Fatima awoke feelings much better than the day before, the cold still there but slightest shade. She yawned, turn around on the bed to find out that she's ruined the sheets with blood. Her forehead furrowed in frustration because even though she wants to be disgusted by what she's seen, she cannot do it. There is no time of the month that she doesn't spoil one of two of her sheets but Asabe gave her one to be spreading before she sleeps so they can wash it once and for all without ruining expensive bedsheets with her blood.
But this place here is new to her and Asabe is not here, what is she to do? She certainly does not know how to wash anything talk less of bedsheets. And it's going to be embarrassing for Ahmad to see that she's ruined his new mattress just the day she started lying on it. She bit her lower lip thoughtfully trying to find a solution for her current situation. Maybe she should just throw it away and ask for a new one or get it from another room while pretending? Or she can burn it down no matter how expensive and order a new one before it is time for her to sleep again?
Happy with the last guess, she plugged her phone off charger and started typing hastily when she heard the click of her door opening. Her eyes widened in horror thinking it was that nosy police man trying to poke his nose in her business. Instead Betsy walked in with a tray in both hands featuring one of Fatima's many maxi dresses. A smile spread itself across Fatima's lips at the sight of Betsy because she thought it was all a dream and even if it wasn't, she thought Betsy was going to leave and maybe come back later on. She won't have to worry about anything now that Betsy is here.
Fatima stood up and approached her without knowing the reason why she is going to her when Betsy would've arrived at where she is in less than a minute. Maybe she wants to make sure she is seeing Betsy and the cold is not messing with her head? How did she come into the house and where is that boor?
"I thought you left." Fatima whispered, her eyes fixated on what is in the tray Betsy is holding. Ladened there is chicken soup, hot tea that looks awfully like the one Asabe always makes for her and sandwich.
Her stomach growled. God, what she had whole yesterday shouldn't have hold her stomach then she remembered Betsy feeding her something right before she fell asleep but still, she eats a whole lot of food all the time. She likes great food and is in love with perfect Cooks. If she will get food, Fatima will do almost about everything and Betsy is one of those people that know how to cook something by just staring at it. Fatima have no doubt this meal in front of her is superb like the aromatic scent wafting to her knows as she suckled it greedily.
Betsy smiled at Fatima's expression then went ahead to keep the tray on the bedside table. As she stood up after adjusting the tray so it won't fall off, she noticed the stain of blood on the bed and grimaced. Someone would think she's lost her virginity the night before. Betsy chortled at her inner thought, Fatima would strangle her if she knew what she's just thought about. Fatima and Ahmad? Oh Lord, it's like a sight she won't ever be able to see for the rest of her life but as long as he is willing to help Fatima, she has no problem.
He promised to help her yesterday after she cried her eyes out, she didn't know when the tears started gushing off their sluice and when she knelt down in front of him. She loves Fatima a lot, it makes no sense how much she deeply cares about the aloof depleted girl but she does. At first, she thought she was with her because of her fathers wealth but the more she knew Fatima, the more they get connected in an awfully maladroit way. Not that she minded, she wants to be there for the broken lady with tough personality.
"You asked me to stay right before you slip off consciousness. And what is with the blood? What should we do with it?" She's already started removing the bedsheets from the edges of the bed. Fatima stared dumbly at her, she didn't know that was how things happen since Asabe does the work as soon as she leaves for school or when she's in the bathroom taking a bath.
Fatima shrugged even though Betsy couldn't see. "I was about to order something similar and throw that one."
Betsy stopped for a few seconds then shook her head. She's forgotten how Fatima's mind works when it comes to money. That woman is rich on her own, her father's money aside. Only Betsy knew about her secret work and that too because she mistakenly walked on her one particular evening and caught her in the middle of it. She admires Fatima's independence and will to have her own and not depend on the man she hates. She told her that since she hates her father, she will make sure everything he's given to her is returned to him one way or the other. That isn't necessary in Betsy's book.
"You don't have to order another. I'll browse through the other rooms and change this one then wash it in the laundry room. Meanwhile, you can start with your breakfast. I tried my best with that your cardamom tea and hope I did it well." Betsy removed the bedsheets completely off the bed and bundle it in a tight ball then stared at Fatima who's stopped everything she is doing to stare at Betsy.
Betsy saw something in her eyes, an emotion different from the always depleted gaze she's featured since she's met her years ago. There is a tinge bit confusion, a little passion burning behind her eyes which also perplexed Betsy in some way. Fatima is beginning to trust her completely and also develop this kind of care and adoration towards her but she wants to fight it, she is not ready to care about anyone else after what has father had done to her. The confusion is merely because she couldn't understand why she is getting attached to a friend. She never consider friends anything other than people to mingle with when need not be alone but Betsy, it's different.
Fatima snapped out of it and sat down on the mattress, folded her legs in front of her and get ahold of the tray, place it in front of her legs. She should've waited until she's cleaned herself and maybe take a bath but the hunger inside her won't permit her to even ask about the police officer and how Betsy managed to come in, she needs the energy in her system to deal with that man. Oh, she is so very ready for him today like she's planned in the car. She is going to go through that plan of hers and if it works, she will be free.
Betsy left the room to go wash the bedsheets when she bumped into Ahmad wearing his workout outfit. She's seen him strolling through the backyard of the house to another glass covered walls by the end of it, she couldn't see what was inside the room but from the looks of it, it might be a gym. His taut shoulders glisten under the chandelier, perspiration coating all over his opened body from arms to knees below. She snapped her eyes back to his face hastily and breath out a silent good morning which he replied.
At his confused face regarding the bedsheets she's clutched tight in her arms, she blushed a bit in her caramel skin. "Er, I want to wash it. Fatima spilled medicine so it's needs to be washed immediately before it stains."
Ahmad knew without an ounce of doubt she was lying to protect Fatima. He knew about her bleeding and know exactly what has happened to the expensive bedsheets in her friend's hands but didn't utter a word. He only nodded and continue on with his journey towards his room. He won't be going to the office early today because there are some cases he'd rather stay away from and let the others step in and work for a little. He feels like he's been taking up all the duties while they rest, he shouldn't make them feel useless hence his rest at home.
He will leave the house right before the afternoon strikes to go meet up with Jameel and see his mother too. The woman is headstrong and adamant on whatever it is she is going to tell him that she's said it so sternly. He doesn't understand that woman most of the time. He didn't grow up with her most of his adult life so he never really tried breaking through what is really up with her. All he knows is that, he cannot live without her and he'd do anything for her expect if it is against his religion.
She'd called him yesterday in the night while he was changing into his night outfit. He was surprised when her name flashed for she wouldn't pick his whole calls. And the minute he answered, she didn't wait to exchange pleasantries and said. "I want you to come and meet me tomorrow. We have a serious matter to discuss." And she hung up the damned phone leaving him in precipice.
He feels beleaguered. There was never rest for him ever since he arrived at Nigeria. He even thought the place is cursed for his happiness never mattered there when I'm Texas, he'd spend time with friends and have his spirit lifted. Here, there is just never anything good that's come out from it. He came just few weeks ago and he is married to the most notorious and rebellious woman known in Nigeria. How is he supposed to count that as any source of luck or happiness? It is really unfortunate and catastrophic, he cannot keep up for long and he knows that too.
His temple throbbed with an upcoming migraine which elicited a curse from his lips. He's tried to stop cursing but living with Oliver for most part of his life and then meeting that hooligan that can never talk without using a curse word brought back all the ones he's swallowed. He made it to the bathroom and stand under the shower for what seem like hours when it's just ten good minutes thinking about nothing. It feels good to forget about who you are and what you do or the worries piled out in a sheaf waiting to be surged through. That moment of peace that comes with tranquility.
After his bath, Ahmad changed into straight denim jeans and cotton grey shirt then bounce back on the bed to rest a little before going down for breakfast.
"Can't you wait a little longer?" Fatima glared at Betsy who held her bag filled with the clothes she's removed the day before ready to leave.
Betsy chuckled at the mutinous lady. She's making her feel like an aunt. "I'll have to leave now, Tims. I need to go see how things are in school and inform you. Hope we haven't missed anything important." She held the tips of the zipper tightly and then zip it up with great strength. The bag is not meant to carry clothes but she changed it's function.
Fatima frowned, she is right after all. They are in their final year, few more months and they will be done with university and become certified psychologists. Time flies extremely fast when you are doing something you love albeit she never admitted to it. She wants to be a psychologist to help people like her knowing there are a lot of them out there with needs just like hers. If she is going to work, she's planned on not taking much from her patients and will have her own hospital where she is going to help the poor that cannot afford it.
"Well then, bye." She grumbled and sat back on the new bedsheets Betsy had changed earlier. She claimed to have removed it from another room down the hallway. Fatima didn't go through the whole house, she doesn't want to when she will be leaving very soon.
Betsy reach out and gave her a quick hug, not giving Fatima time to complain about the physical touch she despises. "Take care of yourself and stay out of trouble."
Fatima laughed out loud the minute Betsy left the room. "Stay out of trouble?" She questioned herself in the eerie silence of the room before grinning to herself and standing up. If only Betsy knew what she was planning on doing this blessed day, she would've stayed back with her and make sure she is kept in check. Fatima was only waiting for the strength to be back in her body and she feels like a horse now, she can take down the world.
She's refreshed and taken her bath, changed into mauve top with satwing sleeves and straight across neckline. A loose fit mango jeans that stopped just around her ankle. She's almost forgetting that her hair is flying all over so she went back to the closet and withdraw a mauve crinkled cotton veil and made a turban.
With a crooked smirk, she strolled out of the room and started haunting for the room that is more likely to be Ahmad's. He is supposed to have the master bedroom and there is no way on earth she wouldn't guess which on is the master bedroom and which one isn't. She found it right at the corner of hers, not really as far away as she would've wanted but she is leaving soon, she need not worry about anything.
She didn't knock to alert him of her presence and just walked inside the room fully aware that he is inside and might be naked but who cares? She is set on a mission and she would dare anyone to come in her way. He is there lying on the bed with his hands folded around his midriff staring at her with uninterested and unbothered eyes. If only he knew what was going to happen to him in the next few minutes, he wouldn't have been so relaxed and defenseless on the bed.
That alerted her. His room is wider, more brighter than her own –because of the glass walls. The rock by the side took her breath away because even though she is rich and has seen almost everything this life has to offer, she's never seen anything like that. This guy's taste on houses and cars is beyond her but that doesn't mean he didn't make the wrong choice of marrying her and accepting her father's money.
She searched through the room with her eyes and found what she's hoping to find. With tentative steps, she went to the coffee table at the end of the room and took the gun placed gently on it. It is Colt Paterson revolver, a very expensive gun only high ranked officers in Texas have –two of them. She stared at the gun in amazement not because she doesn't know how to use it or she's seeing it for the first time. No, she is acquainted to anything expensive the minute her eyes land on it and the gun in her hand is no less an antique.
She's learned how to shoot with gun years ago. It's almost as if there is nothing Fatima cannot do in her life, she's been through all lessons to know where and how to go on with her life. She's learnt how to shoot when she was just seventeen. While watching a movie, she got interested in how they fire bullets and just decided to ask a soldier to help her and he did.
When she pivoted to look at Ahmad, he didn't move from his position neither did the emotions in his eyes changed, except additional emotion that looks close to intrigue and amusement. Oh. The man thought she doesn't know how to handle a gun? Shouldn't that frighten him more? She might shoot him unintentionally and prove that she didn't do it in her right state of mind.
Malice entered her eyes at the thought of having him dead. It is wrong of her to think so but at the moment, nothing mattered other than her revenge and peace of mind. This man won't divorce her, it is written all over his face so why not go through another way?
She cocked her head to the side, staring threateningly at the revolver. "Will you divorce me? I want one answer. It's either yes or no."
Ahmad's eyes filtered with amusement and lack of interest which honestly didn't sit well with Fatima. The man should fear her now that she has a gun in her hands and not her artificial nails.
He popped his head up, brought his arms to the headboard and cross them then lie his head gently on it turning to face her. His expression devil-may-care, serene and unworried which caused Fatima to grit her teeth. The tranquil and nonchalance that is rolling off of him is not just there for nothing. His calmness has always gotten to her in ways she never expected.
"No. I won't divorce you."
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