(April 18)
(Pippa is 35 weeks.)
Phillipa walked out of her house and to her brand new Range Rover that she got as a precursor to her birthday gift from Lin. He didn't know what to get her and it was on sale so he said why not.
Anyways, their performance of That Would Be Enough was the next day. So, she was headed to a fitting for her performance at Renée's house. She was gonna do it at her place but Mason was being fussy and she needed quiet. She had a lot of headaches this far in the pregnancy and Mason wasn't helping.
The plan was for the family to leave for Washington as soon as Phillipa got back, and she was so excited. She hadn't been to Washington in a while. Out of nowhere, she got a call from Steven. She wanted to let it go to voicemail, and later regretted that she didn't. "What?" She snapped.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the hell I put you through," he said. She rolled her eyes and got in her car.
"Save it. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I really thought I could forgive you for trying to give me an STD, and I almost did until your niece's boyfriend hit my daughter. I want nothing to do with you!" She yelled, starting her car. Phillipa could feel her blood pressure rise as Steven went on and on about how he didn't mean for any of that to happen. "Well, it did! My child got a bruise on her face because of that bastard. And the worst part he was that he sticking up for your fucked up ass," she said. Phillipa pulled out of the driveway and head down the street. When she got to the stop sign, she stopped and thought she looked, but while she argued with Steven she did not pay attention to the very obvious GMC truck who was about to run the sign. And when she went, he did too. Needless to say, things went very dark for Pippa, and the dude in the truck walked away with just a scratch.
"Female, mid-twenties. Very pregnant was in a hit and run. She has a puncture in her amniotic sack, and her femur is broken in three places. Her heart rate slowed down in the ambulance, and we need to get a monitor on the baby!" The trauma nurse that was on top of Phillipa making sure she was breathing, and still alive informed. The paramedics rolled her into surgery and the doctor took over in the OR. When he walked in and saw the state that Phillipa was in, he knew it was gonna be a long night.
"Where is she?" Lin yelled at the receptionist. He got a text from Steven saying that he was on the phone with Phillipa when it went dead and that he should check on her. When he came outside he looked down the street to see her car in the middle of the intersection and her being rolled into an ambulance.
"Who?" She asked, confused.
"Phillipa Soo, my fiancé! Where is she?" He yelled. The nurse typed quickly on her computer and pulled up the room number.
"She will be in room 548. She just got in surgery. Have a seat. I will let you know when you can go wait in her room," The receptionist said. Lin and Stevie went and sat in an empty corner of the busy ER. She was still asleep when Lin came and told her the news. Mason slept in his car seat, that sat next to his mother's leg. Stevie shook her leg nervously and laid her head on Lin's shoulder.
"I hope she's okay. I need her," Stevie whispered. Lin wrapped his arm around Stevie and kissed her forehead.
"Mom will be just fine," he assured, as he tried to convince himself of the same. He didn't know what was gonna happen, but he had to be strong for Stevie.
"Why didn't you call us?" Renée asked as she and Jasmine showed up 30 minutes later. Lin got up and hugged them. Stevie was asleep with Mason on her chest, under a blanket.
"I haven't been thinking about much. I'm just worried about Pip and Lesley," he replied. Jasmine and Renée sat across from them and held hands.
"She will be just fine," Renée reassured. Lin nodded. "But, we are praying for her," she added. Lin gave a half smile and wrapped his arms around his body.
"Phillipa Soo's family?" Asked a doctor after he took off his mask. Lin and the girls stood up. The doctor came over and sat next to Lin.
"Phillipa has lost a lot of blood, but she should recover just fine. She also has a broken femur and will be in a cast for a while. Nothing major to worry about. On the other hand, we had to deliver the baby if she had any chance of living. A little bit ago she," Lin cut him off.
"Lesley," he said. The doctor nodded and noted to correct himself.
"A little bit ago Lesley was on a breathing machine. She should be able to breathe on her own now, but we just wanted to start her on it, so that we could see. But, other than that she is perfectly fine. Phillipa should wake up soon, so you can go see her anytime," he stated. Lin shook his hand and thanked him. Quickly, they walked to Phillipa's room to see Lesley asleep in the rolling plastic bassinet. Lin walked over to his daughter, she looked just like her mother and picked up. She stirred a bit but didn't wake up.
"You are my miracle baby Lesley Charlotte," he whispered. Soon the nurse came in to fill out Lesley's birth certificate, then left. Stevie placed Mason in his car seat and took her baby sister from Lin.
"I promise I will give you back to daddy, but I just wanted to say hi. I'm your big sister, Stevie, and I'm gonna make sure you live a safe and happy life. I got your back," Stevie introduced. She kissed the baby's cheek and handed her back to Lin.
45 minutes later, Pippa woke up, a bit groggy. She spent 6 seconds confused before she realized what happened. She fully woke up and placed her hands on her stomach. No baby. Stevie looked up from her phone and beamed. "Mommy!" Stevie said. She hopped up and hugged Phillipa lightly. The 26-year-old gave a slight hug with her hand still on her stomach.
"Where is Lesley?" She asked. Stevie smiled.
"She is with Lin. He took her on a walk when she started to cry because he didn't want to wake you. I'll text him to come back," she informed. Phillipa started to cry tears of joy.
"So, she's okay?" Phillipa asked.
"She is perfect," Renée said. Jasmine held Mason and Reneé held Brielle.
"Yay. I can't wait to see her," Phillipa smiled. She wiped her tears and waited for Lin.
"Someone order a baby?" He asked. Immediately, he headed to Phillipa's side and handed her their child.
"Oh my gosh," she whispered. "She's so little," Phillipa said. Lin nodded and sat on the bed with his women.
"She was 4lbs, 4 oz, and 19 inches long. She is long but skinny," he said. Phillipa held Lesley close to her chest and started to cry.
"Mommy is so sorry," Phillipa started. "If only I had paid attention, or never answered my phone, or-" Lin cut her off when he saw she started to stress.
"It's not your fault. He ran the sign," Lin said. Pippa cried harder and laid her head on his chest. "You're alive. She's alive. Everyone is going home tomorrow. Everything is okay. Don't stress babe. Enjoy this," Lin said. Pippa nodded and saw that Lesley started to make sucking motion with her mouth.
"Lin. can you undo this shoulder?" Phillipa asked. Lin nodded and did as she asked. She placed Lesley under the gown and got her to latch on to her boob. Lin watched in amazement.
"She's a pro," he smiled. Pippa nodded and looked their daughter as the baby looked up at her mom.
"You've got this," Stevie mocked. Phillipa smiled and pulled Stevie, who was now holding Mason, on the bed with her.
"I'm excited to see where this is gonna go," Phillipa smiled. Jasmine couldn't help but take a picture of the family looking down at Lesley, who was feeding.
A/N hello hello hello! I know I said I was going to bed, but I lied hahahaha. For real now! I'm going back to sleep! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow.💕
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