(4 Months Later aka February 12)
(Phillipa is 6 months pregnant. Lesley is 9 months and Mason is 11 months.)
Phillipa laid on the examination table as Renée stood by her side. She was about to find out the sex of her baby, and Lin couldn't come. They had been on speaking terms since Lin decided to have Lesley on the weekends. He still lived at Chris' house, but that would change soon. He and Pippa were getting to a good spot in their relationship, and it was two days out from Valentine's Day. He wanted to win his way back into she and Stevie's hearts. But, back to the current day.
"How did your talk with Lin go?" Renée asked. She and Pippa made a plan for the two to sit down and talk about the relationship and where they wanted it to go.
"It didn't," she said. Phillipa ran her hand through her hair and groaned. "We were talking one minute, and the next..." she trailed off. Renée gasped.
"You didn't!" She said. Phillipa nodded. "How what's it? Did it feel right? Did it feel like it used to?" Renée asked. Phillipa smiled and nodded.
"It was perfect and better than before. It was more passion and fire than ever," Phillipa answered. Renée squealed and did a happy dance. "I think that this separation was a good idea," Phillipa said. Renée nodded. Before anyone could get another word in Dr. Grey came into Phillipa's room with the sonogram machine.
"How are you feeling?" She asked. Phillipa shrugged and pulled her shirt up and tucked it right under her bra. She was up to a C cup bra which actually shocked her. But, she liked it.
"My boobs are bigger, and they actual hurt," Phillipa informed. The doctor nodded and wrote that down.
"Alright. Let's see if you will have another girl or get a chance with a boy," The doctor moved the probe around until she found what she was looking for. "You see that?" She pointing the baby's genitalia. "Congratulations. You get a crack at being the mother to a baby boy," she said. Phillipa smiled and wiped off her stomach. Renée jumped up and down in excitement.
"Hi, Enzo," she smiled. Phillipa put her shirt back down and grabbed her stuff.
"I will see you in two weeks," Dr. Grey said. Phillipa nodded and walked out of office with Renée on her heels.
"Aren't you excited?" Renée asked. Phillipa smiled, but she didn't react the way she thought she would.
"Yeah, but until the DNA test comes back for Sebastian, I don't know if this will be his first son or second," Phillipa said. One of the agreements she and Lin came to was that Lin had to get a DNA test done for Sebastian. Lin agreed because he didn't want to take care of a kid that wasn't his. And he was going to adhere to whatever Pippa wanted to get back into her good graces.
"Awe. Well, I hope you get the outcome you want," Renée smiled, as she started her SUV. Phillipa nodded and put her fingers over her lip.
"The gender is our little secret for a while," Phillipa said. Renée nodded and pulled out the parking lot. "I have a plan and I don't want him to find out before I tell him," Phillipa said. Renée smiled widely and agreed.
"So what are you gonna do?" She asked. Phillipa smirked and started to tell Renée all about her Valentine's Day surprise.
Lin sat down on his bed at Chris' house. He was on the phone with the doctor. "Mr. Miranda, I have the results of Sebastian's DNA test," he said. Lin allowed him to give him the results over the phone. At the end of the call he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"I got tell Pips," he said. "This is gonna put a twist on my Valentines Day present," he shrugged. Right as Lin went to grab his shoes, Chris came down.
"Hey man. You ready for Valentines Day?" He asked. Lin nodded. "So you got the results?" He asked. Lin nodded. Chris gave a thumbs up, then a thumbs down. Lin shrugged.
"Bruh, I can't tell you before telling Pips. She might actually murder me," Lin said. Chris nodded and patted Lin on the back.
"Where you headed?" Chris asked. Lin slipped his phone in his pocket and grabbed his key.
"Target. I have to get an 'I'm sorry' card," he said. Lin jogged up the stairs and headed to his car.
(Valentines Day)
Pippa woke up at 9:30, excited for the day. She ran to her closet and put on a blue and black flannel, a dark blue Camisole, light-washed blue jeans, and her cowgirl boots that had blue in them. She was going with a theme if you couldn't tell. Quickly, she brushed her teeth, did her hair, and said fuck you to make up. She then ran to Lesley's room and picked the baby up from her crib. "Hi, Little Miss," Phillipa greeted. Lesley held her arms up for Phillipa to pick her up. "Give mommy your sippy cup," Pippa said, as she leaned on the rail of the crib. Lesley looked down and grabbed her Moana cup Lin gave her from his job. She loved it. "You hungry?" Phillipa asked as she took the cup from her child and picked up the baby. When she walked out of the nursery she saw Stevie walk out in white ripped jeans, and a black long sleeved shirt. She was holding Mason's hand as they walked out of the room.
"Good morning, Mason!" Pippa smiled. Mason lit up at the sight of his Nona.
"Nona!" He squealed. He then looked up at Stevie and pointed to Pippa.
"I know," she smiled. "Is that Lesley?" She said. Mason looked back to his niece and smiled wider.
"Ley!" He screamed. Lesley looked at him weird and placed her head on Phillipa's shoulder. Phillipa play gasped and looked at her daughter.
"Rude," she chuckled. "Say hi to Mason!" She said. Lesley just rolled her eyes. "She is so rude," Phillipa laughed. Stevie picked up Mason and took him down the stairs with Pippa behind her. When she got down, she put Mason back on the floor and let him walk while holding her hand. She was trying to get him to walk as much as possible. "Alright, I'm making breakfast and Lin should be here any moment," Phillipa announced. Stevie rolled her eyes.
"Good. I have some choice words for him, and this time I'm going to make them effective. If you get back together. He is gonna have to do a lot better than the shit he pulled before," Stevie said. Phillipa nodded and put Lesley in her high chair. She started to make pancakes as Stevie pulled out cream cheese icing. She grabbed a spoon sat on the counter and started to eat it. Phillipa scoffed.
"Don't you see I'm making breakfast? Come on, Ana that's not healthy," Phillipa parented. Stevie shrugged and continued to eat the sugar filled frosting.
"I'm still gonna eat breakfast! But right now, my craving calls for frosting," Stevie said. Phillipa squinted her eyes at the sound of the word craving. People normally use that word when pregnant. She was confused.
"Cravings? Ana... is there something you need to tell me?" Phillipa asked. Stevie shook her head and ate another spoonful.
"Period craving. All sugar. All the time," she said. Phillipa gathered her ingredients and started to mix stuff.
"Doesn't sugar make your cramps hurt more?" She asked as she mixed the wet and dry ingredients and some food blue coloring. Stevie nodded and watched what her mom was doing.
"Hell yeah. This may actually kill me, but I have Midol on deck for that. Speaking of pills, can you grab mine from the cabinet?" She asked. Phillipa nodded and turned to the medicine cabinet over the fridge. When she pulled out Stevie's birth control a bottle dropped onto the counter. Pippa went to grab for the bottle and read the label. Lithium. It was her anti-depressants form a long time ago. "Mom? You good?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded and turned around with the pill bottle in her hand.
"I haven't seen these in so long," Phillipa said. Stevie took the medicines from her mom. A shocked expression came over her.
"What do you want to do with them? I mean clearly you don't need them but when the baby comes..." Stevie trailed off. Phillipa shook her head and threw the bottle in the trash. "Woah! Are you sure you wanna do that?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded and went back to cooking.
"I am a different person than I was back then, and I'm excited for this child," she said. Stevie shrugged and took the pill dry. Phillipa grimaced at the sight. "How do you take that without water?" She asked. Stevie laughed and set the packet down.
"It's all in the mind. You think you can't swallow it but you can. I know you can swallow," Stevie joked. Phillipa's jaw dropped, and her hand shot to her mouth.
"Ana! That's disgusting!" She laughed. Stevie leaned against the raised bar, Ana continued to eat and talk as her mom made pancakes in the shapes of E's toast the shapes of N's, bacon in the shapes of Z's, and donuts in the shape of O's. "Alright go wash up! Put the icing away, and set the table," Phillipa instructed. Stevie did as she was told and hopped off the counter. Phillipa finished washing the dishes she used and put them in the dishwasher to dry. She never used it to actually wash stuff, she just used it as a drying rack. As she grabbed fruit from the fridge, Pippa found herself weaving around Mason who was coasting from the island to the table and back, occasionally getting stuck in between and having to crawl to a surface that he could pull himself up by.
"Hello! Hello! Hello!" Lin greeted. He came in with two gift bags and a giant teddy bear. Phillipa kissed her man and went back to putting the food on the plates. Lin set the gifts on the couch and started towards the island.
"No! No! No! No! No!" Phillipa said. She pointed him towards the table. "Sit down. Stevie and I got this," she said. Stevie looked at Lin then back at the table.
"Hi, Stevie," he said. Stevie gave him a fake smile and tilted her head.
"Don't try to suck up because it's Valentines Day. I still have words for you," she said. Lin nodded and sat down in his old spot. Stevie picked up Mason and scooted into her seat. Mason just stood next to her and started to bang on the table. "Mason, I don't think so. Sit down," Stevie said. Mason did as he was told and waited to get his plate from Pippa.
"Here you go, guys," Pippa said. She spelled out Enzo's name on everyone's plate except for Mason and Lesley. She cut up their food already and didn't even give Lesley a plate. She just put it on her tray and scooted her to the table.
"Enzo?" Lin read. Phillipa nodded. "Does this mean..." Lin trailed off as Pippa nodded. Stevie smiled and took a bite of her pancake.
"Yay! I'm gonna have a little brother," she cheered, "and these are really good!" She said. Phillipa shrugged.
"Thanks. I tried," she played. Everyone laughed and started to eat. "So did you talk to the doctor?" Pippa asked. Lin nodded and got up from the table.
"Oh yeah, I have this card for you," he said. Phillipa bit her lip at the sad expression on Lin's face. She started to feel down that her first son wouldn't be his. She almost forgot about Sebastian during all the excitement. Lin sighed and handed her the card. It read 'I'm sorry' on the front. Phillipa started to tear up. "No your not allowed to cry until after you read it," Lin said. He stared at his plate while Pippa opened the card.
'Dear Pip,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people down on their luck. You see, that's not my baby so I guess I'm not stuck.
Love, Lin'
Tears really started to flow, but they were tears of joy. Phillipa passed the card to Stevie and got up. She wrapped her arms around Lin's neck. Lin placed his hands on the sides of her stomach. "I love you, manly," she whispered.
"I love you too, P," The two, kissed and sat back down. Stevie gave a fake disgusted look.
"Get a room," she said. Pippa turned to Stevie and flashed a smile. She flicked Stevie off and went back to kissing her man. Stevie rolled her eyes and continued to eat. She saw Mason drop something on the floor, and when he came back up from picking up the food he hit his head on the table. "Fuck, Mason," Stevie whispered. The 17-year-old picked up her baby boy and got out of the booth. Mason started to cry loudly and Stevie just rubbed the part where he hit. "You're okay. You're okay," Stevie cooed. Mason laid his head on his mother's shoulder and put his index finger and thumb in his mouth. Stevie grabbed his sippy cup from the table and handed it to him. "I'm going to take him to get a toy. I'll be back," Stevie said. Phillipa nodded and went back to her seat with Lin. The two ate and laughed with each other until Stevie came back with Bradley. Lin dropped his smile and stood up.
"What is he doing here?" Lin growled. Stevie pushed Lin back and rolled her eyes.
"Woah, Cujo! Who ya barking at?" Stevie said. Bradley was holding Mason, and vase of roses. "Bradley came by to drop these off for mom and I," Stevie explained. Bradley set the flowers on the counter and took out his keys. "Alright bye!" Stevie smiled. Lin ran around the counter and stopped the couple.
"Where are you going?" He asked. Stevie looked back to her mom for help. Phillipa rolled her eyes.
"Bye guys. Lin come and sit down," she said. Stevie gave her a small smile and dragged Bradley out of the house. Lin scowled at the teens as the left.
"You trust him?" Lin asked. Phillipa nodded.
"He proved to be good. So I have no reason not to. Now let's talk about you and me and getting this separation lifted," Phillipa said. Lin smiled and the two talked about what they were going to do as far as their relationship. "Oh, and stop filming our sexcapades," she added. Lin turned red immediately.
"What do you mean?" He played dumb. Phillipa pointed to the fire pit on the deck.
"Your flash drive is in the fire pit. I burned it. Why would you even do that?" Phillipa asked. Lin shrugged.
"I've never been a man of porn. I like the real thing better," he answered. Phillipa gave him a disgusted look and put her fork down.
"Nope, I'm done. Go clean out the fire pit for tonight. I'm going to clean up your child and start on the dinner for tonight. Jasmine and Ant are gonna be here soon," Phillipa instructed. Lin nodded and picked up his daughter. She had pancake and banana all over her face and it was cute.
A/N hello hello hello! I'm pissed. I normally would keep my opinion to myself but... this is not a normal situation. So apparently Steven is a dick irl...? What? A girl was talking about how he was rude to she and her friend. And another girl a fan account got blocked by Pips on IG for reasons unknown. They think that it's because of them tagging her in all the pictures but... who knows. I'm just like.. wow! Idk Steven has clearly never been my favorite, but idk. I still love Pippa and she is still a fucking goddess. I'm just shook rn. Like I get that you block people who are rude. That's one thing but to block a fan when she could have DM'd her and been like can you just not tag me or whatever it was that was bothering her would've been better... but idk. That just kind of annoyed me. But I will be fine. Any thoughts?? ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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