Another rescue
Logan’s P.o.V:
I couldn’t sleep. I know Patton and Virgil was together but I just couldn’t. We knew it was Greyson again. The person who so willingly hurt Patton. The exact person that Took Patton and tried taking over a unittien kingdom.
“Logan? What are you doing up still?” Remy asked as he saw me on the couch on my computer. I was looking at a Map of the forest and Seeing if there were any cabins and/or caves He could be keeping them in.
“Can't sleep.” I say a bit.
“Worried?” I nodded a bit.
“I'm sure They are fine. They have each other.” Remy says. I shook my head a bit.
“I’ve been taking Unittien classes in the evenings lately since this college term had started. I know that Unittiens kinda like Patton, Not the Hybrid type but the emotional type, Can easily be overwhelmed if something like this happens. Where they were trying to heal and something comes around and pushes them back. And we both know how Patton can get if overwhelmed normally.” I state. When Patton was overwhelmed normally, Which really didnt happen often, it was bad. From what I learned in class, Unittiens which something happens that overwhelm them more is at least twice as bad as normal. Patton is Emotional and is really connected to his emotions even when he is trying to make everyone happy.
“Ok so he would be overwhelmed more easily. Isn’t virgil there with him?” Remy asked.
“Even so, Patton will be overwhelmed at least twice as much if we are lucky. Most likely then not. It would be about 5 to 7 times as much more severe.” I say. Remy froze from where he was on the back of the couch I was on.
“And virgil could have a panic attack seeing Patton like that….” He said softly. That didn’t hit me until he said it. Virgil had Came a long way with his Anxiety. When we first met him, He had at least one panick attack every 2 to 4 days. Before that he had one everyday. We don’t really know why though. Not even he did. But after a while the panic attacks died down. He still gets one every 2 week to every month and they weren’t so bad. But in the situation they most likely could be. Virgil may or may not go into a panic attack which could lead to him unable to protect him and Patton from Greyson. Never a good thing.
“Yes. Indeed.” I said softly. Before I noticed the Pictures people took of the forest, there was a few different caves. I soon opened a tab that was for A few cam’s I had that could move around. I kept them on top of the roof and they were actually really quiet and all that. I sent about 7 out since there were 6 different caves I could see. The 7th was to look around for something suspicious. We watched them Move to the forest. I kept an eye mostly on the seventh one as the others reached their respected area and looked in the caves. The seventh then moved towards a way more hidden cave. One that was really off any path in the forest.
“Can we hear anything that goes on?” Remy asked all of a sudden. I nodded and turned on the sound for Camera 7. The cave was already about a day’s walk in the forest. Including finding it. Maybe if We get the coordinates, The girls can teleport us there? They can’t just teleport to a place if they don't know where it is. But I don't know if they could teleport like that or if they needed to be in a place first.
“What’s that?” Remy asked before pointing to something odd on the screen. I made the camera get closer to the oddity. I then noticed a small sound barely Audible. It was small cries. I move the cam closer to the odd thing. The thing was a secret door that was barely opened. The camera manages to get in and the Place looked like a mini house. I looked at remy who was wide eyed before I went back and moved the camera around. I mostly listened to the soft cries that we could barely hear. It wasn’t because the volume was low. The crying was on the other end of the house like thing Down some stairs and Behind a door. A door I couldn’t fit the camera into so I hide the camera grabbing the coordinates
“Do you think?”
“There is a huge chance that they are… But we wi-” I started having set the computer down. I was interrupted by screams. Not just any screams. Patton’s screams and begs. Me and Remy quickly look back and I see the door was opened now. After a second We see a male dragging Patton who was struggling a lot and in tears terrified. The male growled and threw Patton against the hard wall. It looked like he was also trying to keep something at bay in the room…. Or maybe someone.
“SHIT!” Remy yelled and quickly went to wake everyone up. It was around 7 now so ya. I quickly called the girls. The male had thrown Patton against the wall hard. We both saw the blood on the back of his head now. Patton held a hand where here was bleeding.
“Whats up logan?” Nightlara asked as she picked up the phone.
“Please say you can teleport to a coordinated place!” I said panicked. Patton was hurt and now being hurt more. I had turned off the Volume knowing that I wouldn’t take much of that and neither would any of the others.
“What? I mean, Yes I can and so can Aria. Why?” Nightlara askd. It sounded like she was getting up. I looked away from what the man was doing now. I would have to make sure None of Patton’s bones are broken now or that his arm is out of socket.
“We found them. I have coordinates and we need to get there as fast as possible.” I say putting on my shoes as everyone else finishes getting down the stairs doing the same thing. We all slept in our clothes and had a weapon nearby we could use just in case.
“Oh. Ok. Be there is a second.” Nightlara said before hanging up. I stared some toast for us to eat before heading back to grab the paper with the coordinates. Thats when I noticed it they were gone. I made my camera move around again before I noticed another door down a small hallway that was opened slightly now. I did see blood as well. Thomas must have tooken over the toast because I soon hear toast being put again. Just as the last of the toast finished, there was a nock on the door. Me and Thomas grabbed ours which was the last ones while the girls came in. There was a fourth one this time.
“Ok so this is Gaurdia’s Girlfriend, Aria. She is helping to teleport us there.” Elisabeth said. We nodded and I handed Nightlara the paper before finishing my toast. She and Aria looked at the paper before nodding and doing what they could. We were soon just outside the cave.
“Good enough I guess.” remy said before following me and the others as I led them to the secret opening. The door was opened all the way this time. We all quietly went side and sneaked around. Soon we hear the basement door open and we hear a grumble from someone walking out. We were all hidden so ya. Once he reached far away from the door Nightlara quickly attacked him with Aria and Gaurdia putting a type of black crystal on one of his wrists. They nodded at us and we went downstairs again. Roman opened the door that used to have Patton in it before we saw what had happened.
Virgil’s p.o.v:
It was quiet now. Too quiet. Patton was falling asleep a bit and I was also almost asleep when Greyson Had came in and basically held me back as he pulled Patton away. All I could think of now was if Patton was ok or not. The screams were haunting me. The way Patton begged and struggled. I soon hear the door open and I looked up from the corner I was in. I soon see Roman and Remus come in.
“Virgil! Are you ok?” Roman asked. I nodded
“IM Fine. Where is Patton? Did you find him? Do you know if He is ok?” I asked panicking for Patton.
“Logan says he had a very good Idea where Patton is.” Remus said.
“ROMAN! REMUS! EMILE! VIRGIL! THOMAS! COME HERE! NOW!” Logan yelled from where he was. We looked at each other before I dashed to where Logan was. My heart was going to break at the sight I got when I got there. Janus, Remy and Logan was around Patton who was barely awake. Curled up and shaking. I went over quickly but carefully.
“Patton. Look at me please.” I say softly gently touching him a bit then slowly pulling up to be in my arms. I know the others had arrived but I didnt care. My one and only goal was to calm Patton down.
“I-im s-so-sorry.” Patton sobbed quietly, still shaking. I rubbed circles on his back and told soft words a bit. A few minutes passed and Patton was finally calmed. I then noticed we were back home?
“Are you sure this wont happen again?” I hear Thomas asked.
“Not with this new spell. Although with Grey now contained. There is a very small chance someone would go after Patton, but still. Also here. These should help you get the gems off Patton and Virgil. Once they are off. Have Roman send them to us. He had Fire magic so they can’t affect him. Dont worry. We got him trained with sending us stuff. Plus if they break, The oh well. Dont really care since they wont hurt anyone and if they break they cant do stuff unless they are put together by a guardian.”Nightlara explained. I carefully picked Up Patton who kept clinging onto me tightly. His left hand’s grip was noticeably lighter then the right. I sat on the couch with patton and Logan came over with Thomas still talking with the girls. Remus can over with a key and Unlocked the collar around Patton’s neck Before moving to the one around my wrists.
“Patton. I'm going to make sure nothing is broken, ok? If it hurts, tell us on a scale from 1 to 10.” Logan said softly.
“ If you want, you can also squeeze my arm for the pain. I promise it won’t hurt me.” I say softly. Patton nodded a bit and held onto My arm with his Right hand. Logan gently took his left hand and gently pushed on different parts of his arm. He got closer to the middle of the arm and I noticed Patton’s grip tighten a bit. Logan then barely pushed on the middle of the lower arm and Patton squeezed my arm tightly and yelped soft.
“t-Ten!” Patton yelped out. Logan quickly pulled away.
“Well. I was really hoping that this wasn’t going to be the case but… I think it is. I’ll give you a second before continuing. I will continue straight to the upper arm. After that arm I’ll move onto the other arm then to the legs. Ok?” Logan asked. He seemed to know that Patton needed to be told what was going on. Then again, he was Terrified still, even if he was calm, and a small thing could set him off.
“O-ok.” Patton said softly. A moment later Logan tells Patton that he is going back to the upper arm now before continuing. He soon gets to the shoulder and Pat’s grip on my arm tightens a lot.
“e-eig-NINE!” Patton yelps out. Im pretty sure it was actually a ten with how patton yelped.
“Ok…. well it isn't broken lucky right there…. But umm…” Logan said trailing off. I know what he was about to say. Patton’s arm was dislocated from the shoulder. Logan could get it back in place but Patton was going to be crying again. I hug Patton a bit and nod to Logan.
“Ok. this is going to hurt. Do you want me to count to three?” Logan asked. Knowing Logan and Patton, Logan wasn’t really going to count to three with Pat. Its much more easier when You dont see it coming. Patton nodded a bit.
“Ok. on three. Ready, One!” Logan said gently doing it and relocated the arm on one. Patton yelped and cried, hugging his arm close, almost hyperventilating. If he was hyperventilating already then having counted to three would have been much worse. I held him close in a gentle hug. I dont know how hurt Patton was now but I wasn’t going to easily let Patton go now. Not with how he was reacting to every little touch that wasn’t explained or that he didn’t know where it came from. I soon see Janus coming by Logan with the first aid kit we usually used one Remus or Roman since they loved to actually go on ‘adventures’ that usually ended with them being really injured. They have a high pain tolerance too so ya.
“Ok. Patton. Janus and Virgil is going to start treating your wounds while I continue to look for broken bones and all that. Roman and Remus went with Emile to the bakery to get some sweets and all that. Remy is in the kitchen with Thomas cooking some food for us so we aren’t eating just sweets.” Logan said. He wanted to let both Patton and me know where everyone is but mostly Patton. Patton nodded a bit staying close to me but sitting up and carefully moving so Logan can look at his other arm while Janus could Work on his head and I could work In the broken arm. I didn't realise it but Janus had also gotten supplies for a cast just in case. I started to clean the wound While Janus Gently worked on the back of Patton’s head. It was bad, to say the least. I'm surprised that Patton didn’t pass out from it.
“Ok. your right arm isn’t broken. It just need to be treated for the injuries. Im now going to start on your right leg. Ok?” Logan asked. Patton wimper softly but mumbled an ok soon after. About 30 minutes later we where done bandaging Patton up and Janus and Logan then went to me. They tried to get Patton and Me separated enough so it would be easier. But I needed to protect Patton and I make sure he was safe as he healed. Food was soon done just as Roman, Remus, and Emile came back with a bunch of sweets. Roman and Remus then helped bandage me up which wasn’t much left before we ate. Patton stayed close to me, curled up.
“Lets watch this!” Roman said as he came across a Playlist. Patton had been watching this one channel for a while now and Logan had recently been introduced by some of his classmates about a week ago. It was called U.L. and it many different Unittien things. Unittien facts, Unittien History, and more. The Playlist was of music. The Playlist was actually called The dark Light’s Animated songs + live Performances.
“Why that one Roman?” Janus asked as we started it.
“The Dark Lights have amazing voices and they are wonderful. I love to sing along to them and and watch the animations. Not only that but I havn’t seen any live shows at all so I dont know what their human forms look like.” Roman said.
“What forms of theirs do you know?”
“Well I had seen them animated versions of their Wolf form, Griffin form, and their lion form. I think there is a couple that had their Pony form animated too.” Roman said before the Video started. The animation was flawless and the voices were actually pretty good. There was indeed different creatures in this one. The song was we were born from this. Roman had said that the group had some of their own songs, but they also sang other songs. With the artist’s permission or credit to said artist if the artist wasn’t with us.
“ Wow. these people are good. Wonder how many animators they have for this.” Remy said.
“ there is one animator.. Sometimes there is 2 or three but there is one main animator.” Patton said soft. We all looked at him in surprise.
“How do you know that?” Roman asked.
“Because Hosuh is the animator.” Patton said softly. Just watching the video calmly. I do admit it was kinda calming even if it was a song that was upbeat ish.
“Hosuh. As In the one the wolf Guardians are to?” Emile asked. Patton nodded a bit. I remembered Hosuh.
“If hosuh is the main animator…. Does that mean he knows the group personally?” Roman asked kinda exited. Patton smiled softly a bit.
“When you put it that way. Then yes. But we also now some of them now…. Especially the main females.” Patton said. Roman looked at him before Janus turned the video to one of the live shows. It was actually up close and we sat and watched. Indeed, we did know them. It was Nightlara and the others. They used their magic like it was nothing. Elisabeth’s shadows appeared and disappeared on stage and they were almost flawless in their dancing. I noticed they would mess up now and then and smile brightly going back to the show. Once in a while just dancing to their heart’s content.
“Wow… They are sooooo amazing!” Roman said with stars in his eyes. Patton Curled up closer to me before finally closing his eyes to sleep. He needed it. I closed my eyes as well making sure that Patton was definitely in my arms and he wouldn’t be able to sneak away without me knowing. I was honestly terrified that he would end up disappearing on us or something else would happen to him. He has been through a lot already. I didn’t want him to go through anymore. I am Keeping him close and protected for now.
Roman’s p.o.v:
We were now on the 5th video enjoying the music and the dancing or the animation. I soon look at Patton and Virgil a bit and smile softly. Patton was curled up like a little cat to Virgil and Virgil was hugging him gently and protectively as they both were asleep. I pull out my phone and Take a picture of the two and I create a Chatroom of everyone BUT Virgil and Patton. I then Sent them the picture. We had a chat room for everyone, One for just the household, Then One that didn’t include Remus, One that didn’t include Janus and so on so forth. We actually Had on that didn’t include Thomas and Patton where we would talk about stuff those two… shouldn’t see, and then another one that didn't have Patton was one where we Talk about Him, Janus and Logan being the moms of the group. And now we had one that didn’t include Patton and Virgil. We all know that there is at least one chat room that doesn’t include us.
GayPrincy added Berry, Snake, GreenTwin, Coffee, Picani, and GayStar to the chat
GayPrincy: *Incert picture of Patton a virgil*
Berry: Why?
GayPrincy changed Chat name to Pat and Virge chat
GayPrincy: I dont wanna wake them up UwU
GayStar: That does make sense, I guess. Plus they are adorable like that.
Snake: Remus, Why?
GreenTwin: Because.
I Smile as we all started to Chat. I kept an eye on Virgil and Patton as they slept and we all moved from the T.V. onto our phones. Then I had a thought. Did pat bring his phone with him the other day? When we went to the bar? Whatever Happened to it?
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