Yep yep. I know. This fic has been pending since well... almost a month. 😅
Restarting with the updates from Friday. Till then, hope you haven't forgotten the plot. Just in case, here's a sum up.
Story till now :
Laksh, furious that Ragini's obsession with him was keeping him away from Swara charges into the Gadodia household to confront Ragini. However, he overhears her conversation with Swara where she expresses her heart out about how much she loves Laksh, filling his heart with guilt at how much he mistrusted her. Unable to do injustice to her any longer, he takes her out alone and admits the truth about his love for Swara. Ragini, although completely hurt, tells him that she wants his happiness and even agrees to help him win Swara's heart. However, they agree to keep this a secret for the families.
As this mission of theirs begin, Ragini also takes care of Sanskar, thinking he is mad. However, Sanskar who has been secretly trying to ruin Laksh and Durgaprasad begins to fall for Ragini without his wish. As for Laksh, the growing closeness between Sanskar and Ragini bothers him.
Ragini becomes more bold after the heart break. It breaks her, but makes her stronger. She's more outspoken and her smile is a more bright. Swara starts feeling insecure as Ragini has become everyone's apple of the eye. Even Laksh seems to value his friendship with Ragini more than her. Hence, in spite, she tries to act romantic with Laksh in front of Ragini aiming to hurt her. However, Ragini no longer is bothered by it. She has accepted that Laksh won't be hers and so, doesn't react much. Laksh, on the other hand, is bothered by the fact that Ragini no longer cares and longs for him as she once did. He doesn't know how or when but he fell for her. However, he knows he broke her and laments why he never accepted her love in the first place.
Eventually, Laksh isn't able to keep it in and indirectly tells Ragini that he has started to feel something for her. However, she doesn't return his feelings and moves out, already guessing what he wants to say. Ragini, although still cares for Laksh, doesn't trust him anymore. Moreover, she fears that Swara might be heart broken. But she doesn't realize that Swara is only using Laksh to spite her.
Amidst everything, Ragini comes to know the truth about Sanskar. She wants to reveal the truth to everyone, but refrains because Sanskar threatens to reveal their fake lies about them wanting to marry after they build their careers. Hence, she doesn't speak out the truth.
Laksh, alone and sad, feels desperate. When Adarsh questions him as an elder brother, Laksh ends up telling him everything. Although angry at Laksh, Adarsh advices to tell the family the truth for the better. And Laksh does it. He gets Ragini and together they tell everyone the truth. Not only about their fake lies, but Laksh also confesses infront of everyone his love for Ragini. However, Ragini doesn't accept. Yes, Laksh is in her heart. But she has learnt to live by loving and not expecting him to return her feelings. She doesn't trust him not to break her heart again. Swara's dual personality of acting one, and feeling another is revealed as well and she storms out when no one pays her attention.
Parvati, Ragini's grandmother wants her to marry to a rich royal gentleman named Ratan Singh. Ragini knows Laksh's place won't be replaced in her heart and she is happy to live how she is. However, she agrees to court Ratan for Dadi's sake. Ratan and Ragini go out to the mall. However, Laksh interrupts their so-called date and turns out to be a college friend of Ratan. Ragini's pissed and irritated at both, but the real danger arises when she is kidnapped by Nikhil, hired by Swara. Nikhil doesn't misbehave though. He explains to Ragini that he is doing it because someone is blackmailing him. If he doesn't listen, they will reveal his criminal past to his little daughter, Mishka.
Mishka is a sweet girl and Ragini entertains her with games. However, getting a chance to escape the unknown forest, she tries to run away. Fortunately for her, Laksh's car is parked in the lonely road amidst the woods. He seems to be drowning in his sorrows about not being able to find Ragini and failing to protect her. However, before she can approach him, Nikhil gets to her and brings her back.
Back at Nikhil's hidden residence, a woman who is the blackmailer of Nikhil and the one who ordered Ragini's kidnapping is there. She requests a personal meeting with Ragini where she reveals herself. Ragini is shell-shocked to see its Swara who harbors so much hatred against her.
Elsewehere, Mishka who had gotten lost while playing hide and seek with Ragini finds Laksh. Laksh agrees to help the child find her way back with her leading the way. Mishka comes home when Nikhil was busy spying on Ragini and Swara's conversation. Nikhil now knows why Swara was doing all of the wrongs to Ragini. When his daughter asks him to come and meet the person who helped her find her home, Nikhil's eyes widen to recognize Laksh. Laksh, too, recognizes him and starts chasing him around the house. Swara and Ragini, who were inside, hear the commotion and are shocked to find Laksh there. Swara panics and escapes the place before Laksh finds her there.
Rest - Friday. Stay tuned for more of -
~ 🌹 Mona 🌹
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