(Wedding Day Aug.20)
Pippa stood by the bed in her room at the Otesaga Resort Hotel. It was her wedding day and she was excited. She was brought back to reality when Lesley kicked her hand. She was in the middle changing her child into the dress they picked for her when she stopped to think. "Sorry baby," Pippa smiled. She sat Lesley up pulled and the dress over her little head. Lesley reached for Pippa to pick her up. "One second," Phillipa said. She laid Lesley back down and slipped on the diaper cover. "Okay Les," Phillipa smiled. She picked her her baby and took her over to Stevie.
"Awe. You are so beautiful," Stevie complemented. She took her sister from her mom and placed the baby on her lap. Quickly, Stevie put the bow on Lesley's squirmy head and passed the baby to Renée. Then Renée took Lesley to the playpen and sat her in the middle of her toys.
"Alright, moms' turn," Renée smiled. Phillipa sat on the chair at the vanity and took her hair out of the messy bun it was in. "Damn. Your hair has gotten long!" Renée said. Phillipa looked in the mirror a bit in shock.
"You think? I know it got thick while I was pregnant. Maybe this time around it will get longer," Phillipa said, not realizing Stevie was in the room. The teenager whipped her head around.
"What?!" She freaked. Phillipa rose her bombtastic eyebrows and looked at Stevie.
"Oh yeah. Ana, I'm pregnant again," Phillipa said. Stevie looked at her in complete and utter shock that turned to joy quickly.
"Oh my gosh, that's so exciting!" Stevie smiled. She hugged her mom and went back to her chair at the accessories.
"I'm glad you think so. I'm actually kind of nervous. It feels like the first time all over again," Phillipa said. The girls laughed and continued to get ready.
Lin sat in his chair as Oak braided his hair into two braids. "You ready for this?" Chris asked. Lin nodded and took a sip of his water.
"I'm just nervous, and excited. I can't wait to see her," he smiled. Daveed came in the room holding Mason with one arm and his DJ suitcase in the other. Amir was following him with Lin's converse.
"Alright man. I have your shoes. They are clean and warm," Amir said. He tossed the shoes at Lin and sat on the bed. "And I will take him," Amir said to Daveed. The man nodded and put Mason on the bed next to Amir.
"Alright! I got the setlist. It's off the chain. The caterers are downstairs and good to go. The water is nice. Wind is non-existent. And the Hunnies are fine!" Daveed said. The guys laughed and went back to getting ready. Chris went to the closet to grab Lin's surprise for Pippa but Lin shook his head.
"Leave it. I'm gonna wing it," Lin smiled. The guys smirked and shook their heads.
"You are one bad dude," Oak smirked. Lin nodded and looked at himself in the mirror one last time as a "single" guy.
"In the words of Hamilton," Lin smirked. "Let's go," he said. Chris went behind Lin and rolled him out the room. Their castmates followed and headed to the wedding area to get in position.
Lin sat in his chair in front of the minister, Aka Groffsauce, friends and family as the wedding party proceeded in. After Jasmine came in and went to her spot everyone stood for Pippa. "Oh my god," Stevie whispered. Pippa placed her hand over her mouth and started to cry. The sight in front of her was astonishing. It took all she had not run down the aisle and contain her composure. When she got to the alter she was met face to face with the man she was gonna marry while standing. For the first time in so long. Lin mouthed I love you and wiped Pippa's tears away. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to embark on the union of Phillipa Soo and Lin-Manuel Miranda. The two have decided to write their own vows. Lin," The minister said. Lin pulled his vows from out of his pocket and unfolded the paper. He took Phillipa's hand and took a deep breath.
"Phillipa, my angel, you are the light of my life. When I saw you perform as Natasha for the first time I knew you had to be mine," Lin started. "Your smile, your voice, and your soul were all meant for me. The smile on your face when you found out about Eliza melted my heart. And my blood boiled to see you with Steven. Oh Pippa, when you would come to the theater upset over something Steven did, I would hurt for you. But, once Stevie stepped into your life, something switched. I was already in love with the performer in you. And when she came along you became maternal. And I quickly fell in love with that side as well. I knew that I wanted you to be the mother of my children, and the one I spent my life with. Your laugh makes me giddy. Your hugs warm my mushy parts. And the coconut scent of your hair drives me insane. If you will have me, I promise to never get tired of the coconut scent," Lin finished. Pippa smiled and watched him put the vows away. She had hers memorized, and probably would never forget them.
"Lin, you have made a lot of things out nothing," Phillipa started. "You made an actress out of little kid from Julliard. You made a mother out of bachelorette on the move. And you're about to make a wife out of a woman who put herself in a toxic relationship. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but with you, my mistakes turned into blessings," she said. Lin started to tear up a smidge. "A terribly thought out plan gave us a baby. A lyric that hit a bit to close to home, gave us a teenager. And a cold which wasn't actually a cold gave us a new relationship. There is never a dull moment with you. Even the bad moments are intriguing. I love you more than words can describe, and even this today makes me fall in love with you all over again," Phillipa said. Lin looked down at his working legs.
"If anyone has any objections as to why these two shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace," The minister said. Everyone looked around, but no one said a word. "Lit," I did mention that Groff was the minister right? "Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York. I, now, pronounce you man and wife," Groff smiled. "Mr. Cinnamon Roll may now kiss Mrs. Cinnamon Roll," he said. Lin took his wife's cheeks into his hands and kissed her for the first time as her husband. "Cake time!" Jonathan yelled. The wedding party processed out and Phillipa went to her room to change her dress and let her hair down.
"Tonight is gonna be amazing," she said to herself in the mirror.
When Phillipa got to the reception room Stevie came up to her and hugged her. "Mom! You're fucking married now!" Stevie's squealed. Phillipa laughed and hugged her child back.
"That was funny, but watch your mouth," Phillipa said. Stevie nodded and went go of her mother. But her grip got tighter on Phillipa's arm. "Ow, what is wrong?" She said. Stevie let go of her mother and sidestepped towards the entrance.
"What is she doing here?" Stevie said. Phillipa shrugged, but Stevie wagged her finger in her face. "No, this is not a shrug type of moment. That is Stevens niece and Amir's ex," Stevie explained. Phillipa rose an eyebrow and watched Stevie walk to the entrance.
"What are you doing here?" Stevie asked. Jess rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hip.
"I'm here to see an old friend," she replied. Phillipa folded her arms and stuck out her hip.
"Let's rewind," Stevie said. "You fucked another guy. You broke his heart. And you beat on him. He doesn't want you anywhere near him," Stevie said. Jess held up her phone.
"That's so funny cause he invited me here," she said. Stevie rose an eyebrow. "Yeah, after we had sex," Jess smirked. "But if you want me to leave-" she trailed off. Stevie shook her head, rage filled her eyes, and she shoved.
"Rear your head near my family again and I will chop it off," Stevie yelled. Jess flipped her hair and walked out of the venue. Stevie turned and walked towards Pippa.
"You did go-" Stevie cut her off.
"Not in the mood," she said as she walked straight past her mother and to Amir. Phillipa watched as she took her child and dragged her boyfriend to the balcony. Pippa shook her head and walked to her husband. He was standing with Chris at the open bar.
"Hey boys," Phillipa smiled. Lin kissed her cheek, and Chris just grinned. "Could I steal him for one second?" Phillipa asked. Chris nodded and walked off to find Renée and Alexis. "How long have you been able to stand and walk?" she asked. Lin took her hand and smirked.
"I have known for three days," Lin said. "When you were gone I would walk around. I can go up and down the stairs slowly. And I can stand for about 4 hours before it starts to hurt," Lin continued. Phillipa dropped her smile and pretend to be upset.
"You made me and our child sleep on a couch for three days," she said. Lin nodded and looked at his converse.
"I sowwy, but I had to keep up the ruse," he apologized in a kiddy voice. Phillipa broke her act and giggled
"God! You make it so hard to even pretend to be mad at you," she laughed. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her lips. "Alright go hang with your friends. I will be back though for our dance," she smiled. Lin lowkey wanted to go show off his walking skills to anyone who would look, and so he almost jumped for joy when Phillipa released him.
"Thank you," he said, before darting towards Jonathan and Lea. Phillipa grabbed a water bottle and turned to see Renée and Jasmine right behind her.
"Well hello," she said. The girls squealed and hugged her.
"You're married! Welcome to the club!" Jasmine beamed. Phillipa nodded and sipped her water. "What are you guys doing for your honeymoon?" Jasmine asked. Phillipa shook her head.
"Home. We have doctors appointments all week. Stevie has a huge project. Lin has to work. And I am just exhausted," Phillipa answered. She had the month off from Amélie and wasn't sure what she was going to do just, yet, but it didn't incorporate a lot of singing. Renée stuck out her bottom lip and mad a sad face.
"Awe. Well, at least you will be with family. Speaking of which where are your parents?" Renée asked. Phillipa shrugged. She sent them an invite and never got a response. The didn't show up to the dress rehearsal or the wedding and it didn't look as if they were gonna come to the reception. It seemed as if they were still mad about the dinner that happens so long ago. Phillipa wasn't even going to tell her parents about the new baby. She just felt like there was no point. If they didn't want to be in her life then whatever. But Phillipa decided not to say all that so she kept it simple.
"I don't know," Phillipa answered. "It doesn't matter though. It's my wedding night. My friends and family are here and that's all that matters. I'm happy right now." Phillipa reassured. Reneé and Jasmine smiled and took Phillipa to her seat with Lin to start the toast.
A/N hello hello hello! Lin can walk?!?!? There is more Lippa babies that y'all wanna kill!!! Amir is a hoe!! And Phillipa's parents said fuck you!!! I think that's the gist. ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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