25. The Real Culprit
Hi there! Back with the update. Took a bit long. Oops. Will try to update sooner!
Moving on... 💃💃💃
"Words in double quotes" - Talking
'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts
(Words in braces) - Phone conversations
Chapter 25 - The Real Culprit
There was a solemn air as they sat in the room, both stealing glances at each other, yet not speaking.
Laksh wanted desperately to make her understand. Make her give him a second chance to prove how much he loves her. And yet, he doesn't do anything. Because he doesn't know what to do to make her realize his feelings. 'I should have valued her. But I took her for granted. Now...I fear it's too late.'
Ragini didn't dare turn her head towards Laksh. She knew what she would see. And she didn't want to see his sad expressions. However, she couldn't accept him. Not after the trauma of love she went through. She was at peace now and she liked it that way. 'I fear it's too late Laksh. I've lived too long accepting that I won't get you and agreed to watch you be happy from afar with another. Now, I'm happy this way. I don't know if I can go back.'
The door opened suddenly, breaking them from their troublesome thoughts.
Nikhil blinked at them from the doorway. 'Huh... I thought they were lovers. How come they have their backs to each other?' entering the room, he looked at them quizzically. "Trouble in love paradise, folks?"
At once, Laksh surged up in anger. He was already in a bad mood because of what happened with Ragini. Now, Nikhil's presence was only giving him a chance to let out all his anger and sorrow. "You bastard!" balling his hand into a fist, he went to punch Nikhil.
However, Nikhil swiftly dodged and approached Ragini. He smiled at her and made her stand up.
Ragini glared. "Let go!" she pushed him away in anger. "Let us free!"
"Thank you."
Ragini's angry face at once turned into one of confusion. "Wh-what?"
"Come here you!" Laksh tried to attack again, but without success.
"I'm on the right path finally. And it's all because of you. You made me understand my daughter better."
"When did I do that?"
"He's trying to mess with your head Ragini!" Laksh came back to grab Nikhil.
This time, Nikhil turned and grabbed him instead, shoving the nearby cloth in his mouth. "Now shut! Stupid moron."
"Rafiwi! Fwwff mwf!"
"Sit quietly or I'll feed you to the lions in the deeper areas of this jungle!"
"Hwwf dwr-"
"Shh Laksh. Let him explain!"
Laksh looked at Ragini in disbelief. Shaking his head, he quietened down with a huff. 'Unbelievable. I'm being treated like a dunce in class while she's his favorite student. Grrrr!'
"I chose to do what you suggested. Your words kept running over my mind about how I was lying to Mishka. She's my daughter! I shouldn't be so insecure of my bond with my own daughter! And...and thanks to you, I realized that."
Ragini smiled. "So you told her the truth?"
"I'm glad."
"Yep. Now, all you need to know is that you both will be free soon. And Swara shall be caught."
"Sfwawa?" Laksh piped in.
"Oh. You haven't told him?"
"I..." Ragini looked away. "Nikhil, can I talk to you sec-"
"Oh no. Oh, no, no, no! You aren't protecting that double-crosser." refusing to listen to Ragini, he sat before Laksh and grinned. "Let me tell you the story about a big bad...nah...about a tiny little pest."
Laksh cracked his neck and stretched his arms, trying to get his joints functioning actively after being locked up for hours. Beside him, Ragini stepped out of the room and started looking around.
Nikhil followed them outside, whistling to himself.
"There she is, no?" Laksh questioned. On Nikhil's nod, Laksh marched forward, only to be stopped by Ragini.
"Laksh, no. Don't be too harsh on Swara. I'm sure there was misunderstanding an-"
"Misunderstanding?! She kidnapped you, blamed you for stealing me when it's me pining after you, tried to make Nikhil take you away from us and...and you still think she's under a misunderstanding?!"
Ragini flinched. "Well, it cou-"
"She also told me never to bring Ragini back until she manages to make you marry her." Nikhil added with a smirk, raising his hands in surrender when Ragini glared. "Oops. It escaped my mouth."
"That's it! I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!"
Ragini rushed to stop Laksh in desperatation. No matter what, Swara was still here sister. "Laksh, wait. She's in love with you! That's why she did this!"
"No. She likes me and wants me because now, I like you. I'm her tool to make you feel miserable. That...that...ugh! Where did I put my brain when I thought I liked her?!"
"It probably went hibernating." Nikhil joked, earning another glare from Ragini.
"You're not helping!"
"My mouth wants to talk. What do I do?"
They looked up when they heard some vehicles approach. As they stopped, some people got out.
Ragini and Laksh's eyes widened as they found it to be the Gadodias, along with Ratan, Sujata and Sanskar. The police were with them as well. However, thy had their sirens off since they didn't want to alert the kidnapper.
'But it's unnecessary since I'm the person who called them.' Nikhil thought with a chuckle.
Ratan was the first to march forward. "YOU! HOW DARE YOU KIDNAP MY SWEET AND INNOCENT RAGINI?!"
"Dude, would you stop spitting on my face?" Nikhil spoke in irritation. "As for Ragini, she's right here." he pointed to where Ragini's parents were hugging her.
"Good for you."
Ratan grit his teeth and grabbed Nikhil's collar. "I ought to punch the living daylights out of you!"
"I thought the same Ratan." Laksh interrupted. "But turns out, he's not the main culprit. It's someone who we could have never imagined."
"He isn't?"
"No. Now, let him go so he can tell you the truth."
"I want to punch him for ly-"
"Stop being annoying and let him go Ratan! Or I'll feed you to the lions in the jungle." Laksh chided.
Nikhil dusted his jacket as Ratan released him. "Dude, that was my line."
"How did you get here Laksh?" Sujata questioned. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Chachi. As for everything else, Nikhil will explain."
"Why explain when I can show you?" Nikhil smirked and walked towards the room in front of them. Knocking on the door, he waited beside it. "You can come out now. I've moved Laksh to the other room at the back!"
The door opened, revealing a face that shocked everyone to the core.
Swara emerged with a sigh. "Good work. Thank goodne-" Swara stopped speaking when she noticed the people there. At once, she felt her blood grow cold. "W-what is a-all...all this?"
"So, explain please Swara. Why you wanted me to kidnap Ragini and keep her away from Laksh." Nikhil hollered for everyone to hear, loud and clear.
Shramishtha had tears in her eyes. The tears of relief that came from finding Ragini turned into tears of anger on hearing his words. "WHAT?! How dare you frame my daughter?!"
"I'm not framing anyone Ma'am. Swara is the one who made me do everything. If you don't believe me..." Nikhil took out his phone and made them hear a recording. "All her call records. Keep listening."
As they finished, everyone was either in shock, or extreme anger. Swara, on the other hand looked like she saw a ghost. She was pale and shaking from fear of her truth being revealed.
Nikhil shut off the recording. "I was the one who called you here to show her true face to everyone. Now, do you believe me?"
Shekhar was still in shock. However, he managed to hold Shramishtha when she almost fell to her knees out of shock and disbelief.
Swara stood there, breathing hard, not knowing what to do. Things definitely didn't seem to be in her favor. She glared at Nikhil. "You...you double-crosser!"
"He only crossed you. You're the one who double crossed Laksh, then Ragini and then the family. Triple-crosser." Laksh shouted. "I can't believe you're that desperate to overshadow Ragini. She's your sister!"
"I knew you were obnoxious. But I never expected you would go this low!" Dadi shouted in anger. "How...how could you?!"
"It's all Ragini's fault! What was supposed to do?! She was becoming everyone's favorite. Maa liked her better. Laksh liked her. The Maheshwaris liked her more and...and I was getting seconded!"
"I never thought such if you Swara." Ragini spoke in a teary voice. "You are always so amazing. I wanted to be bold like you. Everyone thought you were amazing Swara. Why...why did you have to do all this?! I never wanted to overshadow you..."
"Fake! You're just saying all this to overshadow me again! You...you're manipulative!"
"Only one manipulative is you." Nikhil grit out. "Even using my daughter to blackmail me."
Swara balled her hands into fists. She knew her game was over. "If I'm destroyed, I'll take you along. I'll tell Mishka all about your past!"
"Daddy told me everything!" came a tiny voice from nearby.
Mishka came and stood beside Nikhil, giving him a smile. "I know you're not a bad person Daddy. Even if you were, you said you changed. And I believe you. Aren't I right Ragini?"
Ragini nodded with a smile.
"You know...everything?" Swara asked in shock.
"Yes, everything!" Mishka glared and stuck out her tongue at Swara. "You stupid, crazy lady!"
"I...I..." Swara's anger doubled knowing she failed to destroy Nikhil's bond with his daughter. "It's...it's all your fault!" with an angry shout, Swara surged forward and held Ragini by the neck, making her choke.
However, before she could hurt Ragini further, two people loosened her grip. While Sanskar pushed her off, Shramishtha pulled her away and slapped her hard.
"Shut up!" Shramishtha hollered. "I can't believe you. Did I raise you to become this spiteful of people...of your own sister?!"
"Maa, I..."
"I don't want to hear anything!" Shramishtha turned to the constables. "Officer, take her away. I don't want to see her face."
The police nodded and signaled the lady constable to cuff Swara's hands. Weeping and crying, Swara tried to break free of their grip. However, she was arrested.
Laksh, Ratan and Ragini weren't watching her reactions. They couldn't even if they wanted too because they were too shocked by the other person. They were busy looking at Sanskar.
Sanskar, who still held Ragini close to his chest in an one armed hug, all the while glaring over at Swara. As she was taken away, he broke the hug and looked at Ragini in concern. "Are you okay?"
Ragini blinked in surprise. 'Didn't he say he hated me? Why...why is he being so nice?' nevertheless, she nodded without a word.
Sanskar sighed and smiled. "I'm glad."
"But...but didn't you say Sanskar was not normal?" asked a shocked Ratan.
Laksh was equally shocked. "Y-Yes. But...but what's this then?!"
"Oh, that! I needed to explain this to you and the family." Sujata spoke up. "Let's get to the Maheshwari mansion Laksh. I'll explain everything there. Jiji and everyone in the family needs to know as well."
Laksh swallowed hard and nodded, too shocked to speak anything.
"Ragini, you're coming with me too. I don't want to let you out of my sight after seeing you in danger." Sanskar uttered in sincerity. "You and your family should come with us. There's...there's something important to discuss."
"Hey, you can say that normally too. You don't need to be so close!" Ratan shouted, trying to shove away Sanskar from Ragini.
However, Sanskar only smirked and pulled her closer by the waist. "Make me."
Laksh felt like dipping his eyes in water to make sure he was seeing right. "What...what's going on?" Laksh asked with eyes wide as saucers. His head was reeling from all the events taking place in front of his eyes.
Ragini, too, was in the same state, but from different reasons. 'Sanskar hates me, but he's being caring? Last time we met, he wanted to hurt me. Did I wake up in another dimension? And why did he reveal his truth before he got revenge? Is it that he has decided to change his ways? And...oh no! Ratan looks pissed off. Laksh seems ready to faint from shock. What do I do? What's going on in HERE?!'
"Ragini!?" Sanskar managed to catch her in time as Ragini fainted. "Ragini?! RAGINI! Shit!" picking her up bridal style, he carried her to the car. "All of you, let's go. I'm no longer wasting time worsening her condition further."
Nikhil watched the reactions of the other two guys. With years of experience, he knew the look of longing when he saw one. 'Ratan likes Ragini. Laksh too likes Ragini no doubt. And now, this new Romeo too seems to like Ragini. I wonder if she fainted because she was getting the attention of so many hot guys.' Nikhil snickered.
As Nikhil heard Laksh's harsh breathing from nearby, he glared. "Dude, Ragini fainted and he carried her. Don't expect me to carry you. Shoo and get in the car!"
"And you come with us." spoke the police officer, showing him the cuffs.
"But...but I'm cleared of all my past years of criminal records. You can check your documents."
"I'm aware Mr. Nikhil. But the fact is, even if you were blackmailed to do the kidnapping, you still did a crime. So you will be arrested for questioning and may have to go through some trials. The court will see to it."
Nikhil sighed and crouched before Mishka. "Dear, it seems I would be away from home for some time."
"I...I have to be alone?"
"Mina will keep you company dear. And...and I'll be back in no time! Okay?"
With everything settled, they all headed their own directions. While Nikhil and Swara were being taken to the police station, the Gadodias with Ratan, Sujata and Sanskar were heading to the Maheshwari mansion for the big explosion to burst.
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~🌹 Mona🌹
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