(March 20th)
(Pippa is 7 months pregnant. Lesley is 10 months)
It's four days out from Mason's birthday, and Lin wanted to get Stevie's mind off of Amir. He was still in the hospital on suicide watch for trying to inject himself with penicillin even though he is allergic. Stevie visited him every day in the hospital after Valentines Day and Bradley got so fed up that he broke up with Stevie. But, she didn't care. It was Bradley's fault that Amir was in the hospital. He threatened him over text, told him to kill himself, and said bad things to Amir at school. So, in light of all that, Lin decided to take his family to the Keys. He got a private beach house on a private beach with like 20 other people, and they were going for the week.
Phillipa stood by the bed in her room, wearing a black tank top and cotton short shorts, as she folded clothes for her and Lin. Lesley was lying on the bed with her sippy cup, fighting her sleep. She wanted to hear her mom talk to Renée on FaceTime. "Are you ready to go to the beach? I know Les has never been before," Renée asked. Phillipa flipped her hair and pushed the front pieces behind her ears as she leaned over to fold Lin's t-shirt.
"Yeah, I am. And Stevie and Mason have never been either so I'm excited for them to go too. I have a feeling Mason and Lesley will eat sand. But Mason will like it," Pippa predicted. She placed the nicely folded t-shirt in the suitcase, but Lesley crawled over to the bag and pulled it out. "One-second Née. Lesley, stop," Phillipa groaned. Lesley looked at her and rolled her eyes. She picked Phillipa's bathing suit top and pulled that out as well. "Lesley Charlotte," Phillipa said. She walked around the bed and pulled Lesley to her. Lesley started to cry and squirm. "Stop it. It's time for you to take a nap," Pippa parented. She took Lesley to her room and put her in her crib with her cup. When she sat Lesley in the crib, the upset baby stood up and cried harder. "Lay down," Pippa demanded. She turned on Lesley's fan and left the room. When she came back Renée was sipping wine staring at her. "Okay, I'm back," Phillipa greeted.
"What happened?" Renée asked. Phillipa sighed and refolded the shirt and bathing suit top.
"Lesley decided to unpack what I had already packed. And so I put her down for her nap. She was getting crabby," Phillipa explained. Renée nodded and looked away from the phone but back at it soon thereafter.
"Yeah, Brielle went down like ten minutes ago," Renée said. Phillipa was about to say something when Stevie came in.
"Hey, momma. Hey Neé," Stevie greeted. She laid in the bed behind the suitcase and iPad so Renée couldn't see her. "I just got back. Amir is doing good and he said hi," she informed.
"Tell him we said hi and that me we miss him," Phillipa said. Stevie nodded and sighed. "Are you all packed?" She asked. Stevie nodded once again.
"Yeah I had to go get a bikini, and Mason swimming trunks, and little swimmers," Stevie answered. Phillipa laughed and closed the suitcase. "Are we still going to get our nails done?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded, and went to the closet and changed into black and white tribal palazzo pants and black moccasins.
"I'm gonna grab a jacket, check on your sister, and let Lin know we are leaving," Phillipa said. She and Renée hung up and Stevie hopped off the bed. Phillipa walked to the nursery and peaked in the darkroom to see Lesley asleep an holding her Peppa Pig blanket. The young mom walked in and pulled the thicker cover over her child. She walked out and shut the door behind her.
"She's asleep?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded and walked down the stairs to the office to see Mason on Lin's lap. They were playing games on the computer and listening to Beyoncé.
"Hey, babe," Phillipa greeted. She walked over to Lin and ran her hand through Mason's curly brown hair. Lin wrapped his arm around Phillipa's waist. "Ana and I are heading out. We will be back in an hour. Your daughter is upstairs asleep. When we get back, be ready to leave. So pack up the Escalade while are gone," Phillipa commanded. Lin nodded and kissed her stomach. Pippa pushed her husbands head away. "Don't wake him up," Pippa said. Lin and Stevie laughed.
"Okay, okay. I will see you guys when you get back. Have fun," he pulled out his wallet and gave Pippa a hundred. "This enough?" He asked. Phillipa took it and nodded.
"Totally. Bye Mason," Phillipa said. Mason didn't even pay attention. He was too into the graphics of the game. The girls left the house and headed to the nail salon.
An hour an a half later Phillipa, Lin, Stevie, Mason, and Lesley piled into the car and headed to I-95. "So, can you explain to me why we aren't flying again?" Stevie asked. Phillipa pointed to her stomach.
"Hi, hello, I'm seven months pregnant. Can't really fly because this pregnancy was deemed high risk when I got my infection," Phillipa answered.
"Oh yeah. That happened," Stevie said. Lin and Phillipa laughed as Stevie sat back in her seat.
"Ma!" Mason yelled. Stevie looked back at her son to see that he held his sippy cup out for her.
"What do you say?" Stevie asked before she took the cup.
"Uh, pease," he answered. Stevie smiled and took the cup from her son. She filled it with half juice half water.
"Here you go," she said, while she gave the cup back. She knew he would fall asleep soon enough, and didn't plan on giving him more juice after that. Stevie put her headphones in and started to go to sleep. Lesley, on the other hand, was still asleep from her nap, and probably would wake up soon. The family had 16 hours together before they got to Florida, and in a perfect world the kids would sleep the entire time. But it wasn't a perfect world, and Pippa just hoped that Lesley would sleep for another hour.
"How are you feeling?" Lin asked. Phillipa took a deep breath and ran her fingers up and down her stomach.
"Your son is definitely awake. And he has kidded my rib three times," Phillipa answered. She put her hair in a messy bun and bit her lip. "Ow," she almost shouted.
"What happened?" Lin asked. He was ready to pull over if he needed to. Phillipa poked at the bottom of her stomach.
"Enzo just stomped the shit out of my pelvis," she said. Lin shook his head and placed his hand on her stomach. He quickly glanced back to see that all the kids were asleep.
"Hey, you wanna try something?" He asked. Phillipa looked at him weirdly. Lin ran his hand down to her thigh, and Pippa caught on.
"Oh. Well," she looked back to see the same thing. "I'm down," she smirked. Lin slid his hand to the brim of her yoga pants. Phillipa bit her lip and watched him move his hand under her pants and thong. Slowly she covered her mouth with her hand to stop herself from making a sound as he slipped his fingers in her. Some how he managed to drive and pleasure his woman at once. (A/N #GetYouAGuyThatCanDoBoth)
17 hours later, at 6 AM, Lin came into the beach house with his family ready to sleep. He dropped the bags in the living room and headed to his and Phillipa's room. When he got there he plopped onto the bed, snuggled under the covers, and was out. Phillipa laid Lesley next to her father and got in next to them. She quickly fell asleep too.
In Stevie's room, she decided to scroll through Twitter. There were tweets about funny stufff. And Tumblr post, but the ones that stood out were the get well soon tweets to Amir. By this point, everyone knew what went down and everyone just tried to uplift Amir. Then there were pictures of she and Amir and fan art and it just made her feel better. After scrolling for ten minutes, Stevie looked over to see Mason asleep. So, she put her hair into a ponytail, took off her clothes, put on a t-shirt and took Mason out of his clothes so that he was in his diaper and socks. "Night boo boo," Stevie whispered to her baby, before hitting snooze on her life and going to sleep.
A/N hello hello hello! It's not over yet. Mason's birthday ha just begun! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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