Twenty Two
TW: mention of homosexuality and slight ignorance (but no homophobia!)
"You got that paperwork ready for that deal on Friday?" asked Janelle, as she entered the office.
"Yeah, it's all here," I said, tapping my stack of papers on my desk to organize them.
"They're all signed and everything?"
"Yep, they're ready to go."
I handed her the deal jacket and she took it over to her desk. I had to say, although I liked being able to be off my feet in the office by sitting at a desk, my change in managers was really weird to me. I was so used to Jesse's laidback attitude that going from him to Janelle-- who was very particular about things and slightly uptight-- was a slight pain.
I wasn't sure if it was me or just her work ethic in particular, but Janelle always found some reason to have to search through my work to make sure I was doing everything correctly.
I frowned as I watched her go over every single piece of paper in the deal.
"Looking good, Candice," she said after a minute, much to my relief.
"Thank you," I replied.
I subconsciously rubbed my belly, which was now starting to protrude. I couldn't believe I was fourteen weeks already. It seemed my pregnancy was just flying by. There were only two more weeks left until Soda and I could try and find out the baby's gender.
"I'm heading to lunch now," said Janelle as she slid the deal jacket into her file divider.
"Okay," I nodded. Janelle gathered her purse and car keys and headed out, leaving me alone in the office. I kept working until she got back an hour later and I could leave to go on my own lunch break.
When I arrived home, I found Robin and Greg both asleep on the couch.
"Aw," I cooed. I hurried to the bedroom and grabbed my camera off the dresser before rushing out to take a picture. The click and flash made them stir, but neither of them woke up. I set the camera down on the coffee table then made my way to the kitchen. After gazing through the fridge, I decided none of the leftovers sounded good. I grabbed the loaf of bread from the breadbox and found a jar of peanut butter, a jar of honey, and I cut up half a banana to make a sandwich.
"What the hell are you making?" a sleepy voice asked from behind me. I turned to see my brother making his way over.
"Banana, peanut butter, and honey sandwich," I replied, slapping both sides of my sandwich together. I took a huge bite and hummed in delight. "Wanna bite?"
He gave me a weird look as he took a cup out of the cabinet. "Pregnancy cravings are weird, huh?"
"If you think mine are weird, you should hear Hannah's," I joked.
"Oh, I heard about the hot sauce in her peas," he commented, wrinkling his nose in disgust.
I cracked a smile and continued eating my sandwich.
"Where's Claire?" I asked after I finished and started rinsing off my plate.
"Uh, in her room. She had a friend over. Some girl she met at church."
"Ah," I said. I set the plate in the drying rack.
"I've still got thirty minutes left for lunch. Y'all want Dairy Queen before I go back to work?"
"Sure," Greg shrugged. I walked over toward Claire's room and knocked on the door. After receiving no answer, I pushed the door open.
"Hey, Claire, I--" I cut myself short as I took in the scene before me. Claire was staring at me, a horrified expression on her face, her friend looking just as wide-eyed and scared. I'd caught Claire and her friend in a liplock. It wouldn't have been as dramatic if they were opposite genders. I was so stunned, I didn't know what to say. I blubbered out an, "I-I'm sorry," before backing out of her room and shutting the door.
"Oh, shit," I heard Claire say from inside her room before I backed away. I moved over toward the kitchen table and sat down, rubbing my face with my hands.
"What just happened?" Greg asked, leaning back against the sink.
I shook my head. "I-I don't know," I said, still confused.
I just want to make it clear: I've never thought about same-sex marriage in a negative light. In fact, I've never really thought about it at all. But seeing my little sister kissing another girl confused me. How long had she been gay? Or experimenting?
Claire came running out of her room, tears streaming down her face. The sight of her broke my heart. Had I upset her? I hoped she didn't think I was angry with her.
"Candy," she said. "Please-- whatever you do, please don't kick me out. Or tell Jenna's parents." Greg looked confused as he stared at the two of us.
"Claire," I said, my voice hitching in my throat. "I would never kick you out of my house." I pulled my little sister into me. She let out a small sob, which nearly drove me to start crying as well.
"What am I missing?" Greg asked, setting down his cup on the counter.
"Greg doesn't even know?" I whispered to her. She shook her head. She was so scared, she hadn't told Greg, the one person she told everything to. How long had she been keeping this?
I started to wonder just how rough New York was for her. I knew down here in the Southern states, homosexuality was seen as the worst sin you could commit. Not a lot of folk around her accepted it. Was it the same way up there? Was it one of the reasons she got bullied?
I glanced down at my watch and saw I didn't have very much longer for lunch.
"Claire, I need to go soon, but we can talk about this when I get home from work. Okay? Keep your... friend here in the meantime because I want to talk to her, too." Claire nodded, looking terrified out of her mind. I placed my hands on either side of her face. "You're not in trouble, okay? Don't think you are. Just stay here, please."
"You're not mad?"
I shook my head. "Just kinda shocked is all," I replied, laughing nervously. I glanced down at my watch again. "I really have to go. Just... I'll be home at five."
I wasted no more time and I ran outside to my car. The entire drive back to work and, for the remainder of my workday, I could hardly focus. It got so bad, I had to make up some kind of pregnancy excuse. I was so relieved once five o'clock rolled around. I quickly cleaned up my stuff and headed out.
I was glad to beat Sodapop home, as I wanted to talk to Claire and her friend alone.
As I stepped up the front porch steps, I was happy to at least be hearing laughter from inside the house. I got several greetings as I entered the house.
"Hey, guys," I replied, smiling at everyone. Claire sent me a nervous smile. "You wanna talk?"
She nodded and sent her friend a look before both of them stood up and followed me into my room. They both sat down on the end of my bed and stared expectantly up at me. I struggled to find the right words to say.
"So?" Claire asked.
"How long?" I blurted out finally. "I mean, you know, how long... how long have you known you were--?"
"That I was gay?" Claire asked. "Mmm, I'd say when I was about nine."
"Really?" I asked, my eyes widening. She nodded.
"I tried to kiss one of my friends, not really thinking anything of it. She laughed it off. I thought it was okay. So I tried to do it again. She shoved me off and told me I was weird for trying to kiss her. And then I asked Grandma. She said it was a sin to be gay. Then she asked me if I was gay. Well, I didn't wanna be a sinner, so I said no. But I knew what I was. I knew who I liked. I just couldn't say anything for fear I'd be shamed at church.
"God hates gays."
"No, he doesn't," I shook my head. "How could he hate something he created?"
"Well, he wouldn't be the first person to hate humans he made."
I frowned at her comment, knowing right away she was referring to our mother. I shook my head at her. "Don't talk like that, Claire."
"Like what, the truth?"
"No, like you hate yourself."
Claire frowned at the floor. Her friend remained silent. She looked like she wanted to cry. She'd had that look on her face from the moment I came through the door. It was like she was afraid of me.
"So," said Claire, finally looking up at me. "This is Jenna. Jenna Ranger."
"Ranger..." I muttered, trying to think of where I'd heard that name.
"She's the preacher's daughter," Claire added.
I looked at her harder and saw it right away. She looked just like her father. John Ranger had been the preacher at our local church since I was a kid.
"Please don't tell my dad," Jenna finally squeaked out. In some weird way, she reminded me of Johnny: that terrified look in her eye, like someone could attack her at any moment; that small quaking kind of fear that Johnny had, like he just expected someone to just go up and hit him. But they weren't related at all. "He'll disown me if he finds out."
"I won't tell him," I promised, my heart breaking at her words. She was terrified of someone finding out.
"Can she stay with us?" Claire asked, her voice sounding small. I turned my gaze to her.
"I know what you're gonna say. But she can stay in my room."
I shook my head. "Claire, I don't-- I know this house is roomy, but we're already at full capacity here. I had to clear out my office for the baby's room and Soda and Darry are building a whole new room for Robin. Plus, it's not even about space at this point. That's another mouth to feed a-and--"
"We'll get jobs. Greg and I have already been job hunting."
I blinked at her. "Why would you go job hunting?"
"So we can contribute to the household, duh," she said, making a face.
I sighed. "Claire, as much as I will open up my home to your friends-- any of them for whatever reason-- I just can't let her live here without talking to Sodapop. He owns this house just as much as I do and he deserves just as much say, if not more."
Claire sighed. This was rough. The more people she had to tell, the more anxious she became. Just as I had mentioned his name, the front door opened and shut.
I heard Robin yell out, "Dad!"
Sodapop replied, "Hey, Bud!" and then asked Greg where I was.
"You don't have to tell him now, but you should soon. Preferably before I have this baby. Jenna, you're welcome to stay here whenever you like, okay?"
She nodded, looking sad.
"Come straight here if your family finds out, okay?" I added quickly and she nodded again, forcing a small smile on her freckled face.
The door opened a second later and Sodapop came in.
"Hey, doll," he greeted. I sent him my best convincing fake smile.
"Hey," I replied.
"What's going on?" he asked, his eyebrows scrunching together.
"We were just talking about... girl stuff," I replied.
"Oh," he said, making a face that clearly said he was uncomfortable."My turn to cook dinner? Lasagna sounded delicious all day at work, but now I just want chicken."
Claire made a face at the mention of eating meat.
"Sorry, Claire. I'll make you a something else," he said, sending her a reassuring smile.
"You know, I'm beginning to wonder who has the pregnancy cravings around here," I commented, causing Soda to laugh. He left the room.
"Are you staying for dinner, Jenna?"
"Actually, I should get going," Jenna said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Would you like a ride home?"
She shook her head. "No, I live right around the block."
"Okay. Come over whenever you like. You're always welcome here."
Jenna gave me a slightly more convincing smile before she left the room. Claire and I followed. Jenna grabbed her purse from Claire and Robin's room and left swiftly.
"What's going on?" Greg asked.
"We're working on a project," said Claire.
Greg turned around to stare at his twin. "A project to see how long you can keep secrets from your dear brother?"
"Kinda, yeah," Claire shrugged, sitting down at the table across from him.
"Twins are weird," Robin commented from where she was coloring next to Greg.
"Tell me about it," Greg sighed.
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