(Aug. 26)
(16 Weeks Pregnant)
At 3 AM Phillipa woke to the worst abdominal cramps she had ever felt. They were worst than her pain from her accident and pregnancy with Lesley combined. Pippa got up to the best of her ability and headed to the bathroom. She was horrified when she saw her shorts. They were doused in blood, and she was confused mixed with scared. "Lin!" she yelled. Lin hopped out of the bed and slid to Phillipa's side. "I'm bleeding," she said. Lin saw the blood running down Pippa's leg and freaked. He ran to Stevie room the best he could and banged on her door. When she didn't answer he barged in. She was asleep with Mason in her bed. Lin could faintly see tear stains on her face with the help of the hallway light.
"Stevie!" He yelled. The teenager popped her head up in surprise. She turned to him slowly with a death glare.
"What?" She growled. Lin explained Pippa's situation and Stevie softened up. "What do you need me to do?" She asked while she got out of bed. She tried to move slowly so she didn't wake up Mason.
"Just watch Lesley. I'm gonna take mom to the hospital," he answered before he ran back to his room. Stevie followed and saw that Pippa wasn't in the same clothes she went to bed in.
"Come on Lin. It's getting worse," Phillipa whined. Lin grabbed his shoes and keys as Stevie picked up her sister from the middle of the bed, and put her on her shoulder. Lesley continued to suck her pacifier as she slept. When she realized that she wasn't lying in bed she started to stir and woke up. She held her head up as she caught a glimpse of her parents departure. The 3-month-old started to cry at the sight of her parents rushing out of the room. Stevie bounced her sister and tried to calm her down. Phillipa's heart started to ache, along with the rest of her body, at the sound of her baby's cry. She wanted to so bad to turn back and get her baby but she knew the pain would only get worse if she waited, and she had to think about her other child.
Phillipa laid on her side in the hospital bed at 3:25 AM. The nurses gave her an IV drip for the pain, and all she could do was cradle her stomach. The doctor was going to come in soon to tell her what was going on. She was scared but hopeful. Lin opened the door when a knock was sounded. "Hello, doctor," He greeted. Dr. Johnson came in and sat in front of Phillipa's bed.
"So we ran some test," he started. The doctor ran his hand over his scruffy beard and hung his head. "When you arrived, you were 16 weeks pregnant with twins," Phillipa freaked. "But, complications with the placenta emerged and both babies died quickly. We are scheduled for surgery tonight," He said. Phillipa shook her head in disgust.
"16 weeks? That's..." She started to cry. The doctor watched Lin move from the bed and to his wife. She flinched and moved from Lin's hug. "Don't touch me," she said. Lin looked at her confused.
"What? Why?" He asked. Phillipa pushed her hair behind her ears and sighed.
"If I was 16 weeks, then these babies are not yours. We weren't even on good terms, so we weren't having sex," Phillipa cried. Lin shook his head and backed up.
"You," he whispered. Phillipa shook her head and pulled her husband back to her. Lin snatched his hand away and sat on the couch.
"It's not like that. I," Phillipa stopped. The thoughts were flooding back to her and she started to hyperventilate. Lin shook his head and rolled his eyes. The doctor got up and went to go get a team of nurses. When he saw that, Lin hopped onto to the bed and held onto his wife. He started to sing For Good to calm her down. "I didn't cheat on you. I never would. I was raped," Phillipa whispered. Lin kissed her forehead.
"Who did this?" He yelled. Phillipa felt Lin's grip get warm. That meant he was about to get angry. She took a shaky breath, while she decided whether or not to tell her husband. She though against it. She didn't want anything to do with that man, she just wanted to forget about it. And even though she knew reporting him would be better in the long run, she wasn't strong enough and wasn't ready to face the backlash that it would bring.
"I don't know. It was dark and it happened so fast," Phillipa lied. She wished that's how it happened. She wished she had no idea who it was, that she could get their face out of her mind, that his scent wasn't still in her hair, that his voice would leave her brain. But sadly, she had to push on each day and pretend as if nothing happened for her children and her husband. Even the thought of having his babies made her want to puke. Phillipa pushed off of Lin and turned to the doctor. "I want them out now," she demanded. The doctor gave her a questioning look.
"Are you sure? You've been through a lot," he asked. Phillipa nodded. The doctor sighed and sat down. "Alright. Just sign these and we will get you prepped," he said. Phillipa quickly signed the papers and gave Dr. Johnson the clipboard. "I will get an OR ready," he told them. Phillipa nodded and hugged Lin.
"Oh Lin," Phillipa sighed. She took her husbands hands and laid her head in the crook of his neck. "I was so excited to have another baby," she said. Lin nodded and smirked.
"Well, how about, after you recover..." he started. Phillipa quickly saw where the conversation was headed. "We can try to give Lesley and Stevie a baby brother or sister," Lin said. Phillipa nodded and kissed Lin's jawline.
"I would love too," She lied. SHe didn't want to have another baby so and she wasn't sure if she wanted to at all again. SHe only said that because she knew Lin would want that especially after finding out about the rape. Lin pulled his wife's chin up and kissed her lips. "You are my rock," Phillipa whispered.
"As you are mine," he replied. Pippa laid her head back on him and took a deep breath. "We'll get through this," he said. Pippa's breaths started to even out, and Lin laid her down.
Stevie laid in her bed crying. She had opened her phone and saw a picture of she and Amir in school. She was sitting on his lap in a desk doing some work. She remembered that day completely.
Stevie was writing out a grocery list for she and Mason while Amir watched. "What do you want to do first? Gym or shopping?" She asked. He shrugged and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I don't care. All I know is that I have to stop by moms before we go anywhere," he said. Stevie nodded and continued to write her list. "Hey. I love you," Amir said for the first time. Stevie giggled and kissed his cheek.
"I love you too," she replied. That was a big step for Stevie. She didn't tell people that often. And at that point, she could've counted on one hand how many times she had said it to Pippa.
Stevie cried harder. She threw her phone across the room and heard her screen shatter. "I FUCKING LOVED YOU!" She screamed. Her heart was shattered and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
A/N hello hello hello!! sorry it's shorter than the last, but I wanna make a full one about Stevie so... yeah! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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