Chapter 10- And So It Begins
Yolene points out all landmarks and buildings, but despite my trying to remember them, the size of this place makes it hard to get it to stick in my mind, or be able to tell them apart.
"And this", she says, pushing open the doors, "is the library".
I step into the room and it is like I am transported to another realm. Looks to be three stories high, a spiral staircase down the center, and plants and vines in every corner. There were windows along the sides, and the furniture was spread evenly across the floors. There were a set of computers to one side and a scattering of tables on the other.
This place was my dream. "I could live here", I sigh, taking it all in.
Yolene smile, and leads me further in. "You have access to any of the resources here whenever you want. Computers have a time that they will be unavailable, you'll have to check with the librarian when that is. The library closes at 8 pm. Besides that", she opens her arms, "you're free to do whatever"
"Got it," I say, securing the information in my mind.
"What are the schedules like? What time do classes end?" If I have to do school work and find the book for M, the library is the best place to start. But that depends on what time classes end.
"Most of the time, classes end around 4, it could be later or earlier depending on other factors, but 4 is the expected time. As for your schedule", she shrugs, "that's unpredictable".
"Unpredictable how?", I ask.
"As in, FiziTal Obasi teaches a range of things, and your classes depend on many factors. For example, some classes are for Linopias, and others for Ghostilios, and since I don't know your type— which is the term used for the two subcategories— I can't even take a guess".
"Oh, then can you tell me what my schedule may look like? I'm a-"
"Stop," she says abruptly, holding her hand out "I don't care whether you're a Linopia or Ghostilios. Don't tell me that". She walks to the couch and sits.
"Why not, it's not like it's gonna stay a secret," I say, offended by her tone and unwillingness to get to know me. "Besides", I say, sitting at the bean bag opposite her, "you're gonna figure out when classes start".
"I know that," she says "But I don't want to deal with the hatred yet". She kneads her forehead with her hands.
"Hatred?" I ask
"Yes," she says, sighing, "hatred"
She looks up at me and stares for a long time. "You really don't know the way things work in the world of the Parax?" I shake my head no.
"Are you a Leavling?" she asks.
"What's a Leavling", I throw my hands down in defeat and groan, "Am I something else that's weird as well as a Parax?"
"We're not weird," she says pointedly, "Leavingling are just those Parax who decided to leave the Parax world behind them".
"Could I be a Leavling? I didn't choose to go. I just didn't know".
"Yeah, you still are one, even if it wasn't your decision to leave. You're just second, third, whatever, generation Leavling. That's what everyone who leaves wants, for their kids to never know about that side of them". She looks at me questioningly, "Most don't find out, how did you?" She asks an innocent question, but I can see the calculating look in her eyes.
I shrug, "It was more by accident. Dodobi was forced to bring me here, to save face in front of people'' I say, trying to brush over the truth with a little white lie. "What were you saying about the hatred?" I ask, deflecting her attention from me.
She sighs slowly and loudly, "The feud between Linopia and Ghostilios. Long story short, Linopia hates Ghostilios, Ghotstilios hates Linopia".
I sit up in my seat, which is difficult in a bean bag because I sink down again.
"No, not long story short. I want a long story long. What happened? Why do they hate each other?"
"They just do. Honestly, it's gotten to the point where I don't know why, all I know is that I'm supposed to hate the other type". We are quiet for a long time before she speaks up, "This is the only Linopia and Ghostilios mixed school left in the Parax world, you know".
"Yeah. They do a program here, really stupid, where they put 2 Linopias together and 2 Ghostilios in a group until graduation for them to familiarize with the other type". She quoted the last bit with her hands.
"Until grad? With the same people?" That seems to be overdoing it, in my opinion.
"Yes well, I think you need longer. Not that I want to spend time with the other type, but people don't really like being forced to hang out with people they were told to hate their entire childhoods. Anyway", she says, getting up and brushing herself free of the imaginary dust on her. "It's late now, we should be getting back. I'll show you to the lounge, I'll be staying with you there as well, but I have to go see my dad first".
"Yeah no, it's fine, I remember the way. I'll get there myself".
She nodded okay.
Once in the hallway, we wave goodbye and head off in our opposite directions.
"Yolene?" I ask, turning back to see her at the end of the hallway.
"Yes," she replies.
"If we are different types, would you still hate me? Even after getting to know me and spending a day with me?"
"I would," she says with no hesitation, "You need to know Olivia, this is not about you and me. This is about centuries worth of fights and grudges that we inherit".
All that hate for reasons not even known? That's not right.
She turns around and walks, so I do the same, going over everything she told me.
"Olivia?" she asks.
I turn around hopefully, "Yeah?"
"You're going the wrong way". And with that, she stepped past the doors, out of sight.
I have spent the last week getting my plan together.
First: Get a lay of the land.
I've spent time wandering around the school absent-mindedly and finding myself who knows where. Some hallways have started to look familiar, and I look for certain markers to know where I am.
Last week, I had entered the Magiks Hall from its opposite end, and although I knew the area, I found myself confused. I only recognized it because of the symbols of Magik's around the building walls. Four creatures, arranged in a diamond shape. It was, to me, a horse on the left, fish on the bottom, lion on the right, and a bird at the top. I told that to Yolene and she got offended.
"These are the sources of our powers Olivia, you can't compare them to lowly animals".
She gestured to each of the animals and respectfully listed their names, "The Alasus, Siren, Griffin, and Phoenix," she gave me a hard stare. "Not animals. Not to be disrespected"
Second: Take advantage of the empty school.
The unsupervised authority we had was prime for me to do some snooping about the book that was so wanted, but the library was undergoing some serious cleaning, as well as any other major building here, to prepare for the student's arrival. No such luck. I still don't know anything, and feel more lost and defeated than ever before.
Gran's fate rests in my ability to find a book.
Now students will be coming from tomorrow, and I have no lead. I'm just constantly living in fear that M will show up and tell me that I'm taking too long.
That evening, me and Yolene were in the lounge. We're not doing anything, just trying to ignore each other without flat out saying we are doing that. Got to be nice to some level.
There's a knock at the door, and at Yolenes faint, "come in", Dodobi steps in.
He inspects us sprawled across the room and the state of the room. He sighs and says, "Okay ladies, I just wanted to let you know that this will be your last night sleeping here. From tomorrow, you will be in proper beds in proper rooms. I apologize for the delay."
Yolene sighs loudly and groans, "And so the torture begins". Dododbi looks at her disapprovingly.
Noticing the obvious distraught to Dodobi's face, I try to add a positive tone by saying, "I'm sure schools not going to be too bad. At least better than the last week of boredom".
"It's not school that I'm upset about. It's sharing a room with a type not mine. Two Ghostilios, two Linopia, two girls, two boys". She quotes the last bit and with an eye roll says, "So annoying".
"Yes well Ms.Yolene, you are free to attend another educational institute if you wish". He pushes his glasses up, and the fact hits me that she can't leave this school. Her dad's been working here since forever, and from what she told me, doesn't plan on working elsewhere.
With a jolt, I realize how horrible Dodobi looks. Bloodshot eyes, obvious bags, disheveled hair, he looked the worst I've ever seen him.
He got Gran kidnapped, I remind myself, don't feel bad for him.
Despite trying not to, I did feel empathy towards him. He might have been the reason Gran had been taken, but he did do his best to keep me safe.
He probably had his reasons for finding the book and abandoning Gran.
Just as I have my reasons for finding the book and saving her.
"Anyways, it's late. I would recommend you to go to sleep and rest up before tomorrow". He nods to both of us and excuses himself.
"Well", Yoelne says, grabbing her pillow and heading to her sofa. "Night night". She turns around and falls asleep within minutes.
I lie awake at night, thinking back to what Dodobi had said when I first got here.
Welcome to FiziTal Obasi. Are you here to stay?
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