Another Dollar, Another Day
I sigh as I sluggishly make my way through the hall of crowded students, careful not to touch anyone. If I get sick now I won't be able to see Amber for over a month.
I quickly duck into my homeroom and take my seat in the second row from the back. The row behind me was already full by the time I got here on the first day, but it's ok since nobody talks to me anyway. I watch as other students slowly fill the room, taking their seats.
The day goes quickly with only a few mishaps and new bruises. I sit in my last period class, desperately trying to ignore the spitballs being aimed at the back of my neck.
The bell finally rings and I'm the first one out the door, running down the hall. I make my way to the door of the old music room and pull out the key. Pushing the key into the lock and twisting, I shove the door open and walk in. Closing the door behind me and locking it back, I make my way to the piano.
Before Amber got sick Mom would teach me everyday in her spare time. I was running from some of my old 'friends' and hid in the first room I saw. The old, forgotten, music room. I come here everyday after last period to play and let off some stress. I'll play things from twinkle twinkle little star to Chopin's Winter Wind. (A/N This is a really good piece, I recommend it. I'll leave it at the top. <3) I run my fingers over the smooth keys and sit down. I start playing and feel the stress that's built up throughout the day start to slip away.
I play song after song, memories from before, when everything was perfect, running through my mind. I don't even realize I'm crying until I feel a drop hit my hand. I don't even bother wiping it away as I finish the song. I glance at the time and realize I've already used up all of my time. I hurry to pack up my stuff and run out of the school.
I have a sister to see.
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