Another empty bottle
Trigger warnings
John pov
I grab my jacket as and start walking to this hell hole of a coffee shop where I'm going to have to face alex and the rest soon damn
I plug in my ear buds taking in the sweet fresh air
God I hate everything
Fucking crop off my dick and mail it to God himself
I'm finding refuge in my own lies
I finally get to this fucking shit shop and see the group sitting at a booth with one spot open next to pegs thank god
I walk in and pull one of my ear buds out and pull my sleeves making sure my cuts are covered
Once that's done I go to the counter and order a green tea the thing that has the less calories on this freaking menu
Once I get it and they announce my name to everyone I see Peggy glance my direction and so did the whole group
Darn crabbing duck rippers and flabby pens
I see pegs get up and walk to me
"hey John you ready for this" she says with a small smile
"of course not pegleg I'm terrified" I laugh dryly and then turn towards the group my hair falling in place behind me once again
"letz go"pegs the fucking witch said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards these Abominations we call friends
Hoping they would disappear (btw they don't) we finally reach the table and Peggy sits down first
And I sit down beside her
The group just stares at me
Did I change that much?
No shitty hair they hate you
No dip Sherlock
Speak you weird hair loser
Nah I'm good
Your that sad huh
I mean I do have a few blond highlights in My curly brown hair and I'm slightly Skinner than last time they saw me ok fine you can legit see my ribs I use to be a but chubby and I have a nose ring that's small and you can't really see it without being face to face with me and not to mention I'm smaller to yes I got smaller so what
Laf speaks up
"h-how a-are you Mon ami" he forces out slightly in shock from how skinny I am seeing how everyone is eyeing my stomach
"I'm doing alright" I lie
Small talk is a great way to hide
Just let me be
I scan them all
Herc looks hurt and shocked
Laf is shocked
Eliza and angie look worried
Peggy looks even more worried now noticing how weak I look
And alex looks beyond hurt and worried like on the verge of tears
I smile sadly
"I guess I need to explain huh" I whispers
Everyone nodded
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