Chapter 3 - Lovely
"Isn't she lovely made from love." Harry finished the last few notes of his song and prepared himself for what would surely be 3 no's. He braced himself as Nicole began to speak.
"I'm really glad we had the opportunity to hear you acapella, 'cause we could really hear how great your voice is," she said, smiling at him. Harry was shaking, and doing everything in his power not to run off stage and scream. Instead, he simply smiled.
"Thank you." He was listening, but his mind was also drifting somewhere else, somewhere not too far away. Did he hear me? Did he think I was good? Terrible? Oh god, he probably thinks I'm some talentless little kid, oh god. Harry was suddenly brought back into the real world, as he heard Louis (not the one who made him turn into a blushing and giggling mess) start to say something about how Harry was too young, how he didn't have enough experience with singing.
"I don't think you have enough experience or confidence yet," he said. Harry nodded, fighting back tears. He tried not to let it get to him, but he had always been the type of person who cared way too much about other people's opinions about him.
Simon was now talking, but if Harry's mind had been elsewhere earlier, it was in a whole different universe now. All he could think about was what had happened just hours prior, his awkward (but incredible) conversation with the beautiful boy with the soft brown hair, the glimmering blue eyes, the warm smile that could light up any room. The corners of Harry's mouth turned up just thinking about it, and he started to grin just as Simon finished speaking.
Unfortunately, that smile went away the second he heard Louis (the one who he was very much not fond of) say that he was going to have to say no to Harry. Rubbish, Harry thought, he doesn't have to do anything, he's just an old prick who- ok, enough, Harry. Maybe I'll get lucky and Simon and Nicole will both say yes. And they did. Harry almost burst into tears as he grinned from ear to ear, trying to keep his cool while walking offstage. Once he was off, though, he ran up to his mom, who embraced him and ruffled his hair, telling him how proud she was.
As much as he loved his mom, nothing compared to seeing Louis (the one who he could already tell he was falling for) gaping at him, speechless.
"Y-you didn't tell me you could sing that well, I mean... wow." Louis shook his head and whistled, causing Harry to flush bright red, beaming. Holy shit he said I'm a good singer he said I sing well he was listening to me and he stuttered before being able to talk to me and he's still smiling and oh my god someone call an ambulance-
"Thanks! That means a lot, thank you," Harry interrupted his own thoughts. Louis gave him a thumbs up and smiled once again, which practically made Harry melt.
"Alright, well, I think I'm on in a few, wish me luck." Louis started walking away, and as Harry watched his back (well, maybe a bit lower than his back), he knew that he was in big trouble. He had no control over his growing feelings for this boy, and that was going to be a problem, as Harry could tell that Louis was very, very straight. I always have to fall for the straight ones, don't I? God, I'm a mess, Harry thought to himself. He walked back over to his family, and his mom asked if he was ready to leave.
"Erm... actually, there's one audition that I'd sort of like to stay for... if that's alright," Harry mumbled, barely loud enough for Anne to hear. She smiled and nodded, and Harry was immediately flooded with relief. He walked into the main theatre, where the auditions took place. His mind was wandering, but the path it was on was just Louis, Louis, Louis. All he wanted to do was be able to congratulate Louis on what he was sure would be a perfect audition. If he was being completely honest, he just wanted an excuse to give him a hug, though he was excited to hear Lou sing. Wait, can I call him Lou? I mean, he called me Haz... so... does that give me a pass? It does, right? I think... I guess I'll just have to ask him.
Harry beamed just thinking about having another conversation with Louis, hearing his soft, angelic voice and his jingle bell laugh even one more time. Oh, his laugh. I would buy tickets to watch him laugh for an hour. God, I'm such a creep. I should really-
Harry's thoughts were interrupted by Simon's booming voice. "And what's your name?" He heard a familiar voice, saying a familiar name.
"I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson." Harry instantly sat up straight in his chair, craning his neck to try to see Louis's face. Louis finished his introduction, and the opening chords to Hey There Delilah began to play.
Harry was bouncing around in his seat, eagerly waiting to hear what Louis sounded like. When the most angelic voice he had ever heard filled his ears, his mind, his heart, he felt like he was about to melt into a puddle on the floor.
After Louis was done, Harry clapped until his hands felt like they'd fall off, and cheered until his throat hurt. When he made it through, Louis beamed, and Harry felt as though he was looking at the sun. Like Louis was the sun.
He waited at the building's exit for a few minutes, expecting to see Louis emerge with his mom, maybe a few friends, ready to ambush him with a hug. What he saw, however, was Louis holding someone's hand, a girl's hand. And that girl did not look like she was Louis's sister. Louis turned towards Harry, still holding that girl's hand, and Harry felt his heart sinking and his eyes tearing up.
He turned away so Louis wouldn't see him cry, and Louis must not have cared, because when Harry turned back around, the other boy was nowhere to be seen.
He wiped a tear from under his eye and started to walk towards where his mom and sister were waiting for him. God, why am I even crying? I've known him for like, a day. I knew he was straight... it's just that... no, shut up, he can do whatever he wants, I mean nothing to him. I'll probably never see him again anyways.
That night, Harry couldn't sleep. His mind was racing, and his heart was beating quite a bit faster than usual. His thoughts kept drifting back to the day's events, no matter where they started.
He tried to think about something, anything, other than Louis, but it wasn't working. He had known the boy for a grand total of 6 hours, but there was just... something about him. And whatever that something was, Harry didn't know how he had survived without it.
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