Twenty Five.
Lesser comments so it's one update today😌🤌🏿
The lady just yelled that her sister need to be released from jail but it looks like they should exchange them. The sister should come out and this one should be locked inside with small amount of water. So much energy, she should turn it down a notch. A woman without modesty is the last person he wants to see before the day ends. Why would there be so much hazards and peril in one day?
Her yells made his ears bleed and the sound of her palm hitting the wooden table in front of Constable Ashiru -who is scowling at her while blinking at the same time in case she hits him, he is about to knock some sense into her which is something Ahmad cannot have. No matter what she does, she does not deserve to be hit and he shouldn't think about hitting a woman too. And sometimes, their patience is tasted by people like this lady here in front of him- irritates his sight.
She has golden bangles hitting on one another, the sound further causing commotion. Ahmad had to interfere or so many things would go wrong, he will have to be a witness.
"What's going on?" He implored, swiftly dragging the attention away from Constable Ashiru and to him. The other officers were just standing there watching agape, always loving unnecessary drama.
The lady briskly turned around, the pound bangs her hands are making seized to go on and he suspire inwardly, a relief. Why would she be banging hands like a man? Doesn't it pain her? They usually have fragile hands that shouldn't be ladened with men's work, that is why men exist, to assist.
She stopped for a minute to appreciate his looks like every other person he's met but there isn't a flicker of admiration, she just stared because she cannot help doing so and wants to go and tel someone about it. She doesn't want to miss any detail while narrating the story, he gets that part but it didn't stop that weird feeling that always crept up his spine whenever it happens. What do people say about him? What do they that they cannot wait to narrate so desperately? One things is for sure though, they don't know who he is.
Her pulsed red painted lips seized to the side, her eyes fiery but darker than Fatima's light shade of brown that blazed an inferno when she's furious. "
"I want my sister released from this jail. And that too as soon as possible!" She is still shouting, his ears are bleeding for no apparent reason.
Not wanting to deal with any other peril for the day, he yawed his attention to Constable Ashiru. The man is still fuming from what she's done in front of him while regretting not taking an action. Ahmad himself don't understand why the people in this country don't respect and value police officers, not like Texas. A woman walking up and yelling in a police station? They wouldn't dare do that there or they'd face the consequences they'd rather not talk about.
"Lock her up and bring the other sister to my office." Ahmad stayed long enough to see the look of triumph on Constable Ashiru and the one of pure shock slash galvanization on the other lady's.
Constable Ashiru ushered Margaret to come accompany the woman to her new room for the next few hours. Ahmad only did that because he wants to solve the case with the other sister while this one won't permit him to do his work peacefully. All in good fate though, he gets to punish her the way he wants and watch her from outside with mockery.
She didn't go willingly though, she kept yelling threats to the whole officers inside the station but not a word on ACP Al-hafiz. Another aficionado? Whatever it is she might be dealing with in her head should better be quaffed down her blackened throat. Whoever she is, it looks like she came from an affluent family that makes her feel she can turn Nigeria into a playground. The car she rode too said as much, 2020 Toyota Venza.
Ahmad made it back to the office to find Jameel on phone, his face has never been that serious ever since he met the guy. He is talking in hush words but even from miles away, you could tell that he is annoyed and filled to the brim with wrath. Ahmad took tentative steps and sat down on his chair, regarding the message that popped in his phone from Oliver. He smiles, he cannot help not doing so because after the whole tension and jeopardy mixed with malignant decisions, he needed a little jab from his friend.
"Aren't they tired of you already?" The message said and Ahmad could've sworn that Oliver is genuinely curious whether they are tired of him or not.
"Not yet. A little more and they can't stand the sight of me." He replied, his fingers efficient and fast on the keyboard.
The next text came almost instantly. "Not your sight, attitude."
Ahmad laughed and tuck his phone away when he heard a knock. So much for not getting disturbed, he's sent for the disturbance himself. He answered with a coming and busied himself with finding whether the FIR against this person was filed in his office. He can't remember any case about a lady recently but countless of men were caught from the past three days. Some he managed to stop himself from knowing the real reason they are there. It is disturbing.
"Sir, the lady you asked for." Constable Ashiru saluted, ushering a lady from behind him to stand right in front of Ahmad's desk.
A shy meek lady stood there, wearing on a mulberry hijab from head to toe, her face swollen probably from so much crying and dry lips. Her caramel skin is so unlike her sister's, she looks a bit miserable and tired of the world while the lousy sister is every bit fresh and ready to make the world know of her presence. He detected that they are not exactly sibling, they might be half or step siblings but not tight bond with same father and same mother. And then he knew the full story about the lady in front of him.
It's not like he knows who she is personally, he just managed to use his sense yet again to conjure a story of her life and he is more than ninety percent sure that his theory and postulate is correct. He's always been accurate when it comes to these sort of things. Whether he say them out loud or just leave it to the knowledge of himself, he knows he is right.
She is the daughter of the woman that is not in the house currently and the stepmother is doing all she could to make her life miserable in the absence of the sister who clearly loves her like she would be same parent sibling. He's seen the love and fierce protectiveness in the other girl's eyes and it is no way close to act or drama. She is genuinely concerned about who looks to be her younger sister and wants her out of jail through thick or thin.
"Sit down." He gestured to the other empty chair that Jameel is not occupying and she complied by sitting down, arranging her hijab all around her.
Jameel, who hadn't noticed what was going on till that moment stopped talking into the phone and gaped at the girl, his attention full and undivided. He is using his whole face to pitch out all the details her face contain from her hard angled brows to her straight eyes, button nose and cute lips that is getting ruthlessly tugged at as if in discomfort. Shoot, she's caught him staring at her and she is now shy and uncomfortable.
Cursing beneath his breath, he spurted out excuse and left the room to continue talking. She's distracted him off what he was talking about and the fury is nowhere to be seen. Jameel wondered, do things like this seriously happen or this is a mere foolishness he practiced in his head. How could anger, so hot and surfeit be demolished by the sight of someone? Something like this has never happened to him.
Ahmad shook off his friend's weirdness and get back to the task at hand. "What was the case about her, Constable Ashiru?"
"It was reported that she stole someone's phone in their class, a course mate's and when they came here, she didn't deny doing so and even said she won't pay for it. Few hours after, she called Sergeant Margaret to tell her she wasn't the person that stole the phone but of course, we cannot believe her since she couldn't say so in front of them. We allowed her one phone call and that is when she called that lunatic." Constable Ashiru spatted the word lunatic, his thought drifting to that hoyden.
Interested, Ahmad leaned closer on the desk and regarded the girl with keen eyes. It looks like she took the phone because she had no other choice but to do so. She doesn't look like a thief or a criminal, but that phone was stolen by her. He concluded.
"Miss..." he trailed off in question, waiting for her to acknowledge him and give an answer but Constable Ashiru with his too much attention seeking attitude answered. "Raliya."
"Miss Raliya, why did you take the phone?" His chair swiveled from side to side, his forefinger at the edge of his lips.
Ahmad thought she was not going to answer him, it took her a whole minute to get her lips to start moving. "I took it for personal reasons but since Amna is here, she will pay for it and we can go."
Constable Ashiru was about to haul in his polemic, as if he was disrespected with what she's said. Ahmad thought, Constable Ashiru would've been a real tyrant if he had any higher rank. The man loves respect and hates rich folks for reasons unbeknownst to Ahmad. He looks like he will make any rich person suffer under his reign which is not a good sign. Why would you hate the more privileged because you are less privileged? It means you are angry with what Allah has given you. And you don't accept his judgment.
"Miss Raliya, I really will want to know why you'd took that phone but I don't have much time to spend on this case. Just make sure you are never brought back to this station on a case similar to that or even relatively small, I won't take it lightly." He commanded, his eyes hard and stern, enough to fight off any stubbornness in someone. She gave a meek nod and wry smile. "Go with Constable Ashiru and clear up."
"Thank you so much, Sir. And it won't happen again." Her eyes are glossy with mushed tears merging with gratitude.
She knew the case wouldn't have stopped there had it not being for him. The corruption quaffed by those police officers will make sure she never gets what she wants in life. They will cause trouble for her both at home and at school but because of him, she could get her older sister to pay for the phone and they'd leave quietly.
Before she made it to the door, Ahmad called for her attention. "And Miss Raliya, make sure your sister doesn't create another chaos here."
Raliya grinned, her sister is a drama queen when she is concerned. "I'll make sure she doesn't, Sir."
It's been ages since the last time Ahmad cursed but when his phone rang, he couldn't stop his mouth from letting out a silent damn. Seriously? People won't allow him to have a nice day today just because he is married?
Feel how catastrophic and detrimental being married to Fatima is, just day one. Ahmad frowned at his own thought, half believing that this has to do with being married to Fatima. If not, why would there be so much things going on in his life but suddenly, everything just want to fall under one day? Getting married to Fatima is like felony and he is serving his by slow death that will lead to it. This will inculcate just how much more disaster is meant for his life for the next few days.
Answering the unknown call -he is expected to because of his line of job- he placed his phone to his right ear and listened.
"Good afternoon, ACP." A cheerful but slightly familiar voice greeted from the other end, relief surged through his entire being at the thought that this won't be another peril.
"Good afternoon. Who I'm I speaking to?" Straightforward, yes. Why would he delay and endorse long pleasantries?
Rustling and susurrus from the other end of papers and pen scribbling before the person answered. "I'm Dr. Mujida. Remember me, yesterday? You brought Fatima to the hospital."
Ahmad couldn't stop himself even if he wanted to, he face palmed. Fatima again? Seriously? Is his life now always about Fatima? What will this woman have to say now? That she is dead? Unknown relief inundated him at that, not having to deal with Fatima is bountiful.
But he had to answer this woman here. "Yes, I remember." He kept quiet and she did too before it strike him, he is supposed to ask how she is coping. "How's she? I mean, Fatima."
Dr. Mujida visibly relaxed from the other end. She's found out that this man is Fatima's husband and even though she didn't trust Musa Babagana's choice of husband for his daughter, she has a bit fate on this one. He was worried when he brought Fatima to the hospital yesterday. Then again, men drastically change when marriage is in the front. A stranger might care for you but your own husband wouldn't.
"She is fine and healthy, ready to go home. When I called Alhaji Babagana, he forwarded your phone number and request that I call you to come take your wife home." She put more than emphasis on the word wife, as if he needs anymore reminder that he is shackled to Fatima.
He gulped, this is getting more serious than he thought. To take his wife home? Yes, Musa Babagana knew that he's bought a house but he already expected him to take his daughter to his own home without taking his mother there to see it first? But that is the honorable thing to do, to take his wife to her home and not back to her father's. And his mother won't agree to come see the house in this mood. He massaged his forehead, feelings wrinkles glueing themselves to him. He seriously feels older than his age with this high amount of stress and catastrophe.
He cleared his throat. "That's right. What time should I come?"
"Any moment from now we are going to discharge her and your signature will be needed. Congratulations by the way. Have a nice day." She hung up the phone long enough that she didn't hear him scoff at her last words.
Nice day? If only she knew the trouble that'd just finished taking place and the one he wants to stay abstinent from. That connoisseur of burdensome and unpropitious culture won't give him a peaceful or nice day but the exact opposite.
He braces himself for what is about to come and what he's brought upon himself. Only that, he is hellbent on making things right for Fatima whether she likes it or not.
What part is he willing to make right though? Myriad of things need setting right and correction that he doesn't know where to start from. Is it about her medical issue? Is he ready for intimacy with that hooligan? Or is it about her mental health? Could he endure the test of time just by being patient with her? Or about her entire life? That is a battle that will need thousands of warriors, could he stand alone and fight off all her demons?
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