The next day Phillipa woke up to sickness, but not just any sickness, it was Stevie sickness. The tired young adult slid out of bed and walked to the spare room across the apartment. When she opened the door, Stevie was lying in the bed staring at the wall opposite of the door. Pippa gently knocked on the door to get Stevie's attention. "Morning," Phillipa half smiled. Stevie rolled over and wiped a free falling tear.
"Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?" Stevie asked. Phillipa shook her head as the teenager sat up slowly. "Ahh," She groaned, clutching you her stomach. Phillipa rushed closer, but Stevie stuck her hand out. "Stay back. I don't want you to catch whatever I have!" Stevie warned.
"Are you nauseous? Lightheaded? What?" Phillipa asked. Stevie nodded and clasped her hand over her mouth.
"Oh no!" She mumbled. The 17-year-old sprinted off of the bed and ran to the connected bathroom. Phillipa quickly followed her and immediately held her hair.
"Honey, how long has this been going on?" Phillipa asked, rubbing Stevie's back for support. Stevie dry heaved once more before washing out her mouth.
"It started last night. But, I haven't been feeling myself for a while, I probably caught something from the streets you know," Stevie nonchalantly answered. "It's weird. I'll throw up, feel good for a little, then a couple hours later it happens again," Stevie said. Phillipa smacked her teeth and helped Stevie back to the bed.
"I can-" Phillipa was cut off by her phone beeping. She checked it see a text from Lin.
Linny🤞🏼😱😂: Where are you? Are you still coming to the meeting?
"Shit," Pippa muttered. Stevie could tell that the text was kind of import. She could sense Phillipa was torn between her and whatever that text said.
"If you have to work, go. I have to run some errands. Plus, this was a one-time thing. J wasn't gonna stay, anyways," Stevie excused. She had started to freeze Phillipa out again. She collected her things, put on some jeans and her ripped converses. "I don't want to take up your life. I'm out," She said, bolting out of the apartment.
"Stevie, wait! Call me if you need anything!" Phillipa chased after her, but was stopped when the door slammed in her face. "Fuck!" She whispered. Phillipa went to her bathroom to get ready for this meeting, and poorly tried not to think about Stevie.
At the theater, during intermission of the first show, Pippa sat in her dressing room staring at her phone. She was waiting for a text or call from Stevie, but so far nothing. Lin came to Pippa's room after hearing about how down she was to see if he could possibly cheer her up, knowing how much he made her smile. "Hey. You got a second?" He asked. Phillipa nodded and allowed him to come in fully. He shut the door behind himself and sat on the coffee table in front of her with a heavy sigh. "How do you know that girl from the other day? The one Oak saved," He asked. Phillipa quietly played with her phone in her hands, while she contemplated the benefits of talking about that day.
"She was at the clinic with me a few weeks ago and then I met her in the alley out back not long after that," Pippa explained. Lin took off his hat and held it in his hands.
"You fond of her?" Lin asked. Pippa nodded.
"I am. I don't want to see anything bad happen to her, and I just let her go. She wasn't feeling well today and I let her leave," Pippa self pitied. All the bad thoughts of how Stevie could be dead in a ditch started to form in Pippa's mind and she was going into full blown panic mode. "What if she stopped breathing and passed out in the park? Or what if she was walking across the street and threw up in the middle of the road, then got hit?" Pippa freaked. She started to sob in her hands. "God! What did I let her go?" She cried. Lin scooted next to her and held tightly onto his co-star.
"Shhh. Listen to me. She is okay. In this case, no news is good news. Trust me she will call if she needs you!" Lin assured. Pippa violently shook her head.
"No, she won't. Why would she call a complete stranger?" Pippa sulked. Lin took her chin in his hand and lifted her eyes to meet his.
"Phillipa Soo, you are the most caring, kindest, and most amazing soul I have ever met. Trust me. She will call when she needs you!" Lin said. Phillipa nodded and put her phone on the charger.
"You're right!" She agreed. Pippa kissed Lin's cheek and stood up. "I have to fix my makeup before I go back out so... I'll see you later. Thanks for the pep talk," Pippa thanked. Lin nodded and left out the room. Pippa stared at her mascara stained cheeks and couldn't help but shed a couple more tears. This is why you weren't meant to be a mother. She thought.
Stevie sat in the apartment of good ol' Vosco, with some of his boys drinking and smoking. She was trying to forget the kindness Phillipa showed her, and the pain she was gonna go through if she stayed. She didn't know why she would even think that Phillipa would have time for her. She's an actress and I'm a nothing. You're dumb as hell if you think she's gonna keep you! Stevie though taking the last swing of her beer. Upon seeing her drink was empty, she got up to get another bottle when Marco, one of Vosco's friends, came after her. "Hey!" He said. Stevie nodded and grabbed a beer from the fridge. She felt his eyes glued to her. He smacked her butt as she was bent over making her stand up abruptly.
"What are you doing?" She asked. Marco put his hand on her mouth and drug her to the back room. The music was loud so no one heard her screaming as he continuously beat and raped her.
Some hour and a half later, Stevie woke up with a huge headache and the memory of what previously happened. Quietly, she hurried to the bathroom to check out her busted lip and black eye. She started to cry, silently afraid he was going to come back. "Pippa," She squeaked, hearing the bedroom door open again.
Phillipa moseyed into her house at ten o'clock, after her show and there, in the living room, sat Steven. She shook her head and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. "Look who's back," Steven spat. Pippa harshly rolled her eyes and went to the bedroom with her water. She had to take her pill before 10:30 to stay on schedule and that's all she planned to do. However, when she got to her hiding spot, under the sink, they were gone. "Looking for your pills?" Steven asked, holding the empty package.
"What did you do?" She yelled. Rage started to build in Phillipa as Steven smirked.
"I flushed them. You thought you could trick me into thinking you can't get pregnant? Really, Phillipa?" He said. Phillipa threw the open water bottle at him. Soaking his ugly plaid shirt.
"You had no right-"
"No! You had no right!" Steven yelled. "You know how much I want a baby! Why won't you give that to me?" He fought. Phillipa screamed out of frustration and mowed past him, making sure to shove his shoulder extra hard.
"Because it's not all about you! You aren't the one that will have to stop doing shows! You aren't the one that has to carry a child for 9 months! You aren't the one that goes through changes that you can't snap back from! I am! You get to parade around like nothing is going on! Then one day show up with a baby on your hip! I am not your personal baby making machine! I am too damn tired of this conversation! Yes, I want kids eventually, but right now is not the time! And if that's all you care about then fine," she replied. Phillipa took off her ring and handed it to Steven, "I don't want to marry someone with a one track mind, when that one track isn't in my best interest as well." Phillipa said. Steven shook his head and gladly took the ring back.
"You're selfish, Phillipa. You will never find someone like me again!" He yelled grabbing his clothes and putting some toiletries in a bag.
"Good, cause I don't want anyone like you!" She screamed. With in five minutes, Steven had gotten the stuff he kept at her house and left. Where to? Wherever the hell he felt. Phillipa did not give two shits at the moment. Angrily, she plopped on her bed and started to cry. Soon the cry turned into a call. The called turned into a visitor. And the visitor turned into a one night stand. With whom? Good question.
After Marco finished round three with her, Stevie grabbed her phone from under a blanket. She checked to make sure he really left the house to grab a smoke. She heard the door shut which gave Stevie enough time to call the only person she knew too. "This is Phillipa Soo. Sorry, I missed your call. Leave a message at the beep." Said the operating machine. Stevie mentally cried out in pain. Beep.
"Pippa, please come get me! I need you. I can't breathe. Help me!" Stevie cried. She left the message and waited for five minutes. Nothing. She tried again and got the same thing. "PIPPA, PLEASE! I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING! JUST COME GET ME!" She pleaded through tears. Another ten minutes went by and nothing. Stevie started to feel light headed decided to call 911 and asked for an ambulance. Before she could get out the address, she blacked out.
A/N hi!!whats going on? How is everyone? What do you think of Pippa's concern? Who was the one night stand with? Will Stevie be alright?🤞🏾🖤💕🤷🏾♀️
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