more stuff happens
Patton’s p.o.v:
Emile had brought me into the room we gave Him to stay in. Emile we in the white area with Me in the extra room. And Remy had the dark extra room.
“Ok Patton, I need you to understand that you dont HAVE to tell me everything.” He said. I nodded a bit feeling Uneasy.
“Ok. If you dont wanna talk about it, tell me, Ok?” He asked again I nodded looking at him. Was is Dark in here?
“Ok. So my first question. I noticed that when janus had asked about you eating you became uneasy and something black moved into your view. You looked at it and It wrapped around you’re lower leg. What was that?” Emile asked. I sighed softly.
“Promise not to tell anyone without mine or… Virgil’s permission?” I asked softly. Emile nodded a bit but I could tell that He was confused on the Virgil part.
“Im a hybrid Unittien and Virgil is a shadow halveblood. He barely just learned about this.” I say softly
“Was the black stuff a shadow from virgil?” Emile asked. I nodded a bit and curled up. It was dark without virgil’s comfort or shadows.
“Ok. what kind of Hybrid are you?” Emile asked
“A-a Gu-guardian and W-water P-pony.” I say softly. The darkness was watching. I hated it.
“Ok. Are you alright? You know we can stop if you want.” Emile said seeing me start to shake.
“N-no.” I say softly while shaking my head.
“Ok. If you are positive. When did you start eating less?” Emile asked softly.
“A-about f-four d-days A-ago.” I said softly curling up. The darkness seemed to move just a bit.
“Ok…. What happened for this to starts.” Emile asked. It was so distance. Why was Emile distance? Wasn’t he just here a second ago? What was the Question? Was HE here? Was this just a dream? Did I pass out on that ship and I was now Far away from everyone? Light shone through were I was. It was dark in here. Was The shadows grabbing at me?
Virgil’s p.o.v: (Again.)
We went into the white area and Emile dragged me into the extra room. It was kinda dim and was darker then the others. Mostly because Emile likes His room to be dark while he focuses.
“I asked him if He wanted to stop and he said no and I asked him how he started eating less after asking when it started and He started to panic.” Emile said in a worried tone. I could feel it. I had learned with logan that if Unittiens live together or are very close, They can fell each other's emotions and all that. We were talking about that just a few minutes ago. Patton was curled up shaking and sobbing silently. His breaths were uneven and He kept his hands over his head. I went over and made my shadows. I wasn’t afraid of showing Remy or Emile at all so ya.
“Hey, hey. Patton. Look at me.” I said not touching him. He didn’t budge. A shadow touched his arm a bit in the accident and Patton jumped and Scooted away panicking more with a small whimper. I quickly Make my shadows go away.
“Emile. Can you please Turn the light on?” I asked. Emile nodded and turned the lights on. Patton somewhat calmed down once the lights were on.
“Patton. What is 5 things you can see?” I asked
“W-white, B-b-bed, Y-you, F-floor, books.” Patton said softly having his eyes opened a bit. He was still shaking a lot.
“Ok what about 4 things you can feel?” I asked
“F-floor, C-chiar…… W-warmness…. You.” Patton said. He was holding my arm a bit now after saying chair.
“Ok, 3 things you can hear”
“R-remus s-scream a-about something, E-emile Breathing, Y-you.”
“2 things you can smell.”
“C-cookies a-and y-you.
“Last thing. What is something you can taste?” I asked. Patton stayed silent for a minute.
“Pancakes.” He said softly. He was calmed down now but he was still crying silently now.
“Good. How are you feeling now?” I asked.
“B-better…. I-im sorry.” He said the last part very quietly.
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?” I Asked.
“I-i started to panic.” Patton said.
“It ok. It wasn’t your fault. Although. We might need to talk to everyone so they know what might set that off and all that.” I said. Patton nodded before curling up to me. I looked at Emile a bit and see him writing something down a bit in his small notebook.
“Let go then.” Emile said softly.
“I-i dont wanna get up.” Patton mumbled softly
“Will it be ok if I used my magic?” I asked. The way Patton had reacted just moments before made me not want to use my powers without him knowing or all that.
“Y-ya. y-you know y-you can use y-you magic, r-right?” Patton asked softly. I nodded a bit
“Ya but you panicked when one of the shadows touched you on accident.” I say.
“O-oh.. s-sorry. I-i d-dint n-notice i-it wasn't c-cold-when i-it did.” Patton said softly.
“What now?” Emile asked a bit.
“Explanation in a second. Lets go.” I say before Having the shadows surround us and teleport us to the living room. I didn't get the landing right though. We appeared mid air by the stairs. I landed on the floor having patton in my arms and Emile landed on the stairs. We Didn't have to fall to far so ya.
“WHat they heck?” I hear remy ask,
“Oh hey…. Surprise rem! Im a shadowling.” I say.
“What happened?” Janus asked.
“Something that is actually going to be a part of this conviction we are about to have.” I say. I did notice everyone was now down here so it was perfect timing.
“What now?” Roman asked.
“Patton had a panic attack.” Emile said now standing up. I helped patton up as he kept clinging onto me.
“Over what?” Thomas asked worried.
“We dont exactly know but I think its was something that happened during…. THAT time.” I said.
“What time?” Remy asked.
“ Was it something that happened about 4 day ago?” Emile asked.
“Y-yes.” Patton said softly.
“What happened?” Remy asked. Patton looked at me with the expression that told me that he wanted them to know But couldn’t tell them himself.
“Umm. Remus, Thomas. Can you two help me and Patton with something in the kitchen? Roman, Logan, Janus….. Explain please.” I say. Everyone but Roman, Janus, and Emile was confused.
“Ok?” Thomas asked before him and Remus headed into the kitchen with me. Far enough that we could hear only if They were talking at normal volume. We could also watch and be watched in the kitchen.
“What are we doing here?”
“Well first off. Lets make cupcakes. Emile’s room smelt like them and now I want some.” I say. I see Patton let go and quickly grab the ingredients.
“Ok then…. You sure you want Remus to help? No offence.” Thomas asked.
“Yes. I need him to make sure Patton doesn’t hear them for now.” I say while Patton was Distracted with getting the baking powered from behind stuff.
“Why?” Remus asked.
“Because. Whatever the shithead did to Patton, Made Patton have A panic attack over a small question about that time period.” I said before saying that we won't talk about it for now before helping patton. After a bit we already had 3 batches almost done with another about to go into the oven…. Ya don't ask. I looked at the living room and saw Emile looking over here a bit as Remy had the worried look while still talking to Janus, Logan and Roman. We soon get the cupcakes done and take them out and bring a couple to the others as we come back.
“So that's what happened?” Remy asked once we got back. We nodded. Patton was still close to me. I had noticed it. He liked to stay by me most of the time.
“So… about the…. Stuff.” Emile asked.
“I figured one of the things is that time period.” I said.
“A-and being in dark rooms.” Patton said very softly. I think I was the only one who heard it.
“What about the lighting up the room which helped him?” Emile asked. It hit me right then.
“Patton?” I asked. He looked at me a bit.
“Are you… Scared to be in a dark room without me?” I asked. The times were in a dark room he had immediately cling to me. The only time he didn’t was when he was asleep.
“Y-you’re l-like your s-shadows…” Patton said softly. Of course. He did say that my shadows were Warm and felt like safety unlike the duche’s shadows that felt cold and mean and even painful.
“So, unless Virgil is in the room or Patton is asleep…. Don't have him be in a dark room?” Roman asked.
“Basically.” Emile said before writing it down.
“ What the hell did that douche do to patton?” Remy mumbled under his breath a bit. I heard it but I don't think Patton did. I was closer then Patton to Remy and I was being super protective of Patent right now. I knew it and I'm not going to lie about it.
“We also shouldn’t mention shit about……. Mean people.” Janus said. I knew what he was talking about.
“The thing from earlier today… right?” Logan asked to which Janus nodded a bit. I soon felt something and was about to turn my attention when.
“Remus!” Roman says. I rolled my eyes and Noticed that… Patton was not by me.
“PATTON!?” I asked Alarmed. Everyone turned their attention over here.
“Where did he go?!” Janus asked.
“Search! Now!” Emile declared. I nodded and went upstairs with Janus, Thomas and Logan. Emile and Remy searched the basement and Remus and Roman searched the Main level.
Thomas and Logan looked in the guest bedrooms first while me and Janus were looking in the White area first. After a minute I open Patton's door and see a bit of light from the bathroom area. I went and Softly knocked a bit
“Patton?” I asked.
“O-oh Virgil. I-i sorry. I-i wanted t-to wear m-my Onesie but I d-didn’t want to disrupt you all.” Patton says while the door opens a bit.
“It's ok. Just please tell at least one person. Disappearing like that can panic all of us.” I say as I walk in and sit by Patton on the ground.
“Sorry.” patton says softly. I hug him a bit. I soon heard a sigh from Janus who then came and sat by us. Patton pulled Janus into the hug and smiled.
“Special.” Patton said softly. Me and Janus looked at each other for a moment. Before Patton spoke softly.
“We’re Special Unittiens. This household is also special.” Patton said softly, starting to doze off into sleep again. We knew he meant the good special. Special in different ways. Then again he thought all people were special. I soon get up and Janus Picks Patton up a bit again
“Do you think it's normal for him to be like this? Like off and on sleep?” He asked.
“Elisabeth said so. She said that for the next few days, Patton will be off and on with sleeping and he would be extremely Clingy. Saying something to the point that a Corruption had hurt him before anyone that wasn't corrupted could?” I said. Janus nodded a bit.
“Well then, I will go find everyone else. You stay here with him.” Janus said. I nodded before following him to Patton's bed. I sat on the bed And Janus laid Patton on me before leaving to find the others. I looked at Patton and saw him in a peaceful slumber. I then held him close and my shadows surround us a bit
Janus’s P.o.v:
I left the room and went into the hallway where I saw Thomas at the top of the stairs. I then noticed Logan in the middle of the stairs and the Talking/Yelling.
“He is around here somewhere and he IS fine.” I hear a calm female say. Wait. Nightlara?
“How can we trust you!? WE Don't even know you! For all we know, You could be lying!”
“Remy! Please!”
“Actually, Remy, Emile, We DON'T Know them. They DIDN'T Help us save Patton.” I said having tped down the stairs seeing that the three girls were here.
“.....Oh. Sorry.” Remy said to the girls.
“It's ok.” Gaurdia said.
“Are we sure about that?” Elisabeth mumbled before being jabbed in the side by Nightlara.
“Yes, it's ok. I'm assuming that Virgil is with Patton?” Nightlara asked, looking at me a bit.
“Yes. Turns out he didn’t want to bother us and he wanted to change into his onesie.” I said. A sigh of relief was heard.
“ How is he?” Gaurdia asked.
“Well. It seems he is doing fine even though he has already had about 2 panic attacks today.” Logan said.
“Wait two? I only know of one.” Emile said.
“He had one this morning. Before you all were awake. Around 3 am.” I said.
“What caused each one?” Nightlara asked.
“Well the first one today was caused because we were watching… A show that um…. Included separation stuff.” I said. I had forgotten the name soooo ya.
“Oh did it have a song that went like this?” Gaurdia asked and looked at Nightlara who signed a bit before singing a bit
“ Someday, Someday, We’re gonna be someday.” She sang softly. I nodded a bit.
“Oh that's Zombies. It's actually our Favorite. Along with Patton’s favorite. Except for that one part. Patton, John, Hosuh, and sometimes even Elisabeth and Nightlara Over think it or… ya.” Gaurdia says.
“Hey! Not our fault! Shadows were AND sometimes still are treated unfairly by others.” Elisabeth said in a defensive tone.
“I do admit that we do over react to it though.” Nightlara says.
“Ok? Well the last time was with Emile. We found out Patton doesn’t like to be in a dark room without Virgil.” I said.
“Is… Is he clinging onto virgil?” Gaurdia asked. I looked at her a bit and nodded.
“What about you?”
“Well…. He did kinda hold onto me a bit once or twice but I wouldn’t call it clinging onto me.”
“Actually, I noticed that. He’s uneasy whenever He is away from either Virgil or Janus… More so Virgil but ya.” Roman said.
“Why is that?” Logan asked
“Well. I told Virgil yesterday that this is normal for a unttien who has been Harmed by a Corrupted. We don't exactly know why or anything like that. We thought that it was because of how the first three we knew about were emotional…. But…. Something happened to Gaurdia who isn’t as emotional as Patton, and me and well….” Elisabeth starts off.
“They were clingy for about a week to their lovers. Usually if A unittien Has a lover, they will cling onto them. If not, They cling onto Other Unittiens that they are close to, A Family member or Just a really close friend. Or 8.” Nightlara says
“ So Patton is clinging onto Virgil because He’s a unittien?” Remus asked.
“Not exactly. Patton is clinging onto Virgil MORE then anyone else here because 1 Virgil was the first one to comfort him and get him away from Greyson. 2. Is Because in the back of patton’s mind, He has an instinct to Make sure Virgil is ok since he had been doing that for some time now as you know.” Elisabeth said.
“Patton is also special in the since of he doesn’t usually cling like Hosuh and John do. Patton Clings onto Something usually that has comfort or Someone that He would die over and over again to Protect from any harm. But dont think he wouldn’t die for you all…. He fucking would AND not to alarm any of you, Almost has.” Nightlara says.
“Hosuh and John?” I asked all of a sudden. They have been mentioned twice now.
“Hosuh and John are Unittiens like Patton. They are actually close friends. All three of them are also Secret Agent Spies…. We got permission to say that much of their jobs. But not only that. But They are all also Royal in some way. Patton’s Parents are the rulers of the three locations, Hosuh’s Parents… More like mom are the rulers of Angles, Demons, and Fallen angles along with Angons. And John… Well He and His sister are the Fire siblings.” Nightlara says.
“The Fire Siblings. Two Siblings that was Born from King Nightfire’s Younger Sister KindFire. The Youngest was Born a girl and was about a year or two years old when Their Parents left into the big battle.” Logan said.
“So John is the older brother?” Roman Thomas asked.
“No. Jonna was the youngest sibling. He became trans and Now He is John.” Nightlara said.
“Anyways. John is a full blooded fire unittien that is also a M.P.S” Gaurdia says.
“An M.P.S is A Multi Persona Soul.” Logan said with a nod from the girls.
“Hosuh is also an M.P.S but he is also a Halveblood like Virgil. And then Patton is a Hybrid.” Nightlara finishes.
“Wow. we are learning sooo much in less then 5 days.” Roman said.
“Indeed you are. Also Hi Patton, Virgil.” Elisabeth said.
“Hi” Patton said from where he was On the top of the stairs.
“What did we just come into?” Virgil asked.
“Lessons on Unittiens and How they cling…. Then it turned to talking about Hosuh and John.” Gaurdia said
“You mean the curly chestnut Brown haired male that had talked with Levin and Hosuh the other day John?” Virgil asked. That was right. He was left with a couple of people while training the other day.
“Nightlara’s cousin and Levin’s Soon to be cousin in law… Yep.” Gaurdia said. Patton gasped a bit
“WHEN!? WHY DIDNT I HEAR ABOUT THIS!?” Patton asked bouncing a bit.
“It happened a few days before you were taken. In Levin’s Dimension tho. We were going to tell you until we heard you got kidnapped from gaurdia here freaking out because of that burst of Magic then all of a suddenly its gone.” Nightlara said. We just watched the whole scene play out from there.
Something feels off though. Was Virgil’s eyes always a magenta color? Was Patton’s always a dark blue color?
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