(A Month Later)
Phillipa ran into the apartment on a Wednesday afternoon uber excited. Stevie was working on some work for her online math class when Phillipa slammed the door and sprinted to her side. "Hey, can you help me with this geometry?" She asked. Phillipa gave her a funny look and flipped her hair.
"No! I'm an actress for a reason. Anyways!" Phillipa slammed a piece of paper on the counter for Stevie.
"What is this?" Stevie asked. She picked up the card and barely read the first line before Phillipa freaked out.
"It's a present! You know, for working hard in school!" Phillipa said. The card was as sappy as the actress who wrote it. Stevie didn't mind, though. Quickly, Pippa handed Stevie a box and allowed her to undo the bow, tear off the paper, and be stunned.
"Oh my gosh!" Stevie freaked. It was a matte black iPhone 7. "Pip! You didn't have too. My 4 is fine," Stevie said. Phillipa looked over at the shattered and taped iPhone 4. It wasn't even the 4s. There was no Siri!
"Yeah, okay. Go ahead, turn it on!" Phillipa said. Stevie woke it to see her baby's first picture on the lock screen. She smiled and unlocked the phone. She had the exact same apps but updated. "It has your SIM card in the new phone. So, you have all your stuff," Pippa informed. Stevie gasped and looked at her phone.
"That's why my phone wasn't working!" Stevie said. Pippa nodded and closed the laptop. "My work!" Stevie screamed. Phillipa took the laptop and set it aside.
"I am off all day. So you, me, Jazzy, and Reneé are going to get our nails done," Pippa smirked. Stevie smiled and chuckled a bit.
"What about your boyfriend?" Stevie jokingly asked. Lin had spent a lot of time at the apartment lately and of course, Stevie didn't mind, but she loved to tease Pippa about it. The actress looked around dramatically.
"He's not here. He doesn't get a say. We are having a girls day. And I'm gonna get a waxing cause... yeah... just cause. And even though Jazzy, Reneé and I can't get anything fancy on our fingers, we can get a nice touch-up. And we can get our toes decorated," Phillipa explained. Stevie squealed and ran to her room to grab a jacket. Oh yeah, it was officially her room. They decorated it and made it scream Stevie. Plus they added a cozy touch with ultrasounds on the wall. Pippa only had a couple of months left on Hamilton so, she waited to get the big stuff until they move into their house, once she wrapped.
"This is gonna be so fun!" Stevie exclaimed. When she came out, Phillipa handed her a smaller bag. "Another present?" She asked. Phillipa nodded. Stevie opened the bag and saw that it was Cartier Bracelet and a cute iPhone case.
"It's from Lin. Happy early birthday!" Pippa squirmed. Stevie full on hugged Pippa, which was weird. They hadn't really hugged or shown affection since the hospital. And sometimes, they would side hug, but nothing like what just took place. It was warm and tight.
"You are my favorite cinnamon roll," Stevie said. She pulled out her phone and opened Snapchat. She took a selfie with Pippa, with the dog filter on their faces. The caption said '💕love living with this cinnamon roll🍯' . By this time the media was fully aware of the living arrangement and it certainly boosted ticket sales, and fans.
"Alright come on Ana," Pippa said. Pippa was the only one that could call Stevie that. Stevie hated Steviana, and everyone called her Stevie so they have Ana and Phillipa as Lip, for something special.
"Okay let me just post this, and we can go okay, Lip?" Stevie rhetorically asked. She quickly hit send and put her phone in the case then her pocket. The two walked out the house and to the Richards Rodger Theater to meet the girls. "Lip, your hair is really long. You ever thought about getting a cut?" Stevie asked. Phillipa got a smile on her face
"That's so funny you asked cause," the smile quickly disappeared, "no," she finished. "What about you? Your hair is long and luscious? Any cuts coming soon?" Pippa asked. Stevie nodded but before she could start, Phillipa stopped her. "You are not allowed to cut your hair!" Phillipa protected. She placed a hand Stevie's head and ran her hands easily through Stevie's wild, curly, wavy hair. "It's so beautiful!" She whined. Stevie smiled and dramatically flipped her hair.
"Well, thank you," Stevie smiled. Her "mom" held the door open for her as she walked into the theater for the first time. Believe it or not, after a whole month of living with Phillipa she still had yet to take Stevie through her job. Every time she wanted to give Stevie a tour, the child was doing school, sick, or really tired.
"Are you ready to see where I usually hang out?" Phillipa asked. She held her hand on the doorknob as she waited for Stevie's response.
"Oh my gosh yes!" Stevie fake exaggerated. Phillipa laughed and opened her door.
"You love to hype me up. Don't you?" Pippa smiled. Stevie nodded and walked into the mini Schuyler Sisters lounge area. There was a makeup vanity, a couch, a coffee table, coffee pot for tea, and mini fridge. "You like?" Phillipa asked. Stevie nodded and sat on the couch.
"Comfortable," She said. Stevie ran her hand along the Cowboys fluffy blanket on the back of the couch. "You're a cowboys fan, huh?" She asked. Phillipa shook her head with a grimace.
"I hate sports, but my dad gave it to me when I moved out here. I brought it here cause Steven..." Phillipa trailed off thinking of her recent break-up. "He, couldn't stand the sight of it," she said, sadly. Stevie saw that Phillipa was about to get in her box so she popped up.
"Well can't think of him now! It's girls day!" She cheered. Phillipa smiled a bit and sat in her makeup chair.
"You're right. Jazzy and Rene-" Phillipa was cut off by Renée's knock on the door. SHe and Jasmine walked in with Brielle, excitedly.
"Hey! Where's the mommy-to-be?" Reneé said. Brielle and Jazzy came in right behind her. She pulled Phillipa into a hug then, looked at the teenager who stood behind Phillipa.
"You told them?" She asked. Phillipa nodded.
"Of course I did. You weren't here to talk to so, I had to fill them in and tell them what was going on. You know I can't keep secrets well," Phillipa answered. Stevie playfully rolled her eyes. Phillipa smiled and pulled the teen in for a side hug.
"I have seen pictures of you, but to meet you in person is great," Jasmine said. She pulled Stevie into a slightly intense hug and smiled. "I told you Renée! She smells exactly how she looks," Jasmine said. Renée gave her weird look and picked up Brielle. Stevie folded her arms, confused.
"What, exactly, is that?" Stevie asked, on defense. Jasmine shook her head and smiled.
"It's a good thing. You and Pip, over here, are two people who I've met who look like they smell sweet and, you guys do. She's more of a sugary flower. And you are like a warm sugar," Jasmine explained. Stevie nodded and looked around the room of silence.
"I would love to get my nails done before my baby comes... so..." she joked. The adults laughed and started to walk out of the room. "Today's gonna be a good day," Stevie whispered to herself.
At the nail salon, Phillipa sat in the middle with Stevie on her right, Jazzy on her left, Brielle in Stevie's lap, and Renée on the left of Jasmine. "What color are you gonna get?" Phillipa asked. The teenager pulled out the maroon and black nail polish from between the chair and her leg.
"I want matte maroon and a black cross on my middle finger." Stevie smiled. Phillipa thought for a second but truly couldn't picture it.
"I'd have to see it, but I think it's gonna be cute! Oh, and I was supposed to ask you if you are going to the show tonight?" Phillipa asked. Stevie sighed and looked at her phone. She already had a prior engagement, but she didn't want to upset Pippa.
"Uh, Mir and I were gonna hang, but I can if you want me to," Stevie said. Pippa, Renée, and Jasmine looked at Stevie weird. They had never heard of this Mir before, because if they had Pippa definitely would have shared.
"Mir?" She asked. Stevie mentally slapped herself. "Who is Mir?" The protective Pippa was about to jump out.
"The guy from my Chem class. The one that I meet with on Wednesdays," Stevie answered. Pippa continued to look confused. She knew the class, she didn't know the boy. "I swear I have mentioned him before," Stevie said. Pippa shook her head.
"A guy? I don't recall and I would recall if you mentioned a guy. Does he know about the baby?" Pippa asked. Stevie nodded. "Okay. Well, you can bring him to the show tonight. I would love to meet him," Pippa said. Stevie shook her head.
"I can't have my mom-" Stevie stopped herself after she heard what she said, "I mean you on my first date with Amir," she said. Phillipa held up her hands in defense. She wasn't even gonna mention the whole mom situation.
"Okay, then don't think of it as a date. Think of it as hanging out at my job," Phillipa replied. Stevie nodded and pulled out her phone.
"Fine. Lip, can you text him and say that I want him to meet us at the house around 12?" Stevie asked. Phillipa nodded and grabbed the phone from the teenager. She would have typed it herself, but her right hand was in the manicurist's hands, and she couldn't type with her left solely. She was going to get her toes done but, she has a boot on her foot so it would have been for no reason.
"I don't see his name," Phillipa said, scrolling through her text threads. Stevie remembered what he was named under and blushed profusely.
"It's under...baby daddy," Stevie said. Renée and Jasmine laughed as Phillipa's mouth gaped. "In my defense, he put it in like that," Stevie assured. Phillipa shook her head with a small smile.
"My oh my," she said, finding the thread and texting the boy. When she finished, she sat Stevie's phone down and felt a certain vibration pattern on her leg to signify that Lin was calling. "Hey, babe," she grinned. Jasmine and Renée started to make kissy noises. Brielle was on Stevie's lap so they watched the manicure take place and tried not to listen to what was going on.
"Hey. What are you up to?" Lin asked. Phillipa put the phone on speaker and sat it closer to Jasmine so all three of the woman could hear.
"Nothing. Just having a girls day with Jaz, Née, Stevie, and Bri," Phillipa answered. Lin oohed and apologized for keeping Pippa. "What are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm at Jonathan house. I'm drinking a beer and watching Jonathan attempt to cook for Lea. It's great fun," Lin laughed. The girls laughed at Lin and Phillipa shook her head. "But, that's not why I called. I was wondering if you would meet me after the show tonight?" Lin suggested. Phillipa rose an eyebrow.
"What do you mean? Are you not coming to my apartment after the show?" She asked.
"No, I am. But, I need something after the show and I would rather take care of it while still at the theater," Lin clarified. Renée and Jasmine's eyes widened, they could hear the sexual undertone that was not foreign to them. Phillipa looked confused but agreed. The couple hung up and Phillipa could see her friends were bursting with excitement and had no idea why.
"What?" She asked with a small laugh. Reneé and Jasmine looked at her as if she had three heads.
"Do you not get it?" Renée asked. Phillipa shook her head. "So you have no clue what he would want?" She pried. Phillipa once again shook her head. "Jasmine, help her out," Renée said. Jasmine laughed, scooted to Phillipa's ear.
"He wants to have sex with you in the theater," Jasmine whispered. Phillipa placed her hand over her mouth and shook her head.
"What? And I agreed to that?" She freaked. Jasmine and Renée laughed hysterically. "You know, I was telling Stevie that I needed to get waxed as a 'maybe this will happen' this morning. Now, I definitely am going to get a wax," she said. Renée and Jasmine were in tears of laughter at this point.
"Girl, it can't be that bad!" Renée said. Phillipa shook her head. "Didn't you and Steven?" Renée implied. Phillipa gave her an obvious look. "We're you waxed then?" She asked. Phillipa shook her hand to signify a kind of.
"Pippa!" Jasmine said. Phillipa laughed and shrugged.
"He said he liked an all natural woman. I should have know better," Pippa said. The girls laughed and talked as the day progressed. They were having a good time but, Stevie and Phillipa couldn't help but be nervous for later on.
A/N thanks for reading! Join me again real soon. Ily! 💕 Comment.Like.Follow
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