Ahmad heard the sound before he felt the gentle touch of a woman on his bed. His first instinct was to hold the person down and knock her out cold but then, she is a woman and there is no way he can do that to a woman no matter what she's done to him. Hence he didn't move, stayed motionless on his side, partially flummoxed and disturbed but also highly vigilant.
After a few shuffles from behind him, he heard her leave the room and started screaming bloody murder just before she left his quarters in the Babagana mansion. He stood up from the bed and tiptoed to the living room, his move still graceful and catlike. The elegance cat uses to attract attention and mental focus, he possessed it even then.
He saw a lady standing in the middle of his leaving room, her back turned to him as she called out for help in nothing but a flimsy lingerie. Her hands are both ladened. The left one with two high heels that looks awfully familiar and the other clutch a piece of clothing he cannot name from afar. He cannot even see her face dammit, why was she shouting for help? There is no way this person didn't come in herself, she did. It is a ploy.
And most importantly, how the heck did she get into his quarters when he is sure he's locked it up when he entered? His brows are pulled together in perplexity at the scene before him, like a movie unfolding right before his eyes.
He decided to put the puzzle in place and thought. . . A woman in lingerie holding high heels and piece of clothing like her life depended on it, shouting at the top of her voice for help.
What does that imply now? He blinked through the haze of sleepy eyes, regarding everything with the mind of a detective and police officer. He's been known for sharp understanding and coming to righteous conclusions all the time and he sure as hell is not mistaking anything in front of him and he knew who is behind this serpentine move.
The woman might not be the person he suspected, she is not the one but this is something Fatima Musa Babagana will play. This looks like her trick and not to forget the familiar high heels in her hands.
He didn't let his eyes wander anywhere unnecessary, just took out the main twists and skim over the situation. A sinister smile curled the edges of his lips just slightly, because he knew something was coming but not just when she comes back home from the station. He's really pushed her to the wall, eh? Then it is no trouble irritating Fatima Babagana after all. Her emotions are on her sleeves.
Before he could react and seize the woman's voice with his, an alarm rang throughout the house and that is when he knew that his words won't have any value and everyone is already outside wanting to see what is happening in ACP Al-Hafiz's quarters. Damn it, Fatima knew just how to get the whole attention if he thought she was playing a child's game. She's plotted it well.
No one will believe that nothing had happened in the room, it is unlikely. A woman and man in the same room, she is wearing only a lingerie and God knows what she has done to herself to make this believable. Women are such distasteful contemptuous cynical creatures meant for sins!
He stepped forward when he saw her moving to the door as someone tried opening it from outside. His voice penetrated through the quietness behind him in an echo. "Who are you?"
She looks startled, as if she didn't expect him to wake up with all the commotions taking place. If only she knew he's seen everything she did in the room by keeping a pair of earring, lipstick on the pillow and so forth. He didn't clear anything, he'd be damned if she dematerialized from the quarters without him finding out who she is so he followed her quietly.
She didn't turn around despite her effort to turn and look at him, she stood rooted until the door jolted open and she bolted out like she was on fire. The brightness that suddenly took over the dark living room -from outside- was blinding but he didn't blink, not about to miss anything outside so he stepped out too and noticed that all the staffs, guards and the members of the family are there.
His eyes only stopped on Fatima for a second longer, seeing her smug expression albeit her depleted blank eyes. She cocked her head to the side as if examining him and trying the gauge out his reaction to what has happened and thank heavens he's schooled his own facial expression. His eyes are blank and detached, totally opposite what she's expected he suppose.
She's wearing a towel robe around her body, her head closed with sleeping cap, face bare of any makeup and that is the first time he is seeing her without anything artificial. To say he is blown will be an understatement, way too out of words to comprehend his own mind and cerebrum.
Why does she look innocent without the makeup on? She looks almost vulnerable and searching, searching for something she might never find because he's been and still is there searching. She looks something similar to him, the semblance striking with their emotions and peculiarity is there. He's seeing a female version of his emotions in her.
The maids standing there from young to old are staring at him like a piece of meat waiting to be devoured. If it was not desire, it was admiration for what they are seeing and that is when he realised that he is only wearing his shorts and vest. Damn, that was not his sleeping attire but he was damn tired to change out of it when he hit the bed earlier. He felt exposed under their eyes since he's always loved and respected his privacy in an extreme way.
"What is going on?" The head security guard still dressed in his black uniform asked, eyes and voice stern.
The lady he is still trying to get a glimpse of answered in an extremely good way of acting. "We we-were supposed to..." She trailed off with a shocking sob, amusing Ahmad to no end. "To have an a-affair tonight but I-I told him to stop, he wouldn't have it. When I tried running a-away, he followed me and threatened to kill me with his gu-gun but I knocked him out for a few minutes enough for me to call out for help."
A choking sob broke out again from her lips, series of gasps from the maids chorused into the night. Ahmad mentally gave out a sigh of exasperation, he didn't pay for this neither did he leave his homeland for this drama. He doesn't even want to defend himself, he likes to use his knowledge in more greater things.
A maid burst out from the thronged narrow way. The air is getting chillier by the minute and he is only wearing one piece of clothing. "This shouldn't be forgiven!"
Another followed suit like hired actors and it clicked, they were hired by Fatima for this! "If a woman says no, you have to respect that."
"This is unfair to us, always being the ones to suffer the consequences. Justice must be taken." Wow, they are serious about this, he grinned internally.
"Do you have anything to say, ACP Al-Hafiz?" Jennings, the head of security didn't look the least bit interested in the matter but is trying to do what he knew he should. Find out both side of stories.
"I don't know what she is talking about nor what's happening but, like she said." He shrugged his shoulders, voice smooth and straight to the point.
Jennings didn't like the answer so he squinted his eyes and regard the lady with scrutiny. Ahmad knew that not everyone will be able to see through the act, he had a hunch of it before he fully understood what has happened. Fatima wanted revenge and she used this scheme of hers, this scheme that every woman in the world should've gone through first.
"Do you want to take this case further, Miss?" Jennings questioned the woman when he didn't see any form of act or façade in her posture and appearance.
Ahmad is struggling to look at her still.
The woman's back shuddered at the chill before she shook her head in a no. Ahmad knew instantly that she has swerved from the plan with Fatima but she is afraid of going against a renowned high ranked police officer because of Fatima Babagana. Not to forget, Ahmad is under the Babagana roof. The odds might be against them.
The maids made sounds of protest at the back of their throats, even after knowing that what they are doing is not right. They are devoted to Fatima it looks or they are just afraid of her.
"Well done." Jennings started, yawing his attention back to Ahmad. "I'll like to advice you ACP Al-Hafiz, to keep your activities outside the house please. We don't want to encounter anymore problem as such in the future."
His eyes decide to land on his mother's who looks thoroughly disappointed, angry, furious, curious, disbelief.
Everyone dispersed from the crowd and all was left is his mother, cousins and aunt. Miraculously, the lady left through the gates and didn't for once turn around to look at him, she also didn't exchange anything with Fatima too. They've charted this the best way they could and it looks like Fatima isn't satisfied with what's happened there so she disappeared to the mansion without any second glance.
"Come with me." Was all his mother could say and swerve around to the mansion herself with the two teenagers and his aunt who is thoroughly confused with what has happened. It all happened at the same time, not enough to perceive everything.
Ahmad sighed -tired from all the drama- went back to the quarters to wear on a thobe atop his shorts and vest. He made it back inside the mansion with slow leisure steps, forestalling the countless questions from his mother. Thank goodness Zafar didn't awaken from all the chaos, a sound sleeper he is. She will ask him to explain everything to the little child, curiosity is in their blood anyway.
The lights were turned on in the receiving living room where his mother and aunt are currently sitting in. His mother's expression is stern, lips pursed to show him that she will listen to nothing but his explanation. Since he doesn't feel like talking himself, he didn't entertain her unasked request or is it order? He stood by the doorway, stick his hands in the thobe's pockets and waited for her to acknowledge his presence.
She did after the patience wore off, just one minute and she couldn't hold back. Ruwaidha stood up, hands akimbo, one foot tapping on the Persian rug, lips still pursed. She is scowling, her gaze tilted back, eyes still expectant. Ahmad reluctantly removed his hands from his pocket because it clearly is lack of respect in the society for someone to stick their hands in their pockets when they are talking to an elder.
"Who was that girl and what really happened? I know she was lying but I still want to hear the truth from you."
He licked the seam of his lips, tasting the Listerine he used to wash out his mouth minutes ago. "I don't know her, she is just there to create drama."
His mother's scowl dropped a little, brows pulled in concentration before she pulled off the card right on the table to call it quit. "Someone planned this to ruin your image in front of the society. Who could that be? You've gained enemies already?"
Ahmad shrugged, he cannot tell her that Fatima did what she did because she will want to pack up from there and live in their own house -he would want that- and her stay with her sister will be over. That is a selfish move from his side, she should bond up some more with her sister before they leave, he cannot take that from her after all they've been through.
They deserve the break and felicity that comes with family.
"I don't know about enemies, this is nothing."
His mother's expression softened drastically, she dropped her hands, the scowl and the tapping of one foot seized. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, he's seen himself doing that same thing over and over again. He looks like his mother but mostly took over his father.
"You need to be careful. I heard that things are so bad here and dirty. You don't need enemies, do your work honestly." She pulled him into a gentle hug which both comfort him and embarrass him at the same time.
"Being honest is what brings out the enemies from their hiding." He drew back, she is getting emotional and cuddly, his aunt is still there.
"Just be careful and keep that attitude aside. I'll deal with those maids tomorrow and Adeelah, you won't be able to stop me." With that, she flaunt out of the room with determined steps leaving him with his aunt in the parlour.
He didn't know when his aunt stood up and walked closer to where he is, he wanted to bid her goodnight and leave but she said something that halted the words from discharging.
"It was Fatima right? She caused this drama because of what you did? She's been complaining to her maid about you for awhile now." Adeelah's voice was soft and quiet, her hand on his muscled arm.
Despite his surprise by his aunt's sharpness, he let out a lazy smile to relax her and show that he has nothing against her stepdaughter. He just doesn't know what to do with that boorish lady for now, maybe later because this game will surely entertain his stay in the mansion.
"Her ego was bruised I think."
She didn't smile, her face is grim and austere. "Don't let your mother know about it please. I don't want her to have further bad impressions about Maah nor do I want her to leave since she feels like your safety is threatened."
"I won't say a thing, aunt. Good night." With a polite nod and smile, he graced out of the mansion and back to his quarters.
His amusement is just heightening as he recalled everything in detail. Fatima is not one to forgive and not after how annoyed she was at the station earlier. He should enjoy this while it lasts, it's been long since anyone tried playing this sort of game with him. Maybe this is just what he needs to take his mind off the recent events that took place in his life. A little change that Fatima Musa Babagana will do.
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