Learning each others name
Everyone was looking at the pink-haired twin which they saw was Sakuro was placing kiss all over sakura's face while she giggled and hugged him back.
There were two pairs of red eyes looking at them in jealousy.
"Well since that's done with who about we introduce ourselves ,My name is Haruno Sakura and these are my teammates-"she pointed at Sasuke and Naruto "-Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto . We are known as team 7."Sakura finished.
Then Sakuro "My name is Haruno Sakuro and these two are my teammates-" he pointed at the black/navy blue haired and blonde haired girl"- Uchiha Sasukina and Uzumaki Naruko. We are also known as team 7."Sakuro finished.
Then Kiba "I'm Inzuka Kiba and those are my teammates Hyuuga Hinata and Aburame Shino. We're team 8."he said pointing at them.
Then Kia "Yo,I'm Inzuka Kia and my teammates are Hyuuga Hinoto and Aburame Shina.We are team 8 as well."she said pointing at her teammates.
Then Ino"Hi I'm Yamanaka Ino them boys over there are my team Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Choji.Our team is team 10"Ino said looking at the two boys.
Then Ion "Hello I'm Yamanaka Ion those girls over there are my teammates Nara Shika and Akimichi Cho. Our team is also team 10."He said pointing to the girls behind him.
Then Tenten "Sup,The names Tenten and the gay looking guys behind me are Hyuuga Neji and Rock lee.We are from team gai."She said nodding her head at the two boys behind her.
Then Lenten"The names Lenten my teammates is Hyuuga Neja and Rock Lea. We from team Gia."he said closing his eyes and moving his hair out of her face.
"Well now that we all know each other let's take them to meat Tsun-sama "Sakuro said while walking into the village
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