A/N I'm sorry Lin in advanced😂! This is not personal but I'm boxed as shit!! So imma just put that out there! No hate! All love💘
(Lesley is 4 Weeks & Mason is 8 Weeks)
The Miranda-Soo residency sat quietly on an early Thursday morning. The only light on in the house was one that hung over the kitchen table. The only reason it was on was that of Phillipa. The new mom sat on the bench while she hugged her knees, around 1:30 AM. She had another panic attack, and couldn't get back to sleep. Of course, Lin couldn't get back to sleep fast enough. Therefore, Pippa decided to come downstairs so she wouldn't wake the baby, because if Lesley woke up, Pippa had to deal with her. And yes not take care of her, but deal with her. That was what Phillipa had gotten to at this point. She didn't even want to take care of her own child. Pippa couldn't even look at Lesley without tears half the time. And the other half of the time she was so stressed that her anxiety would kick into high gear. And tonight was the anxiety half. Pippa stared at the straw braided placemat and thought about the little girl asleep up the stairs. "Babe your turn," Lin whispered at 12:45 AM. Lesley had just woken up for the second time and needed to be changed. Phillipa shook her head and turned onto her side.
"I just got her. It's your turn," Phillipa responded. Lin sighed.
"Babe I have a huge day tomorrow. I can't be tired," Lin said. Phillipa rolled her eyes and threw the covers off of herself forcefully. She picked up Lesley, went to the nursery, and started to change her.
"You have a big fucking day?" She whispered. "I have three interviews. I have fittings. And I have to take care of this damn baby!" She said. Phillipa quickly changed Lesley and grabbed a pre-made bottle from the warmer. She sat in the rocking chair and fed Lesley for 5 minutes before the baby fell asleep. Phillipa felt her chest tighten, and her head got dizzy. She laid her daughter on the turtle pillow pet that laid in the middle of the floor and backed away. When she felt like that, she didn't want to be holding her baby out of fear. She sat back in the chair and put her head in her hands. Tears streamed down her face and forearms as all the things that were going on in her life swirled around her head. Quickly, she picked up Lesley from the floor, brought her to the bassinet, put in a load of Stevie's clothes, and left to the kitchen. And that's how she got there.
She looked up as the alarm beeped, telling her that Stevie had just got home from work. The teen punched in the code and turned to see the light in the kitchen on. She put her bag down and walked through the foyer. As she drew near the sight of her mother broke her heart. "What's wrong mama?" Stevie asked. Pippa subtly shook her head, as hooked her brunette hair behind her ears.
"It's nothing," Pippa said. Her voice was groggy, and a bit shaky. Stevie took off her Greene Turtle apron and sat across from her mom.
"I almost got fired today," Stevie whispered. Pippa didn't react. "Did you hear me?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded but continued to stare at the placemat. "You don't even care why? Fine. It's not like you care about anything anymore. You literally walk around as if you're the only on dealing with shit. You know what? Fuck you, bro," Stevie said before she snatched her apron from the counter and stormed up the stairs. Phillipa didn't even flinch. She just took Stevie's words and added them to the list of other things she fucked up. Her life was in shambles and no one seemed to notice or care. And the one person that did care wasn't around. Renée was in Virginia and wasn't coming back until late that week with her family. Renée was the only one that could truly calm Phillipa. And Renée was the only one not there. Jasmine was preoccupied with her wedding planning. Stevie just wouldn't understand. And Lin was the root of the problem. She tried to talk to him and the conversation went like this.
"Can we talk?" Pippa asked. Lin nodded but didn't look up from his computer. "Lin! Can you stop for one second?" Phillipa said nicely.
"Nope. I gotta get this demo done for Leslie and Daveed," he said. "I'm listening. I swear," He lied. Pippa set down the laundry basket that was previously on her hip and sighed.
"I need you, Lin. You promised you would step up and you aren't. You pretend as if you are a bachelor still. You have kids and a fiancé. You can't just run around with all your friends like we don't exist. And you can't keep buying shit. We have bills to pay, and the fact that all the Hamilton money is spent is ridiculous," she said. Lin shook his head and sighed.
"No, it's not. Something had to pay for your medical bills," Lin spat. Phillipa gasped.
"Oh, it's ridiculous. You made 15 million off of Hamilton alone. And don't even get me started on your 10 million dollars. The medical bill was 20,000 between my surgery and labor and delivery, and Stevie's labor and delivery. That did not put you into bankruptcy. Our mortgage is late. And for some reason, we just scrape by on our utilities. Why is all of the money gone? What the hell did you spend it on?" Phillipa asked still semi-calm. Lin shook his head and glanced at her before he diverted his eyes back to his computer.
"We aren't late on any bills. And we have money," he fought. Phillipa pulled out a piece of paper from her back pocket.
"Oh really? Then why are we getting a notice that says we have to pay or we are gonna get evicted?" Phillipa said. Lin took the paper and looked at it. He just shrugged it off and gave it back to her.
"It's fine. I'll take care of it," Lin said as if it was just that simple. Phillipa rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"You better. My name is on this house too and you aren't gonna fuck me over by not paying for the shit you said you would," Phillipa said. She balled up the notice and threw it at Lin before she picked up her basket and walked up to the main level.
So you could say things were a bit tense.
Phillipa turned her head to see that the sun had started to peak through the huge windows. 3:30 Read the clock on the stove. She went to get up but found herself getting dizzy. She tried to breathe through it, but for some reason, it took longer to get over than normal. After she regained her strength, Phillipa hobbled to the kitchen. She still had the boot on her foot and couldn't drive or really go anywhere by herself. She went to the once full, but now, half-empty fridge and grabbed the carton of her breast milk. She started to fill two bottles with 2 ounces and grabbed the purple formula dispenser from her diaper bag. Pippa sighed to see it empty. She ran some water and grabbed the soap from under the sink to wash it. Quickly, she took the dispenser apart and started to scrub the compartments. After she washed and dried the container, she filled each slot with two scoops of formula and shut the lid tight. She did the same for Stevie's blue formula dispenser and placed it back in the diaper bag.
Next, she walked to the living room and straightened up. She refolded the blanket Lin used the day before. Put the remotes for the TV back in their basket, wiped down the coffee table and placed the coasters back in their holder. She folded Masons play mat up and put it back next to the fireplace. Then, she put all the toys back in the bin and headed to the office.
There, she stared at Lin's messy side and her neat side. She shook her head and headed up to the laundry room. Pippa pulled out Stevie's clothes basket and opened the dryer. She folded the articles of clothing as she took them out of the machine. Phillipa was soon done with Stevie's folded clothes and moved to put the stuff from the washer to the dryer, then a new load in the washer. She next moved to Stevie's room. Phillipa sat Stevie's basket on the floor next to her desk and saw the teenager asleep in bed with her son and boyfriend. Amir basically moved in after Mason came home and to take care of him while Stevie worked the night shift. Phillipa grimaced up at the sight of a happy couple. She wished she and Lin had half of what they have. Pippa forced herself to wipe her tear, and straighten up the teen's room. She quietly, put all of the clothes in the dirty basket, put all the toys in the bin and placed the pillow pet onto of the bin. She made a mental note to have Amir vacuum later on in the day. She then moved to the nursery.
All Phillipa did in that room was change the Diaper Genie bag and put Lesley's pillow pet in her crib. The last room to tackle was her bedroom. The only room she didn't want to be in. She dreadfully walked across the hallway bridge and stood at her door. Quietly she opened the door and shut it behind her. She stared at the mess of sheet music on the couch. She stared at the pile of clothes on the chair in the corner of the room. She stared at the collection of bottles on the messy dresser. She stared at the mass of wadded up paper beside the trash can. She stared at the bassinet with a blanket hanging off the side. She stared at the man of her dreams slowly turn into the man of her nightmares. She started to clean until the 5:30 alarm went off. AKA the baby. Phillipa shook her head and walked over to the bassinet. Lesley's eyes weren't even open. Phillipa rolled her eyes and went back to the dresser. About 5 minutes after Lesley started to cry, it died down and she sent herself right back to sleep. Phillipa finished her cleaning spree and headed to the bathroom to get ready. She had an interview at 8:30 and she had to leave at 6.
Phillipa sat in the dressing room alone. She called an uber to take her because Stevie was mad at her and Lin was 'busy'. He was so busy that he couldn't take his fiancé to an interview he arranged. She watched Lesley sleep in the car seat. Thankfully, a stagehand said they would keep an eye on her while Phillipa did her segment. She was going to go on soon and she became nervous. She was alone, a stranger was going to watch her baby, and she was exhausted. Then the attack started. Phillipa clenched her stomach and rocked back and forth. She tried to hum For Good, but it was no use. If someone wasn't there to sing it to her it didn't work. She started to cry and picked up her phone.
"Pip what's wrong?"
"It's happening again."
Phillipa heard a door shut, and the song began. Reneé sang three verses and heard Phillipa take a deep breath.
The line went dead, and Phillipa put her phone in the diaper bag. "You're okay," Pippa reassured herself. Little did she know her life was about to take a turn for the worst. If that was even possible.
A/N Hello, hello, hello! I changed the name cause I just feel like it didn't fit. But I like this and the cover better. Anywho, wow! Poor Pippa! How could it get worst? What do you think about Lin? And Stevie? Let's talk! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💕
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