Fatima smiled at a cute Arabian couple she's been obsessing over for the past week. She's never been intrigued with couples' lives or anything relatively close but when she's stumbled on them on Instagram, she stalked them from their first video till the end and whenever they release a new one, she is always there to watch and smile. That became her routine because they post twice everyday. At least, she's got something interesting apart from repeats.
Mostly, they perform weird couple stuff for their viewers to enjoy and sometimes dive deeper into their lives and pour out feelings Fatima never made sense of. How can love be so blind and feelings be so convoluted? She always question whether things like that really happen in real life or they just exaggerate it to make people feel intrigued like she feels. She wants to know what that feeling is but at the same time extremely afraid of going to that territory!
Gauging out her own philosophy alone, a student came to stand in front of her visibly frightened to talk to her but as if thinking more into who sent him, he opened his mouth and greeted her then. . . "The Dean wants to see you immediately, Miss Fatima."
She detected the Yoruba accent immediately but distinguished the thought, it is irrelevant. Why would the Dean want to see her when he's never cared about what she does in the school ever since she turned down his offer on a date years ago?
"I'll be there now." She dismissed her phone and all thoughts of the Arabian couple then stood up to go see the Dean even though she is not one to comply on orders, this has her attention fully.
Walking her way to the Dean's office, she didn't bother knocking but just walked in. Why knock when he called for her attention in the first place? He knows she is coming so whatever it is he is doing that won't be suitable for her to see will be admonished immediately. Her eyes bounced on the walls in the room before settling on the bald man behind a large desk.
The large desk is ladened with usual office supplies such as stick notes, calculator, pens, stapler, paper pads, his name plate embroidered with golden italics -Dr. Sani Baba- a drinking cup filled with water. There are notes and art works of students that want good credit hanging on his walls and some of his family photos. A family of five in his early fifties wants a relationship with her back then, she doesn't know of now. Things were about to proliferate when his wife found out but Fatima turned him down in front of the woman, since then, they never talked.
Condemning the phone ringings, footsteps of students rushing to their next classes, students and teachers arguing about marks, papers getting shuffled on in the hallway, some jobless guys playing football outside, she squared her gaze on his steady ones. She didn't miss the look of appreciation that passed through his eyes which she didn't like. He has no right to do so neither does anyone!
She is only wearing a rouge Dolce & Gabbana shirt, it's sleeves long and the neckline is Victorian while her long legs are encased in dark Calvin Klein skinny jeans and a jean jacket atop the whole outfit. Like always, she's expertly tied her crinkled cotton veil with the recent trend of turban she's seen. Students in the school always copy her style when she's abandoned them, she didn't mind at all.
She made her way to sit at one of the two chairs facing him, not waiting for permission to do so. "You called for me, Sir."
He leaned closer to the desk and clasped his wrinkled hands together, showing protruding veins. His eyes are surveying her with keen interest that did not sit well with her and she started counting one to ten, if he doesn't stop with those eyes and talk to her straightforward, she will snap at him and leave the office. She is done with men, she's seen and dealt with a lot of them lately. First with rude American, a professor and now the Dean?
Counting at nine, she took deep breath just when he opened his mouth to talk. "ACP Al-Hafiz request your presence in the police station as soon as possible. The backup is outside if you are ready to leave now." A curious cloak endorsed his words.
Her brow raise in mockery at the way the man worded out his request. She didn't expect anything that has to do with that bloody cop, not in her school. Why would she go to the police station? So he can insult her some more about her unladylike nature or what? She doesn't want to go anywhere near that boor and backup? They expect her to get into that trashy police car? Fatima Musa Babagana?
"What do they want?" She couldn't stop herself from asking that albeit more curious to just go there and see what the heck is that officer trying to play at.
"It has something to do with what happened earlier in the morning." At her confused and perplexed expression, he added. "The rape case in Antelope building."
Fatima didn't stop the hiss from leaving her mouth as she stood up. That guy just wants to drag her to the station when she has nothing to do with rape case. Why would she be needed in something she doesn't know happened? She only heard Bara'a and Hayaat talking about it earlier and didn't bother listening much about it for it was not important.
"You would like to wait for the backup to escort you, Fatima." She heard the distant voice of Dr. Sani Baba behind her but she didn't stop, kept moving to the door and held the bronze doorknob and draw it out.
As soon as she stepped out, she saw the backup the man is talking about waiting for her outside. She raise her brow when the females stepped forward as if to take her with them but then retreated when her icy fierce stare reached them. Don't they know who she is? Why are they trying to risk their jobs and even happiness of the sake of a boor? Someone that is not even their compatriot!
"Ma'am, you will have to come with us." One of the men stepped out when the women didn't move from their position. Even he was frightened at the sight of her eyes, they yawed this light brown colour that blazed with fire.
"In that?" She pointed at the car with her recently manicured forefinger fined with a pipe nail.
"Yes, Ma'am." His expression stoic, eyes surveying and studying her with scrutiny that she didn't like. These people are getting under her nerves that blessed afternoon.
"You'll have to wait for my driver. I'm not going to ride on that fucking toxic thing inundated with all sort of germs." Her expression yaw to that of disgust, her eyes shifting back to the long lane of coal tarred road where her driver should be rolling down from before he makes her mad.
The man still didn't get it, he wants trouble from the looks of it. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we don't have much time."
Her eyes skittered to his, the inferno burning behind her iris, the brownness of her eye balls protruding some more, standing stoic against the lines of kohl around her eyelids. He stood straighter, as if her mere gaze is commanding him to stand at attention and shield any trouble from coming his way. She really is close to slapping the guy, just one more wrong move and his uniform won't stop her. She's looking for a scapegoat and he might just be the one to fall into her trap.
He won't be the first man she's slapped anyway, she has done that many times to many other greater than him and far more influential.
Before none of them could word out anything, her pink G-wagon rolled down the coal tarred road she's been staring out mere minutes ago and her driver dropped down to open the door for her. Seeing that, she started making her way to the car, totally disregarding their awestruck expression at the fact that she won't follow them to the station. The audacity is too much but they are rendered helpless and it has nothing to do with her father's influence.
She called out over her shoulder. "You can follow us behind with..." A look of pure disgusted agony. "...thing you call jeep." And she slid into the car, the driver closed it gently behind her and settled on the driver's side and started the car.
The police officers have no choice but to follow her, at least she is willing to go to the station and not create more drama for them.
Arriving at the station, Fatima walked inside without waiting for the officers to accompany her inside, she is no criminal. Her presence in the station didn't go unnoticed, everyone's attention was on her but that is not what she is there for. Even though she's always loved attention, this time around, she is not looking forward to it and rather get this over and done with. This adventure was not charted by her, it won't excite her.
"Where is the boor?" Her pitched voice flow in a dulcet way, the heads that were not turned around to her immediately do so.
She's heard that her voice is melodious, tuneful and velvet like. It does not stop her from raising her voice whenever it is needed, occasions such as this. That guy should better slowly crawl off her nose before she blew him off in the worst way possible. She's always loved been the center of attention, not at that smelly place.
"Who might you be asking about, Ma'am?" Another officer different from the ones they came with stepped forward and asked, his hands clasped behind him.
She sneered, he would've told her she is being unladylike, something she will desperately want to hear him talk about. "The new American officer."
Series of gasps took over the station from various police officers and to her, they are being dramatic and awfully stupid. They should produce the man instead of acting like struck people. What is there if she calls him a boor? She won't be too sure but most of them don't know what it means, only that it sounded like an insult which to them will not be forgiven.
It means uncultured person and the guy is uncultured. A cultured gentleman wouldn't drag her by her wrist off the school premises with students all around. The students are traitors, they were supposed to despise him after how he treated her the day before he was announced the new reigning ACP in Adamawa State, but they didn't. She might not be the best person out, but she is still human and a lady too.
You are accepting that now? She felt something inside her mocking and jeering her to react, she didn't.
That same man that asked her cleared his throat and glance around the room wryly. "ACP Al-Hafiz is in the interviewing room, Ma'am."
She rolled her eyes. "And you expect me to lead myself there? Is this my home?"
The man held back a scowl, trying his best to act nonchalant and businesslike. "No, Ma'am. Let me lead the way." He started walking and she followed, her Manolo Blahnik rouge heels hitting the floor and creating elegant sounds.
After walking for a few minutes, they arrive at an iron jet black door, interviewing room written in fine cursive handwriting. The officer that lead her there knocked on the door and waited patiently -something she lacked - for the boor inside to answer come in which he did seconds later. A scowl etch and decorated her face at the sound of his useless scrupulous voice.
The officer stepped inside and she followed even after knowing she is not supposed to do that, she should've waited a bit for permission but she is Fatima Babagana, she listens to no one and obey no rule nor caveat.
The man saluted in front of ACP Al-Hafiz who sat calmly on an iron chair, his two legs crossed in front of him on the desk there. A guy is also sitting there in front of him whom she recognise as Farouk Shugaba. What is he doing there and why are they called for a rape case? Fatima might understand her part as the ACP wanting to meddle her to show her her place but Farouk? What is going on?!
"Sir, I have Fatima Babagana with me." That statement irked her and she slid away from behind the man and stood right in front of Ahmad whose gaze shifted from Farouk Shugaba's distraught face.
His eyes finally settled on her, her defiance falter a bit because of the emotions and intensity in his eyes. He regarded her with a simple nod of his head, threw his legs gracefully off the desk and stood up. She thought he was going to do something stupid and drastic, his barely contained surfeit rage has blinded his eyes. His face is taut and controlled, all sort of playfulness absent unlike when he talked to her earlier.
Something is definitely not right, it is making her chest and back wring in anxiety, something she's never felt. The way his eyes are marred with disappointment loud it all
Farouk Shugaba did her no good and whatever it is this man is going to say won't end well with them.
"Did I kill your kitten?" She raise a brow, her eyes yawing cold and blank too so he won't see the anxiousness and curiosity beneath the depth of her iris.
Ahmad let out an icy smile, cocking his head to the side. The smile should've looked gloomy and hideous, but it was the exact opposite. He looks effortlessly suave and lion-like, eyes hawkish and piercing. An inaudible sound discharged itself from his throat, his lips moving manically as he trudged forward.
"Miss Fatima, respect our protocol and have a seat." Was what came out from between his lips which further irritate her not so good mood.
She cocked her head to the side too, the same way he did. "I'm not here to exchange pleasantries in this stinky place. Had it not been for a serious case, I wouldn't have come so get to the point and let's end it."
Ahmad took a long while to study her posture, her eyes and every little twitch from her before nodding. "Well done." He went back and sat down opposite a quiet Farouk.
"Our fellow here have something to tell us." He gestured to Farouk with the foot clasped in jet black Italian leather dress shoes, dropped on the table.
Farouk kept quiet, didn't move to say anything and instead recoiled back to his chair, hand clasped behind him with a handcuff. Her eyes flipped to his, patiently waiting for him to start talking but after a whole minute of utter silence, Ahmad stood up and snapped at him. Whatever it is the guy have to say, it seems so dear and important to Ahmad to hear.
"If you don't start speaking up right now, I'm going to do worse than they did." He clenched his fists beside him, adjusting his jaw from grinding too much and hurting him. "Start talking!"
Fatima won't lie, she jumped at the sound of that police voice, her heartbeat spiked up beneath her pectoral. Where the heck did the man get calm, husky, loud and deep voice from? It sounded so foreign to her ears that instead of listening to what Farouk wanted to say, she found herself watching Ahmad with keen interest.
The man is a puzzle her inner Jedi will tell her not to indulge or inundate herself in and she won't. He is not her matter nor compound.
Then Farouk's stutter and yelp finally got to her, she heard the last bits. "...to help myself. I thought they won't take it deeper at the mention of her name. I'm so sorry, Sir."
Fatima didn't get the first part but definitely put the fragment pieces into sheaf and directed her cerebrum to the right place.
"Just what the heck were you thinking? You can come up here and mention my name so they won't take the case further? My fucking name in rape case? Are you..." She trailed off, anger overtaking her when she stood in front of Farouk Shugaba and slapped him hard till her hand stung! She is sure it didn't hurt him as much as it hurts her, ouu.
"...out of you damn mind? You deserve to rot." She matched his leg with the heel of her shoe, breathing heavily after shouting for long. It's been long, she had always been calm when sorting out people but this man is damn stupid.
How could he mention her name in something she doesn't know? That they will let him go? She will make sure he doesn't go far off, that is her own promise.
"That's okay, Miss Fatima. No violence here please, you can leave." Ahmad tried coaxing her down but it riled her up.
Her icy stare pierced through him. In parody, she said. "No violence here!" She mimicked. "It's a fucking police station where violence is used to coax information out of someone."
He didn't flinch, just narrowed his eyes. "Leave the station, Miss Fatima."
That order did not sit well with her, not a bit.
"Whatever, police officer! Go to fucking hell and rot yourself, boor." She turned on her heel, gave him the birdy and left in angry strides.
More determined to ruin what should've been ruined long ago. He won't want to cross her again if he knows what is good for him.
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