chap 20: good day till...
next morning
Y/n p.o.v
I woke up to f/n shaking me to wake up. "why so early f/n?" I ask/yelled "it 9am! ur panel for voice acting its at 9:15!!" she said litteraly pulling me out of my bed. "ZOE ABBY COME HELP ME!!" f/n yelled cuz I didn't want to get up. "ON IT F/N" they both yelled back. "i will get her cloths, u get her food" abby said. "ok let me go" I said as abby threw cloths at my face. Katlyn costume, MCD not that big thou. "FOOD TIME NOW IN THE CAR" zoe yelled. I got dressed as quickly as possible which litterially took 2mins did hiygine 2mins as well. ran down the hall into the car I was like 3 mins away I text Jess that I would be 2-3mins late. Y-y/n J-jess
Y-hey im going to be a few mins late go ahead and start. without me
J-ok fine get here as soon as possible
Y-yep trying bai
convo ended
I went through the vip section and I bumped into Andy (Garroth) "hey y/n running late too?" andy said "yep I guessing u too?" I said "yea I cant find the room this is like a maze" Andy said " well follow me I know where it is" I responded.
~time skip 5mins late~ yes im using the MCD names
"Hey there is the 2 other goof balls" jess said introducing us "yep we are finally here over slept " I said "excuses, excuses" kawii~chan said "shut up kawii~chan" I said in my Katlyn voice "stop fighting ladies" Laurence said "oh come on this is just, what do u call it?" Lucinda asked "entertaining?" Garroth said "whatever lets get to the questions" I said "Katlyn is right" jess said
we got to some questions of course there was that one person like 'do u like Travis?' they asked for our real names we said them and what we do too. we got other questions about the season and other things we have planned for the future.
~time skip to end of panel~
I headed toward my music both found Zoe there talking to fans and stuff. "hey Zoe just got done with the panel" I said " cool can u help at the resiter plz?" zoe asked. we had acouple of fans come by and get autographs and stuff. I took a selfie with the crowd and posted it on instagram and twitter. captioning 'just got done with MCD panel now at music booth with fans and a nerd' then a few mins later I got tagged in a tweet. 'your with one nerd im with all these nerds t/n' (twitter name) I tweeted back 'good luck man lol at Mithzan' I smiled and chuckled at the tweet. "hey what ya laughing at?" Zoe asked "tweets" I responded. "max?" she asked " maybe" I said "you 2 need to go out already!" Zoe said with come-on face. "in your dreams" I said acting like wasn't interested though I wish we were a thing . I blushed to
Max p.o.v (they are on a lunch break)
I saw y/n tweet and I decided to tweet back. I laughed at what she posted. "what yous laughings at?" Barney asked "tweets why?" I said. "just askings, anyways I heards that's yous has a crush on y/ns" barney said with a smirk I blushed a bit "heh sos its trues?" he asked I stayed silent "yous toos needs to goes outs already!!!" Barney said "shut up barney" I said looking at phone "ADAMS GETS MAX AND Y/N ONS A DATES" barney said "im gonna have to kill you Barney" I said looking kinda pissed "ALREADY ON IT" Adam yelled back "ADAM IM GIVING U 5 SECS." I yelled "SHIT" he said.
Adam p.o.v
I was going to get max and y/n on a date. I ran for my life as max chased me down the hall of our house that we rented, lock my self in to room that ross was in to get away from max. Of course he was watching anime "hey ross" I said "hey whats up?" ross asked "can u text f/n to get y/n on a date with max" I asked "why?" ross said confusingly "because it obvious that they like each other." I said as a 'duh' question "sure I see what I can do" he said. then I heard max banging on the door " ROSS DONT U DARE DO ANYTHING OR I WILL DESTROY THE ANIME COLLECTION" he yelled no answer.
we had one more meet up to do today at 2-4pm with me, ross and barney. its currently 1:30
~15mins later~
Max p.o.v
I gave up on them cuz I knew I couldn't do anything to stop them. just hopefully they don't go crazy on this whole thing.
(0-100 real fast)
y/n p.o.v walking down the street
I just got done with todays PAX stuff and guess who I ran into.... Shawn. "what do u want Shawn?" I said in an angry tone "just want your forgiveness" he said "you will never, after what u did, not going to happen" I said as I walked away "plz y/n" he said trying to reach for my hand " you really think I should forgive you after u pulled a gun on me multiple times? after u raped my best friend Emma and then killing her? and causing a shooting at the high school? and many other things. ya no! u should be in jail right now.." I said almost yelling and crying. all there was is silence. I walked away emotional.
I finally got back to the house we rented, I walked in and all the girls were there. "hey y/n" f/n said with a cheery voice "hey.." I said sounding up set " whats wrong y/n?" Zoe asked I sat down on the coach and just broke down in tears.
Zoe p.o.v
y/n stayed back a pax to help out I came back to help with Abby and f/n. we talked for a while until y/n came back "hey y/n" f/n said "hey.." y/n responded sounding upset "whats wrong y/n" I asked. then she just broke down in tears. we went over to her and hugged her tightly "what happened y/n" Abby asked "Shawn asked for forgiveness I said no" y/n said while crying "we know how it feels and we will always be here " I said trying to calm her down. It was around 3:30.
Y/n p.o.v
why would he ask for forgiveness when he knows the answer is no. He's a stupid bitch.
WELL THAT WAS A CHAP. HOPE U ALL ENJOYED. expect some romance next chap and possibly a new person.
there will be a tag update.
still reading?comment:never
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