"I-I-uh-I am pregnant, momma," Phillipa announced. Her mother jaw dropped. "And before you ask I'm nine weeks and three days," Phillipa said, knowing her mom's next question.
"And he's okay with it?" She asked. Phillipa gave her mom a duh look.
"Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?" Phillipa asked, not seeing her mothers disconnect.
"Well, your father wouldn't be happy if I was having a baby with another man," she answered. Phillipa's eyes widened and she shook her head.
"No momma. It's Lin's baby," she said. Her mother had a look of confusion wash over her face.
"But you have only been together for three months," and suddenly a light bulb went off in her head, "oh, Phillipa Anne Soo, I thought we raised you right!" Her mother yelled.
"Wow," Stevie said under her breath. Mrs. Soo glared at Stevie in disgust.
"I'm sorry, do you have something to say?" She spat. Stevie looked up from her lap with a sarcastic smile.
"Nope. Don't mind me," she replied in a smart-ass tone.
"No go ahead, I would love to hear what you have to say," She replied in a nasty tone. Stevie rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"I just think it's funny how you are treating her as if she were 16 and not 26. Like yeah, she's having a baby, but at least the father is excited and sticking around. Unlike some people I know," She said, referring to her baby daddy. Phillipa half smiled at how her daughter was sticking up for her.
"Yeah, who are you?" Her mother said. She didn't even listen to a word Stevie said.
"Mom, this is my daughter, Stevie," Phillipa answered.
"She looks much too old to be your child. Is she from the Grand Windham?" Her mother asked. Stevie looked at her confused.
"The what?" Stevie asked.
"It's an orphanage. And no she's not from the Grand Windham." Pippa replied.
"I'm not an orphan. My parents alive. They are just incompetent," Stevie said.
"How long has she been with you? Wait let me, guess. Three months?" Mrs. Soo said. Phillipa nodded. She shook her head. "Well, you need to teach her to stay out of adult matters," Her mom continued. Stevie held up her finger
"Actually, I have a right to talk about 'adult' matters," she snapped. Mrs. Soo rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"How do you figure?" She asked. Phillipa could feel her own irritation levels rising along with Stevies.
"Because I'm in the same matter. I'm 14 weeks pregnant," she answered. Phillipa leaned back in her chair and looked at the ceiling.
"Phillipa, you knew she was pregnant?"
"Yes, momma,"
"And you still adopted her?" Her mother asked. Lin mentally regretted asking that for her mother. No one talked about Stevie in Phillipa's presence. They just didn't if they want to live.
"YES! I KNEW ALL ABOUT THE SKELETONS IN HER CLOSET AND I STILL ADOPTED HER!" Phillipa exploded. "You, WILL NOT, sit here and talk about my child! She is perfectly fine, without your negativity. Stevie is my child, and if I don't have an issue with her pregnancy, neither should you! She is smart, beautiful, and loving, and if you can't see that, then the problem is you. I have had it up to here with this conversation," Phillipa yelled. She was starting to tear up. "I'm pregnant! I have an amazing kid and a wonderful boyfriend! I should be celebrating the three best things in my life, and instead, I'm sitting here crying because my mom can't accept the life I have chosen for myself," she wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "I came all this way to tell you about my life, and my show, and success. Not my break up, and how my kid is having a kid. Stevie, Lin lets go. I'm fucking done," Pippa said, standing up and leaving the dining room. Stevie got up and followed.
"You don't have to tell me twice," she said as she shook her head and grabbed her phone from the table. Lin sat quietly the entire dinner, trying to stay rather reserved, until now. Something internally tripped him over the edge.
"Your daughter was nervous to see you and so excited to tell her parents about all the things she had accomplished. I just can't believe one wasn't listening, and the other was criticizing. I hope I never become like either of you in my parenting style," Lin said. He put his napkin on the table and met up with his family in the foyer.
On the ride home, Stevie had fallen asleep, and Lin was driving. Phillipa was too distraught and had another cramp when they got back to the car. "Your parents are great," Lin joked. Pippa gave a half smile and shook her head.
"I'm sorry. Tonight was supposed to be different," Pippa apologized. Lin shook his head and grabbed her hand with his free hand. He kissed the back of her hand, softly and held her warm hand against his cheek.
"Don't apologize. It was as entertaining as watching a train smash its way through a whole tinier than it was," Lin chuckled. Phillipa matched his expression and laid back in her seat.
"I love you, Manly," she said, for the first time. Lin glanced at his girlfriend.
"I love you too, Pip," he replied, glancing in the rearview mirror to see Stevie sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, love flooded his heart and he couldn't have been happier.
A month had passed after that endeavor. Stevie sat at the island searching the cost of a crib and other baby stuff. Phillipa was on the couch doing laundry while Lin cleaned out the fridge. "Mom, what's the budget for baby supplies?" Stevie asked. Phillipa gave her a weird look.
"Why?" She asked. Stevie turned her computer towards Phillipa to show her a 700 dollar crib, that honestly was not that fancy. The adult shook her head.
"Well, I can tell you that that crib is a no. Find one that's cheaper," she said. "We have two babies coming, remember?" Phillipa reminded. She was 14 weeks exactly and Stevie was 19 weeks and 5 days. They were both officially in the second trimester, but it was never too soon to start preparing once they got pregnant.
"Fine," the teen groaned. "Well, can we at least have the Honest brand diapers?" She asked. Phillipa rose an eyebrow.
"Negative. We don't need that," Phillipa answered. Stevie rolled her eyes and turned back around. "Go get your shoes, we have to head to your doctor's appointment soon," Pippa said, setting down a folded shirt of Lin's. She got up and headed to her room with a basket of clean clothes. After grabbing her sneakers, and purse, Phillipa went back to the kitchen and stood next to the fridge.
"You leaving?" Lin asked. Phillipa nodded, and kissed him. "I love you, be careful," he said. She nodded and walked to the door. "Love you, Stevie! Don't forget to find out the gender!" He called. Stevie giggled.
"Don't worry, I won't! Love you too!" She called back. The mother-daughter duo left the apartment and headed to the doctors.
"Hello, Stevie. Are you excited to find out the gender of your baby?" Asked Dr. Grey. Stevie nodded, pulled up her shirt. "Let's see what we're getting," she smiled. Phillipa stood next to Stevie and took her hand. Dr. Grey probed for about 2 minutes before finding the baby's gender. "It's a healthy little boy!" She cheered. Stevie started to tear up. She sat up and wiped off her stomach. The two had a moment while the doctor printed out pictures.
"Are you happy kiddo?" Pippa asked. Stevie nodded and wiped her tears.
"I'm so happy!" She answered. "Hi, Mason," she said to her stomach. Pippa hugged her daughter, and they switched places.
"Alright, mom. Let's see if your baby is growing right on track," Dr. Grey said. Phillipa stared at the screen as the doctor went through the same process again. After a good ten minutes of looking, and printing pictures she finished up and handed Pippa a tissue. "The baby is right as rain. I will see you guys next month. Bye," Dr. Grey said. The girls waved and grabbed their stuff.
"Do you have a show today?" Stevie asked. Pippa nodded.
"Yeah, but Carleigh is doing everything except for my part in Yorktown tonight. I haven't told Lin that I'm popping by, so this should be fun. I'm gonna do that, cause well...I have a bump now," Phillipa said. Stevie nodded and got in the car. Phillipa stuck her key in the ignition, and the two left.
No one at the theater knows about the baby other than, Lin, Jazzy, and Reneé. Phillipa showed up two songs before Yorktown. Once she was ready she showed up next Carleigh. "I've got this one," she smirked. Carleigh looked at her stomach and gasped.
"I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory..." Lin started. That was Phillipa's queue to walk up the stairs with the paper in her hand. She walked out on time and when everyone saw her the crowd cheered loudly, and the cast paused. The shock wore off quickly, and they went back to the song. She held back her laughter and walked off the stage. She got to the back and everyone was dead. The way she shocked the entire theater was great. Stevie was in tears of laughter.
"Well, that was fun," Phillipa said going back to her dressing room and changing back into her street clothes.
After the show, Leslie, Oak, Ant, Jazzy, Reneé, Chris, Daveed, Lin, Stevie, and Phillipa sit at a table in a restaurant not too far from the theater. Everyone was eating, talking, and just having a good time. "Hey!" Daveed called. "Can we, for a second, talk about Pippa's entrance today?" He laughed. Everyone laughed and looked at her. "I looked up at her, like what? Cause I knew that Carleigh was wearing the fake baby bump so I was confused," Daveed said. Everyone nodded and agreed.
"I literally just wanted to burst out laughing when you came out," Lin said. "That was probably the best pregnancy announcement to the cast. Cause the audience probably thinks that it was fake," Lin finished. The table laughed.
"Oh hey, guess what guys! Stevie has big news!" Pippa said. Everyone looked at her with expecting eyes. She pulled the pictures out of her purse and started with Lin.
"I'm having a baby boy," she said. The whole table cheered, and Leslie held his hand out for Oak to give him a fifty. Ant slid Jasmine a twenty and watched her gloat.
"I'm sorry I couldn't make a girl, guys," Stevie joked. The guys laughed, and the girls gawked over the pictures.
"When are you due?" Jasmine asked.
"April 6," Stevie answered.
"And you?" Reneé asked.
"May 16," Pippa answered. The ones who just found out gasped.
"Damn," Leslie, Oak, Anthony, and Daveed quoted from The Reynolds Pamphlet.
"You are really far along," Leslie said. Pippa shrugged.
"I'm only fourteen weeks. She's almost twenty," Phillipa said.
"Yep, in two days I'll be twenty weeks," Stevie said.
"Awe. That makes me want to have another baby," Reneé said. But, as soon as she said that another cramp hit Pippa's abdomen. "And when that happens and I snap out of it," Reneé joked. Everyone laughed, but Pip tried to breathe through it.
"Sorry. That happens often," Pippa apologized. Everyone told her not to apologize, and that it was normal. She loved how even the friends that didn't have kids were saying that it was normal, and we're looking stuff up on the internet. It was adorable. She was so grateful for the day she got a phone call about Hamilton.
A/N last one of the night! Thanks for baring with me!😂😂😂 I have so many ideas so a lot of updates are coming! Kisses😘. Comment.Like.Follow💕
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