The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.
Mabel raced around the con, freaking out about random things they were selling, asking her grunkles to buy this or that. While their grunkles chased around the hyped up girl, the rest of the group slowly made their way around the con, talking and looking at stuff. Bill's mom had gone with Will to some panel that the rest of them were uninterested in (something about pokemon, which Bill commented was overrated).
"Hey, what time are you guys performing?" Dipper asked Bill, who he'd taken to walking close to so he didn't get lost in the crowd.
"Sometime around noon. When are you guys?" Bill asked, grabbing Dipper's hand and pulling him out of the way of an oncoming cosplayer, who was moving way to fast in a costume that was way too big. "Same here." Soos was having trouble getting through the crowd with Wendy, yelling about how he didn't want to loose her. He picked her up and holding her over his head. Bill laughed at their shenanigans. He tugged at his collar a bit. "I wasn't expecting there to be so many people here. There were less people last year." Dipper empathized with the boy. He was wearing summer clothes and he was still warm, while the blonde wore a yellow suit, a triangular eye-patch over one of his eyes. His brother had also drawn an eye on the boy's forehead in permanent marker, which he wasn't particularly fond of.
The blonde was also carrying a cane under his arm and a top hat, which he'd removed because of the heat. Occasionally they would get pulled over for pictures with other cosplayers, most of which wore the same sort of clothes or were dressed like someone else from Gravity Falls.
"Me neither, but I guess it's okay because I wore summer clothes," Dipper shrugged and was met with a jealous groan from Bill. "Ugh. Perfection takes so much work," He complained. Dipper giggled at that. "Don't be so narcissistic," Dipper replied, punching Bill in the arm lightly. "Well then I'd probably be a serial killer. See, all that self-centered-ness is good for something." Dipper's eyebrows raised. "How so?"
"Well it's harder to take over the world from prison," Bill answered jokingly. "And there's just a lot of cons to being in prison, like the lack of wardrobe." Dipper snorted. "Is that all you care about?" Bill shrugged. "I mean, that's not all I care about." Bill shrugged with a mischievous smile on his face. "You wanna go see if they've got the times for when we're going to perform?" Bill asked, holding out his elbow to Dipper. "Sure," Dipper said, linking arms with the blonde.
"We're up next, buddy!" Bill said excitedly, punching Will on the shoulder. William seemed extremely nervous, despite the fact that he wouldn't be going onstage at all. He just had one line he had to say offstage and he would be set. There were already some people who were there to help drag the grand piano onstage that Bill had insisted on. And the others would be coming on next, so they would be there to help Will if he froze up. "You'll do great, Will." Wendy punched the small boy on the shoulder. "O-okay." William rubbed his shoulder and tried to look brave, even though he was on the verge of crying. Bill patted him on the back and smiled. "You're going to do great, bro."
Everyone started getting ready as the last group finally left the stage and someone with an amazing Tsundere-chan cosplay announced that Bill Cipher was next with We'll Meet Again. A couple teens and Soos pushed the grand piano and piano bench onstage across from them and gave Bill a thumbs up as he strutted across the stage, waving to the cheering crowd. He adjusted the mic attached to his collar and sat down at the piano, playing a repeating version of the introduction to the song.
"What's up, Portland? Boy am I glad we could get this baby onstage so I could prove Will wrong," Bill patted the piano, receiving some laughter from the crowd.
Offstage, Will whispered into his own mic. "You still caused a bunch of trouble getting it onstage though."
Bill shrugged as he played. "Anyways, I'm going to be playing We'll Meet the Old You by the lovely Vera Lynn. She's amazing by the way. I got to meet her back in 1952," Bill bluffed. "I mean, look at that flesh-face." An image of the 96-year-old lady popped up on the screen above him and he sighed. "The only thing between our love is an ocean and a restraining order," He cackled maniacally, causing some of the crowd to start laughing along as well. He suddenly started playing louder and sung the song.
"We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day." He grinned widely. "Keep smiling through just like you always do. 'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away."
Bill suddenly went off on a short tangent before the next line, causing a couple people in the audience to laugh. "I'm gonna be honest, I kind of like the existence of those clouds, but I mean whatever."
"Won't you please say hello to the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long. Won't be very long. They'll be happy to know that as you say me go I was singing this song. We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day. We'll meet again."
"Come on guys, sing it!" William started singing along softly and a bunch of people from the crowd started singing along as well.
"Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day."
"And when we do meet again, I'll rip out your eyeballs," Bill laughed maniacally, which elicited some laughter from the crowd again.
"Keep smiling through just like you always do. 'Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away."
"You're doing great everybody! Come on, keep it up!" He laughed a little and the people in the crowd started singing louder.
"So will you please say hello to the folks that I know. Tell them I won't be long. You hear that, Fordsy?" Ford shifted from one foot to the other offstage, clearly off-put.
"They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song. We'll meet again. Don't know where. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day."
Bill started laughing maniacally and then ended with a heavy sigh and an "Aw, man." He received some heavy applause, which the blonde soaked up to the max, until he was literally being dragged offstage, although he was still sitting on the piano bench as he was taken. Just before he was taken out of sight from the crowd, he yelled, "And remember! Reality is an illusion! The universe is a hologram! Buy gold! Byeeeeee!"
Everyone high-fived the blonde as he was taken offstage before they went onstage (aside from Will and Ford of course). Wendy had a punch bowl filled with punch that she put in the center of the stage. She had a zombie arm and a zombie head, which she kept in her arms as she moved to the side of the stage. Soos had some zombie makeup on so he looked like a zombie and he just started pacing around the front of the stage, making his best zombie noises. There was a portion of the stage that had been raised, which Mabel, Dipper and Stan stood on top of, Mabel dragging her karaoke machine up onto it and turning it on. The music started and Mabel waved her arms above her head to get the attention of everybody.
"Zombies and gentlemen! I'm Mabel, there's Dipper and Stan and together, we're Love Patrol Alpha!" She pumped a fist into the air, clearly more hyped than Stan and Dipper who stood stiffly next to her.
"I never agreed to that name," Dipper cut in quickly, earning a chuckle from the crowd. Mabel completely ignored him, pointing her karaoke microphone at the karaoke machine. "Hit it!"
Stan squinted at the machine. "Uh, Mabel. Our lives may not be worth this."
The song started and Dipper started bopping along to the beat. "Friday night and we're gonna party 'till dawn. Don't worry, daddy. I've got my favorite dress on," Dipper sounded slightly offended by the song as he turned to Mabel. "Mabel, this is stupid."
Mabel yet again ignored him, enthusiastically singing the next part of the song. "We're rolling to the party, the boys are looking our way. We just keep dancin'. We don't care what they say. And all the boys are getting up in my face," She screeched as Wendy threw the zombie arm at her, which was not planned at all. Mabel backed from the edge, giving Wendy a sharp glare.
"Guys, we have to sing together or it won't work!" Stan stood back, squinting intently at the karaoke machine.
"Boys are a bore. Let's show them the door." Dipper smiled at his sister and the three started singing together.
"We're taking over the dance floor! Oh, girls do what we like! Oh, we're taking over tonight!" The three huddled together around Stan's karaoke microphone as they sung. "Oh, girls do what we like! Oh, we're taking over tonight! We're queens of the disco! Oh, girls do what we like! Oh, we're taking over tonight!" Dipper started singing the next line by himself before shrieking as Wendy threw another zombie arm at him with an unmistakable grin. "Taking over tonight!" Wendy came forward, holding the zombie head up in the air in front of them.
"Duck!" Mabel yelled as she pulled out her grappling hook and shot the zombie head directly into the bowl of punch like a boss. "Thank you! We'll be here all night!" The trio smiled at the crowd and Stan punched the air. "Deal with it, ya' zombie idiots!" The crowd cheered loudly and everyone bowed before walking offstage with their stuff. Wendy held out the punch bowl. "Hey, anybody want some zombie punch?" A couple people cheered and she handed the bowl off to a group in the front row who seemed extra enthusiastic.
"Should we really be handing out zombie parts to people here?" Dipper asked and Wendy shrugged dismissively.
"That was amazing!" Bill cheered. Will assented to that. "You guys better get first place or I'm gonna fight someone," Bill pulled out his cellphone and tapped the photo app. He snapped a picture of the group before anybody had a clue what he was doing. "You mind if I post this on Tumblr?" He showed the group the picture, which actually wasn't half-bad considering they were all caught off guard when it happened. Nobody protested, so he posted it, immediately getting a bunch of responses. He didn't bother to answer any of them, shoving the phone back in his pocket so he could continue to show the group around.
He had also posted two videos from the performances, which he'd convinced Ford to record while they performed (although it took a bit of teaching on his part, since the old man had no idea how to use the new technology).
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