(Next Day)
After the news she had received, Phillipa didn't let Lin touch her that night. She had to find out if she was sick before letting Lin do anything with her. At 7:30 AM, she got up to get ready for her doctors' appointment at 8:30. She tried to be as quiet as she could, and checked on Lin to make sure he didn't wake up. She got out of the house in silence and down the hall before she caught a text from Stevie.
Babygirl👶🏼: Can you grab some breakfast while you're out?
Momma Lip😍🤞🏼🍯: Yeah just text me what you guys want.
Pippa put her phone in her pocket and left her apartment complex. It was October but, in New York, it is always cold after September, so Pippa was bundled in a long jacket, hat and super cute thigh high boots. As she walked, of course, she got catcalled but she wasn't focused on that. She wanted to make sure she wasn't infected with a disease that her shitty ex knowingly gave her. Once she reached the hospital, she checked in and sat down. The number of times she went to text Renée and Jasmine about her situation were unreal. She felt so alone in this and had no idea what to do. If she could just get through the appointment, she could think straight.
Around 10:25, Phillipa came back in the house with a bag that said 'Broken Egg' plastered on the side. "Mom! Where have you been? I'm starving!" Stevie dramatically whined, getting up from the couch.
"I had to take care of something. But, how about while we eat breakfast you and I have a sit-down and talk about some stuff. Okay?" Phillipa asked. Stevie nodded and sat at the island.
"What's on your mind?" She asked. The teenager picked up a beignet as Phillipa grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. She was standing across the island.
"Um, so wanted to know how you felt about the whole adoption thing. How do you feel? And how do you feel about having Lin around?" Phillipa asked. She ate some of her eggs, while Stevie sat her fork down.
"It's kind of settling that this is real. Like, I've been with you for 2 months and you decided that you didn't want to go to someplace to get a kid. I don't know. I'm happy that you want to adopt me," Stevie said. Phillipa nodded and let Stevie go on. "It's like...I'm 17 and having a baby but, it's a situation where it's better late than never. You know? And as for Lin," she said taking a bite of food. "I have no bad feelings for him. I like him. He's nice and makes you smile. And he is really amazing. You did well," she praised. Phillipa took a deep breath. "How are you feeling?" Stevie asked.
"Honestly, this adoption has been rolling through my head. I wanted to ask you a while ago, but I felt like I wanted to make sure you were ready. Lin and I had a huge conversation about it because when I get you, I'm not only getting you, I'm getting a baby too. And when I made my decision to do this, I was 100% sure that I was prepared for everything. School stuff, baby stuff, personal stuff. I'm all in for you," Phillipa said. Stevie nodded and put her hands in her lap. "As for Lin, I think I'm starting to fall in love with him. I don't know. It's weird. I feel like we are rushing things, but we kind of have to now. We have only been together for a month and I'm pregnant...like...it's a lot. I haven't even told my parents about anything, yet. They still think I'm with Steven," Phillipa finished. Stevie had changed positions and was now sitting with her leg foot on the seat next to her, and her elbow on her knee.
"What? When are you gonna see your parents next?" Stevie asked. Phillipa sighed.
"That's what I wanted to lead to. Tomorrow is my day off and we, as in you, me, and Lin are going to my parent's house for dinner. That means no holes and no band t-shirts," Phillipa said. Stevie groaned and got up. "Where are you going?" Phillipa asked. She watched her daughter lazily jog to her room.
"To throw up," she said. Phillipa scrunched her face and continued to eat.
"Thank the lord I have not had to deal with that! I feel great," Phillipa whispered to herself. Little did she know, she spoke too soon.
The morning of the next day, around 10ish, Phillipa woke up naked next to Lin. You know what that means. She was clean. "Babe! Get up! We gotta make the trip to my parents and you know they live in Albany and traffic is mad when trying to get out of the city," Phillipa said. She slowly got up and took a shower. When she got out the shower Lin was still asleep. "Bae! Get up!" Pippa yelled. Lin groaned and rolled onto his stomach. Pippa rolled her eyes and pulled the covers off of Lin. He groaned and started to push himself up to his elbows. She smacked his bare ass and went back into the bathroom to finish up. When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing (the picture) with black thigh high boots, Groff got her for her birthday.
She pushed her hair behind her ears and walked across the apartment to Stevie's room. When she came in, Stevie was wrapped in a towel with wet hair.
"I don't know what to wear! I have never been nervous to get dressed. And suddenly I am," Stevie whined. Phillipa ran into the closet and grabbed a black dress.
"Put this on! Do your hair and makeup and let's go! I have to go to the store before we leave!" Phillipa said. She was getting frustrated, and the hormones of her pregnancy were not helping. She left the room and started to walk back to hers. "Lin-Manuel! I swear to fucking God, I will shove my foot so far up your ass it will hit your heart!" She yelled. When she got back to the room the bathroom door shut, signally that Lin had jumped up, while she was on her way back. "This fucking family!" She screamed. She made the bed and cleaned up her dresser, window seat, and laundry all while Lin was still in the bathroom. She grabbed she and Lin's dirty clothes and walked out of her room into the small hallway right outside her bedroom, turned left and opened the folding door to her washer and dryer. She grabbed the laundry basket off of the washer, put the clothes in, and took Stevie's clothes out of the dryer. "Oh, I can't wait to have an actual house!" She whispered. Now that 3 people were living in her apartment the place was starting to fill small. "Ana, come and get your clothes and let me see your outfit!" Phillipa yelled. Stevie came out of her room and shut her door.
"Perfect, right? I was gonna wear heels, but the baby said no. So, we went with black and white flats," she smiled. Phillipa nodded and closed the laundry door. "And look. From this angle, no baby. But when I turn to the side, baby. It works out," Stevie laughed. Phillipa practically ignored Stevie after the first sentence and looked down at the laundry basket at her feet. She tried to bend down and get it but felt her jeans dig into her waist and shook her head.
"Nope," Phillipa said as she stood back up. "Not in these pants. They are already tight on my stomach, so Lin can grab it?" She asked. When she went to turn around Lin opened the door sort of ready. He was dressed but his hair was down. Phillipa started to stress and get irritated. "If you don't go put your hair up, I swear," She said through her teeth.
"Bruh! I thought you said you were gonna hit that last night?" Stevie whined to Lin. He put his hands up in defense.
"I did," He replied. Stevie rolled her neck and folded her arms.
"Clearly, you didn't do it right!" She blamed. Phillipa's mouth gasped, as she looked between the two.
"You talked to my daughter about our sex life?" Pippa asked. Lin sank back into the room and went to go put his hair up. "You have twenty seconds! Move it!" She yelled. Stevie went back to her room, grabbed her gray Micheal Kors that Lin ordered her for the adoption announcement, but came when they got back from the dinner. Lin finally came back out of the room fully dressed. Phillipa grabbed her purse and the gang was out at 12:37.
Phillipa pulled into her parent's driveway at 4:50 PM. She got a new car after a year of not having one when Steven crashed it. It was a 2016 Cadillac Escalade. She had to get something that had three rows. Phillipa turned her car off and looked at her boyfriend and daughter. "Alright, remember my parents know nothing about you so let's hope this goes well. Stevie, grab the pie and give it to Lin to take inside," Phillipa instructed. Stevie nodded and did as she was told. Gradually, the three walked to the door and rang the doorbell. In seconds, Phillipa's mom answered.
"Hello, my darling!" She greeted pulling Phillipa into a hug. She pulled away when she saw that Steven wasn't with her. "Oh, honey! Where is Steven? Why is your boss here?" She asked.
"Mom, can we come in before you start asking questions? Trust me. I will answer all your inquiries," Phillipa said, coming in and taking off her jacket. Stevie and Lin came in after her and gave each other nervous looks, but soon laughed it off. Sort of.
During dinner, everyone was kind of silent. Mr. Soo kept reading the local paper. Mrs. Soo gave Lin dirty looks every now and then. Stevie kept her head down and poked at her stomach for comfort. And Phillipa just pushed her food around her plate, feeling highkey nauseous. Lin was just looking around the dining room, anywhere but Phillipa's mothers face. "Pippa, why are you not eating?" Her mother asked. "It's your favorite," she pushed. Pippa shook her head and set her fork down.
"I'm not feeling the best," she answered. Her mother looked worried.
"Are you sick?" Her mother asked.
"Something like that," she vaguely replied. Her mother shook her head and put her fork down.
"Stop being obscure!" Her mother yelled. "Who is this girl? Why is your boss here? And where is Steven?" She asked out of frustration. Phillipa sighed. Lin placed his hand on her knee and gave it a gentle squeeze to let her know he was supporting her. Phillipa decided to start hard and work her way to easy.
"Momma, Steven and I aren't together, anymore," Phillipa started. Her mother's face went red. It looked to be a mixture of embarrassment for her daughter and shock.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Well," she started in a high pitched voice, "he wanted me to do something that I wasn't ready for," she said, playing with her hands.
"He wanted to have kids. And we would always fight about that, so I told him enough was enough and we broke up," she answered. Her mother placed her hand over her mouth.
"How long ago was this?" She asked.
"Three months ago," Phillipa clarified. Her mother scoffed.
"Oh honey..." she trailed off. Phillipa quickly shook her head.
"No momma. I'm okay. I have Lin now. He's my boyfriend now," she quickly said. Her mother gave a small smile.
"How long has this been going on?" She asked. At that moment Phillipa wanted nothing more than to lie so terribly bad. But she knew in her heart of hearts that she couldn't.
"Three months," she said in a small voice.
"Phillipa! We did not raise you to be that type of girl!" Her mother scolded.
"No! I wasn't seeing Lin while I was with Steven. It was after. I swear," Phillipa explained. Lin bit his lip and waved a little. Her mother rolled her eyes and shook her head. Phillipa went to say something, but a cramp hit the side of her stomach, and she grabbed Lin's hand that was now on the table and tried to breathe through it. Lin took the hand that was on the back of Phillipa's chair and rubbed her back.
"Just breath. It's okay," Lin murmured. The pain finally subsided, and her mother looked worried again.
"What is going on?" Her mother shouted. Phillipa's nerves got the best of her and she shook her leg. She was starting to freak out a bit. And automatically knew it was not gonna end well.
A/N hoped you enjoyed! Part two is coming in a couple of minutes. I had to break this up into two because it was getting long. But don't worry the conversation is far from over.💕 Comment.Like.Follow💕
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