "How're the kiddies?" Renée asked. Pippa smiled and sat her drink down.
"Good. Stevie is excited about this trip tomorrow. Lesley is starting to talk more, with real words, and Enzo-oh," Pippa stutter as Lin snaked his hand to her thigh. Pippa cleared her throat to pretend nothing was happening but lost all of her words.
"What is...okay Lin is drunk," Jasmine said. Pippa nodded and started to get up.
"Someone needs to sleep this off," she said. "Come on babe," she pulled Lin up and slid out of their chairs.
"ELIZAAAA!" He sang. Everyone burst out laughing and Pippa rolled her eyes.
"Mhmm. Yeah. Let's go!" Pippa advised. "See you guys later," she called. The squad waved Pippa and Lin off and went back to talking. The couple walked out of the house and crossed the street. They walked about twenty feet from the house before Lin slid his hand into Pippa's pocket. "Woah! What are you doing?" Pippa said, taking his hand out. He continued to touch her waist, back, and butt the entire walk. Once they got in their house, Lin struggled up the stairs but Pippa helped him as bed she could.
"I love you," Lin slurred. Pippa nodded and took him to their room. She pushed him onto the bed and laughed as he flopped down. Phillipa had a strong feeling about how the night would end so she ran to Stevie's room to see Mason and Lesley asleep on a pallet on the floor. And Stevie was curled up with Enzo and Lauren on the bed.
"Awesome!" She whispered. Lightly, she shut the door and ran back to her room. Lin was already half undressed. She shut the door behind her, and things got heated.
"Oh my," Pippa remembered. She opened the door to see Lauren on the floor, taking out clothes for the day. "Morning," she greeted. Lauren rubbed her eye and waved.
"Morning. Quick question, are we flying out of ALB?" Lauren asked. Pippa nodded and walked over to Stevie -who was still asleep.
"Yes, ma'am," she answered. Lauren nodded and went into the bathroom to get ready. Pippa sat on the bed next to her daughter and set Lesley on the floor in front of her. She kissed Stevie's forehead and shook her lightly. "Come on Ana. It's time to get up. You gotta finish packing so we can go," Pippa said, soothingly. Stevie nodded and took a deep sigh. She sat up and gave a small smile.
"Morning," she whispered. Pippa stood up and picked up Lesley.
"Breakfast is in twenty," she notified. Stevie nodded, and got out of bed to make her way to Mason.
Pippa put Lesley in her high chair as her family made their way down the stairs. "Grab a plate and eat up," she announced as she took Enzo out of the bouncer and fixed her own plate.
Everyone sat at the table and dug in. It was quiet for a minute before Pippa decided to spark up a conversation. "Oh Lin," Pippa started. Lin looked up from his plate to his wife. "We did," she vaguely said. Lin chuckled and shook his head.
"Good thing you got the IUD," he smirked. Stevie made a grossed out face, but Lauren laughed.
"Eww. I'm eating here!" Stevie whined. Pippa and Lin laughed at their daughters' theatrics.
"It's not like you and Lin haven't talked about us before," Pippa said. Stevie gave up her disgusting act and laughed.
"Yeah, we did. I even gave the poor guy some tips," Stevie said. Pippa gasped. Lin laughed and Lauren was in tears.
"What?" Phillipa freaked. "Did she teach you the..." Pippa trailed off and gave Lin a look. He got what she was saying and nodded. "Lin!" She whined, dragging out the i. "I loved that!" Pippa sighed.
"Isn't it good?" Stevie smirked. Phillipa scoffed and shook her head.
"Never do that again!" She snapped at Lin. He shrugged and went back to eating. "Anyway, everyone needs to make sure they are packed. We are leaving as soon as I finish cleaning the kitchen," Phillipa said. Everyone nodded, and Pippa went back to Lesley. As she helped her baby girl, her baby boy scratched his face and started to cry. "Oh, papa," Pippa cooed. She slid Lesley's chair back and got up from the table. She tried to clean up Enzo, but he kept putting his hand in the blood and scratching at his face. "Enzo, stop putting your hands up," Pippa giggled. "I can't clean you up if you keep smearing your blood around," she said. "Miranda, come and get your son," Pippa said as she threw away the bloody tissue. Lin jumped up and took Enzo from his mother.
"Why does mommy act as if we drive her insane?" Lin asked in a baby voice. He grabbed the Neosporin that Pippa set out for Enzo, and dabbed some on his cheek.
"Because you do," Phillipa replied with a smile. "Come here, Lesley. Let's go get dressed," Pippa lifted Lesley out of her seat and headed towards the stairs. "Today is gonna be great," She whispered in the child's ear. Pippa tickled Lesley and made her way to the bedroom.
At the airport, Stevie and Lauren watched the kids as Lin and Pippa "went to get food". They were actually standing at on bridge that connected two parts of the terminal making out. Yes, they did intend to go get food. That's what they had set out to do... but that wasn't what happened. As they walked hand in hand Lin stopped, and pulled Pippa to the railing in front of the huge glass wall. "You see that?" He asked, clearly pointing at nothing. Pippa got a weird look and turned to him. He slyly came in for the kiss, and boy was it perfect. As they kissed, fans would walk by and take pictures, but the couple didn't care. Lin slipped his hands into Pippa's back pockets as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pippa had Lin and Lin had Pippa and that's all they were concerned about.
At the gate, while Lippa made out, Stevie and Lauren were hungry. "Bruh, where did your parents go?" Lauren asked. Stevie shrugged and looked back at her phone. When she opened the twitter app she quickly found the answer.
"Lo. You might want to see this," Stevie stated with a giggle. It was pictures and videos of Lin and Pippa's make out session. "Oh my goodness! They are literally going ham!" Stevie laughed. Lauren nodded and cover her mouth with her hand as she pointed to Lin.
"They are about to swallow each other. And look at him! He is grabbing her butt like they aren't in public!" Lauren gasped. "I feel like we lowkey shouldn't be watching this," she said. Stevie cracked up and tweeted for people to send the videos to her on Kik. "What are you doing?" Lauren asked, seeing the tweet.
"Oh, they are not getting away with this PDA. Not happening!" Stevie said. She was gonna hang this over their head for a while. Little did she know that wasn't even the worst to come of those two.
To My Bomb.Com Fans and Readers,
Hello hello hello, LESLEY IS TURNING 1! I know that I think a couple of updates back it said she was 11 Months but she isn't, cause she isn't a month younger than Mason. Lol anywho... LIPPA IS PDA CENTER RN!!! HOW COULD IT GET WORSE YOU ASK? IT SHALL!! ILL SHOW YOU! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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