08 ➳ Just a Little Further
Wednesday night arrived and I was lying on the couch of my apartment flipping through messages of my phone. Most of them were from Rin, sending photos of girls like "Hey Haru! Living the good life!" What was he even doing? Studying? Drugs? I tossed my phone on the edge of my bed.
My eyes caught a bright, green object at the bottom of my dresser and I reached down and pulled it out. It was a photo album that Gou had made for my graduation present. She'd pasted in photos from my second and third years at Iwatobi. I laughed looking at Nagisa and Rei arguing at the pool when Rei was learning how to swim. The memories became more clear as I saw Makoto and I lying on the beach, gazing at the sunset.
I drifted my glance towards the clock beside me. 11:57 PM. Makoto was supposed to be here an hour ago. He hadn't texted me but I positively recalled him saying that we were going out for a nice dinner tonight. Surely, all the restaurants were closed by now, but I was prepared to whip up some mackerel.
I grabbed my phone again to see that I had a message from Alyssa. Right after my training ended today, we'd exchanged phone numbers. She'd texted me that she was all good for Saturday night. I smiled texting her back.
Thanks! I knew you'd say yes!
See you on Saturday for sure then! Oh yeah and tomorrow, for training, we're taking the day off and going to the aquarium. You don't need your swimsuit so bring your camera and your phone! xoxo Alyssa
I laughed to myself thinking about the last time I went to an aquarium back in middle school. I'd jumped into the tank with the fish and my parents had to come pick me up.
My parents.
The memory box in the my head with them was almost empty. My high school life was mostly filled with Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Gou, and Rin. Amakata-sensei was a big part of my life as well as Sasabe Coach. They were all in the past.
I sat up, hearing the familiar sound of Rin talking about his dad. He'd always said that'd wanted to be like his dad from the beginning and it pissed me off. How could you ever be like someone? Be an individual, and don't let anyone change who you are, something my late grandmother once said.
"Haru? You there?"
I rushed to the door, pleased to see Makoto in front me. I smiled at him but unfortunately, looked to his left and saw Hannah Winters, leaning against my mailbox, picking at her bracelet. She flashed me a quick smile before stepping inside, obviously not welcomed.
"I hope you don't mind Hannah came," Makoto said, as he took of his shoes. I flopped on the sofa and waved my hand as if to say 'Not at all.' But really, I wanted to beat the living shit out of her. It wasn't her gorgeous style of fashion or her brilliant white-teethed smile, but it was the helpless girl attitude she put on whenever Makoto was around.
"Where were you?" The words came out of my mouth before I even had a chance to think. "I've been waiting forever."
"We got caught up," Hannah said, protectively. She paused, unsure whether to continue. "The subway we were on broke down and we had to walk."
"Oh," was all I could utter. "I haven't even eaten dinner. I was waiting for you."
"Sorry to make you wait," Makoto said, hastily. "Have you made anything?"
"No, but it'll only be a short while. You guys can go sit in my room if you want. I'll bring dinner there." They both nodded and quietly stroke down the hallway.
I hurried to the fridge and took out some mackerel, placing it on the table. Taking out my knife, I began chopping away and throwing the pieces onto the pan, pretending Hannah's face was the fish. Since she resembled a fish nicely, it wasn't too difficult. Along with that, I tossed some salad in a big bowl with strawberry vinaigrette, croutons, and cherry tomatoes. The mackerel sizzled beside me and I slowly picked them up with my tongs and carefully put them on glass plates with animals on them. It obviously wasn't the best but, it would have to do.
"I can't carry all of this!" I shouted. "Makoto can you help me?" Instead, Hannah rushed to my side, picking up the plates on her arms.
"I was a waitress at a cafe once," she explained. "I loved giving people their food, especially when I could juggle all of these plates!" She added in a fake laugh and I scowled, turning away.
I followed her to my room where Makoto was seated on the floor with the green photo album in his lap.
"You still have this?" He asked, joyfully. "I thought maybe you'd have thrown it out!" I blushed, averting my glance.
"Gou gave it to me," I said. "How I could throw it away?"
"Lemme see!" Hannah said, snatching the album. "By the way, thank you for the food, Haru!"
"Anytime," I said, meaning 'If you ever come over again I swear I will destroy you.'
"Wow," she gasped, flipping the pages. "You and Makoto were super close in high school."
"We were in the swim club too," Makoto explained. "Nagisa, Rei, Haru, and I; the best team ever." He gave me a big smile, his eyes dancing with happiness.
"Who's this?" She asked, pointing to Rin.
"That's our friend Rin," I said. "He's the one in Australia."
"Ooooo." She bit into the mackerel and closed her eyes. "This is amazing, oh my God!"
"Oh thanks," I muttered. "It's nothing really."
"Always the best," Makoto admitted. "Your mackerel, that is." He turned to face Hannah. "In high school, almost every morning, Haru would grill mackerel in an apron and his swimsuit!"
My cheeks flushed and I felt my face burn. "Makoto!" I screamed. "Don't tell her!" He started to chuckle and I leaned over and playfully smacked him on the head.
"And he used to strip for water!" He cried.
"I'm gonna kill you, I swear to God!" I shouted. Hannah and Makoto doubled over in laughter and I still felt myself turning redder and redder every second. "Stop it!"
"Wait one more!" He said in between laughs. "Once when I was shopping with him, he stripped down for a fish tank!" Hannah fell over, clutching her side in the loudest laughter ever.
I tackled Makoto to the ground and he beamed at me. My hands slipped, and I was legitimately right on top of him. With our faces just inches apart, noses almost touching, my heartbeat started increasing. He stopped laughing and we both gazed at each other; me, with the smallest intention to just kiss this freak. He started to lift his hands towards my face when Hannah's continued laughter startled me.
"You two, oh Lord!" Hannah said, wiping tears from her eyes. "You guys make me laugh so much!" Her eyes were still shut and I quickly hopped off of Makoto, sitting next to my dresser. He gave me a shy look and I kept staring at floor, incredibly embarrassed. Haru, what the fuck were you thinking? What the fuck? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?
"Why the silence?" Hannah chirped.
"Er, I just-" I started.
"Oh shit, it's already 12:30!" Makoto cried, cutting me off. He winked at me before talking to Hannah again. "Hannah we gotta go!" He swooped his backpack on and Hannah handed me the plates. "Haru, thank you for the dinner!"
"Thank you so much Haru!" Hannah called, waving. And for once, I actually waved back.
We got some character development going here and MMMM THAT SWEET MAKOHARU MOMENT IT WAS SO GOOD I CAN'T MY FEELS
Yeah so is Haru starting to like Hannah? Or is it just a phase? iDK BRO U TELL ME!!
did any of you guys see that rinharu art kyoani made this is so ironic bc this is a makoharu story but holy poOO IT WAS SO CUTE THEY WERE LINKING ARMS AND I JUST WOW I MISS FREE AND IM 1000000000000% HOPELESS
Stay Tuned!
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