17. Trouble in the Name of Love
Hello! Back with another chapter. Let's see what you think about this one. 😁
Moving on...💃💃💃
"Words in double quotes" - Talking
'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts
Chapter 17 - Trouble in the Name of Love
Ragini let out a content sigh as she woke up with a fresh mind and an unburdened heart. The birds chirping outside and the beautiful melody playing over the radio soothed her mood. "Such a warm morning! Today is gonna be an amazing day if you ask me. It's so..."
She flinched as she heard the shout. "...not peaceful." Ragini sighed. 'So much for peace.'
"Coming Dadi!" Ragini got up from the bed and rushed out thinking it would be best if she went to her Dadi then make the bed first. It seemed an emergency. "Yes Dadi? What is it?"
"I should be the one asking you that!"
"Eh? What did I do?"
Parvati glared and pointed at the envelope on the table.
More importantly, the envelope decorated with hearts that was on the table and had Ragini's name written on it in golden letters.
Ragini's eyes widened as she recognized the handwriting in golden ink. 'Laksh!? But why would he send this to our house? What is he thinking?!' she rushed forward when she saw her Dadi about to grab it and pulled it away with an awkward laugh. "Oho Dadi! It's obviously some prank of some neighbourhood kid. Why are you stressed about it? You know how notorious they could be."
"Why would they leave a love letter here with your name, huh?"
"Ahahaha...its a Valentine day prank I guess. Forget it Dadi. I'll go throw it out." Ragini turned around and walked towards her room in a fast pace.
"Ragini, the trash can isn't that way." Parvati uttered in a suspicious tone.
Ragini swallowed. "I um...it-it would be rude to throw this o-out if it was a kid. Maybe they really put an effort into it. So I'll just keep it. Bye!" without waiting for a response, she rushed off.
Parvati rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Unbelievable! This gi-" she paused when she heard the honking of a car. Her eyes widened when she saw it park before their house.
It wasn't just any car. It was the car of the royal family. 'Ratan is here already?! It's only yesterday that I told Shikha to get Ragini's photo somehow to the royal household. But I didn't expect them to respond this soon!'
"Maa? What's going on?" Shekhar questioned as he and Shramishtha came out into the living room.
They watched in shock as four men in tuxedos entered with trays covered in decorative cloth. They came and stood on either side of the door, two each.
"So this is your humble adobe." came a voice as a guy entered.
He was casually dressed. However, his walking and stature screamed royalty.
"May I know who you are?" questioned Shekhar.
"Probably your future son-in-law."
#Ragini's room#
Ragini kept staring at the envelope as if it was a demon ready to leap out any minute at her. She couldn't figure out what it meant for the life of her!
'Alright! It isn't going to open up itself if I keep glaring at it. Come on Ragu!' she nodded to herself. With confidence, she walked forward towards the bed and grabbed the envelope. She opened it by tearing it on the side, careful not to ruin his writing. However, she would never admit it out loud.
Her eyes widened as she read the letter after unfolding it.
Dear Ragini,
Or shall I just call you my better half? Nah, it would be cliché, no? Anyways, I hope you have had a good rest my sleeping beauty. But I didn't, you know. How could I sleep after knowing that you're about to get engaged?!
Ragini paused he reading. 'Engaged? I'm not getting engaged! What is he talking about?' she shook her head and continued reading.
That too to someone thats not me? No, no, no. It's unacceptable. Hence, I kept awake all night thinking if I should kill the guy.
Ragini half felt like shouting at Laksh, and half laughing.
But then, there would be blood. And of course I would go to jail for a long time. I don't want to go there and spend my life without you. Not to mention the fact that the guy is kind of innocent since he doesn't know about our already fated bond.
"Eh? What is Laksh up-to?" Ragini narrowed her eyes at the lines.
Today, I send you this tiny letter to you and your family declaring that I shall do my utmost to destroy your engagement. This letter (I hope Dadi sees it.) is to let your family know that any effort they put to keep you away from me will go in vain. Now, I'm determined to win back your heart and I shall not stop before I'm done. Dadi can keep bringing bachelors for you. But I won't let them succeed. Let them know that you're off limits please will you? Ragini Gadodia will become Ragini Laksh Maheshwari once she realizes her love for me and my undying love for her. I don't mind if you show your suitors this letter to shoo them away. That will save them the trouble when I deal with them.
You're mine. I'm yours. We're each others.
You. Are. Mine.
Your beloved,
Your Lucky.
With love...
And a kiss.
Happy Valentines.
The letter dropped from her hand.
Ragini didn't know what to feel. 'What is the meaning of this Laksh? What is all this?!'
What was she supposed to feel? How was she supposed to feel?
Should she feel angry that he dared to call her his love when she clearly refused his proposal? Sad that he was trying to make her love him again? Disbelief that he didn't care about her family finding out about his actions that could begin a feud among the families? Irritated that he was acting like a child? Offended that he thought she would forgive him that easily?
Several questions flooded her mind making her had spin. She sat down on the bed with a heavy sigh. Noticing the paper lying on the floor, she picked it up and looked at it thoughtfully. 'What are you doing Laksh? What is this? Why are you so bent on winning me back? Didn't I say I won't love you back? Don't try to force me! This letter means nothing to me!' however, she knew she was only lying to herself.
Although she wouldn't admit it, Ragini couldn't deny that she felt touched. She felt her heart beat just a little louder when she recalled his possessive words "You're mine." Ragini clutched her chest where her heart was. 'Calm down my heart! I don't love him anymore, remember? Why are you getting so excited at his words?!'
However, the more she tried to think anything else, the more the words came to her making her heart beat louder in her ears.
"Ragini! Ragini? Ragini!" Shramishtha came towards her room shouting her name.
Ragini quickly hid the letter beneath her pillow. "Yes Maa?"
"Ragini, get ready." Shramishtha had a big smile on her face. "You know who is here? Ratan Singh! He's from the royal family of Yami."
Ragini had a dreadful feeling for why he might have come. "Is he here to meet father for some business?" she questioned, hoping it was so.
"No Ragini! He's here to ask for your hand." Shramishtha gave her a hug with a teary smile. "You're going to marry a prince by blood! Oh my daughter is so lucky! She's getting a prince. I didn't expect anything else since you are our princess."
"B-but Maa, ho-"
"Later! Now dress up quickly into something nice. Then come down with tea. I'll go make it, but you are to take it outside, okay? Be quick!"
Ragini blinked in bewilderment, not exactly sure on how to react to the news. Nevertheless, she decided to go with the flow.
#Living room#
Parvati already explained who the guest was to Shekhar and Shramishtha, and also the probable purpose of his visit. Now, they were chatting amicably with Ratan while Shramishtha went to get Ragini.
"It's really an honour to be asked for my daughter's hand by you."
Ratan chucked. "Don't be so formal Uncle. After all, I'm going to be your son-in-law soon."
Shekhar smiled nervously, but nodded. He could see that his mother was really happy at the proposal. However, he wasn't sure how to take it. Although Ratan was no doubt a great choice for his daughter, he wanted Ragini's opinion on it. After all, it is she who is to marry Ratan.
"You will love our Ragini. She's one of a kind!" Parvati gushed about her granddaughter.
"I don't doubt it. She must be an amazing person." Ratan uttered dreamily. "I fell for her the moment I saw her picture. She looked so decent. Not like those girls dressed in short skirts and crop tops. But a decent lady with class, a soft innocent smile and elegance in stance. Her personality screams of royalty. Are you sure she isn't of royal blood? Or some warrior clan?"
"I'm pretty sure I've never held a sword in my life." Shekhar remarked. He couldn't imagine himself wearing a warrior suit for the life of him.
'Besides, my tummy won't fit.' Shekhar snickered to himself.
"Oh. She seemed like of Rajput lineage to me. Thats all." Ratan commented.
"Where are your parents Ratan? Didn't they come?"
"They are out of the country for some business matters. We have companies aboard as well you see." he replied with pride. "Where is Ragini anyway?"
"Here she is!" Shramishtha spoke up from the door, moving to the side for Ragini to pass with the tea tray.
Ratan got up as he saw Ragini step into the room. His mouth unconsciously formed a smile as he watched her. She seemed like an angel to him. Words left him as he stared. Only one thing came out of his mouth. "Wow..."
Ragini stepped closer with small steps. She walked near and put the tray on the table, moving back to sit beside her father. As she looked up, she saw him stare at her dreamily. She blushed under his gaze. It wasn't always that she got that look from boys. Moreover, she had to admit. He was indeed handsome.
"You're more beautiful in person than in the picture." he complimented once he broke out of his stupor. He cleared his throat and extended his hand towards her. "Hello Ragini. I'm Ratan. Ratan Singh. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Ragini smiled and took his hand. "Hello. Nice to meet you as well."
He turned her hand and brought it near his lips, kissing her hand like a Prince would for his princess. "The softest thing I've heard is the sound of wind chimes in the wind. Your voice resembles it."
Ragini smiled uncomfortably. She pulled back her hand as politely as she could. "Thank you for the praise. But you're exaggerating."
"Ah! Modesty. That makes you more attractive to me. Oh Ragini..." he sat back down and kept looking at her with a soft smile. "How lucky I am to get you as my future wife!"
Ragini looked at him in disbelief. "Bu-"
"Haha...you're right." Dadi cut off whatever Ragini wanted to say. She glared at her, making her shut her mouth.
"I'll keep you happy. I won't let anyone make you sad. If they do, they would have to answer to me!"
Ragini gripped the hem of her dress in uncertainty. That reply wasn't what she was hoping for. She thought she would be able to talk him out of marriage. Things were going too fast for her sake. "Pl-"
"Thats quiet a commitment." Dadi interrupted again. She wanted to make sure this marriage happened.
"Yes. Only thing left to do is hear her yes. But I think I can already assume it is, eh?" he questioned with a wink.
"I've not said yes. Please do not assume." Ragini spoke up finally, unable to keep herself from refusing his proposal any longer.
"But you're planning to. I'm sure." he spoke with confidence.
She could feel her eyebrow twitch in irritation. "I'm really not looking into marrying right now." Ragini answered bluntly.
"She's just trying to play hard to get. It has its own charm for you young people. Hahaha..." Parvati tried to bring things under control. "Don't take it to heart."
"Of course not!" Ratan placed a hand on his heart and one in the air in a dramatic manner. "Like great lovers say...when it's love, it ain't fun, if it's not a little rough. I accept the challenge."
"Amazing son. What great thoughts!" Dadi flattered him.
Ragini felt like laughing at her grandmother, as well as smacking Ratan. 'Did he just quote Lady Gaga's song? And Dadi thinks he's being sophisticated.' her good manners kept her from rolling her eyes at them. "Please understand. I don't not want to marry right now. What I'm looking for is making a name for myself."
"Your name will look more beautiful if it has my title with it."
'This guy is full of himself! I'm surprised he didn't drown in his own ego! Ugh!' Ragini stood up and bowed. "I'm really sorry. But I can't accept your proposal."
"Ragini!? What are you saying?!" Parvati chided, getting up herself. She looks at Ragini's parents for support. However, they didn't seem to help her. It was like they were ready to accept whatever Ragini decided for herself.
"Ragini, please give me a chance. You won't get a better suitor than myself." Ratan vouched for himself.
"I really don't want to marry right now Ratan. Please understand. You might be an amazing guy but...but I'm just not ready."
"Oh don't say that!" he held a hand over his heart dramatically. "At least give me a chance!"
"I do no-"
"What's wrong in giving him a chance?! You have to marry some day Ladoo. What about me? Don't you want me to see my great grand kids? You're already nearing 27! It's about time you get married soon." her Dadi went near her and looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I want to see you happy. Please don't refuse him."
"I am happy Dadi. Look into my eyes. Don't you see the truth?" Ragini reasoned desperately.
"But you can't always be happy alone! There will come a time when you'll feel lonely. I don't want you to remain sad because of a past nuisance."
Ragini winced as she realized she was talking about Laksh. "I'm not. Trust me."
"Just one chance. One chance Ragini. Please?"
Ragini looked at Ratan's pleading face. The guy looked genuinely heartbroken. It made her feel like the villain in the story. "I... I..."
"Give him a chance. If not now, maybe you will eventually accept him? You will have to marry some day. Why not give him a chance?" reasoned Shramishtha, finally speaking up.
Ragini looked down in thought. She looked towards her father and saw him nod towards Shramishtha, as if agreeing with her. "I...I guess you all aren't wrong."
"Finally! A chance." Ratan smiled the brightest smile at her. "I won't disappoint you. Trust me Miss Ragini Gadodia, soon to be Singh."
'Confidence. And on top of that overconfidence!' nevertheless, Ragini sighed. 'Well, maybe I can make him realize that I don't love him. We will be good friends if he wants. After all, he doesn't seem half bad.'
"Why don't we begin by going for a ride? I can take you to the new movie theatre."
"Eh?" Ragini asked in surprise. "Bu-"
"Of course! Go enjoy yourself!" Dadi pushed her near him. "But be back home soon."
Ratan grinned and took her hand in his. "Let's go." he signaled one of his men to come near him. "Let the others go home. You are going to drive us there."
"Yes sir."
Ratan seemed surprised for a moment but nodded. He smiled at her and led her outside.
"Mind if I ask why you looked so shocked all of a sudden?"
"Well, the guy I just asked to drive us? Robin. He is the most rebellious amidst our butlers. But today he complied so easily."
"I see. Maybe he was in a good mood." Ragini joked, trying to lighten the mood and be comfortable in his presence. Her first attempt at friendship with him.
"Hahaha...you're right. Maybe." he opened the car door for her like a gentleman. "Please."
Ragini smiled and entered the car.
After her, he too went round and sat in it.
As they waited for some moments, Robin didn't come. He had already sent the others home in the second vehicle he brought with him.
After some more minutes, a guy arrived and knocked on Ratan's window.
"Yes?" Ratan questioned, rolling down the glass.
"Hello sir. Robin got an urgent call from his home. He had to leave. So he sent me here as substitute."
"You got here so suddenly? That's a bit surprising." Ragini remarked.
"Yes. I'm fast." he replied.
"Okay okay." Ratan interrupted. "Just drive us quickly. What's your name by the way?"
"Nikhil. It's Nikhil."
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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹
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