I only put the picture in here too so some one can tell me where it's from.. cause I have never seen it before! Alright... happy reading!
Pippa leaned on the counter in the kitchen at 3 in the morning warming up a bottle for Lesley. They had gotten home three weeks ago, and she was exhausted. She tried to breastfeed Lesley until her supply decided to shorten, so she had to pump during the day and breastfeed at night. She had been diagnosed with Postpartum Depression. She had to take lactation pills to boost her supply. And on top that she got a leading role in Amélie so that they can pay their bills from her and Lesley. Thankfully, Stevie got a job to support she and Mason. Because somehow all the money from Hamilton was gone. Lin had been doing the books lately, and as soon as that happened money started to dry up. Not to mention he wasn't working on anything anymore. Speaking of Lin, he walked into the kitchen holding a fussy Lesley. "How's the bottle coming?" He asked. Phillipa shot him an evil look.
"I'm warming it. What does it look like?" She snapped. Lin bit his lip and looked at the ground. Phillipa sighed and gathered her hair to one side before taking the loosely swaddled baby from him. "Just go back to sleep. I've got this," she muttered. Pippa went around the island to the couch and laid Lesley down. She fixed the swaddle and watched the magic unfold. Lesley instantly died down. Phillipa picked up the child and grabbed the bottle out of the hot water. She tested it on her arm, and it was perfect. She walked back to the living room and fed Lesley. It took the baby girl 20 minutes to finish the 4 oz bottle. Pippa put the baby on her shoulder and burped her. After that, the new mom went back upstairs and placed the baby in the bassinet next to her bed. "See you at 7 mamas," she said, lying down next to Lin.
Pippa woke up an hour later in tears. Her child and fiancé were asleep, but her brain went haywire. She sat with her good foot in the rocking chair that was placed the nursery texting Renée. Renée wasn't up, but Pippa just needed to get out her feelings.
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: I know that it's really late, and I'm sorry, but I need to talk to some one...
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: I am so irritated with Lin! He is not helping me at all. He stays in the basement all fucking day! I have to go to rehearsals and almost had to quit twice because he said he was too busy. And I can't even work right now because of my leg.
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: But when I do go, I have to bring Lesley with me because Lin won't keep his own fucking daughter. Or I have to leave her with Stevie. And I hate to do that to her because she has to take off work, and then she won't make the money she needs for Mason. So, of course, I pay her.
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: And speaking of money he isn't making any! He claims all the Hamilton money is gone! LIKE HOW THE FUCK IS ALL OF IT GONE? That was millions! We are behind on our mortgage! I'm just barely getting our bills paid, and we have no food! Oh and not to mention the medical bills for Stevie, Mason, Lesley, and I. It's outrageous! Then he had the nerve to come into this house with a 700 dollar drone! But we have no money? Okay?
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: I just feel like wanna take him to court for child support or something cause I feel like he's lying about money. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but it's hard! I love him to death and want to marry him, but he is just acting like we don't have a kid and a 17-year-old.
Pip-Pip Hooray🎉💘: I don't know what to do! So when you get this can you please just let me know. I'm so confused, and I'm sad and I just don't have the same joy I used to. I'm with Lesley all the time and I wish I wasn't. And that's a horrible thing to say. It scares me that I don't want to be with my baby. I just really need some help!
Phillipa sat her phone down and pulled a blanket over her body. She felt cold all time, she was almost at her pre baby weight, and she was so light headed. It's probably because she doesn't eat often to make sure that Stevie can eat with out worrying about what's going on. She stared at the empty crib as tears fell. She was a mess.
Around 7 AM she got out of the chair, not having slept at all, and walked to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face as best she could. The lightheaded feeling had struck again, and she quickly gripped to the counter for stability. She shook it off and walked into the room to pick up Lesley who was about to cry. Phillipa looked into the bassinet to see Lesley had opened her eyes. Her swaddle was loose, and she was moving her arms around. Phillipa sighed and put Lesley on her shoulder. She walked down the stairs and patted Lesley's butt to calm her down. "Come on Les, work with mommy," Phillipa begged. She went into the half-empty pantry and grabbed the infant formula. She put one scoop of formal and two ounces of breast milk into a bottle. She shook the bottle to mix the bottle and put it in the microwave for 3 increments of ten seconds. As she hit 'Start' for the last time, Stevie came down the stairs fully dressed.
"Are you gonna get ready for your interview at AOL?" Stevie asked. Phillipa hung her head and sighed.
"I completely forgot," she said. The microwave went off and she took out the bottle. Phillipa shook the bottle and walked out of the kitchen to the couch.
"Mom. I will feed her, you go get ready. I will come with you to watch her. Just, don't stress I got your back," Stevie smiled. She took Lesley and sat on the couch. Phillipa got up and ran to get ready.
After half an hour, Phillipa finally came down the stairs with Lesley's car seat. She set it down on the coffee table and sighed. "Alright Lesley," Phillipa huffed. "Can you cooperate with mommy today?" She pleaded. Lesley just stared at her mother. Pippa placed her child in the car seat and strapped her in.
"You okay?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded and took a deep breath. "You want me to drive?" Stevie said. Phillipa nodded.
"If you don't mind," Phillipa said. She picked up the car seat and the diaper bag. Stevie grabbed the keys, her son, and her diaper bag.
"Come on," Stevie said. They piled into Stevie's truck, that she bought herself. Phillipa got in the front next to Stevie and laid her head back. "What's wrong?" Stevie asked, backing out of the driveway. Phillipa shook her head, instead of telling her daughter about all the problems she faced. Lucky, Reneé texted her back.
Golden Berry🍇💛: First of all calm down. It's not good to stress out...
Golden Berry🍇💛: If Lin is irritating you, talk to him. You can't live tiptoeing around his feelings. If something is bothering you-you should tell him. You guys are getting married for crying out loud. You need to tell your man when he isn't treating you right Pip. That is first and foremost.
Golden Berry🍇💛: Next, physically give him Lesley. Don't even ask him anymore, and go down, set her in his lap, and leave. He needs to be just as responsible as you, and if he says that he is too busy to take care of her, then he doesn't deserve to be a dad. Point blank period.
Golden Berry🍇💛: Tell him I said that if I ever hear again that he left his child with your daughter so help me God. Stevie has her own baby, her own work, her own life and doesn't need to be watching his baby when he is "busy". And it is actually really sketchy, that suddenly he has no money.
Golden Berry🍇💛: You need to go check the bank records, receipts everything. I will watch Lesley for you while you get the books together because you can't live like that. Your life is too expensive for that.
Golden Berry🍇💛: I would say that child support would be the last resort, but if you have too, do it. If that is the only way you are gonna get help with Lesley, then I support you.
Golden Berry🍇💛: And don't worry that you feel this way. It happens to a lot of mothers when they spend all day with their baby. Go to the doctor and see what he would say. Maybe there's a prescription he could write.
Golden Berry🍇💛: I'm sorry you feel this way, but I promise I'm here for you. Come over after your interview, and we can talk in person.
Renée replied. Phillipa read through and told Renée that she couldn't because she had work to do. She was lying out of ass, but she didn't want Renée to see her the way she was. Bags perched under her eyes. She was pale and weak. She was on 3 antidepressant pills, an anti-anxiety pill, and birth control. She took 5 pills in the morning and at night. But, she couldn't tell Renée that. She would've flown off the handle and killed Lin for letting this happen, but he didn't let it happen, he caused it. He pushed her to feel alone after she had a rough pregnancy, and hadn't lifted the stress. He had only added to it. Pippa love him dearly, but she wasn't sure how long she would be able to pretend not to cry at the thought of having to care for her child all day, every day.
A/N hello hello hello! What did you think? POOR PIPPA!!! Where is that money??? What is up with Lin and that basement?? How ya doing?? ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💕😂😂
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