"Ladoo, take this."
"Wow! A new saree. But on what occasion are you presenting me this Dadi?"
"I've chosen a groom for you."
#Maheshwari mansion#
"You can't escape the truth. You'll have to face it one day or the other Lucky."
"I know bhai. But...but what if Baba never forgives me if I tell the truth? What if Swara and her family hates me after knowing everything?"
"He will. Tell him the truth like a man, and he will understand."
"I...I need some time to decide the what to do Adarsh bhai."
#Sanskar's room#
"What now? Ragini knows the truth."
"I'm thinking Maa. Ugh! I just hate that idiotic girl trying to land her foot in other's business. Why can't she just keep herself away from all this?!"
"Sanskar I...I don't mean to pry, but you seem more distressed nowadays. As if you're angry that Ragini found out the truth. You seemed more happy when she was your friend."
"What are you implying Maa? I'm not and won't be happy in her company. I hate her!"
"Well, she seems more like a obsession of yours now to me, considering you seem to be spitting her name every other minute."
"I. Hate. Her!"
"There's a very thin line between hate and love Sanky. Just know that."
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