At the store, Stevie and Lin walked up and down the rows of Victoria's Secret lost as hell. They didn't know what color Pippa liked, or anything. All they knew was her size, and that's because she and Stevie wore the same bra size and Phillipa was one size bigger for underwear. They were looking at the sets when an employee walked up to them. "Are you guys doing okay?" The associate asked with a smile. With a groan, Stevie shook her head. Lin just folded his arms and sighed.
"We have no idea what to get my mom. We know her size, but we don't know what she likes. This is what she looks like," Stevie held her phone out to show the clerk a picture of Phillipa.
To say the least, the associate was surprised at how young Pippa was. "That's your mom? Did she have you at like 9?" The young girl asked. Stevie chuckled and put her phone away.
"No, I'm adopted. But, that's beside the point. Oh and she's 7 months pregnant," Stevie added. Lin just nodded and stood uncomfortably in the women's clothing store. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed his card.
"Here is my black card. I'm gonna sit outside, and think about other stuff that's not," he gestured to the things around him in disgust. With a quickness, Stevie snatched the card and smiled.
"Okay. Bye," Stevie smiled as she pushed Lin out of the store. "I'm Stevie," she introduced.
"Amanda," the two shook hands and ventured off. They shopped for a solid ten minutes before Stevie was ready to call it quits. She didn't know which one of the three undergarments to get her mom, but Amanda had a bright idea. "Get them all. Your dad gave you his black card. You've got the money and he will love it too," she persuaded. Stevie shrugged. It wasn't her money so she didn't give two fucks.
"Cool with me," she said. Amanda took the articles of clothing to the register and did her job.
With his hand out, Lin asked. "So what did you get?" As Stevie handed him the card back. She smirked and put the bag on his lap.
Lin's jaw dropped at the sight of the lingerie. "You wanna watch your sister tonight don't you?" Lin said. Stevie laughed and took the bag from her dad. "I was going to get her some other stuff, but the mere sight will perk her up real soon," Lin smiled. Stevie fake gagged and started to walk with her pops when her phone rang. They headed to the Target that was connected to the mall. Weird right? The conversation went as followed for the lovers.
Lin stared at the many sizes in astonishment. "Why are there so many sizes?" Asked Lin. Stevie rolled her eyes and pulled a small package off the shelf.
"Because my kid is bigger than yours. She's a size 3," Stevie said. Lin held the package as if it would run away and turned dramatically towards the games.
"Let's grab a video game!" Lin said excitedly. Stevie rolled her eyes and grabbed Lin by the back of his shirt.
"Daddy. Do I need to remind you that your pregnant wife and our kids are at home? Let's go!" Stevie stated. Lin growled and hung his head.
"I never get to have any fun," Lin cried. Stevie snickered, then pulled her phone.
"We just got a whole bag of fun so I don't wanna hear it," Stevie retorted. Lin was about to come back at Stevie, but she held her hand up to stop him as her phone buzzed. "Hold on Old Man Miranda. Mama is calling," Stevie said. "Hello!" She said, putting her phone on speaker.
"Hey. Where are you guys?" Pippa asked. She sounded a bit groggy as if she had just woken up.
"We went to the store. We'll be back soon," Stevie answered. She and Lin heard Pippa yawn and Lesley squeal.
"Okay. Well, I'm gonna take a shower, and hopefully, you guys will be back by then. The kids are still asleep," Pippa summed up. The dad and daughter walked to check out and quickly headed back home.
Stevie stood in the kitchen with her son and sister making dinner. She had Lesley on the floor playing with pots and Mason on the table with his 1 Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish book. He didn't read the book he just liked to carry it around. "White?" Mason questioned. He was pointing to the sauce Stevie was making for the Fettuccine Alfredo.
"Yes, sir," she replied. She turned the sauce on low and started to bop her head to the guitar in her head.
And so they keep on twiddling them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddling them thumbs
And so they keep on twiddling them thumbs
They gonna keep on twiddling them thumbs
Stevie sang. The lyrics kept playing it in her head, but she couldn't quite think of the rest just yet. She wasn't a huge singer, but if she liked a song she would sing the chorus to Mason or herself around the house. But, she liked to keep her songs and singing to herself for the most part. It wasn't like she was afraid to sing in front of people, but she wasn't in a huge rush either. "Mason, you like mommy song?" Stevie asked as she stirred the sauce. Mason nodded and ate the noodle Stevie gave him. "What about you Les? You like Sissy's song?" She asked. Lesley didn't respond but just smiled instead. Stevie wondered where her parents were, but then again she didn't exactly want to know.
In the master bedroom, Lin laid on the bed and waited for his wife to come out of the bathroom. Phillipa was trying on the white lingerie first, and she actually felt really sexy in it. She came out of the bathroom and Lin was speechless. "Oh damn," he managed to whisper. She smiled and placed her hands on her hips.
"You like?" She inquired. "I'm not feeling sexy. I'm feeling huge," Phillipa sulked. She placed her hands around her exposed mid and looked at the ground. Lin sprung off of the bed and pulled Phillipa to the full-length mirror.
"I love you," Lin responded. He stood behind Phillipa and placed his hands on the sides of her stomach. Phillipa let her head fall to Lin's left shoulder, as she took a deep sigh. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And because you're pregnant with my child, you are even sexier," Lin romanced. Phillipa nibbled on her lip and looked at Lin.
"I love you so much," she whispered. Phillipa gazed into her husband's eyes passionately. Lin ran his hand her sides and to her thighs. "Lin can we not," Phillipa pleaded. "I'm just not feeling sexy. I uh," Phillipa shook her head and walked back into the bathroom and shut the door in Lin's face.
"Baby!" Lin whined. He could hear Phillipa's cries through the door, but because she locked the door all he could do was listen.
On the other side of the door, Pippa sat on the edge of the tub in a ball of tears. She felt disgusting, and unlike her previous pregnancy where was constantly in pain, she was not aware of the "weight" she had put on with Enzo. Of course, it was all in her head and the only thing that grew was her stomach and boobs. All that aside she still felt huge. Enzo was definitely bigger than Lesley, so Pippa definitely carried bigger with him than Lesley. And because she didn't constantly strive to not be in pain this time around, momma-to-be had time to look at herself in the mirror more. Just a few minutes prior, Pippa noticed her face was breaking out more. Her stomach had the Linear Negra aka the faint line going down her stomach. And the worst part was that her boobs were getting stretch marks. I am literally the most disgusting pregnant woman ever. Pippa thought. Her cries turned to sobs as her thoughts got the best of her.
What if he only bought you this stuff cause he hated the way you looked before?
What if he only brought you here so he could discreetly check out other girls?
What if he has another girlfriend back home that you don't know about?
She's probably gorgeous!
And probably not pregnant.
He probably loves her and only stayed with you because of the kids.
You're so dumb if you think he actually wants to be with you.
He doesn't even want to have sex with you.
Clearly, or else he would've while you were in the room.
"Stop., Phillipa silently begged. She placed her head in her hands and let tears slide down her arms. "Please just stop," she prayed. Swiftly, Phillipa got up and walked to the sink and vanity. She grabbed her sweatshirt and shorts, got redressed, and wiped off her tears. "If I pretend it doesn't hurt eventually it won't. Right?" She asked herself. Her head screamed yes, but her heart murmured no. She chose to listen to the louder of the two and push the intrusive thoughts out of her head.
During lunch, Phillipa barely touched her plate. She was too busy being busy. She helped Lesley eat, took a bite every now and then, and tried to stay distracted by something. She wasn't very hungry but, she needed to eat something for Enzo's sake. Don't screw over Enzo because you are mind fucked. Phillipa reasoned. The young mom forced herself to eat what was in her bowl, but she drank a lot of water to keep her sodium level down.
"Momma are you okay?" Stevie expressed. Phillipa brushed her hand lightly over her stomach and nodded.
"Yeah. I'm good. I just feel sick," Phillipa replied. The actress got up from the table and rushed to her and Lin's bathroom. Within seconds of closing the door and opening the toilet lid, Phillipa spilled breakfast and lunch. While she barfed Lin sat confused.
"What the hell is going on?" Lin freaked. He threw his fork down and grabbed his phone. He was gonna get a doctor on sight.
To my Bomb.com Fans ands Readers! Hello hello hello!?!? PIPPA IS SICK AGAIN?!? STEVIE HAS A GIRL?!? PIPPA HATES HER BODY?!?! And my main man MASON IS TURING ONE HOLY HELLO!!! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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