Are your reviews ready????? I got one amazing and wonderful one yesterday, I couldn't stop squealing like a ferret. Well y'all should ready your reviews because I'm done with this boook!!! Yay! Ninth completed book! Four more chapters and we're done😌
"What's wrong?" The whole Babagana's' rushed forward at the sight of Fatima lulling over and falling in her husband's arms.
Scooping her up within the confines of his strong muscles, he stopped them from following him upstairs. "She's exhausted and overwhelmed now shocked, she needs space. I think she won't wake up till tomorrow morning." He explained while looking down at the unconscious woman in his arms. A lot has happened and she is undoubtedly tired so fainting after seeing them is quite alright.
Both parents look disappointed since they were ready with their explanation in a baggage ready to sit her down and make her understand that they never intended to hurt her in anyway. Especially Zaitun, she's been shaking and wringing her fingers through one another the whole time inside the house. When they came, the guards permitted them inside without a question and opened h to e entrance door for them. To say they were impressed would've been an understatement, the house their daughter lives in is one heck of a piece.
Musa Babagana stared at his daughter in her husband's arms, saw the fiery protectiveness in his son-in-law's eyes and patted himself again. It was not a mistake after all. Getting Fatima forcefully married to Ahmad was for her own good because he's known that no matter what happens, Ahmad is going to stand by her through thick or thin and he's seen that earlier in the afternoon. There is no hiding the truth because he cried a little when he saw what Ahmad did and the sheer felicity his daughter's eyes were exhibiting. Ahmad really went out of his way to make her happy, there is no better man for her.
Though he'll like to hear their story, it's going to be quite interesting with his daughter's stubbornness and Ahmad's no nonsense I don't care attitude. How did he manage to get her out of her hatred-filled shell and molded her into the happy person she is now? Did he blackmail her in some way? Blackmail Fatima, that sounds weird and maladroit even to his ears. But then what? Locked her up in a cell? Fatima would've ruined his life by the time she is out but then what?! He would love to listen to the story coming out from his daughter's mouth.
Rashid on the other hand is quiet, just watching his sister snore lightly in the arms of another man. All he wants to do is rip her away from his brother-in-law's arms and into his but he has no right. He met them together and Ahmad clearly loves his younger sister and besides, Ahmad was his friend and senior during their days in police academy. That is something they will talk about after everything is settled. When he heard that Faiz Munzil is actually Rashid Babagana, he was shocked to say the least.
"We should probably go to a hotel and spend the night then come back in the morning. What do you think?" Nayla suggested, coming closer to have a good look at Fatima in Ahmad's arms. She'll look at Fatima, then her husband then Fatima again before she made a circle with her thumb and forefinger.
"You both look alike. The dark skin, straight nose, long lashes, amazing brows... wow." Nayla whispered to herself as she looked down at Fatima some more. She's the female version of her husband and she can't wait for them to have that sister in-law bond, they'll be amazing no doubt.
Rashid couldn't move to get the closer look, his feet are rooted to that same spot and moving will just be a useless attempt for he might fall. Seeing Fatima from afar in her school is different from seeing her here in her husbands arms all vulnerable and tired. He wants to meet her, hug her so tight and cry in her arms but she isn't awake, he cannot do that now so he watched from afar. There are so many things he wants to say, a lot of advises and bunch of teasing.
Swallowing thickly, Zaitun squeezed her husbands hand for strength. "Yeah, you are right. We're going to be on our way now, take care of yourselves."
Ahmad shook his head at that. They have enough rooms for them. Two extra ones and Fatima's room that is not functioning now. "I'll come down and show you to your rooms, we have enough for you all."
Musa was about to disagree when Zaitun shook her head pleasingly, she wants to stay close to her daughter. She's missed so much from her life already, she is going to make sure the upcoming years are spent with no one but her daughter and son. If Fatima agree to listen to them, they are going to build a family all over again and start with creating good memories to wipe away the painful ones.
Ahmad went upstairs and lie Fatima down on the bed. He removed her shoes, her veil from her head, I clasped her bra-something he knows she hates sleeping with- and leave her wearing only her straight gown. He also removed her septum ring, earrings and knuckle rings. So much accessories, he thought as he place them down on the bedside table. He bent down and gave her forehead a quick kiss then remembered that she didn't pray before sleeping and did it for her, blew it then left the room.
He went downstairs and showed them the rooms located downstairs, each couple will share one. He bid them goodnight but before he made it to the tread, Musa Babagana's voice stopped him misstep. Turning around with bemused expression, Ahmad regarded his father in-law in a new light yet still very much annoyed at the sight of him because he cannot just stop hating him when his wife still hates the sight of him. He is going to support her no matter her decision. Whether she wishes to agree with them or turn them down, he is in full support.
"Thank you so much for everything you've done so far, to my daughter and to us. I knew from the start you are the only one that could bring out such change from Fatima and see, you proved me right. We are so grateful to have you as an additional family member. Welcome to our family, son." He leaned down and gave him a manly hug, his hand hitting his back a bit hard then he pulled away.
Ahmad looks dazed at the sudden affection and change in his father-in-law. He talks and looks like a different person. His eyes are shining bright, laugh lines deepening around his face and even looks younger. Could it be because they are finally out of the spell of evil spirits? It might be possible but damn, that woman did them bad no cap.
"Thank you... I'll go see whether she needs anything." He gestured upstairs awkwardly and with a nod from Musa, he meandered around and rushed upstairs just in case Fatima has woken up and is confused of what is really going on.
As he entered the room, he found her lying still on the bed, sleeping. He suspire then make his way to the closet to change into pajamas, performed ablution in the en-suite and went to bed. He drew Fatima closer to him under the covers and spooned her, she said she sleeps more peacefully whenever she is cuddled. After blowing some more prayers all over her, he kissed her hair and nuzzle his face to her neck hoping to fall asleep. It took him more than thirty minutes to fall asleep, thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow when everyone is awake and the sun is shining brighter. How would Fatima react?
Fatima blinked, she is confined between arms, Ahmad's. Slowly she untangled herself from around him, blink some more into the darkness to see the time on the digital clock beside her. It read 03:10AM which means she's fallen asleep as soon as they came back- No, something happened and she lost consciousness. Then she remembered the blurry sight of her father and mother standing in front of her with two other people she didn't bother looking at. What were they doing in their home and how the hell did they come in?
Hissing beneath her breath at the patchiness of her throat, she blindly searched for her phone on the bed and turn on the light. She doesn't want to switch on the lights in the room so Ahmad won't wake up, he looks tired. Draping a shawl -Ahmad usually use it for his morning walks early in the morning, draping it against the armrest of the couch in their room- around her neck and shoulders, she slipped on Ahmad's wide slippers and tiptoed out of the room. The lights in the entire house is out but she turned it on knowing that won't wake her husband inside their room.
She ambled down the stairs with her hand clasped around the handrail, she is too sleepy to walk without any support. She smiled at the lack of bra around her, rings and other accessories knowing Ahmad did that for her after she's fainted. How is she supposed to guard her heart from such gestures? He might not be romantic but his genuineness and devotion to her is clear and that is more than enough for her. They will learn to be romantic with one another with time, they are one different and unique couple. Started off as nothing but each other's enemy trying to get the other to surrender.
Now who is it that surrendered between them? That should be her. Her stomach fluttered, her pulse raced, tingling electrical jolted her insides but she still managed to stroll to the kitchen despite her stampede and raging emotions that won't stay in one place. How could she be feeling this way at three in the morning? What is wrong with the universe and filling her up with too many fluttery emotions at this time in the morning?
She shook her head in bewilderment and trudged into the kitchen, turned on the lights then went straight to the fridge for cold water to moisten her throat. After gulping straight from the bottle, she leaned her back against the counter while facing the door to calm her raging heartbeat. Ahmad is not in the vicinity but she is already all fluttery? Seriously Maah? She bit her lip then watch with a start as a dark tall figure sauntered into the kitchen looking ridiculously confused then surprised. Is he surprised to see her in her own kitchen? Okay hell.
Staring deeply at the man's face, Fatima blinked at the surfeit familiarity that surged through her and then watched him some more to see so much semblance with herself. Maybe the hell is scorching hot now that she is seeing another man with her face. Is she hallucinating now after seeing her parents earlier in their home? Where are they anyway and who is this man in front of her that looks exactly like her?
The man didn't stop walking until there are mere inches between them and that is when Fatima let the bottle in her hand fall off her grasp but he reflexly caught it before it landed on the floor. Had she been in any other situation, she would've clapped and gave a sassy comment at his showoff but her lips are sealed as she took him in. This man in front of her is none other than her older brother. Because why not? He looks exactly like him!
With shaky hands and tingling skin, she licked her chapped lips. "Rashid?"
It looks like he wasn't ready to see her yet but since their path has clash, they should get it over with. He gave a curt nod, looking speechless too as he surveyed her from head to toe with scrutiny but also possessively. Fatima swallowed thickly, her eyes moistening with tears but she could do nothing but watch him. The brother she's thought had died long ago, many years ago and leaving her in the cruel world is right here in front of her. He's grown into a fine handsome man, just like her. If not for his height, there is nothing different about them then his masculinity and muscles.
Instead of depleted eyes though, his eyes are filled with warmth and if looked deeper, loneliness. "Ho- what are you doing here? No, how are you alive?" Her eyes are still wide, her mouth yawing dry after every few seconds.
With heaviness in his stomach but also excitement at the sight of his younger sister standing on her feet, he is clueless of what to do. Squeeze her into his arms like he's thought the whole way to Nigeria from France or wait for her to make any first move. He's never been that clueless, so out of place and just lost. He feels disoriented, too much euphoria that made him lightheaded. Everything is fuzzy and he is not able to think. He definitely looks like a fool looking at her like that but what else could he do? He is overwhelmed, everything he's thought and wished to do abandoned him with instinct.
When he didn't reply her, Fatima shoot him a glare. "How could you? Appearing in the middle of my kitchen at three in the morning a-and standing here not answering my questions? Do you think everything is alright just be-because you are back after so many years of being absent? Where were you? Where've you been all these years? Leaving me all alone with those beasts? You thi-think it is funny leaving your baby sister to wonder where she's gone wrong?" The tears that filled her eyes up roll down her cheeks vigorously but she wiped them with angry fists, she won't cry damn it.
Rashid didn't like the sight of her tears so he rushed to close the space between them in two ground eating strides then envelope her in his arms. "Hush, don't cry, dear sis." His voice is deep, so husky and knee-wobbling.
His hand went to circle her neck and for some odd reasons, she felt yet another wave of nostalgia and familiarity. Maybe that was how he's consoled her when she was young? "Don't cry please... I will explain everything but not with the sight of your tears." Even with the deep ness and huskiness of his voice, she could feel the fierce need to protect her from anything and everything.
Fatima hiccuped and tried pulling away from his arms but she couldn't, he is strong but not as strong as her husband. She felt like her head is spinning, numb from all she's fought and permitted him to hug her in his protective arms. She has no energy left to fight anything again, she is tired of every single thing around her and need a change of environment which she will have soon. She is used to flying out of the country alone whenever she feels suffocated but now that she is married to Ahmad, she will take him with her and if he refuse, she will go alone like she's always done.
Her limbs are too heavy, she cannot move any of them and the heat behind her eyelids promised more tears. Seeing as she's relaxed against him, he breath out soothing words to her ears but didn't let her. "There are so much you don't know about and I want to take the liberty to tell you everything before morning so things won't be more complicated. Are you ready to take in more shock? Do you think you have the strength to endure it?"
Fatima pulled away, he reluctantly let her go. She scrutinized him behind her puffy sensitive eyes, as if trying to find out what he is going to say. She shook her head in negative answer, she won't be able to take anymore than she had. "I only want to know about you and where you've been. I was so lonely, you know. Always calling your name and expecting an answer but it's all quiet, nothing. Then I was accused of murdering you..." she let out a bitter hollow laugh that startled him. He doesn't know about the lonely and bitter Fatima she's stripped away.
"Do you know how that feels?" She moved away from him and sat down on one of the chairs around the table that's placed at the farther end of the kitchen.
Rashid followed with tentative steps and sat down opposite where she is but then felt that the space between them is too much then he drew his chair closer to hers. Taking both her cold hers in the confines of his own, he gave her a gentle squeeze with watery smile that resembled her own. His sister was in pain and he didn't feel it, he didn't know. He actually lost his memory of all those six years he's spent with his parents and could only remember living in an orphanage. How cruel. He gulped a thick gob of saliva, blink back the sting behind his eyelids. His eyes are already red, his shoulders droopy as he stared down at their hands, same complexion and same lean fingers only that his are bigger than her own but even their nails are the same.
"My memory was wiped, I couldn't remember anything that's happened here but the life I was thrown to leave, in an orphanage in France..." her empty eyes caught his and she searched for the truth in them and found what she's looking for before he continued without blinking or looking away. "It was horrible living without your parents, it hurts thinking I was a burden to them that they had to send me to an orphanage. Who would've known I was a Nigerian? The thought never occurred to me because I recently found out about a country named Nigeria.
"I'm a police officer and a long lost friend of your husband." His smile became distant as he recalled everything Ahmad did for him during their years in police academy. He was sent to Texas for the scholarship and was a year below Ahmad but Ahmad never showed the seniority that most of his mates showed, he was just there also lost like him. They shared deeper connection because of how lost they found themselves. They didn't share their stories to one another but one look at the other, you know you are going through the same pain.
Fatima's brows knotted. Ahmad and Rashid had met but he didn't see the familiarity between them? Then she recalled the day he's told her that she looks like one of his friends, his name started with F, she cannot recall but that's not Rashid's name. Or is he the one? Did he change his name? It's possible since he didn't recall anything about himself those years ago. "What's your name now?"
"Faiz Munzil." Fatima frowned again, the name doesn't suit him at all.
"That aside..." he told her everything about himself but didn't spill a thing about their parents being there in the same house as them. He shouldn't chase her away when they are trying to take baby steps with her. He understood how she feels and totally supports her, it is not easy.
She smiled at his last statement. "You are married and expecting a baby? Wow, that's amazing." She grinned, her eyes glazed over. "Where's your wife? Nayla is it?"
He nodded. "She is in one of the rooms Ahmad gave us. You can meet her tomorrow morning." Fatima absently nodded, she is tired and wish to sleep now. "Go back and rest. Let me accompany you." He stood up and haul her up from her chair then walk her up the stairs to their room where he stopped outside.
"I missed you. I hope you will give us a chance to build back that relationship." He kissed her forehead, the feeling of protectiveness overwhelming him. "I never wanted to leave you but things happened that we cannot change. Find it in your heart to forgive me for not coming, running to answer your calls."
She gave him a playful punch across his shoulder then hugged him, leaning her whole weight on him. She's forgiven him. She cannot take the burden and the fact that he was also suffering all that time that she's thought he was dead. But how did he get to France after being buried here in Nigeria? The more deeper he was into his story, the more confused Fatima was. There are so much she is yet to unravel but she will do so very soon. That should come later though, she is happy to have her brother back.
She thought, you really handled this with more maturity than one had thought.
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