(Sept. 14)
Phillipa sat on the floor at 6:30 AM in the living room with Lesley as the baby did tummy time. Lin was at the Disney studios all morning. They recruited him to work on a new movie that Phillipa had no idea the name of yet. It had been a solid month since Phillipa got out of the hospital, Stevie was still grounded, and the babies got a month older. Lesley was 4 months old and Mason was 6 months. The babies were developmentally fine, but the family noticed that Lesley was sick more. At first Pippa didn't think much of it, because she would just spit up. But soon it turned into full on vomit. Phillipa had washed the car seat cover three times in the past week. She was worried but she just tried to keep an eye on Lesley. "If somebody tries to lay you low... let it go," Phillipa sang. The baby girl tried to push herself over to her back but failed. She started to whine and Pippa thought it best just to end tummy time a bit early. "Let's go get you ready for practice," she said. The OG Hamilton cast was going to do a last show together, so they could have a last time as a group. They didn't tell the fans or anything. They were just gonna show up at the Ham4Ham to watch Rory do his thing, then perform. Phillipa was actually excited to do Hamilton after a while. She hadn't thought about Hamilton in so long that she wasn't sure how the practice would go. Of course, Stevie had to go with her, but she wasn't going to watch Lesley. Lately she had been clinging to Phillipa for dear life. She would not go to Stevie and only went to Lin when Phillipa was around. If she was left with anyone else, Lesley would cry until Phillipa came and got her. "Ana! Let's go!" Phillipa yelled. The teenager came down the stairs with her son and diaper bag.
"I almost had a boyfriend," Stevie said for the thousandth time. She consistently reminded her parents about how they stole a boyfriend from her. Phillipa rolled her eyes. "Why'd you have to go and do that Lip? Why?" She whined. Phillipa picked up Lesley's diaper bag and handed it to her teenager.
"To the car," Pippa said. Stevie groaned and started towards the garage door. Phillipa grabbed her keys, her purse, and hoisted Lesley higher in her hip. "This should be fun," she whispered. Lesley started to babble a little, and smile at her mom while being carried to her car seat.
Phillipa walked onto the stage during practice with Renée and Jasmine on the queue for The Schuyler Sisters. She was still holding Lesley, and Lesley was wide awake. The girls walked through the song as Alex marked the queues. "Everyone, hold your positions," Tommy said. Leslie stood next to Renée awkwardly.
"Hey," he said. She rolled her eyes and turned to Phillipa and Jasmine who were behind her.
"Why are you holding Lesley?" Jasmine asked. She poked at Lesley's stomach which made the child laugh.
"She is attached to my hip. She refuses to be held by anyone else. Watch," Phillipa handed Lesley to Jasmine and Lesley screamed. Jasmine handed Lesley back quickly and the screaming ceased. "She is a drama queen," Phillipa said. She wiped the tears from her child's face and kissed her cheek. "You are okay," Phillipa said. Lesley laid her head on Phillipa's shoulder.
"How are you gonna perform?" Renée asked. Phillipa shrugged.
"She is just gonna have to cry. I'm not sitting this out," Phillipa said. Renée and Jasmine laughed and continued to talk about random things until Jasmine gasped.
"Guys I almost forgot! I'm pregnant!" She said. Renée and Phillipa gave her a weird look.
"How do you almost forget that?" Renée asked. Jasmine shrugged.
"Well, I'm not used to it. I'm only 8 weeks, and I'm small. It's still new," she answered. Phillipa laughed and switched Lesley to the other side of her torso.
"I totally get that. There would be times that I would go to pick something up, and completely forgot that I was pregnant. And Lin would freak out," Phillipa said. Renée and Jasmine laughed. She was about to say another thing when she saw Anthony show Stevie something on his phone and she get excited. Out of nowhere came Lin and Oak onto the stage.
"Alright, guys let's go through A Winters Ball all the way to Satisfied," Lin said. Phillipa moved to her place on the stage and waited for the music to start. They got to her song and everything went pretty smoothly until she saw Stevie get up from the audience with Mason and "sneak out" of the performance. Phillipa finished her part, and when it got too satisfied she decided to duck out.
"I'm gonna go find Stevie," she whispered. Lin nodded and dropped his hand from the small of her back.
Phillipa walked out to the vestibule to see Stevie standing with a boy. "I saw your tweet. Sorry. Cops got my phone so..." Stevie said. Phillipa rose an eyebrow and stood next to her daughter.
"Who is she?" The guy asked. Stevie bit her lip and turned back.
"I'm the cop. Ana, tell your little friend bye and get your ass back into that theater," Phillipa commanded. Stevie rolled her eyes and huffed.
"Bye babe," The guy said. Phillipa gasped.
"Babe? Hold up! Is this the kid you got caught with?" Pippa freaked. She turned to the boy. "Are you Bradley?" She asked. The teenage boy nodded.
"Guilty as charged," Bradley answered. Phillipa pulled Stevie behind her and pushed her towards the doors.
"Oh hell no! You have a lot of nerve coming here. If my husband, her dad, sees you he might actually kill you!" Phillipa said. "For your safety, I would leave," Phillipa said. Bradley nodded and stood up from his leaning position.
"Yes, ma'am," Bradley responded. He turned and walked out of the theater lobby. Phillipa turned to Stevie and scowled.
"I'm fucking over this," Phillipa said. Stevie looked down her feet and hoisted Mason higher on her hip. Phillipa walked past her daughter as she shook her head.
"Lip," Stevie sighed. Phillipa stopped and the two turned around towards each other. "I'm sorry," she said. Phillipa sighed.
"You always are," Phillipa said. She turned and went back to the theater. She didn't want to feel the way she did but she couldn't help it. She loved Stevie to death, but she was feeling done. She was tired, her back was killing her, and she felt like her period was gonna start but she wasn't sure. She honestly wanted to just go home and sleep, but she couldn't. Phillipa had to stay and do her last Hamilton performance for maybe... ever.
Directly after the end of the first act, Phillipa went to her dressing room to see Stevie, Mason, and Lesley asleep. She decided to shut the door and head to Lin's room. She knocked on the door and came in. "Hey, baby," Lin greeted as his wife came into the room.
"Hey," she replied. Pippa sat on his couch and sighed. "I don't remember the show being this hard," she laughed. Lin nodded and laughed along with her.
"I know what you mean," he said. He got up from the desk and came to sit next to Phillipa. She frowned and played with her hands. "What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" He asked. Phillipa took a deep breath and shook her head.
"I don't know. It's just Stevie. She's been acting out and I don't get it. I mean yeah she missed out on her teen years, but it happened and now she can't run around like she doesn't have Mason," Phillipa answered. Lin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him.
"I know you're frustrated, but just be patient with her. She will come around but until then we just have to be there for her," Lin said. Phillipa nodded and laid her head on Lin's shoulder. "She is a blessing. Mason is a blessing. We love them, they love us and nothing will change that," Lin finished. Phillipa nodded and closed her eyes.
"Wake me in 8 minutes?" She asked. Lin nodded and let her sleep on his shoulder. He knew she needed a cat nap. He decided to wake her during What'd I Miss so that she could sleep but have enough time to get ready for Take A Break.
It was 11:30 PM at the Miranda-Soo residence. Phillipa plopped onto the bed after a long day of Hamilton and sighed. She let Lin give Lesley a bath while she took her own. "God. Please let this period come. I can not handle another baby right now," Phillipa prayed. She walked to the bathroom to start her shower and checked. Nothing. "Hopefully tomorrow," she said. Lin overheard his wife and sighed.
"Lord, give her the strength to continue," Lin whispered. He patted Lesley's butt to get her to stay asleep and walked over to the bed. Because it was so hot, Lesley only slept in a diaper, so Lin just laid his daughter in the middle of the bed and pulled covers over her. Since she was already asleep, he put two pillows around her and left out of the room. He headed to Stevie's to see her sleeping with Mason beside her. He did his patrol around the house to make sure that the doors were locked, the lights were off, and the windows were shut. When he finished his nightly routine, Lin-Manuel grabbed a water bottle and headed back upstairs. When he got to his room he saw Phillipa asleep next to Lesley. The baby had moved to fit right underneath her mother's chin and curled her body into her mother's chest. "My girls," Lin whispered. He took off his shirt and was left in his basketball shorts.
During the night, Phillipa got up 4 times to pee. Which was weird. Every time she got up, she checked for blood and every time nothing. She would get to bed good and her back would hurt or she would have to pee. My period has to be soon right? She thought to herself. Maybe
A/N hello hello hello! I missed you guys!! What do you think? Pregnant? Not? Is Stevie getting kicked out? Is Lin gonna accept Bradley? ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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