Chap 19: I Wish
Y/n p.o.v
Shawn my cousin, he is the same age Im just a couple of months older. Not someone I wanted it see in the crowd, I decided to ignore him for now, deal with him later this is the time to relax and enjoy meeting my fans. (backstory?)
I got out my vlog camera "everyone say hi for the vlog!!" I said into the mic. I pointed it out to the crowd and down the seats where me and friends were sitting. "say hi ladies" I said to make them smile. Lizzy and Stacy smiled jess and f/n made weird faces. "Anyway I have a question for jess here. what should the fans be hyped for your channel, you know the new company and stuff.?" I asked "Well you should be really excited for new shirts and new content!! and lots of other things!" jess said while nodding and smiling.
~time skip to the last meet up out side of PAX~ (camera came down)
we had 15mins until we headed to the park to meet other people who could not get into PAX. "hey y/n?" f/n asked me "yea?" I responded " did u see him?" she asked cautiously "yes and I don't ever want to talk to him" I said cluching my fists "yea non of us do, just saying be carful who knows what he has planned" f/n said with a worried face "same to you f/n" I said looking down at my feet . It was 3:15 and we started to head out.
I looked at my phone as we were driving to the park and saw a pic of me and max at breakfast. 'I wonder if he even likes me.....well he kissed me the other night so :sigh: who knows what the future holds'
~time skip to end of meet up~
"whoa that was a lot of people" I said with big eyes "no kidding y/n, I think that was the biggest meet up out of PAX we had" f/n said smiling. it was around 5:30pm. we bumped into the guys and Zoe and Abby.
~mean time with Max~sempi~ max p.o.v
Me and y/n went our own was and part for PAX. I went to meet up with guys for setting up and all that jazz. I saw everyone helping out setting up. "someone looks like gladm-" Adam said getting cut off my me "don't even start Adam" I said giving him a glare. even if I was in a good mood I didn't want anyone to ruin it. I helped set up until we went to explore the place when we had the time.
We went exploring and bumped into the girls with 2 others girl Zoe and Abby. we talked until we had to go to our booths and meet fans.
I couldn't stop thinking about y/n she so perfect.... I smiled I love her I want her to be mine... but only just met maybe when we get back to Washington just maybe she would go out with me.
~time skip to end of the last meet up~
we had a big crowd of recruits of the Skyarmy and everyone else. Afterwards we went walking and saw Zoe and Abby so we all just walked and talked until we bumped into y/n and f/n.
"hey guys didn't expect you to be here" f/n said in a surprised tone "same to you guys" Ross said "well we just got done with our last meet up of the day wow was it hectic" Y/n said sounding tired. "well we were just about to get something to eat. want to come along?" I asked knowing that everyone would agree. "that would be awesome actual" f/n said " pizza sound good?" adam said out loud everyone either said sure or just nodded.
we went to (pizza restaurant here) and just talked and ate. There was a karaoke machine... we all know I cant sing (lol) hmmm maybe later.
Y/n p.o.v
we went out for pizza and just talked. until I saw Shawn eyeing me 'I wish he would just leave me alone' f/n elbowed me to stop worrying. I just cant stop thinking of what he would do. he has been a bastard all his fucking life.
"hey there is a karaoke machine anyone want to sing?" Zoe pointed out "Y/n" f/n said "what why me?" I said confusingly "because you still have to complete that dare I said back in 4th grade" f/n said giving me a smirk "u held on to that for years??" I said about to yell "damn f/n" I said after face palming my self. "fine what category?" I asked "high school" she said I face palmed again.
'high school never ends' it is.... (just look it up on Youtube I did nightcore version so ye)
uh-oh, uh-oh-uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh HEY x2
4 years you think for sure that's all you got to endure
all the total dicks, all the stuck up chicks so superficial so immature
then when you graduate you take a look around and say: HEY WAIT
this is the same as where I just came from, I though it was over... ALLL THATS JUST GREAT
(author~chan too lazy for lyrics)
~after song~
y/n p.o.v
people clapped and I went to go sit down "impressive y/n" max complements me "thank u but that was weird song" I say "why u pick it then?" Adam asked "only song that had the word high school" I responded "lol" ross said
~time skip after dinner~
Max p.o.v
we all went back to places we were staying. "hey what happened to you and y/n that one night" Adam asked. "we went on our own talked and stuff like that like normal people" I said shrugging it off " are you sure nothing else?" he asked "y-yes I'm sure" I said getting a bit worried he would find out "you stuttered something else happened" Adam said we find Alsea sitting on the coach as came in "come on max u have to spill the beans!!" he said looking at me hopefully "honey Adam if he doesn't wan to admit he kissed y/n then he doesn't have to." Alsea said "I KNEW IT I SHIP IT" Adam said excitedly. I rolled my eyes and just went to bed.
Y/n p.o.v
"so now can u tell me what happened that one night?" f/n asked " nope" I said shaking my head. "come on u cant hide it foreva" Abby said trying to make me laugh. "yes I can hide it forever and I will" I said crossing my arms "you kissed didn't you?" Zoe said, as she said that I blushed a light pink "YES SHIP HAS SAILED" f/n yelled "I have to tell Alsea!!" Abby said "no u will tell no one or else I will rip ur heads off or I will destroy all your anime collections" I threatened they all silenced "thought so" I said crossed arms and a serious facial expression
we got home and I texted max Y-y/n m-max
Y-they are on to us!!
M -yes they are Adam ships it
Y-Zoe, Abby and f/n ship it too
M-what should we do?
Y-pretend that we hate each other?
M-no that's too obvious. how about we pretend we are not interested in each other?
Y-are we are not even a thing
M-yea Idk what everything is about
Y-I tired bai
m- same bai
end convo
Max p.o.v
I wish we were something
y/n p.o.v
I wish we were something
well that's a chapter. Leave a comment if u want to know the back story with Shawn and suggestions on what should happen next!! don't forget to vote and leave a rating.
cya next time my shooters!! BBBBAAAIIII
still reading? comment: I wish
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