(Lesley is 18 Weeks Old. Mason is 20 Weeks Old)
(Aug. 12)
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon at the Miranda-Soo home. Lin sat in his wheelchair reading a book from a fan at the kitchen table. He couldn't leave the main level of the house so he slept on the sectional. And of course, Pippa, being the fiancé that she is, slept next to him every night. She brought the pack n' play down, even though Lesley never wanted to sleep anywhere but Lin's chest. And Lin was eternally grateful. She didn't have to sleep on the couch with him. She didn't have to help him shower. She didn't have to do any of the things he needed. But, she did. She couldn't enjoy Amélie rehearsal at least once a week or the days that she had off, solely because she had to take Lin to get his physical therapy and treatment done. Even Stevie helped out. When she got her keys back, she took Lin to the treatments and therapy sessions Phillipa couldn't make it to. She didn't mind helping Lin out, because of all he did for her all the time. Lin constantly thought about new ways to say thank you to his friends and family. The more he thought that more excited he got. "Babe," Phillipa said. Lin put his book down and turned towards the direction of his fiancé.
"Yes," he replied. Phillipa walked up to him and sat on his lap with her legs crossed over the armrest.
"I am excited that you're making progress," she said. Lin kissed her neck and smiled. "And I am excited to be your wife," Pippa smiled. Lin grazed his hand up her leg.
"You know. Stevie is at work. And Mason is with Amir..." Lin trailed off. Phillipa shook her head.
"I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling it right now," Phillipa sighed. Lin nodded and wheeled them to the living room. Phillipa got up and plopped onto the couch. She watched as Lin cruised from his wheelchair to the couch and sat next to her. Lately, Lin had been trying to strengthen his legs outside of therapy. And it slowly worked. Phillipa grabbed the remote and turned the TV onto Lifetime. It was another murder mystery. The couple watched until little Lesley decided to wake up from her nap. Phillipa got up from the couch and ran to the stairs. While she was gone, Lin pulled out his phone to text his boys.
Lin-stein📝: Guys are you ready for my wedding in a couple of days??
Oak-land💪🏾: Is that even a question?
Ant🐜: Jasmine has three different dresses.
Duh-veed💽: Can I be the DJ??
The General💂🏽♀️: I'm not ready for my little guy to grow up.
Groffsauce🤴🏼: Wedding...?
Lin-stein📝: Lol. That's a lot of dresses. Yes, you can. Thanks, Dad. And Groff you better be playing.
Groffsauce🤴🏼: I totally was 😳
Oak-land💪🏾: 🤥🤥🤥🤥
Ant🐜: Yeah, okay.
Duh-veed💽: LIES!!!
The General💂🏽♀️: Are you excited? Especially with your surprise??
Lin-stein📝: Oh you already know. I gotta go Pip is coming back. Remember not a word to anyone!
Lin placed his phone back into his pocket and saw Pippa come around the corner with an envelope. "What's that?" He asked. Phillipa shrugged and sat it on the bar as she walked by.
"I don't know. It's for Stevie," she said. Lin nodded and watched Phillipa sit Lesley in her lap. The mother pulled out her phone and opened the camera. Lesley lit up at the sight of her face. Phillipa snapped a couple of pictures and put her phone away.
"She is such a diva," Lin said. Phillipa nodded and played with her child's curly brown hair. They had no idea how that happened. Both parents had straight black hair, and their child had soft curly brown hair. "She has your eyes and nose. And Goddess-like eyebrows. And she has my lips," Lin smiled. Pippa nodded and kissed Lesley's head. Lin took a deep breath. He cruised from the couch back to his seat and went to the fridge. Pippa looked back to make sure Lin was alright. She watched him grab a beer, and Mikes Hard from the fridge. Lin wheeled himself back to the couch and put the bottles on the coffee table. He cruised back to the couch.
"Thanks," Pippa said. She took off the lid to the Mikes Hard and sipped it. She hadn't had a drink in so long, and it wasn't really a lot of alcohol so it wasn't going to affect her at all. Phillipa was no lightweight when it came to her drinks. Lin saw her once down 6 shots of vodka, 2 shots of bourbon, and 4 shots tequila before getting even buzzed. And at the same time she had a martini as chasers. She was no joke when it came to alcohol. There was a liquor cabinet in the basement that everyone knew not to touch. As Pippa took another sip she remembered what she talked and Reneé talked about just the day before.
"So it's official?" Reneé asked. Pippa shrugged.
"I don't know. I haven't taken a test yet. But I feel it," Phillipa answered. Renee squealed and hugged Pippa. "Calm down. Don't get your hopes up just yet. I still have to test," Phillipa smiled. Reneé kissed her forehead and hugged Pip once again.
"I know but the thought is still exciting," she said. Phillipa nodded and changed the subject once Jasmine arrived.
She did a spit take to the opposite side of Lesley and Lin on the section.
"Babe are you okay?" Lin asked. Phillipa nodded and started to choke a bit. She set the bottle on the coffee table and sprinted out of the living room.
"Nope, I'm good. I, uh, I will be right back," Pippa answered. She got up and went up to her room, Lesley still in hand. The mom ran to the bathroom and grabbed a pregnancy test from under the sink. She kissed Lesley's head and sat her the play mat on her stomach. "Alright, lady. Let's see if you are gonna be a big sister," Phillipa grabbed two different test and did her busy.
A couple of minutes passed before Pippa's phone timer went off. "Holy fuck," Phillipa whispered. She kissed Lesley's head and took a picture of the test.
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘:
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: And here we go again!!!!
Golden Berry🍇💛: I'm so excited!!!
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: A wedding and a new baby?? Sure lol
Golden Berry🍇💛: I KNEW IT!!
Jas Is Mine👯🖤: I had my suspicions!!!
Pippa put her phone down and grabbed the test. She gave one to Lesley and walked down the stairs. "Lin guess what?" Pippa smiled. Lin looked up and took the stick from Lesley.
"Are you serious?" Lin smiled. He took Lesley from Pippa and watched her walk around the couch to his side. "I'm stoked," he said. Stevie and Mason came into the kitchen and saw the envelope she dreaded.
"Fuck," she whispered. The adults looked back at the teen, worrisome. Stevie opened the envelope as best she could and started to read it. "Great. Fucking great," Stevie said. Phillipa got off the couch and took Mason from Stevie.
"What happened?" She asked. Stevie ripped up the paper and threw it in the trash.
"That was a letter from Mason's dad, Brandon. He's 21. He said that if don't give him Mason every other weekend that he was gonna take me to court. But jokes on him. If he takes me to court he's going to jail for rape," Stevie said. She took Mason back and went back towards the foyer. Phillipa could see that this was affecting Stevie. She couldn't take Mason back fast enough from her. Phillipa just watched her daughter go up the stairs and went back to the kitchen.
"Oh, this should be interesting," Phillipa said. Lin chuckled and laughed. Phillipa laid her head on her man's shoulder and continued to watch a dumbass movie that just happened to be on.
Stevie laid in bed with Mason while he took a nap. She was stroking his curly black hair. "Mommy loves you, Mason. And you aren't going anywhere. Fuck your sperm donor. Me and Daddy are right here with you all the time," Stevie said. She kissed her sons head and fell asleep with him.
That night Phillipa woke up at 2 AM on the couch in a pool of her own sweat. She had another nightmare about the rape. Memories that she forgot from that day were becoming clear. She knew what he smelled like. What he sounded like. The pain he caused physically and mentally. She couldn't believe that he would not only do that to her but in front of her daughter. Phillipa was grateful that her daughter was too young to remember but at the same time. She couldn't shake the feeling that Lesley, the sweet innocent baby asleep on her father, would remember the most traumatic event in her mothers' life. It was one of those feelings that hit just too close to home to shake no matter how irrational.
A/N Hello hello hello. I'm sorry this is late. I'm mid boxed but lol I'm getting out of it. What's up with Masons dad? Pippa's pregnant?? And having night terrors? And Lin is starting to walk??? Holy hello!!! What do you think!! Let me know! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💘
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