Sunday morning, a week after Stevie and Pippa's argument, Stevie was back on the fire escape in her usual place. She hadn't been at the theater in a while in fear of seeing Pippa again. After the fucked up stuff she said, Stevie felt genuinely regretful. So, she decided to make her way back to apologize. However, since she didn't know what time Pippa was coming in she was forced to wait.
After twenty-four minutes of being perched on a rusty fire escape, a group of guys strolled up to Stevie. "How much for a quick blow?" One asked humorously. Stevie rolled her eyes and tried to ignore them. "Aye bitch! I'm talking to you!" He yelled with the strongest Brooklyn accent. Then, out of nowhere, one of the tall guys grabbed her arms and pulled her off her step.
"Let go of me!" Stevie screamed. Quickly, the big guy grabbed a hold of her other arm and together they pinned her to the brick wall, as the first one went to put his lips on Stevie's neck. The uneven layout of the wall started to dig into her back as she tried to shy away from his slimy lips.
"Aye! I believe the lady wants you off!" A voice boomed. The guys dropped Stevie, which allowed her to scramble behind the buff guy att he stage door. Oak walked up to the group of guys from the door and puffed his chest out. The three guys looked at him with a smirk.
"What are you gonna do, tough guy?" The first one asked. He got in Oaks face nice and close, giving Oak the opportunity to grab his thumb and turn it back.
"In this position, I can break your thumb," He informed. Oak twisted the limb a little more so the guys' back was to him. "In this position, I can break your elbow," Then Oak pushed harder on the jerks arm. "And here, I am two seconds away from snapping the shit off. Now leave the girl alone," Oak whispered. He shoved the ass toward the fire escape and watched he and his boys run away like a bunch of little girls.
"Thanks," Stevie said, brushing off her clothes. Oak watched her come down off of the steps and resume her spot on the stair.
"What are you doing back here? It's dangerous," He claimed, motioning to the area where their situation just took place. Steviana sighed and pulled out her phone.
"I'm waiting for Pippa to get here," She replied as if nothing happened. Oak shook his head, confused.
"She ain't coming in today. She's sick or something," Oak explained. Stevie bit her lip and sighed. She wasn't sure of how long she had left before her one-night stand was going to find her, and she needed to apologize, just in case things went south and someone had to be able to identify her body at the morgue.
"Oh...well, do know where I can find her?" Stevie asked. Oak took the teen's phone, put Pippa's address in, and Stevie saw that it was only 3 blocks away. "Thanks, Oak," Stevie's kindly expressed. She quickly hoisted her backpack onto her back and sprinted out of the alley. Within 10 minutes, Stevie showed at Pippa's window on her fire escape. She saw a fight going on between Pippa and some guy and she didn't want to intrude and she didn't know who it was, but this man was heated.
On the inside of the window, Phillipa was being yelled at like a child once again over nonsense. "How could you not want to see my parents today? They came all the way into town to see the play! You have to perform!" Steven yelled. Phillipa shook her head and sat on the bed.
"I can't! I don't get how you can't see that I'm sick!" She yelled. He placed his hands on his hips and dramatically rolled his neck.
"You were well enough to go to lunch with Lin yesterday!" He sassed. Phillipa furrowed her eyebrows and shot off of the bed.
"No! I fucking wasn't! I almost threw up three times! And I almost passed out twice! But at least Lin cared!" She responded, feeling her stomach flip, causing her to sit back down. Steven folded his arms.
"So now I don't care? Awesome. Wow. I'm just a terrible fiancé then," He guilted. Pippa rolled her eyes and laid back.
"I'm over this! You aren't going to guilt trip me into doing what you want! I'm sick and I'm not performing! Get, over it!" Pippa finally put her foot down. Steven groaned and left the apartment in a storm of rage. Phillipa laid in her bed and was going to go to sleep when she turned to the window to see the alley girl peeping in. She got out of the bed and opened the window. "Look who showed up at my window?" Pippa murmured. Stevie came in and sat in the actresses bay window seat, while Pippa who got back in the bed.
"This is not what I thought your room would look like. I saw a lot of flowers and rainbows," Stevie said. Phillipa pushed her hair behind her ears and sunk into her sheets. She didn't feel good and didn't feel like being insulted at her window. She was about to get backout of her bed and charge at the teenager, but Stevie put her hands up to stop her. "Hey! Okay! I came to apologize. I was waiting for you outside of the theater, but you didn't show..." she trailed off. "And you might be happy to know that I almost got raped," Stevie announced. Pippa sat up with a look of concern.
"Why would I be happy about that? Are you okay? Come here!" Pippa panicked. She pulled Stevie around the bed and sat face to face with Pippa.
"Because of the nasty stuff, I said to you. And yeah I'm fine. This wouldn't be the first time this has happened," Stevie answered. Pippa hauled her into a tight hug. Well, as tight as she could muster in her weak state. Recovering from the abortion left her exhausted and she had contracted the flu, so she was weak. "You...you look terrible. Are you gonna be okay?" Stevie asked. Pippa nodded.
"I'm trying to get over the flu. I'll be fine," Phillipa answered. Stevie nodded and got up. "Where are you going?" Phillipa asked. Stevie pointed to the window.
"I'm going away. I don't want to interfere with your recovery or join in it," Stevie said. Phillipa shook her head.
"Nonsense," she smiled. "Stay here. I would feel better knowing you are safe. At least for the rest of the weekend," Pippa pleaded. Stevie agreed and closed the window.
"Stevie," The rough, tough teenager introduced. Pippa got up and ran to her linen closet.
"Well, Stevie. I am going to grab you a towel and bath cloth so you can shower and make yourself at home," Pippa said. She observed that Stevie was wearing the same three outfits she had repeatedly seen her in. Stevie accepted the towel and bath cloth with a small smile. Right as she was about to walk out of the room, Stevie stopped.
"Why are you being so nice to me? After all that shit I said to you," Stevie asked. Pippa smiled and took a seat back on he bed.
"I'm not gonna leave you in the streets. Especially after hearing about what happened in the alley," Pippa stated. Stevie looked at her confused and cocked her head to the side.
"I didn't say it happened in the alley," Stevie detected. Pippa smirked and laid on her side.
"Oak texted me what happened. I knew before you even perched in my window. I didn't think you were coming, though," Pippa explained. Stevie slowly nodded.
"Oh. Well, what would you have done if I hadn't shown up?" Stevie asked, leaning against the door frame. Phillipa shrugged.
"I don't know. I would hope that you showed up at the theater again," Phillipa answered. Stevie smiled and felt her phone buzz. "Would you have?" Phillipa asked.
"I don't know. Maybe," She replied. The teen left the room and headed through the living room/kitchen area. Phillipa laid on her back and stared at the ceiling. She was wondering what was gonna happen between her and Stevie. And she was praying it would be favorable.
After her shower, Stevie emerged from the bathroom to see that Phillipa had laid out clothes for her on the bed in the spare room. She changed and went to the living room to see Phillipa texting and watching TV. "Hey," Phillipa greeted. Stevie half waved and sat on the love seat. "You hungry? I can order food." Phillipa offered. Stevie shrugged.
"What about your fiancé?" Stevie asked. Phillipa rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"He and I are on a break," She answered. Stevie nodded and saw how this conversation was bringing Phillipa down.
"Hey! How about that food. I'm starving," Stevie yelled, changing the subject. Phillipa silently got up and walked to her kitchen, still in her mood. Absentmindedly, she grabbed her take-out menus and sat back down.
"When was the last time you ate?" Phillipa asked. Stevie looked to the ceiling, counting back the meals she had.
"Umm, Thursdays morning," She answered as if it was no big deal. Phillipa came across a look of shock. In the right light Stevie looked a little healthy, but not by very much.
"It's Sunday! You need to eat something," Phillipa said. She grabbed a banana from the table and tossed it to Stevie. "Eat this, while I order a pizza," Phillipa parented. Stevie gladly took it and started to munch on it, but something wasn't sitting well with her. She swallowed the piece in her mouth and placed the rest of the banana down in its peel on the table. Normally, she would've love a banana, but right now was not the case. "What's wrong?" Pippa asked as she dialed the number of a pizza place nearby.
"I have no idea. But, I'm not feeling this banana. Maybe pizza will be better," Stevie hoped. She was actually really hungry, but for some reason, the pizza was starting to sound repulsive. However, she was gonna push through it, though. Phillipa ordered the food, a simple medium cheese pizza and two ginger ales, and Stevie picked up the remote and turned the channel of the TV to a rerun of Gilmore Girls.
"I love this show!" Pippa squealed, dropping the menu back into the draw and moving back to the couch. Stevie used to watch that show after school with her brother everyday. Sadly, she hasn't been to school in a year. She wanted to go back, but she didn't know how and didn't even have a stable address.
All these thoughts shot through her head, but all she mustered was a "Yeah it's great." and a half smile. Pippa noticed the absence of mind in Stevie's face, but brushed it off and waited for the food. She just liked the company of someone who wasn't having a screaming match with her.
A/N thanks for reading! Leave a comment if you liked this. I am excited for this, and I'm proud of it. I have been watching #Ham4Ham's and if you know any good ones please suggest some. Ily💕
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