(Thanksgiving Nov.27)
Lin woke up to Phillipa, standing in the mirror in her bra and underwear. She was putting lotion on her baby bump to prevent stretch marks. She was 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant today and was stoked that she could find out the sex soon. Stevie was 21 weeks and 3 days, and just ready not to be pregnant anymore.
Anywho, Lin got out of the bed and stood behind Pippa in his boxers. "Good morning Pip. And Good morning baby," he smiled and placed his hands on her smooth stomach. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"My nose is stuffy and I'm a little tired, but other than alright. I couldn't get comfortable, so I was up all night tossing and turning," she responded. Lin sighed and gave her a kiss on the temple. "Okay, go get ready for Jasmine and Ants. I'm gonna go wake up Stevie," Phillipa said. She grabbed her robe and put it on. Once it was tied, she walked across the house. When she got to Stevie's room, she opened the door to Stevie on the phone.
"I don't care what you want! This is my baby too!" She screamed out of frustration. "Spencer you paid for sex and that was it! Just because I got pregnant means nothing. You tried to hit last time you saw me remember? Why would I want you near my child?" Stevie yelled. She nodded and rolled her eyes as the guy on the other line argued back. "No court is gonna give custody to a drug addict who sleeps with a minor! I'm 17 and your 25! The only thing you're gonna get is jail time," Stevie said. Tears started to fall down her face. "YOU AREN'T TAKING MY CHILD!" She yelled, hanging up. She threw her phone on her bed and sat down. She wiped her tears and pushed her hair out of her face.
"Good morning?" Pippa mumbled. Stevie took a deep breath and waved. "That was the baby's father?" Phillipa asked, leaning against the doorframe. Stevie nodded.
"His name is Spencer Boldman. He's 25. I needed money once or twice, so he paid me to have sex with him. That day that I saw you at the clinic was the morning after and I was getting the morning after pill. Later that day he showed up at my friends house and tried to beat me, so I left with my backpack and never got to take the pill," Stevie revealed. Phillipa held her arms out, and Stevie ran into the warm embrace.
"It's okay. He's probably bluffing to get under your skin. Don't worry about him today. It's Thanksgiving! That means food, family, and friends!" Phillipa cheered. Stevie nodded and forced a smiled.
"Okay. I guess you're right," Stevie said. Phillipa left the room and went back to hers. When she got there Lin was searching through the dirty clothes for a shirt.
"What are you doing?" Phillipa asked. Lin stood up straight.
"I need a shirt," he said. Phillipa walked around the bed and took the dirty shirt from Lin and threw it back in the hamper.
"There are shirts in the dresser," she said, pointing to the huge clothes box in front of the bed, under the TV.
"No there isn't," he said. Phillipa placed her hand on her hip.
"I put them in there yesterday, so there better be some shirts in there," she sassed. Lin 'oohed' and walked to the dresser to find three stacks of t-shirts in the top dresser on the right. Phillipa rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom to start her morning routine.
Stevie sat in the car, looking at her phone while Phillipa messed with the nose. She was getting frustrated that her nose was stuffy. "Babe, are you getting sick?" Lin asked. Phillipa shook her head.
"This is normal in pregnancy," she answered. Lin gave a half laugh and glanced in the rearview mirror to see Stevie poking her stomach.
"You okay back there?" Lin asked. Stevie looked up and giggled.
"Mason kicks where I poke and it makes me so happy. But it kind of hurts in some spots," she said. Lin shook his head focused on the road.
Ten minutes later the family pulled into Ant and Jazzy's driveway. They had a house in Albany but, they stay with Ant's mom during the week. They had about a month left in the show together, afterward, they would be moving in full time. Anyways, they saw everyone's car except for Leslie's. Lin turned off the car, and the three went in. "Yay! You made it!" Jazzy smiled. She hugged Lin, Stevie, then Phillipa. She pulled away from Phillipa and saw her nose was a little red, but that she tried to cover it will make up. "Pips, are you sick?" Jasmine asked, pulling she and Stevie into the kitchen with Reneé and Brielle.
"No. Surprisingly, it's a part of pregnancy. Hopefully, a part that will go away soon. It's annoying. But it's not the only annoying aspect of my life. Lately, Lin has been irritating me," Pippa said. She leaned against the wall and folded her arms over her bump.
"Why, what does he do?" Reneé asked. Stevie grabbed a cup of water and handed one to her mom. Pippa took a sip and sighed.
"Every little thing he does pisses me off. Take this morning for instance. He was gonna get a shirt from the dirty hamper, when we had perfectly clean ones folded in the dresser," Pippa said. Stevie decided to butt in with what happened the night before.
"Don't forget about the dishes!" She pushed. Pippa nodded and took another sip of her water with an eye roll.
"What happened?" Jasmine asked. Pippa sat her cup down and rolled her neck towards Jasmine.
"Let me tell you!" She started. "I literally wanted to hit him last night. He cooked. It was a beautiful dinner, the food was great," she paused. Stevie started to giggle.
"Then..." She egged on her mom.
"He put all the dishes in the sink and left them. Normally, I wouldn't have been mad, but I was exhausted! I had been up since 5:30 because of this," she said pointing to her nose, "and I was out all day doing stuff for Stevie's school, I had to do Christmas shopping, my mom called, and on top of all that someone dented my new car. I was done!" She exclaimed. Jasmine glanced over at Lin. He was laughing and talking with Ant and Chris.
"What did he do all day?" Reneé asked. Brielle whined for her mom to pick her up. So, Reneé did, and let her stir the vegetables in the pot.
"Don't get me wrong, he's a genius and writes like no other. But that's all he did. He left the room once to help me bring stuff up from my car, and while I was gone Stevie told me he left once to grab a snack," Phillipa said. Jasmine rolled her eyes and Reneé shook her head. "But, I don't wanna talk about him anymore. Stevie here," she said placing her arm around the teenager, "has her first job," the proud mom announced.
"Yay! Where?" Jasmine asked.
"The theater. While Lin is still doing the show before we move out here. I'm gonna be working the concessions," Stevie said. The girls hugged and started to talk about random stuff.
With the guys. Lin was explaining his plan. He was planning something huge for Pippa and Stevie and he wanted to get his boys' opinions on it. "I like it. But, will Pippa like it," Chris asked. Lin shrugged.
"I think that it's awesome and they are gonna love it," Anthony said. Lin nodded.
"Not too cheesy," Lin asked. The guys shook their head. "Awesome. So, tomorrow she is going to a parent-teacher conference at Stevie's school for an hour to meet with her Chemistry teacher. I've sent out an email for everyone to meet at the theater. It's gonna be amazing," Lin said. The guys agreed and went over to the bar to tell Oak and Ant.
A/N NEW COVER!! Sorry its shorter. What do you guys think about Pippa's feelings? What is Lin gonna do? Should I give Stevie a best friend? Oh and next step is house shopping. Don't worry I will give choices! ily💕 Comment.Like.Follow💕
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