(March 28)
(Pippa is 29 Weeks and 2 Days)
At the beach Mason got sick on his birthday, so they stay in for the last two days. But, now the Miranda clan was back home. It was Tuesday night, when Stevie came home to a fully decorated house. She shut the door of the garage and walked into the kitchen. "I'm back!" She called. Stevie dropped her purse by the kitchen table as she made her way to the couch.
"Ma!" Mason yelled. He walked around the couch and to his mother. Stevie picked up her son and looked around.
"Where's Nona?" She asked. Mason pointed up. "Alright. Let's go say hi," Stevie suggested. The two went up the stairs and to the master bedroom to see Pippa in a light pink dress (in the picture). It showed off her huge bump very well. "Hi, momma," Stevie smiled.
"Hey, babe," Phillipa greeted. She walked to the bathroom and plugged in her curling wand. "Are you gonna go get dressed for the party?" Pippa asked, turning to face Stevie. The teenager nodded, and let her jaw drop at the sight of her mom's stomach. Stevie put Mason down and kneeled in front of her mom's stomach.
"He is big!" She gasped. Stevie put her hands on both sides of Pippa's stomach. "Damn! How big is he?" She asked. Phillipa pushed Stevie hands off of her and shook her head.
"He is 4 pounds. The doctor says when he is born we are looking at a 10 pounder. I'm probably going to get a c-section," Phillipa said. Stevie put her hand over her mouth and stood up.
"That's bigger than Mason! And he was huge!" Stevie responded. Phillipa nodded and started to curl her hair.
"I realized today that I haven't told the fans about the baby so I posted a picture I had Lin take yesterday," Phillipa said. She pulled out her phone and showed Stevie the picture.
Stevie awed and pulled out her phone to like the post. "Alright. Lauren is gonna be here soon so, I am gonna change," Stevie announced. Pippa nodded and started to curl her hair. Every now and then she would look over to see Lesley still playing with her toys in the empty tub.
Ten minutes went by before people started to show up. First, Renée and her family showed up. Then Anthony, Jasmine, and Oak. Daveed showed up a little after Jasmine and Anthony. And Chris' family was the last to come. Or so they thought.
The kids played in the basement, while the parents talked in the kitchen area. All the couples were being really cute, and Oak and Daveed were just chilling. Lin stood behind Pippa as she leaned against him. His hands were rubbing her hips, as they talked with their friends. Anthony was sitting on a chair next to the table and Jasmine was on his lap. Reneé was sitting at the bar and Alexis was standing next to her with his arm around her waist. And Daveed and Oak were standing along the wall. The group formed a sort of circle next to the island.
Stevie was in the living room with Olivia, Maddie, Rowan, and Sarah. They were laughing and talking, but ultimately just passing the time until Lauren showed up. Suddenly the doorbell rang, causing Stevie to hop off the couch. "I got it!" She announced so that her parents didn't have to move. When she opened the door she saw Lauren holding a birthday bag. "Babe!" She squealed. Stevie hopped into Lauren's arms as best as he could without flashing anyone in her T-shirt dress.
"I'm so nervous," Lauren whispered. Stevie stepped back and took the bag.
"Don't be. My parents are gonna love you. My dad really will because you can't get me pregnant," Stevie said. Lauren laughed and took off her jacket. She took Stevie's outstretched hand and walked to the living room. "GUYS!" Stevie yelled. She turned down the music with the remote and tossed it to Olivia. Lauren's nerves skyrocketed with all the eyes on her. "This is my girlfriend, Lauren!" She announced. Phillipa and Lin walked over to their daughter and stood in front of her.
"Hi, Lauren. I'm Pippa, Stevie's mom. And this my husband, Lin," introduced Phillipa. Lauren smiled and gave a small wave. Lin sat his beer on the counter and folded his arms.
"Don't pay attention to him. He tries to make himself look big and bad, but he is a literal teddy bear," Stevie said. Lauren looked at the floor to avoid eye contact.
"Babe, stop. You're scaring her. And creeping me out," Phillipa said. Lin burst into laughter and held his hand out to Lauren.
"Stevie's right. Im a softy. It's nice to meet you," Lin greeted. He grabbed his beer and took Pippa back to their previous position in the circle.
"Let's meet everyone!" Stevie cheered. She dragged Lauren towards the back door and turned her to face everyone. "That is Reneé and Jasmine. Those are my moms best friends and they are here all the time. Jasmine is pregnant with a little boy, Anthony Jr. And the guy she is sitting on for no reason is Anthony, her husband. Reneé has a daughter and son, Brielle and Benjamin. They are downstairs. And that's her husband Alexis. The big guy at the table is Chris. He is always here too. His wife isn't here because she is sick, but his kids Cj and Jadelyn are here. CJ has autism, but he is still an amazing kid. The two bozos sitting next to Reneé are Daveed and Oak. And they aren't important cause you will only see them on holidays," Stevie finished. Oak and Daveed pretended to be hurt by her introduction.
"Thanks, Stevie," Oak said. Stevie gave a half smile and struggled.
"It's true," Stevie replied. She was about to say something else when Lauren pointed to the person under the hallway bridge.
"Who is that?" She asked. Everyone turned to see Leslie holding a wrapped birthday present.
"Long story short? A disaster waiting to happen. Girls let's go to my room, because as fun as their drama is, this isn't one of those times," Stevie said. She and her friends headed up the stairs to Stevie's room. When they got there, Stevie went over there intercom to tell her parents they were free to talk.
"What are you doing here?" Renée asked. Leslie looked to Pippa for help.
"I invited him. We need to talk this out. I want my family back together and it's not the same without Leslie," Phillipa explained. Alexis' hand tighten on Renée's waist at the sight of Leslie.
"What is there to talk about?" Renée asked. Pippa rolled her eyes.
"Let's see. How about the fact that you lied to Leslie about getting your period!" Pippa pushed. Leslie looked at her shocked.
"What?" Leslie said. Renée got out of the chair and stood in front of Leslie. "You mean there was a baby?" He freaked.
"Yes," Renée confessed. Leslie saw that she didn't look like she just had a baby and was confused.
"Well, where is the baby? It's been a year, the kid should be here," Leslie said. Renée shook her head and started to tear up.
"I miscarried at 17 weeks," She revealed. Tears started to surface in her ducts and rolled down her cheeks. "The baby was a girl," Renée admitted. Leslie sat the gift on the counter and folded her arms.
"Why did you lie to me?" Leslie asked. Renée gave him a stupid look.
"Wake up! Look around! I'm married! You're married! We have families of our own! I didn't want to tell the man I cheated on my husband with that I was having his baby. And you were acting like we had a chance and a baby would have given you false hope," Renée answered. Leslie placed his hands on his head and sighed out of frustration.
"That's a dumb ass excuse!" He smacked the back of his left hand onto the palm of his right. "We had sex as married people! That didn't stop either of us. We could have raised a child together without being together," he snapped back. Renée unfolded her arms and placed them on her hips.
"It doesn't matter now! She's dead!" Renée yelled. "She. Died," Renée said. She stormed out and walked to the front of the house.
"Good plan, Pip," Lin whispered sarcastically. Phillipa shot her hand to his crotch and grabbed a handful of Lin.
"Another word and I'm popping the sucker off," Phillipa threatened. Daveed and Oak laughed, as Lin winced in pain. "Go talk to Leslie, guys!" Phillipa demanded. The boys nodded and ran to the backyard. Alexis stood awkwardly and watched Jasmine and Phillipa move to the office where Renée cried.
"Why did you do that?" Renée yelled at Phillipa. Jasmine sat next to Renée and Phillipa leaned against Lin's desk and folded her arms.
"Because he had the right to know. We can't walk around acting like this didn't happen or hating Leslie. You had a hand in this too! You didn't say no, did you? Nope! So you don't get to decide that he's the bad guy and you're the saint. You two had sex! You two didn't use a condom! You two got pregnant! And if you hadn't miscarried you two would have had a child! Do you see what I'm getting at? It's the two of you. If we don't hate one, we don't get to hate the other! It happened a year ago! Get, the fuck, over it!" Pippa replied. Renée and Jasmine were shocked. They had never seen her upset or yell. It actually scared them. But Renée figured that if Pippa yelled, she was passionate about the family getting back together. Renée wiped her eyes and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Jasmine asked. Renée sighed and ran her hand through her hair.
"I'm gonna go talk to Leslie. We are gonna sort this out. For you Pippa," she said before she walked out of the office.
Renée walked past Alexis and straight to the backyard. When she got out there they guys stopped talking and looked at her. "Can I talk to Leslie, alone?" She asked. The guys nodded and got up from the table. Leslie went to speak, but Renée beat him to it. "Don't speak. Let me just get this out," Renée walked up to Leslie who was seated at the head of the table. She sat in an empty seat and sighed. "I'm sorry for playing the victim. I should've never acted like this was all your fault. And I'm really sorry for not telling you about your baby. I hope that you accept my apology," Renée said. Leslie sighed and grabbed her hands.
"Renée, I never meant for this to happen. I don't want things to be awkward between us. I love you, as a friend. And losing you guys was really hard on me and Nicki. I told her and she was hurt, but we are going to counseling. Look, I forgive you and I am sorry as well," Leslie replied. The two smiled and stood up.
Everyone stood at the door and watched Leslie and Renée hug. "Woow!" Anthony cheered. "Pay up, pay up, pay up!" He said, holding his hands out to the guys.
"You guys bet on if they would become friends again?" Jasmine asked. The guys nodded.
"I was hoping she would smack him," Daveed sulked. Anthony collected the 100 dollar bills and held them up to Jasmine's stomach.
"You see this little man? If Daddy keeps winning these bets you'll be going to college in no time," he smiled. Everyone except for Alexis laughed and watched the two come back in the house.
"So?" Lin asked.
"We're good," Renée answered. Pippa walked up to her best friend and hugged her.
"Thank you," she whispered. Renée nodded and pulled away. Alexis stood next to the counter and took a sip. He motioned for Leslie to come to talk to him.
"Yes?" Leslie asked.
"You slept with my wife. And I will never forget that, but if Renée can forgive you then so can I," The two dapped and gave a half hug.
"Thank you," Leslie said. Everyone went back to their positions in the kitchen and continued to talk.
"Oh guess what, guys!" Lin said. Everyone looked at him with expecting eyes. "I know last time I said that our performance at the theater would be the last one...but I lied. There was a school that reached out to me and they want us to go and perform," Lin said. The all agreed to do it. "But, there is a catch. They want the girls to talk to a group of the girls and us guys to talk to the boys," Lin explained. Phillipa gave a weird look.
"What are we gonna talk about?" Phillipa asked. Lin smirked and changed the subject. Pippa rolled her eyes and didn't even try to get an answer.
To My Bomb.com Fans and Readers,
I'm gonna leave it here for now. Uh... LESLIE IS BACK?!?! RENEE LIED?!?!? MASON IS ONE!!! WOULD YOU LIKE MORE DRAMA??? CAUSE I CAN GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!! ily💕Comment.Like.Follow💘
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