Fifty Nine.
You are not ready for this🤌🏿 this chapter needs more editing than others but laterrrrr. Your comments hanging low, I'm going MIA👨🏿🦯
Fatima raise her head from his chest and eyes him in confusion. Is he really going to talk about his past now or is he merely joking and mocking her as always? But his face looks so stoic and serious which means he wants to talk about it. Why is he not concerned though? Why the nonchalance? She could imagine herself talking about her past, broken beyond repair with tears and mucus seasoning her whole face.
"Are you sure about this?" She asked with a note of uncertainty in her voice but that doesn't mean she is not more than curious to know what is going on. If possible, she would want to go through his head and just find out everything before he opens his mouth.
Ahmad shrugged his broad shoulders and brought her back to his arms, her head lying on his chest. "I'm damn serious. It's just a past, something that's happened years ago."
Fatima frowned, her past is not just a past. It is what molded her into the person she is, assist her in every decision she's made so far. Her past is what is currently leading her towards her future which means it is very important and a memory she never want to forget albeit the bitterness it entails. How could she dream about talking about her past? There is no way Ahmad is ready to console her broken self neither is she ready to look vulnerable in front of him. Talking about it with Adda mama is different but with Ahmad, more than different.
"Is it traumatic? Lonely? Dramatic? Hurtful? Depressing? Frustrating? Humiliating?" Her fingers continue to trace patterns on his shirt, not bringing forth anything about his past to her head because she cannot bring up anything. She's clueless since she's never thought he has any past worth talking about until now. She thought it was all about Adda mama but there is more.
Ahmad thought, recall her words to see which one will fit into his last. "Let's say it's more dramatic than hurtful but little bit of both."
"Hmm, I have no comment for that. Jump into it already, I'm intrigued." She relaxed, falling heavily on his chest not knowing what he is about to say will have her bouncing back on her feet in shock? Jealousy? Or wonder?
Ahmad bit his lip and decided to drop the bomb on her head. "I was married." And Fatima jumped into a sitting position, hitting his jaw in process of her fast movement. Ahmad grimaced and massaged his jaw, watching her with half closed eyes as she frowned at him.
"You were married?" At his nod, her frown deepened some more in concentration. "You've had something like this before with another woman?" A grimace worked its way to her face, her she looks genuinely confused and uncomfortable with the logic. He's really been married to another woman? At what age then? He looks ridiculously younger than his thirty year old self but how old was he when he got married?
Seeing as she is not taking the news well, Ahmad gathered her again in his arms and force her to lie down on his body, the wound stinging a bit but he wants her there in his arms when he talks about his past. Stubbornly, she started wiggling in his arms but he is stronger than her and kept her firm against him. Fatima wouldn't have it, she is jealous and it doesn't matter whether she is showing it or not, she can't stand the thought. Ahmad married to another woman? Oh god why?! After successfully tucking her in him, he surfed his fingers through her hair and like always, she became lenient.
"It wasn't the same. What I have now with you, it's something way deeper with more chemistry even though I'm not going to lie that what we had with her was also love. I loved her, we were in love with one another for most part of our lives together, two years." He kissed her forehead tenderly, his lips lingering for long to keep her calm. He's realized that a jealous Fatima is not good, she shouldn't be jealous when he is more than hundred percent sure she's got him, he is hers for as long as she wants him.
It's taking Fatima's whole strength not to stand up again and strangle him then walk away from there. Why is he praising his first wife and what they had? Is he trying to intentionally make her jealous? Because jealousy is something she can never tame, she's always been sensitive when it comes to sharing her feelings or sharing someone she's held in high regard. And Ahmad, he is currently the closest person in her heart and thinking about sharing him with anyone is going to shatter her even if that person happens to be related to his past only.
"We met during a function in Minnesota when I went there for some kind of assignment. She was pushed by a gang of boisterous young men and she fell into my arms, all innocent and nerdy with her glasses perched across her nose. I never thought I would talk to someone like her but I found myself talking to her for the rest of the function and even exchange contact. Things were just taking place, coincidence and all that. It got serious at one stage and I had to wed her, I just couldn't think about any life without her so I talked to my parents about her and they agreed instantly being open minded to marrying someone that is not sharing the same religion as you.
"Mind you, she is a Christian and her name is Eleanor." Fatima wanted to ask him not to tell her about his ex-wife's name and just continue talking but she forcefully glued her mouth together. She hates this clinginess and jealousy that is arousing from every pore in her body, all the apertures are blazing with white jealous.
Ahmad noticed how her spine immediately straightened at the mention of Eleanor but he shook his head at her possessiveness and decided to continue. They have a long way to go. "After we got married, she became obsessed with designer brands because of a few friends she's met around. She stopped wearing her glasses, cut her hair shorter, changed her whole wardrobe. My mom was shocked when she first saw Eleanor walking through the doors with bob-cut hair, contact lenses instead of glasses, short shorts instead of long jeans and tank top replacing her long sleeve button up. I was shocked too to be honest because she didn't tell me she was going to go through such massive change.
"To calm my mother down, I told her I'd asked Eleanor to change herself and all that shit when it was all a lie. I liked the Eleanor before, she was so innocent and witty but with the change in appearance, she became rude and bitter. Shock would've been an understatement, I was galvanized when I heard her talking so rudely about my mother on phone. Of course I acted as though I didn't know what was going on in the house and thought, my mom can be quiet troublesome maybe they had a misunderstanding. Then I decided to leave my father's house and get one for myself with my own income, Eleanor was not having it. She's doesn't wish to stay in a smaller house when she is used to the mansion.
"I stayed back there in the house uncomfortably. I totally forgot that after marriage, you start thinking about babies, it never crossed my mind. I was just twenty three when I married her, by the time I reached twenty five, my mom was hinting to both of us that we need to start a family. Eleanor wasn't ready though, she told me she needs more time and I gave it to her because why not? We are partners and I don't want to force her into anything no matter how much I've yearned for a baby. That was when my friend's wife, Oliver gave birth to their baby boy.
"Things started going downhill when I walked in on her one day arguing heatedly with my mom, I didn't like it. I defended my wife and mother at the same time but the minute I closed the door to our room, she saw the other side of me that is hardly ever present. She was shocked and started crying hysterically, I was so angry that I didn't console her and left the house for the whole day. When I came back, she wasn't in the house but her items are intact. I didn't bother calling her to ask about her whereabouts, I was high on my wrath to care at that time." Fatima changed the position of her head so she is staring at the door that will lead them back into the house.
The story is actually making her sleepy. Why is there nothing dramatic so far? "Few weeks after that, she started falling sick throughout the morning, getting moody and all that shit pregnant women go through. My mom was super excited to receive a grandchild, she doted over her like a servant would. Whenever Eleanor will snap at my mom and my mood will change, she stops me from ripping her mouth apart so she won't have to talk again. I was getting so irritated with her because she is doing everything intentionally. I didn't doubt she was pregnant but she was being overboard with it as though she was the first person to become pregnant.
"She gave birth to a bouncing baby boy few months later but that was when I started suspecting that things are not right. She will feed the baby, cuddle and sing him to sleep each night but she wasn't herself. Although I've seen many sides of her after our marriage, something about her has changed again and this time around, it's not just about her character or behavior. It has to do with the baby. I consulted a doctor to ask if those things are normal and are postpartum, he said yes I shouldn't worry that it will wear off in just few months. Few months clashed to almost a whole year but she hasn't changed.
"One day I went to my father's building to ask him about the officers he was inquiring about that morning before he left home. I found Eleanor inside the office having a heated argument with my father, I was shocked to say the least. My father hardly talks to her at home since he is a stoic person and he doesn't relax in just anyone's presence. I asked what is going on and they lied, I couldn't do anything about it since I can't possibly force my father to say it out and my wife, I know how stubborn she is. I let the matter slip for the time being though it was still at the back of my mind, a target.
"She decided to surprise me with the news one blessed or was it cursed evening?
Ahmad groggily walked into their room inside the mansion carrying the baby in his arms, his mother is half falling asleep but she wouldn't let the boy rest so he coaxed her into handing him over. He placed the baby gently inside his cot and then began to shred his police uniform one after the other in sluggish movements, too tired to make haste. He wanted to take a bath before napping but his feet can't even carry him to the bathroom door talk less of holding his whole weight as he bath.
Eleanor watched him from the couch, a book tucked between her fingers and her reading glasses is perched on her nose. He gave her a wry smile filled with tiredness but she regarded him coolly, only she knew what was going on in her head. She placed the book on the couch beside her and stood up in her white lingerie, her hair tied in a loose ponytail at the top of her head. She looks cute. Then she removed her glasses, untucked her hair from its ponytail and walked with gait he's never seen her use. There was something about her that didn't sit well with him, too much arrogance.
"I'm leaving you for good. I've already arranged for the divorce papers to be sent here early in the morning for you to sign them. You can have the baby, I can't keep him with me anymore. I've enjoyed it while it lasted, motherhood and all. Now is time for me to pamper myself and tour the globe like I've always dreamt." She's said nonchalantly while walking to the walk-in closet to draw out her three huge dolce and gabbana suitcases.
Ahmad was galvanized and thought she was joking, he rounded the bed and slipped underneath the covers then regarded her previous statements. "You think you can tour the globe without me, babe? Why the hurry? Let's wait till Zafaar is one before we go. I won't break my promise, a whole month is what we shall use abroad."
Eleanor rolled her eyes at him, eyes that were once filled with innocence and nativity now stared at him with irritation, boredom and scorn. Okay, that was totally unforeseen! "Don't act like you don't know what I'm saying, Ahmad. I'm going to leave you for good. I'm done with you, do you get it? I've gotten what I wanted and more so it's time for me to leave."
He didn't stand up from the bed, there is no enough strength for him to do that. His bones ache, he needs a thorough massage and good bath not a whiny wife ready to take him down. "Leaving? As in leaving for good? Walking out of the marriage just like that? What is it that you've been looking for?" He is utterly confused and bemused, not at all getting what she is talking about.
She hissed underneath her breath as if spending that time explaining things to him is a waste of her time. Good God, how she's changed. "I got married to you, lived a lavish life and got used to it. Now I have money, enough for me to live the rest of my life comfortably without working. Ouuu, and guess where I got those money from?"
Her face suddenly looks excited and eager to tell him whoever it is that got her rich and expensive. "I don't know what you are talking about but tell me where you get those money from." He is now wary of her, she looks like a devil disguised in a lady's form.
"Your papa, dad, daddy, father." She mocked knowing he calls his father with all the names and she wants to make sure he knows what she is talking about. "And do you want to know another secret of your father's? Oh, the thrill of leaving this family with enough drama is tempting. Till I meet that woman downstairs to tell her the baby she thinks is her grandson is actually her stepson and your brother."
At this, Ahmad's fatigue disappeared in a flash and he sat up, the duvet falling to his thighs in process. "What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind or are you talking about someone else? What nonsense are you sprouting out now? You've taken leave of your sense, huh?"
She merely yawned behind her palm, continue to yank the three suitcases out of the room. "I'm telling you the truth you should've known long ago but your father kept giving me money to keep my mouth shut and that is how I got so much money."
He stood up and close the distance between them in a startling second. He held both her shoulders in his strong hands and shook her very hard, her hair flying all over along with her head. When he is sure she is dizzy and back to her senses, he asked again. "What the fuck are you talking about? If you don't start talking in details, I'm going to enjoy strangling the information from you."
Disoriented, Eleanor threw him a sharp glare and tried clawing at his bruising grip but he wasn't having it, he is holding her tight enough that she cannot escape without giving him an answer, relevant and tangible one. His head is already hurting with growing migraine, if she doesn't open that her filthy mouth to talk in the next five seconds, he will be arrested for murder. What she's just said right now is enough to shatter his life but he is holding onto that thin thread that she is gloating and just wants to leave him. After all she's said, even if it was just a joke he won't be able to live with her again, their stay has come to an end.
"Since you want to hear it this way, then let me enlighten you." She licked her lower lip and sneered at him. "I seduced your father, actually fed him some morphine to get what I want. I fell pregnant and gave birth to his baby, Zafaar. So stop thinking that baby is your child, he is actually your younger half-brother! That was what we've planned all along with Eloise so I can live a prosperous life without being shackled to a man. Au revoir, Ahmad. You've been a great part of my life. I've loved you, you know. And I swear I still do but some things are never meant to be. Take care of yourself and half brother. I won't be hear to see that old woman absorbing the news." And with that she was gone, like she's never existed in the first place except for the little evidence she's left on the bed, a DNA test.
Ahmad had crumbled to the floor, he couldn't cry nor shout but he sat there the whole night and half morning till his mother came to get crying Zafaar from the cot where he's opened his mouth and bitterly told her what's happened between his wife and his father. Ruwaidha had fainted twice, was rushed to the hospital when she was about to faint for the third time.
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