Seventy Four.
"Is he going to be alright?" Ahmad asked the doctor that walked out of the hospital room looking disheveled and disoriented.
Wiping the perspiration off his forehead, the man shook his head with a grimace. "He is going to die but he wants to talk to you. I'd advise you not to go inside but he said it is urgent." The doctor explained still grimacing at the hideous sight he's left behind in the hospital room. How can someone slowly be turning purple from dark skinned and getting hair?
Ahmad furrowed his brows and went inside the room after reassuring Fatima he will be alright. He saw Adeelah walking hastily from down the hallway with his mother but he didn't stop to wait for them and entered inside the room only to make a face and close his nose at the ugly smell. Where's such unpleasant smell coming from? Maybe that was why the doctor was grimacing throughout but from where? This is the best hospital in Adamawa State and he didn't go through such smell when he was brought there just few months ago.
He approached the bed and blanched at the sight of the man he's mistakenly hit with his car. Constable Ashiru lie there hopelessly with a knife held in one hand, his skin rapidly changing from dark skin to an ugly plum color, his hair getting as if he's been in the room for years without taking bath. Ahmad is not believing his eyes, he blinked several times to clear his vision but the sight didn't change only that Constable Ashiru is now smiling with rotten brown teeth, that wasn't how his teeth was! What the hell is going on with this man? Who's poisoned him?
Worried, he trudged forward, his hands falling away from his nose and forgetting about the smell for the time being. He's just hit the man while reversing out of the station's parking lot in a hurry after receiving a call from Betsy that she's lost consciousness outside her bathroom door, she's been sick all night going down with fever, he was reluctant to leave but she reassured him that Betsy will take care of her while he is away at the station trying to get a position for her elder brother which would've been a success had it not being for the phone call. Constable Ashiru was rushing into the station looking lost when Ahmad sped out and ran over him.
But how could just running over someone result to such hideous sight? There is no way something is wrong with his car or maybe the Constable is allergic. This looks like poison and that too when you swallow myriad of it and waiting for it to start working. Did someone poison him while he was away after taking excuse to go solve family personal issues? He left for just two hours then came back and the accident took place. Something is wrong, Ahmad will have to investigate after this.
"Did someone poison you?" He asked, his face set taut ready to go attack whoever this person is.
He's seen Ashiru worried and restless for the past few days, he's asked but he said nothing was wrong and he is just a bit wary with work and stress. Ahmad agreed because they've been working really hard changing the system and how the force works after getting a go ahead from Mr. President and Inspector general. Ahmad has been flying from state to state, seeing how things are going and correcting them when it's wrong and so far, they are doing a good job. Things are changing, the poor are cheering and opulence are in hysterics. There is no way out now with corruption and bribery because once you are caught, you will be dismissed without the benefit of doubt.
A low cackle filled with pain erupted from the constable's mouth. "No one can poison me. I'm going to die anyway with or without the accident since the truth about me is out. My identity and everything." His eyes were fiery with wicked anger, promising to come back in another form for vengeance as if that happens in real life.
Ahmad is now confused about what the man is saying. The Constable Ashiru he's worked with is no older than forty but the man lying in the bed currently looks like he is older than his grandfather. "What are you talking about? Which truth and identity?" Ahmad confirmed that he really is a police officer seeing as instead of caring about the man's wheezes and pain, he wants to find out what the man is hiding.
"Secrets about what I do for living. That should be narrated to you by your aunt, Adayla." He cannot pronounce the name through his rotten mouth but it left Ahmad more confused. What is his aunt doing in this situation? Perhaps, she's having an affair with him due to her husband's lack of presence?
Constable Ashiru again cackled painfully at his expression. "I'm going to kill myself now after telling you this so step back, don't touch me or come closer before they think you did it. Not that you can keep your temper at bay after hearing what I'm about to say. No matter how much I resent you for bringing me to such degrading position, I've always admired you and don't want you to be accused of my murder." He snickered. "You have brought change to this hopeless country which is something not many of our youths will try doing. You are compassionate about this country, place you have no relation with." He shook his head in wonder, he never would've done the same for Nigeria even though he is a Nigerian but look at another man from another entirely different world saving them. Nigeria is not a lost cause after all.
He continued, shushing Ahmad with the knife placed against his lips. Ahmad did step back a few inches so he can hear the painful words and wheezes coming from him. "You should contest for presidency one of these years, you'd be a great leader. And your wife..." he chuckled nastily at that. "She will be a good First Lady too because even though I've ruined her entire life, she's still as strong as a bull."
Ahmad's eyes widened. What does he mean by ruining Fatima's life? What's his relationship with Fatima other than the hatred he has for high and mighty eminent rich folks? This is his time to find out why there was so much hatred for Fatima in the constables being than in any other person she's bullied and hurt. Even after their marriage, the man never chirped in when his colleagues are talking about Fatima and how she's surprised them -about the RFM Development Foundation that's still going viral- and changed their minds about her. He never said a word, busying himself with work.
He's tried asking the Constable what his wife had done to get such despise but the man keep on evading and Ahmad got tired. It's not like his opinion will matter anyway, he's got better things to do than keep hopping around his constable to tell him why he's being who he is about his wife.
"Stop beating around the damn bush and tell me what's going on! Why are you talking about my aunt and Fatima?" Ahmad crossed his hands behind him, willing his feet to stay rooted to the spot so he won't go charging on the Constable that looks more like a mad man than Ashiru. His fingerprints shouldn't be found on the man, things will be nasty.
Coughing out blood, the Constable glared at the maroon hue in front of his blue hospital gown then settle his eyes back on Ahmad, the evil glint coming back hastily. Ahmad is filled with dread about what he is going to find out but he is also eager to hear the story. Rolling stomach, heavy and sluggish heartbeat, chills running down his spine, his fingers cold and dry, chest feeling weighted, Ahmad is ready to strangle that man if need be and care not about the consequences. Whatever bloody information he is hiding is very crucial to him and Fatima so he is seconds away from choking the information from him.
With forced patience, Ahmad continue to watch the man while sizing him up. He can just use the handkerchief in his pocket that's currently pressed softly against his thigh. Just when he was about to go through his thoughts, the man opened his gob.
"I know you've heard about the story of Babagana? Their family and all? It's been eight months since they came back, I know you know about it since you allowed them to visit you. Well, that piece of information slipped from both me and you aunt, we didn't know. They were very discreet and you helped them, without even telling me! I earned your trust so you can tell me each of your problems but you didn't tell me this." Constable Ashiru tsked harshly, his breath continuing to wheeze alerting him of the little time he has left.
It's been eight month since Fatima's convocation and eight month since she's agreed to listen to her parents and even give them chance after sassily telling them they will wash her clothes with their hands for a whole month, they agreed without blinking and even offered to iron them for her which she nodded at arrogantly. Musa Babagana didn't go back to his mansion and instead stayed around their estate, bought one for his son too to stay with his wife. He didn't tell Adeelah about it and when he asked, the man said.
"I'm sorry to say but I don't trust anyone with anything personal anymore and not even my second wife. I'm going to ask a few scholars to help us find out who's behind the spell. It's not completely broken, there are more strings attached and I don't want to take chances so please, this house be a secret. I hope I will have your word for it?" Ahmad had agreed and he thanked God immensely that he did or things would've gone wrong.
Constable Ashiru's voice yanked him away from his reverie. "I'm not a constable, I don't even know anything about police but I joined in disguise and made everyone think I've always been there then became your assistant. I don't know how my end is related to you but that's what the genie told me and look where we are, you will end me whether or not I kill myself so I'll spare you the sixty fast and kill my self. But I'm the sorcerer Maimuna went to and offered me her virginity..." he cackled again remembering how it's been. She was so beautiful, vengeful and those are the type of people they want. And sorcerers value virginity more than and when she gave it to him, he vowed to make sure her work is done.
"I liked her then but there won't be any future for her so I let her go and she never came back. I found out she died few years later close to her marriage, such terrible incident. Well..." he coughed violently and knew he is close to passing and he needs to end the story. "After she died, her work were in shambles and it would've broken had your aunt didn't offer herself to tighten them more into the spell. That's where you aunt came into the picture. She came to me eight months ago too and I slept with her and work some more to make them miserable but I knew it didn't happen, it has broken."
Ashiru hauled out more blood again from his mouth before lying back in the pools of it on the pillow. "My name's Ghali and your aunt is out there tension filled. Don't blame her, she wanted to secure her own family." Ahmad bite back his comment at that stupid statement. And ruin others lives for the sake of her own? Seriously?
"No wonder you're dying terribly. Do end your life while I'm outside please." With that, Ahmad heard back and left the room his body shaking at what the man has just revealed. Oh God, this is bad.
"I feel nauseous again." Fatima exasperated after hearing everything that's happened the past five hours with her husband and his favorite Constable.
Ahmad sighed again, tilting his head to the side because why not? He needs more energy and courage to take in everything he's just found out. He just hopes to God nothing will go wrong again in their lives now that Constable Ashiru or is it Ghali, is dead. His aunt was guilt-stricken but that didn't stop him from calling Musa Babagana to tell him about what's happened and Musa's instant divorce to Adeelah after promising to take care of her children's needs and every other necessity. He's been waiting for an aperture to live with his wife and children peacefully and she's just opened it for him.
His mother was disappointed at her younger sister but she didn't pretend not to know what's happening. Ahmad was shocked and hurried out of the hospital because staying there for another minute will ruin any good thing that's about to come to his life. His mother knew about it? She knew that her younger sister is ruining an entire family for her own selfish needs and didn't stop her? Who is this woman?
Betsy stood up to leave the couple seeing as they clearly need time alone so Fatima can console her husband. What he's experienced today shouldn't be experienced by any other person. Seeing a sorcerer dying? Ew, she cannot handle that sight. She trudged forward to give Fatima a big hug and congratulated her in her ear at the good news she is about to give her husband to calm him down.
"Be romantic when you're telling him. Maybe change from this your clothes to something sexier just in case he wants to exchange pleasantries with your body... stop hitting me, I'm serious. You should get him out of this horrendous mood. And besides, you both have been too busy and didn't get to spend time with one another. There's no better chance than this." She leaned back to glare at Fatima for hitting her too many times across her back just because she is saying the truth.
With a fake sheepish smile from Fatima, she whispered. "If you ever try telling me what to do to my husband again huh? I'm going to break both your legs you single bitch."
Offended or faking offense, Betsy glared right back. "I'll make sure to make your choke down your words. Good bye." She took her tote bag from the couch then turn to Ahmad and bid him adieu too then left.
Fatima mulled over her words and thought why not? He is thoroughly stressed and tired having just landed in Adamawa yesterday from touring Nigeria for an entire week.
"I need a hot bath." Ahmad whispered more to himself but Fatima heard him and stood up from where she is sitting. She offered him her hand which he gratefully took and stood up and followed her upstairs to their room.
She allowed him to bath and went to the closet to wear one of her skimpy shirts. Taking off a black halter dress shirt from it's hanger, she skewered into it and went back to the room to wait for Ahmad on their bed. He looks so tired and drained. She didn't get to spend the morning with him enough to tell him she is expecting a baby after they've been trying for so many months already. Her sister-in-law gave birth to her bouncing baby boy just week ago and the yearn for a baby almost got Fatima depressed. Almost a year since she's stopped taking the pills but there was no sign of pregnancy.
When she talked to Dr. Mujida about it, the woman told her to have patience and wait because she is hundred percent fertile just that the baby might not be strong and might cause some complications at first but that doesn't mean she won't be able to give birth, that's was four months ago. Fatima almost gave up in fear that her illness really did her bad and she is infertile but remembering that Allah is with her and whatever happens is for the best kept her going.
Ahmad walked out with a single towel shielding his lower body. She meowed in an awful voice like a cat and that got his lost attention, he gave a perplexed smile at why she's meowing like a cat when Leo is not in the room. She patted the space in front of her in invitation which he didn't turn down. He's missed her a lot. He's asked her to come with him but Fatima wouldn't have it, she wants to stay with her sister-in-law until she gives birth and in other words "still bonding up with her brother" and when wanted to say her parents.
They are trying their best to get her comfortable around them and since Fatima is not one to fake her way through life with her motto. Don't fake your way through life. She will tell them when they are overwhelming her with too much sappy attention. It's a sight to behold seeing Musa Babagana and his wife recoiling when Fatima grimaces. But their relationship is growing quiet well.
When he got close enough, she drew him closer by his neck and bit his lobe seductively before whispering two words that changed his whole mood, expression and posture. His stiff muscles became relaxed, his breath coming out rapidly in short tremors. "I'm pregnant." And crushed her lips with his for a few seconds then embrace her, tightly within the confines of his strong arms.
The End...
Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!! Alhamdulillah!!! This is where the journey of Fatima and Ahmad ends. I know it's been on hell of a ride unraveling so many secrets, unknown stories, other characters we don't know about and all that. That's how it works with books right? Finding out about other people's lives albeit created and not living but it's still great thinking you're reading someone else's life huh? Once upon a time I used to think my characters really do exist, to be honest, I still do because I want to feel the connection with my characters so it's totally alright that most of you think some characters are living elsewhere❤️ so far, Fatima and Ahmad are now my favorite characters😻 I mean, you've seen how odd their relationship is and it still hasn't changed to that lovey dovey huh? They accepted each other just the way they are and didn't try changing a single strand of hair from the other's head. People mustn't change to be with the person they love, just get the right person to cherish you and that's all (I hope we get those people)....
Let me stop here, an authors note is coming along with a surprise... I mean, I was filled with surprises and shocks throughout this book huh?🥴
You are loved sweetheart! We all make mistakes, but we should learn from them. You're allowed to be clumsy, crazy, weird, tired and lonely. Appreciate the people around you, your parents, friends, family, neighbors and even strangers. Also know that you are not perfect, you're only human after all. Be selfish, choose yourself again and again. Don't let anyone be comfortable disrespecting you no matter how close you are.
You are beautiful and you don't need to show it or prove it to anyone. You don't need a human to tell you that you are beautiful. You are Allah's creation, how beautiful is that?❤️
I don't wanna say good bye!😩😩😩
Epilogue coming probably tomorrow Insha Allah and I take the book down by Sunday❤️
Aishatu loves each and everyone of you! Thank you for joining this amazing journey with me and hope we meet again soon. ❤️❤️❤️
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