Severus x Hufflepuff!Reader - Shall We Dance?
The final year of Hogwarts, someway, somehow, coincided with the Triwizard Tournament for (F/n) (L/n), and though everyone was spending the year living and loving the lack of classes in favour of watching the four teenagers chosen to risk their lives for the purpose of entertainment, she was using her time to figure out ways to sneak around the castle looking for her high school sweetheart - in some sense of the term anyway.
Dating the Potions Professor at the school I was still attending wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Even though Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, and, I suspected, most of the other school staff, knew about and approved of the relationship for one reason or another, I still had to hide it from the students and stay within the proper guidelines of what a school-girl should act like.
My closest friends had no idea about the relationship, and when they brought up their boyfriends - or in one girls case, girlfriend - I wanted nothing more than to join in and gush about how we were when we were together. Instead, I had to act like I longed for the same things I already had. I'd done quite well so far, but it still hurt.
Severus wasn't exactly the most well-liked teacher either, and it made it harder to act kindly to him when he was telling my classmates how incompetent they were and then, when he arrived at my table and I hadn't been able to meet his ridiculously high standards, he had to try to treat me the same way, while still being kind enough to show me, and me alone how much he didn't want to say any of it. It got confusing and irritating during the first few weeks, but after he'd called me back under the pretense of detention and hugged me close to him, apologising for every single thing he'd said during the lesson and then making me a cup of tea by hand it start to get a bit easier.
We'd eventually fallen into a bit of a rhythm where Severus would do or say something he had to, to keep up appearances for both the school and some unknown source, I would say something to satisfy my friends just loud enough to let anyone close by hear and then, just before curfew, I would sneak into the Potions room and we'd spend the next few hours being close to each other, apologising and studying. Studying because I was still a student and I had to keep up with my homework, but also because the more I knew about potions, the less Snape would have to be cruel and the more he could show his hidden kindness.
During these times, I would sneak or bake cookies to share and Severus, who quickly figured out it seemed a lot more sincere when he made the tea by hand, had fallen into a habit of putting the kettle on as soon as I sat down, tea ready for the water in a small teapot I had given him a week after the late night visits begun. It was pale yellow with a little daisy painted either side of the spout.
Tonight however, was immensely different to all their meetings. Even from the other side of the castle, I could hear the three schools, currently dancing and dining in the tent outside (it might have been the great hall), as I made my way down a final set of stairs to where I'd excepted to find my - hopefully- date for the night. However, when I reached the Potions room door, there was a small note attached with a daisy hastily drawn on, so I knew it was meant for me.
My Daisy, I'm sorry I'm not here to meet you, I was called to the dance ahead of time, and I had a feeling you'd try to find me even though I told you it wasn't a good idea for you to accompany me tonight, and so I ask you instead, to find Professor Sprout and ask for her assistance, as I've already informed her of my plan. And yes, I knew you'd protest against not accompanying me tonight. I'll see you soon, Severus.
My face melted at the sweet message, however plain it would seem to anyone else. This was Severus Snape I was talking about, 'sorry' and calling me his was likely the closest I'd ever get to the romantic letters from movies and books.
Smiling, I picked up the fabric hanging around my legs and made my way back up the stairs. Professor Sprout was likely to be scrubbing dirt out from under her nails still, and if she'd been informed of a plan, she was probably waiting for her in the common room. I reached the kitchens and waved at the House Elves, grabbing a pastry as I ran past and into the common room. Professor Sprout stood there in her formal robes, looking quite lovely, with a huge grin on her face.
"Professor Snape told me you'd be coming love, oh and look at you." She smiled and held her hand to her cheek as she examined the smiling girl in front of her. "You look lovely dear."
I smiled at my Head of House and, when she motioned me, followed her out of the common room and towards the party. We passed a couple who looked quite startled to see a teacher outside of the party and nervously stuttered that they were one their way back, but Professor Sprout merely tapped the side of her nose and shushed them as we walked past, the couple giggling and running in the opposite direction.
The party was going crazy when we reached it. The Weird Sisters were playing and almost everyone was dancing. I looked around frantically for any sign of Severus, but I couldn't see him. One boy sat apart from the entire party, but when he saw Professor Sprout he got up and walked over to her.
"Good evening, Professor." The boy with turquoise hair said. He had a little smile on his face that made a 'v' shape with dimples. Professor Sprout turned to him and smiled.
"Ah! There you are Johnny, this is Miss (F/n) (L/n). (F/n), this is Jonathan Edmond." I smiled and said a quick hello and he did the same. "(F/n), you'll be dancing with him tonight. He's already been informed of the plan, don't worry. Now, off you pop."
"Wait-" I started, but John had already pulled me towards the dance floor. A slow song started and we began to dance as we'd been taught.
"Listen, John, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm supposed to be here with- with someone else." I said quietly so nobody else would hear. He smiled again.
"I know, Professor Snape told me already." I was shocked. But why would he-
"Well, this is your stop (F/n), lovely dancing with you." John spun me away from him before I even had a chance to register what was happening. As I spun, I noticed Professor Sprout spinning towards him, she gave me a wink as she went past. The hand that caught me was familiar and as it spun me towards its attached body, I released who it belonged to.
Severus was smirking down at me when my head whipped up in surprise, a look of shock covering my face.
"But how?" I was lost for words. His smirk grew a bit and he pulled me slightly closer.
"No one would suspect anything if you arrived with your Head of House, danced with another student and then ended up, 'accidentally' swapping partners with a teacher."
"But- but you get jealous if Devon even glances at me during class! How did you not murder that poor boy for dancing with me?" He grimaced slightly at the mention of Devon then went to his usual, passive expression.
"He holds no threat." I was still confused. "He's homosexual." Oh. A small realisation struck me.
"You're dancing." He went quite. "You told me you wouldn't dance, even if You-Know-Who was blasting spells at your feet." A light dust of red brushed his cheeks.
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did."
"..." He sighed. "I just thought, this is possibly the only time you'll ever attend a dance and it would be, somewhat tragic, if you didn't have at least one dance. And since...I can be a little... possessive... of you, I thought it best you had that dance with me."
I was quite. I wanted to cry and laugh and hug him until he couldn't breathe and kiss him until his cheeks turned red. However, I remember where we were and settled with stepping slightly closer and lightly resting my head against him.
"Thank you." He was silent again. "You're quite good at it you know?"
"You're not." I (gently) head-butted his chest.
"Rude." He chuckled and I looked up because it was rare to see his smile somewhere other than the dungeons.
"Maybe I'll teach you one day."
"I'd like that."
We smiled at each other and he leant down towards me. A soft click was heard and the lights disappeared. The students around us screamed momentarily as our lips connected in the sudden darkness. It was nothing passionate, but we smiled against each other and pulled away just as the clicking sound came again and the lights came back on. Nothing had changed in the darkness, but I had a memory that would last way into oblivion.
"He said what?"
"He threatened to kill me, Minerva. Imagine that. Severus. Killing me."
"That'll never happen."
"I know but geez. He sure was scary."
"Obviously, you didn't manage to accidentally sabotage Miss (L/n) tonight."
"Hey!" ... "Rude."
"... It's true though."
"Be quite Minerva. 50 points from Gryffindor. (*to himself*) Hehe. Good one Albus. 70 points to Gryffindor."
Hi guys,
I'm sorry to do this to anyone who was hoping for more of this story, but the chapters that are up are the only ones I plan on writing.
I wrote this a few years ago, and while I liked it then, I've come to realise more about the characters I was writing about and the fact that the relationship wasn't healthy or morally correct. Adults should not be dating children, its called paedophilia for a reason. To be honest, I still enjoy rereading this story every now and again, as I enjoy fluff-fics as much as anyone, so I won't ever take it down, but I also can't bring myself to write any more of it. I know it's a bit of a double standard, but this is fic-land and if you've ever written a fic like this one and come to regret it you might know what I mean.
Thank you for understanding and I hope you continue to enjoy my works.
Have a lovely day and best wishes xx
(This note is also added to my Teacher!Levi x Student!Reader story)
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